Книга | Страницы для поиска |
Nagel R. — One-parameter semigroups of positive operators | 180, 229, 362 |
Уэйкерли Дж.Ф. — Проектирование цифровых устройств (том 1) | 646 |
Engel A. — Problem-Solving Strategies | 107, 221—222, 231—232, 243 |
Abell M., Braselton J. — Differential Equations with Mathematica | 101, 384 |
Apostol T.M. — Calculus (vol 1) | 327 |
Apostol T.M. — Calculus (vol 2) | 150 |
Grimaldi R.P. — Discrete and combinatorial mathematics. An introduction | 471 |
Ogata K. — Modern Control Engineering | 970 |
Evans L.C. — Partial Differential Equations | 398 |
Guillemin V., Sternberg S. — Geometric Asymptotics | 31 |
Rockett A.M., Szusz P. — Continued Fractions | 58 |
Borisenko A.I., Tarapov I.E. — Vector and Tensor Analysis with Applications | 114 |
Harris R.J. — A primer of multivariate statistic | 322—323, 506 |
Hayek S.I. — Advanced mathematical methods in science and engineering | 4, 27, 123 |
Meirovitch L. — Methods of analytical dynamics | 180, 222. See also Characteristic polynomial |
Hoffman J.D. — Numerical Methods for Engineers and Scientists | see “Characteristic paths” |
Latrve D.R., Kreider D.L., Proctor T.G. — Hp-48G/Gx Investigations in Mathematics | 244 |
Golub G.H., Ortega J.M. — Scientific Computing and Differential Equations : An Introduction to Numerical Methods | 58 |
Wesseling P. — Principles of computational fluid dynamics | 185 |
Cvitanovic P. — Group theory (Lie and other) | 57 |
Wedderburn J.H.M. — Lectures on Matrices | 23, 112, 169 |
Messer R. — Linear Algebra: Gateway to Mathematics | 305 |
Kuttler K. — Introduction to linear algebra for mathematicians | 137 |
Zienkiewicz O.C., Taylor L.R. — The finite element method (vol. 1, The basis) | 484, 554 |
Meyer C.D. — Matrix analysis and applied linear algebra | 491, 492 |
Abell M.L., Braselton J.P. — Mathematica by Example | 326, 391 |
Conte R. — Painleve Property: One Century Later | 15, 19 |
Smirnov V.I. — Higher mathematics. Vol.2 | 85, 90 |
Goldstein H., Poole C., Safko J. — Classical mechanics | 157 |
Maeder R.E. — Computer science with mathematica | 149 |
Watkins D. — Fundamentals of matrix computations | 305, 505 |
Naber G.L. — The geometry of Minkowski spacetime: an introduction to the mathematics of the special theory of relativity | 106 |
Bellman R. — Methods of nonlinear analysis (Vol. 1) | 69 |
Engel K.-J., Nagel R. — One-Parameter Semigroups for Linear Evolution Equations | 256, 335, 352, 388, 427, 451 |
Debnath L. — Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers | 11, 117, 137 |
Behnke H., Bachmann F., Fladt K. — Fundamentals of Mathematics, Volume III: Analysis | 287, 380 |
Mahmoud H.M. — Evolution of random search trees | 112, 150 |
Leissa A. — Vibration of shells | 44 |
Braselton J.P. — Maple by Example | 444, 460 |
Liao X., Wang L., Yu P. — Stability of Dynamical Systems, Vol. 5 | 356, 357, 379, 380, 406, 472, 663 |
Lynch S. — Dynamical Systems with Applications Using Mathematica® | 244 |
Heesterman A.R.G. — Matrices and Their Roots: A Textbook of Matrix Algebra/With Disk | 165,166, 157, 158, 169, 170, 173, 177, 188, 189, 190, 199, 200, 201, 206, 212, 215, 238, 239, 241, 243, 245, 246, 251, 258, 263, 270, 277, 280, 282, 285, 286, 317, 320, 385, 391, 392, 408, 417, 419 |
Hogben L. — Handbook of Linear Algebra | 43—2 |
Polyanin A., Manzhirov A.V. — Handbook of Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists | 514, 654, 1046, 1066 |
Kohonen T. — Self-organizing maps | 11 |
Kanatani K. — Statistical Optimization for Geometric Computation: Theory and Practice | 37 |
Debnath L. — Linear Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers | 33, 94, 120 |
