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Mihalas D., Mihalas B.W. — Foundations of Radiation Hydrodynamics
Mihalas D., Mihalas B.W. — Foundations of Radiation Hydrodynamics

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Íàçâàíèå: Foundations of Radiation Hydrodynamics

Àâòîðû: Mihalas D., Mihalas B.W.


Excellent, informative volume focuses on dynamics of nonradiating fluids, problems involving waves, shocks and stellar winds, physics of radiation, radiation transport, and the dynamics of radiating fluids. (1984 ed.)

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/Êëàññè÷åñêàÿ ôèçèêà/Ìåõàíèêà æèäêîñòè è ãàçà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1984

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 718

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 29.06.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
$S_{N}$-method      383
Aberration      325 467 492
Ablation front      618—622 624
Absolute derivative      (see Intrinsic derivative)
Absolute space      129—130
Absolute temperature      2—3
Absolute tensor      667
Absorption coefficient      (see Opacity)
Absorption mean opacity      362 473
Absorption, cross section      331—332
Absorption, Probability      329—330
Absorption, True (thermal)      326
Acceleration, Fluid      55—57
Acceleration, Four      138—139
Acceleration, Radiative      629—645
Acceleration, Terms in comoving-frame transfer equation      434—437 445—447 468-471
Accretion, flow      301 557 603—607
Accretion, Shock      301 603—607 610
Acoustic cutoff, Frequency      193 598
Acoustic cutoff, Period      288
Acoustic waves      169—184
Acoustic waves, Conductive      179—184
Acoustic waves, Gravity-modified      190—226
Acoustic waves, In radiating fluid      521—536
Acoustic waves, Numerical simulation of      266—268
Acoustic waves, Radiation-dominated      521—536
Acoustic waves, Radiation-modified      528 638
Acoustic waves, Radiative amplification      535—536
Acoustic waves, Viscous      179—184
Acoustic-gravity waves      184—226
Acoustic-gravity waves, In isothermal atmosphere      190—201 536 540
Acoustic-gravity waves, In radiating fluid      536—549
Acoustic-gravity waves, In solar atmosphere      102 540—545
Acoustic-gravity waves, Mainly damped      538
Acoustic-gravity waves, Mainly propagating      538
Acoustic-gravity waves, Radiatively damped      536—549
Adaptive mesh      288 433 484 604—606
Adiabatic exponent      9—10
Adiabatic exponent, Effective, in radiating fluid      525
Adiabatic exponent, Generalized      50—53
Adiabatic exponent, Ionizing gas plus thermal radiation      322 324
Adiabatic exponent, Perfect gas plus thermal radiation      320 322
Adiabatic exponent, Thermal radiation      319—320
Adiabatic, Acoustic-gravity waves      184—226
Adiabatic, compressibility      5 9—10
Adiabatic, Compression or expansion of radiation      474—475
Adiabatic, Exponent      9—10
Adiabatic, Exponent, generalized      52
Adiabatic, Flow of ideal fluid in      79
Adiabatic, process      4 6
Adiabatic, Sound speed      171—173 181—182 228 525 534
Amplification factor      269
Amplification matrix      271
Amplification of waves, radiative      535—536
Amplitude functions, wave      180 197 202 541—542
Angular momentum, conservation of      17 72
Artificial viscosity      86—88
Artificial viscosity, Tensor      283—285
Artificial viscosity, von Neumann — Richtmyer      273—275 483 485
Associated tensor      670—671
Atmosphere, finite      344
Atmosphere, Grey      355—359
Atmosphere, Isothermal      74 190—201 288—291 536 540 586—591
Atmosphere, Nongrey      359—366
Atmosphere, semi-infinite      344 346—349
Atmosphere, Shock propagation in      586—591
Atmosphere, Solar      193—194 201 217—226
Atmosphere, spherical      344 350—353
Atmosphere, stellar      201
Atmosphere, Thermal response of solar      519—521
Atmospheric resonance      192—193
Atom, Equivalent two-level      401
Atom, Multi-level      401—407
Atom, two-level      396—398
Avogadro's number      3
Axial vector      661
Backward Euler scheme      277 394 460 480 486
Barotropic flow      76
Basis      670—671
BBGKY hierarchy      15
