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Arya A.P. — Introduction to Classical Mechanics |
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Acceleration, angular 198
Acceleration, centripetal 17 161 199 433
Acceleration, Coriolis 199
Acceleration, normal 160
Acceleration, radial 198
Acceleration, tangential 160
Amplitude 65
Amplitude, resonance 92
Amplitude, resonance frequency 92
Analogy, between mechanical and electrical systems 106
Analogy, between rectilinear motion and rotational motion 347
Angle of friction 12
Angle of repose 12
Angular acceleration 198
Angular frequency 65
Angular frequency, free and natural 72
Angular momentum in CMCS 319
Angular momentum, conservation of 297 298 490
Angular momentum, constant of motion 246
Angular time period 258
Angular velocity 198
Angular wave number 627
Anticommutative 147
Antisymmetric mode 574
Approximation, iterative 374
Apsidal angle 280
Archimedes' principle 652 653
Area of a parallelogram 148
Area of an elipse 274
Asymmetrical potential 123
Asymmetrical top 530
Atmosphere scale height 652
Attractive force 260 264
Attractive potential 260
Attractive real potential 255
Atwood machine 9 473
Auxiliary equation 67
Average stress 367
Azimuthal angle 201
Back scattering 312
Balancing, dynamic 528
Balancing, static 528
Base units 2
Base vectors 151
Beats 596
Bending moments 378
Bernoulli's equation 659 660
Binomial theorem 124
Body angle 542
Body axes, set of 340
Body axes, symmetry axis 548
Body coordinate system 549
Bound motion 130
British system 3
bulk modulus 371
Cables, catanary 377
Cables, flexible 373
Cables, flexible, under distributed load 375
Cables, flexible, with concentrated load 374
Cables, parabolic 375
Candela 4
Capacitors in parallel 109
Capacitors in series 109
Cartesian coordinates 188 194
Catanary cables 377
Center of a cone 344
Center of a frustrum of a cone 344
Center of a hemispherical shell 342
Center of a rigid body 341
Center of a semicircle 342
Center of a spherical hemisphere 342
Center of gravity 390
Center of mass 241 291
Center of oscillation 364
Center of precession 364 365
Center, coordinate system See "CMCS"
Center-of-mass coordinate system See "CMCS"
Centimeter-gram-second system See "CGS system"
Central force 238 389
Central force, field orbits 253
Central force, motion 241 245
Central force, spherically symmetric 391
Centrifugal barrier See "Centrifugal potential"
Centrifugal force 434
Centrifugal potential 250
centripetal acceleration 17 161 199 433
Centripetal force 13 17 434
cgs system 3
Chandler wobble 552
Characteristic equation 67 529
Characteristic time 39 41 81 258
Characteristic values 530
Characteristic vectors 530
circle 273
circular motion 18
Clocks, slowing of 679
Closed orbits 258
Closed system 489
CMCS 317
CMCS, angular momentum in 319
CMCS, collisions in 320
CMCS, elastic collisions in 324
CMCS, inelastic collisions in 324
CMCS, kinetic energy in 319
CMCS, linear momentum in 319
Coefficient of friction 12
Coefficient of kinetic friction 12
Coefficient of restitution 316
Coefficient of static friction 12
Coefficient of viscosity 661
Collisions 291
Collisions in CMCS 320 322
Collisions, elastic 308 309
Collisions, endoergic 314 316
Collisions, exoergic 314
Collisions, head-on 312
Collisions, inelastic 309 314
Column matrix 182
Commensurable frequencies 224
Commensurable periods 258
Commutative properties 147
Compliance 61
components of vector 154
Compound pendulum 362
Compressibility 371 647
Configuration of a rigid body 340
Configuration of a system 464
Conservation laws 291 308 489 494
Conservation of angular momentum 297 298
Conservation of energy 46 298 392 492
Conservation of linear momentum 293 295
Conservative force 44 45 206
Conservative force field 59
Conservative systems 467
Constancy of speed of light, principle of 674
Constant of motion 46 488
Constraints 464 481
Constraints, holonomic 481
Constraints, nonholonomic 481
Continua, deformable 367
Continuity condition 642
Continuity equation 654
Conveyor belts 301 304
Coordinate systems 188
Coordinate systems, center-of-mass 317