Coxeter H.S.M., Moser W.O.J. — Generators and Relations for Discrete Groups | 119, 120, 129 |
Blichfeldt H.F. — Finite collineation groups: With an introduction to the theory of groups of operators and substitution groups | 27—28 |
Powers D.L. — Boundary Value Problems: And Partial Differential Equations | 3, 10 |
Gershenfeld N. — The Nature of Mathematical Modelling-Neil Gershenfeld | 10 |
Raabe D. — Computational materials science | 323 |
Planck M. — Treatise on thermodynamics | 5, 6, 11 |
Schmidt O.Yu. — Abstract theory of groups | 128 |
Engel K.-J., Nagel R. — Short Course on Operator Semigroups | 173, 202 |
Proctor G. — Differential Equations Using the Hp 48G/Gx | 66 |
Bronson R. — Schaum's Outline of Matrix Operations | 60 |
Greiner W. — Classical mechanics. Point particles and relativity | 215, 245 |
Friedlander S.J. (Ed), Serre D. (Ed) — Handbook of Mathematical Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 3 | 356, 366 |
Sandor J., Mitrinovic D.S., Crstici B. — Handbook of Number Theory II | 240 |
Khuri A.I. — Advanced calculus with applications in statistics | 37 |
Engel K.-J., Nagel R. — One-Parameter Semigroups for Linear Evolution Equations (preliminary version of 10 September 1998) | 267, 341, 420, 424 |
Fripp A., Fripp J., Fripp M. — Just-in-Time Math for Engineers | 235 |
Reed M., Simon B. — Methods of Modern mathematical physics (vol. 4) Analysis of operators | 2 |
Hinton H. — An introduction to the theory of groups of finite order | 21 |
Polya G. — Problems and Theorems in Analysis: Theory of Functions. Zeros. Polynomials. Determinants. Number Theory. Geometry | VII 48 105 |
Rammer J. — Quantum transport theory | 37 |
Motwani R., Raghavan P. — Randomized algorithms | 437 |
Sinha S.M. — Mathematical Programming: Theory and Methods | 60 |
Purdom R.W., Brown C.A. — The analysis of algorithms | 235—238, 244, 336—337, 341 |
Griffits D.J. — Introduction to quantum mechanics | 88 |
Fiedler B. — Global Bifurcation of Periodic Solutions with Symmetry | 93f |
Szekeres P. — A Course in Modern Mathematical Physics: Groups, Hilbert Space and Differential Geometry | 102 |
Fukunaga K. — Introduction to Statistical Pattern Recognition | 26 |
Eddington A. — Relativity Theory of Protons and Electrons | 44 |
Dickson L.E. — Linear Groups with an Exposition of Galois Field Theory | 222 |
Helgason S. — Differential Geometry, Lie Groups and Symmetric Spaces | 156 |
Takezawa K. — Introduction to Nonparametric Regression | 56 |
Bellman R. — Stability Theory of Differential Equations | 15 |
Sokolnikoff I.S. — Higher Mathematics for Engineers and Physicists | 292 |
Lay D.C. — Linear Algebra And Its Applications | 282, 303 |
Kolman B., Busby R.C., Cutler S.C. — Discrete Mathematical Structures | 97 |
Sokolnikoff I.S. — Mathematics of Physics and Modern Engineering | 54, 67, 521, 733 |
Lin I.H. — Geometric Linear Algebra. Vol. 1 | 106, 384, 719, 791 |
Robinson D.J.S. — A Course in Linear Algebra with Applications | 291 |
Cleland A.N. — Foundations of nanomechanics | 11 |
Greenberg M.D. — Advanced engineering mathematics | 95, 543, 888 |
Apostol T.M. — Calculus: One-Variable Calculus with an Introduction to Linear Algebra, Vol. 1 | 327 |
Craig J.J. — Introduction to Robotics Mechanic and Control | 303 |
Blyth T.S., Robertson E.F. — Further Linear Algebra | 8 |
Koerber G.G. — Properties of Solids | 34 |
Hilborn R.C. — Chaos and nonlinear dynamics | 93, 97—98 |
Feller W. — Introduction to probability theory and its applications (volume 1) | 365 |
Libai A., Simmonds J.G. — The Nonlinear Theory of Elastic Shells | 429, 430 |
R.D.Carmichael — Introduction to the Theory of Groups of Finite Order | 192 |