Bernoulli — Euler equation      76
Bernoulli’s equation      76 297
Bimolecular collision frequency      97
Binary collisions      11—24
Black body      317—318
Black body, Flux from      318—319
Blast wave      291—294 602
Blowoff      618
Body force      68—77
Body force, Work done by      77—81
Boltzmann equation      11—15 102—106
Boltzmann equation, Chapman — Enskog solution of      107—126
Boltzmann equation, collisionless      14
Boltzmann Equation, moments of      102—106
Boltzmann equation, Photon      418 439 463
Boltzmann excitation formula      41 386—389
Boltzmann H—Theorem      28—29
Boltzmann H—Theorem, Interpretation of      47
Boltzmann number      410 527—528 575
Boltzmann number, Analogy with Peclet number      410
Boltzmann statistics      37—48
Boltzmann transport equation      14 22
Boltzmann's relation      35—37
Boost matrix      136
Bound-bound absorption-emission process      329 330 332—333
Bound-free absorption-emission process      331—333
boundary conditions      77—81
Boundary conditions, In Feautrier method      376
Boundary conditions, In numerical simulations      279
Boundary conditions, Radiation transfer      343—349 368—370 405
Boundary conditions, Spherical geometry      379—380 405
Boundary layer      77 94
Break-out, shock      294
Breeze, stellar      299—301
Bremsstrahlung      332 585
Brinkley — Kirkwood theory      265
Brunt — Vaisala frequency      185 191 212 213 219
Brunt — Vaisala frequency, Temperature-gradient and ionization effects on      212—213
Bulk viscosity      83
Buoyancy energy density      189 200
Buoyancy force      184 185
Buoyancy frequency      191 212
Buoyancy oscillations      184—186
Caloric equation of state      80 149
Carl      659—661 679—681
Cauchy — Stokes decomposition theorem      64 68
Cauchy — Stokes decomposition theorem, Relativistic generalization      162
Cauchy’s equation of motion      71 73 86
Cavity, chromospheric      220
Cell, phase space      35—37
Cell, phase space, Number of quantum states in      37—49
Central force      15—24
Chapman — Enskog solution      107—126
Chapman — Enskog solution, Eucken correction      117
Chapman — Enskog solution, Heat flux vector      113
Chapman — Enskog solution, Limitations of      115—116
Chapman — Enskog solution, Relation to radiation diffusion      309 351 461—471
Chapman — Enskog solution, Viscous stress tensor      114
Chapman — Iouguet hypothesis      617—618
Characteristic equation      65
Characteristics, method of      81 273 591
Charge conservation      31—33 392
Charles and Gay — Lussac law      2
Christoffel symbol      85 426 439 441 447 449 674—677 680
Circulation      62 77
Circulation theorem, Kelvin      76—77
Circulation-preserving flow      76—77
Closure problem      340 455—456 481—494
Coefficient of      351
Coefficient, Adiabatic compressibility      5
Coefficient, Bulk viscosity      83
Coefficient, Dynamical viscosity      83
Coefficient, Isothermal compressibility      5
Coefficient, Kinematic viscosity      87
Coefficient, Radiative viscosity      464 466
Coefficient, Shear viscosity      83
Coefficient, Thermal conduction      90
Coefficient, Thermal expansion      5
Cofactor      657
Collective photon pool      402
Collision, Cross section      18
Collision, Frequency, bimolecular      97
Collision, Integral Alternative forms      23—24
Collision, Integral Basic form      21—22
Collision, Integral for photons      418—420
Collision, Probability      96—99
Collision, Rates      390
Collision, Time      97 98
Collisionless Boltzmann equation      14
Collisions, binary      11—24
Column mass      75 369
Combustion wave      617—618
Comoving frame      138 144 325—329 432 494
Complete linearization method      (see Linearization method)
Compressibility, Adiabatic, coefficient of      5
Compressibility, Adiabatic, in perfect gas      10
Compressibility, Isothermal, coefficient of      5
Compressibility, Isothermal, in perfect gas      9
Compression ratio      235 560 581—582
Compressional energy      177—179 189 200
Conditional present      135
Conditional stability      269—273
Conduction wave, Linear      550
Conduction wave, Nonlinear      551