Coordinate systems, inertial 550
Coordinate systems, nonlinear 425
Coordinate systems, rotating 429
Coordinate systems, translating 425
Coordinate transformations 176 181
| Coordinates, cyclic 487
Coordinates, generalized 464 578
Coordinates, ignorable 487
Coordinates, normal 570 574 582
Coriolis acceleration 199
Coriolis force 434
Coriolis theorem 433
Couple 373
Coupled equation 450
Coupled oscillators 566 570
Coupled pendula 586
Coupling, strong/weak 596
Covariant formulation 683
Covariant four-dimensional form 684
Critically damped oscillators 71 74
Cross product 147 328
Cross-sectional area 329
Curl 164
Curl of a vector 172
Cyclic coordinates 487
Cyclonic winds 454
Cylindrical coordinates 191
Cylindrical polar coordinates 199
Damped harmonic motion, oscillator 58 70
Damped oscillator, critically 74
Damped oscillator, phase diagram for 133
Decay constant 81
Decrement of motion 74
Deflection from the vertical 442
Deflection of a projectile 440
Deformable continua 367
Deformation point, permanent 370
Degrees of freedom 464
Del operator in cylindrical and spherical coordinates 204
Derived units 2
Detuned pendula 596
Diagonalizing 529
Dielectric coefficient of the ionosphere 32
Differential equations, homogeneous, linear, second-order 63
Differential equations, inhomogeneous 86
Differentiation of vectors 158
Dilation time 679
dimensions 2 4
Directional cosines 155
Disintegration energy 315
Dispersive medium 629
Displacement 65
Displacement, actual 466
Dissipative frictional force 81
Dissipative systems 604
Distortion 89
Distributive properties 147
Divergence 164
Divergence of a vector 167
Divergence, Theorem 169
Dot product 145
Doubly periodic 258
Driven oscillators 58 85 See
Driving frequency 92
Dumbell 515
Dyad, scalar multiplication 536
Dyadic 517 536
Dynamic balancing 528
Dynamics 1
Dynamics in three dimensions 215
Dynamics, effects of 439
Dynamics, fluid 648
Dynamics, relativistic 686
Eccentricity 269 274
Effective force 249
Effective potential 249 253 255 259 264 268 277 554
effective spring constant 278
Eigenvalues 530
Eigenvectors 530
Einstein's postulates 674
Elastic collisions 308 309
Elastic collisions in CMCS 324
Elastic limit 370
Elastic modulus 369
Elastic properties of solids 370
Elasticity 367
Electromagnetic waves 31
ellipse 130 271 273
Ellipse, area of 274
Ellipsoid 534
Endoergic collisions/reactions 314 316
Energy conservation theorem 299
Energy of the simple harmonic oscillator 68
Energy, conservation of 46 298 392 492
Energy, constant of motion 246
Energy, decrement 81
Energy, diagram 129 134
Energy, disintegration 315
Energy, dissipation, rate of 99
Energy, flow 642
Energy, for oscillators 68 81
Energy, integral 46
Energy, kinetic 510
Energy, potential 68 393 394 566 660
Energy, resonance 96
Energy, threshold 316
Energy, transfer 601
Equations of motion (in normal coordinates) 575
Equilibrium 566
Equilibrium of flexible cable and strings 373
Equilibrium of rigid bodies 372
Equilibrium of solid beams 378
Equilibrium, neutral 567
Equilibrium, stable 59 60 567
Equilibrium, unstable 567
Equipotential lines 397
Equipotential surface 394 397
Escape velocity 52 53
Euler formula 67
Euler's dynamical equations 546 659
Euler's equations of motion for a rigid body 545
Eulerian angles 542
Event 686
Fast precession 556
Fictitious force 9
First rank, tensor of 536
Fluid dynamics 648
Fluid flow, ideal 658
Fluid statics 648
Fluids 614
Fluids in motion 653
foci 271
Force field, conservative 59
Force field, lines 395
Forced oscillators 58 85 604
Forced oscillators, harmonic 85
Forces 6
Forces of constraints 338
Forces, attractive 260 264
Forces, Central 389
Forces, centrifugal 434
Forces, centripetal 17 434
Forces, conservative 44 45
Forces, Coriolis 434
Forces, Effective 249
Forces, fictitious 9
Forces, frictional 11 13
Forces, generalized 466
Forces, gravitational 17 387 389
Forces, lines of 394
Forces, Minkowski 687
Forces, noninertial 7 9
Forces, position-dependent 44
Forces, repulsive 259 264
Forces, symmetric 392
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