Eisenhart L.P. — A Treatise on the Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces | 375 |
Bamberg P.G., Sternberg Sh. — A Course in Mathematics for Students of Physics: Volume 1 | 59 |
Strang G. — Linear Algebra and Its Applications | 246, 317 |
Kienzler R., Herrmann G. — Mechanics of material space: with applications to defect and fracture mechanics | 54 f., 87, 89 |
Hannan E. J. — Multiple time series | 10 |
Chandrasekhar S. — Radiative Transfer | 19, 89, 105, 117, 153, 285, 344, 349, 363 |
Stewart G.W. — Matrix algorithms. Volume 2: Eigensystems | 4, 24 |
Coxeter H.S.M. — Regular Polytopes | 214—216, 219—221, 225 |
Lai W.M., Rubin D., Krempl E. — Introduction to continuum mechanics | 39 |
Tucker А. — Applied Combinatorics | 297, 308 |
Aslrom K.J. — Introduction to Stochastic Control Theory | 182 |
Wilkinson J.H. — The algebraic eigenvalue problem | 2 |
Saaty T.L. — Elements of Queueing theory with applications | 139 |
Roskam J. — Airplane flight dynamics and automatic flight controls (part 1) | 415, 449 |
Rao C.R., Mitra S.K. — Generalized inverse of matrices and its applications | 8 |
Hammer P.L., Rudeanu S. — Boolean methods in operations research and related areas | 82ff. |
Betten J. — Creep Mechanics | 14—15, 45, 124 |
Desloge E.A. — Classical Mechanics. Volume 1 | 931 |
Eddington A.S. — Philosophy of Physical Science | 167 |
Farin G., Hansford D. — Practical Linear Algebra: A Geometry Toolbox | 125, 161 |
Searle S.R. — Matrix algebra useful for statistics | 274 |
Asmar N.H. — Partial Differential Equations with fourier series and boundary value problems | A10 |
Kincaid D., Cheney W. — Numerical analysis: mathematics of scientific computing | 187, 228 |
Kuttler K. — Calculus, Applications and Theory | 507 |
Bracewell R.N. — The Fourier Transform and its applications | 389 |
Kullback S. — Information theory and statistics | 382 |
Ardema M.D. — Analytical Dynamics: Theory and Applications | 212 |
Nicolis G., Prigogine I. — Self-organization in nonequilibrium systems | 77 |
Graff K.F. — Wave motion in elastic solids | (see Frequency equation) |
Antia H.M. — Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers | 475, 525, 528, 529, 558, 559, 582 |
Olver P.J., Shakiban C. — Applied linear. algebra | 366, 368, 395, 396, 400, 406, 447, 466, 498 |
Egorov Y.V. (Ed), Shubin M.A. (Ed) — Partial Differential Equations II: Elements of the Modern Theory. Equations with Constant Coefficients | 178 |
Bamberg P.G., Sternberg S. — A Course in Mathematics for Students of Physics, Vol. 1 | 59 |
Kreyszig E. — Advanced engineering mathematics | 59, 111, 336, 551, 864 |
Steeb W.- H. — Problems and Solutions in Introductory and Advanced Matrix Calculus | 123 |
Simmons G.F. — Introduction to topology and modern analysis | 288-289 |
D'Inverno R. — Introducing Einstein's Relatvity | 164 |
Charalambides C.A. — Enumerative Combinatorics | 239 |
Bhaya A., Kaszkurewicz E. — Control Perspectives on Numerical Algorithms and Matrix Problems | 8 |
Shankar R. — Principles of quantum mechanics | 33 |
Faith C. — Rings and Things and a Fine Array of Twentieth Century Associative Algebra | 2.6B |
Wimp J. — Computation with recurrence relations | 270 |
Andrzejewski R., Awrejcewicz J. — Nonlinear Dynamics Of A Wheeled Vehicle | 48, 49, 155, 190, 214 |
Mihalas D., Mihalas B.W. — Foundations of Radiation Hydrodynamics | 65 |
Conte R. — The Painlevé property: One century later | 15, 19 |
Stewart G.W., Sun J. — Matrix perturbation theory | 15 |
Perina J., Hradil Z., Jurco B. — Quantum optics and fundamentals of physics | 159 |
Margenau H., Murphy G.M. — The mathematics of physics and chemistry | 7 |
