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Rosenstark S. — Feedback Amplifier Principles |
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Asymptotic gain 16
Asymptotic gain formula 16
Asymptotic gain formula, caution 20
Asymptotic gain, example 17 18
Bandwidth-gain trading 7
Bipolar transistor, equivalent circuit 155
Bipolar transistor, equivalent circuit, transformations 157
Bipolar transistor, high-frequency model 57
Black, H.S. 9
Blackman's impedance formula 20
Blackman's impedance formula, caution 23
Blackman's impedance formula, example 22
Blackman, R.B. 1 9 24
Bode, H.W. 1 9
Brown, J.W. 176
Cascode amplifier 165
Characteristic equation 81
Cheng, D.K. 92 176
Churchill, R.V. 176
Cochrun, B.L. 77
Colpitis oscillator 139 141
Compensated attenuator compensation 109
Compensation by narrowbanding 102
Compensation by narrowbanding, example 103
Compensation, compensated attenuator method 109
Compensation, compensated attenuator method, example 111
Compensation, lag-lead method 105
Compensation, lag-lead method, example 108
Compensation, phantom zero method 112
Compensation, phantom zero method, example 115
Complex variables 173
Complex variables, analyticity 173
Complex variables, residue theorem 175
Complex variables, residues 174
Crystals, quartz 144
Direct transmission term 16
Direct transmission term, example 17
Distortion 5
Encirclement theorem 84
Equivalent circuit, bipolar transistor 155
Equivalent circuit, bipolar transistor, transformations 157
Equivalent circuit, FET 160
Equivalent circuit, FET, transformations 160
Equivalent circuit, high-frequency models 57
Feedback amplifier, bridge feedback 32
Feedback amplifier, bridge feedback, example 34
Feedback amplifier, series-series 29 31
Feedback amplifier, series-shunt 29 31
Feedback amplifier, shunt-series 28 30
Feedback amplifier, shunt-shunt 28 30
Feedback, degenerative 3
Feedback, negative 3
Feedback, positive 3
Feedback, regenerative 3
FET, equivalent circuit 160
FET, equivalent circuit, transformations 160
FET, high-frequency model 57
Gain crossover 89
Gantmacher, F.R. 92
Grabel, A. 77
Guillemin, E.A. 153
Halkias, C.C. 165
Hartley oscillator 139 143
Hayt, W.H. 77
High-frequency models for bipolar transistors and FETs 57
Impedances 9 see
Impulse response 168
Lag-lead compensation 105
Laplace transform 168
Loop gain 2 11
Loop gain, high-frequency analysis 56 see
Loop gain, high-frequency analysis, 2-transistor example 69
Loop gain, high-frequency analysis, 3-transistor example 71
| Loop gain, high-frequency analysis, by Cochrun and Grabel method 67
Loop gain, high-frequency analysis, by using CORNAP 58
Loop gain, high-frequency analysis, zeros 61
Loop gain, measurement 38
Loop gain, measurement, breaking the loop, using inductor 44
Loop gain, measurement, combined voltage and current ratio 41
Loop gain, measurement, current ratio, branch injection 48
Loop gain, measurement, exact method 49
Loop gain, measurement, terminating the cut, using iteration 43
Loop gain, measurement, using current ratio 40
Loop gain, measurement, using voltage ratio 38
Loop gain, measurement, voltage ratio, node injection 47
Loop gain, related to sensitivity 127 129
Middlebrook, R.D. 9 53
Miller (effect) approximation 56 64
Miller, J.M. 77
Millman, J. 165
Narrowbanding 102
Neudeck, G.W. 77
Noise in feedback amplifiers 7
Nyquist criterion 87
Nyquist, H. 92
Oscillation, conditions of 134
Oscillation, minimum condition 134
Oscillator, Colpitis 139 141
Oscillator, crystal control 144
Oscillator, Hartley 139 143
Oscillator, phase shift 145
Oscillator, twin-T 147
Oscillator, Wien-bridge 149
Phantom zero compensation 112
Phase crossover 89
Phase-shift oscillator 145
Poles of stable systems 173
Reference-controlled source 12
Residue theorem 175
Residues 174
Resonant circuit, parallel tuned 135
Resonant circuit, parallel tuned, series loss 136
Resonant circuit, transformerlike 138
Response of second-order feedback amplifier 99
Response of second-order systems 95
Response to unit step 98
Return difference 3
Return ratio 2 11 see
Return ratio, definition 12
Return ratio, example 12 14
Rosenstark, S. 9 53 77
Routh — Hurwitz criterion 82
Routh — Hurwitz criterion, degenerate cases 83
Second-order feedback amplifier response 99
Second-order system response 95
Second-order system response to unit step 98
Sensitivity 4 124 see
Sensitivity related to loop gain 127
Singularities 174
Stability 80
Stability margins 88
Stability, characteristic equation 81
Stability, encirclement theorem 84
Stability, gain crossover 89
Stability, Nyquist criterion 87
Stability, phase crossover 89
Thomas, D.E. 12 24
Transformations, equivalent circuit, bipolar transistor 157
Transformations, equivalent circuit, FET 160
Transistor, bipolar, equivalent circuit 155
Transistor, bipolar, transformations 157
Transistor, FET, equivalent circuit 160
Transistor, FET, transformations 160
Transistor, high-frequency models 57
Twin-T oscillator 147
Van Valkenburg, M.E. 92 176
Wien-bridge oscillator 149
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