Arya A.P. — Introduction to Classical Mechanics | 67, 529 |
Craig J.J. — Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control | 303 |
Meleshko S.V. — Methods for Constructing Exact Solutions of Partial Differential Equations: Mathematical and Analytical Techniques with Applications to Engineering | 45 |
Carl D. Meyer — Matrix Analysis and Applied Linear Algebra Book and Solutions Manual | 491, 492 |
Friedrichs K. — Advanced ordinary differential equations | 38, 44 |
Mickens R.E. — Mathematical Methods for the Natural and Engineering Sciences | 231 |
Rektorys K. — Survey of applicable mathematics | 782 |
Rosenstark S. — Feedback Amplifier Principles | 81 |
Bjoerck A., Dahlquist G. — Numerical mathematics and scientific computation | 191 |
Bracewell R. — The Fourier Transform and Its Applications | 389 |
Goertzel G. — Some Mathematical Methods of Physics | 27 |
Nouredine Z. — Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications | 115 |
Toro E.F. — Riemann Solvers and Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics: A Practical Introduction | 92, 299 |
Tucker A. — Applied Combinatorics | 297, 308 |
Peabody C.H. — Thermodynamics of the Steam Engine and other Heat-engines | 2 |
Struik D.J. — Lectures on Analytic and Projective Geometry | 145 |
Kreyszig E. — Introductory functional analysis with applications | 365 |
Hefferon J. — Linear algebra | 362 |
Riley, Hobson — Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering | 285 |
Ortega J.M. — Numerical analysis: a second course | 6 |
Liu B., Lai H.-J. — Matrices in Combinatorics and Graph Theory (Network Theory and Applications Volume 3) | 161 |
Abell M.L., Braselton J.P. — Differential equations with Mathematica | 101, 384 |
Gantmacher F. — Lectures in Analytical Mechanics | 190 |
N. Vilenkin, George Yankovsky (translator) — Combinatorial mathematics for recreation | 101 |
Gloub G.H., Ortega J.M. — Scientific Computing and Differential Equations | 58 |
Zhang B. G., Yong Z. — Qualitative analysis of delay partial difference equations | 10, 13, 15, 17 |
Bellman L., Cooke K. L. — Modern elementary differential equations | 48 |
Antsaklis P.S., Michel A.N. — Linear Systems | 123 |
Liu C.L. — Introduction to combinatorial mathematics | 61 |
Eringen A.C., Suhubi E.S. — Elastodynamics (vol. 2) Linear theory | 970 |
Gruber M.H.J. — Regression Estimators: A Comparative Study | 62, 63 |
Coxeter H. — Regular polytopes | 214—216, 219—221, 225 |
Archbold J.W. — Introduction to the Algebraic Geometry of a Plane | 217, 231 |
Franklin G.F., Workman M.L., Powell J.D. — Digital Control of Dynamic Systems | 22, 76, 227 |
Birkhoff G., Mac Lane S. — A Survey of Modern Algebra | 333 |
Hamming R.W. — Art of Probability for Scientists and Engineers | 162, 168, 174 |
Elden L. — Numerical Linear Algebra and Applications in Data Mining | 172 |
Hildebrand F.B. — Methods of Applied Mathematics | 31, 59 |
Vladimirov V. S. — Equations of mathematical physics | 43 |
Demidovich B. (ed.) — Problems in mathematical analysis | 356 |
Collatz L. — The numerical treatment of differential equations | 99, 106, 307, 309 |
Mehta M.L. — Matrix theory | 42, 65—66 |
Greub W.H. — Linear Algebra | 116 |
Graham A. — Kronecker products and matrix calculus: with applications | 47 |
Copeland A.H. — Geometry, algebra, and trigonometry by vector methods | 187, 201 |
Beckenbach E.F., Bellman R. — Inequalities | 71 |
Eilenberg S. — Automata, languages, and machines. Volume A | 434 |
Wiedemann H. — Particle accelerator physics II | 394 |
Rektorys K. (ed.) — Survey of Applicable Mathematics | 782 |
Lauterborn W., Kurz T. — Coherent optics | 189 |
Lauterborn W., Kurz T. — Coherent optics | 189 |
Choquet-Bruhat Y. — General Relativity and the Einstein Equations | 344 |
Kept R. — Fundamentals of the Average Case Analysis of Particular Algorithms | 60, 207 A |
Davis H.T. — Introduction to nonlinear differential and integral equations | 311, 317 |
Tenenbaum M., Pollard H. — Ordinary differential equations: an elementary textbook for students of mathematics, engineering, and the sciences | 212—220, 444 |
Iwasaki Katsunon, Kimura H., Shimomura S. — From Gauss to Painleve: A Modern Theory of Special Functions | 6 |
Braun M. — Differential Equations and Their Applications: An Introduction to Applied Mathematics | 136 |
Schott G.A. — Electromagnetic radiation | 22 |
Hildebrand F.B. — Advanced Calculus for Applications | 8 |
Behnke H., Bachmann F., Fladt K. — Fundamentals of mathematics. Volume III. Analysis | 287, 380 |
Biedenharn L.C., Louck J.D. — Angular momentum in quantum physics | 47 |
Blum E.K., Lototsky S.V. — Mathematics of Physics and Engineering | 320 |
Zeidler E. — Applied Functional Analysis: Applications to Mathematical Physics | 94 |
Sommerfeld A. — Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics | see "Equation of state" |
Apostol T.M. — Calculus (Volume 2): Multi-Variable Calculus and Linear Algebra with Applications | 150 |
Usmani R.A. — Applied Linear Algebra | 123 |
Greiner W. — Classical mechanics. Systems of particles and hamiltonian dynamics | 196 |
Horn R.A. — Matrix Analysis | 87 |
Schott J.R. — Matrix Analysis for Statistics | 85 |
Arnold V.I. — Ordinary Differential Equations | 116 |
Grimaldi R.P., Rothman D.J. — Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics: An Applied Introduction | 456 |
Collatz L. — Functional analysis and numerical mathematics | 139, 171 |
Ghausi M.S., Laker K.R. — Modern Filter Design. Active RC and Switched Capacitor | 94 |
Rektorys K. — Survey of Applicable Mathematics.Volume 2. | II 58, II 104 |
Driver R.D. — Ordinary and delay differential equations | 92, 163, 320 |
Kuczma M. — Functional equations in a single variable | 262 |
Rao S.S. — Mechanical Vibrations | 231, 308 |
Farhang-Boroujeny B. — Adaptive filters: theory and applications | 90 |
Lee A. — Mathematics Applied to Continuum Mechanics | 52, 514 |
Gossett E. — Discrete Math with Proof | 340 |
Johnson W.C. — Mathematical and physical principles of engineering analysis | 97, 109 |
Silva V.D. — Mechanics and Strength of Materials | 19, 20 |
Takeuchi Y., Iwasa Y., Sato K. — Mathematics for Life Science and Medicine | 189 |
Demidovich B.P., Maron I.A. — Computational Mathematics | 376 |
Bäck T. — Evolutionary Algorithms in Theory and Practice | 178 |
Davis P.J. — Mathematics of Matrices | 265 |
Marcus M., Minc H. — Introduction to Linear Algebra | 148 |
Kolman B., Busby R.C., Ross S. — Discrete Mathematical Structures | 97 |
Perina J., Hradil Z., Jurco B. — Quantum optics and fundamentals of physics | 159 |
Grimaldi R.P. — Student Solutions Manual for Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics | 456 |
Sima V. — Algorithms for Linear-Quadratic Optimization | 106, 222, 229 |
Elschner J. — Singular Ordinary Differential Operators and Pseudodifferential Equations | 16, 43, 74, 82 |
Klein E. — Mathematical methods in theoretical economics | 281 |
Beckenbach E., Bellman R. — Inequalities (Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete. 2. Folge) | 71 |
Dennery P., Krzywicki A. — Mathematics for Physicists | 158 |
Goursat E. — A course in mathematical analysis. Volume 2, part 2: Differential equations | 180,47; 189, 50; 140, 61; 148, 63; 147, 54; 165, 61; 166,62; 775, 66 |