Conduction, Coefficient of      90 96—102 117—126
Conduction, radiative      351 465
Conduction, thermal      90 96—102 107—117
Conduction, thermal, Effects of excitation and ionization      116 117
Conduction, thermal, Flux-limiting of      302
Conduction, thermal, Fourier’s law      90 166
Conduction, thermal, In ionized gases      124—126
Conduction, thermal, In relativistic flow      162—164
Conduction, thermal, In shocks      244—250
Conduction, thermal, In wind      295—296 301—302
Conduction, thermal, Wave damping by      179—184
Conductivity, Radiative      351 465
Conductivity, Spitzer — Harm      302
Conductivity, thermal      551
Conductivity, Thermal: Chapman-Enskog formulae      117—126
Conservation law's, Angular momentum      72
Conservation law's, Energy      77—81 88—93 102—106 150-152 337—341 421—503
Conservation law's, Entropy      79 166
Conservation law's, For equilibrium flow      106—107
Conservation law's, General, from Boltzmann equation      102 106
Conservation law's, In ionization front      614
Conservation law's, In radiating fluid      426—432 448—503
Conservation law's, In shock      231—259 557—585
Conservation law's, Linearized      170 187—189
Conservation law's, Mass      60—62 102—106 145-146
Conservation law's, Momentum      70 86—88 102—106 150-152 166—167 337—341 421-503
Conservation law's, Particle flux      146
Conservation relation, discrete form      268 277—287 484—489
Conservation theorem, Boltzmann equation      103
Constant flux approximation      554
Constitutive relations      80 147—149
Continuity, equation of      60—62 102—106 145—146
Continuity, Linearized      170 187—188
Continuity, Relativistic      146
Continuity, Species      389
Continuum absorption coefficient      (see Opacity)
Continuum, Gas as      11—15
Continuum, Ionization      48
Contraction, tensor      655—656
Contravariant, tensor      664 666
Contravariant, vector      664—666
Convective stability      185
Coronal expansion      295—296
Coulomb force      29—35 123—126
Courant, Condition      270 280 489
Courant, Limit      280
Courant, Time      285
Covariance      129—130 651
Covariance of laws of physics      129—130
Covariant, derivative      676—679
Covariant, tensor      664—666
Covariant, vector      664 666
Crank — Nicholson scheme      277
Critical, In radiatively-driven wind      638
Critical, In shock      234
Critical, In wind      297
Critical, Points, multiple in wind      303
Critical, Radius      297 636—639
Critical, Shock      570
Critical, Solution      298 636—639
Cross section, absorption      331—332
Cross section, collision      18 390
Cross section, differential      18—21
Curvature effects      490
Curvature of spacetime, intrinsic      152
Curvilinear coordinates      73—74
Cutoff frequency, Acoustic      193 538
Cutoff frequency, Gravity-wave      538
Cutoff procedure for      31—34
Cycle, Irreversible      7—8 232—233 245—248 585
Cycle, Reversible      7—8
Cycle, Schatzman      585
Cycle, thermodynamic      7—8
Cycle, Weymann      585 594
D-front      611—627 (see also Ionization fronts)
Dalton’s law of partial pressures      27
Damped acoustic waves      180—183
Damped acoustic waves, Equilibrium diffusion regime      525
Damped acoustic waves, Radiatively-damped thermal fluctuations      514
DeBroglie wavelength      12
Debye length      32 124 255
Decomposition theorem, Cauchy — Stokes      64 68 162
Decomposition theorem, Eckart      160 462
Deflagration      617—618
Deflection time      30 33
Degeneracy, degree of      37
Degeneracy, Hydrogen bound state      48—49
Degenerate, gas      160
Degenerate, States      37
Degree of freedom      251—254
Degree of ionization      50—53 251
Density scale height      190 213
Density, Gas      2—3
Density, Hydrogen plasma      50—53
Density, Of proper mass in lab frame      145—146
Density, Of relative mass in lab frame      145—146
Density, Power law      588
Density, proper      145—146
Departure coefficients      394 401
Derivative, absolute      676—679
Derivative, Comoving      56 145
Derivative, covariant      57 676—679
Derivative, Eulerian      56
Derivative, Fluid-frame      56
Derivative, intrinsic      57 145 676—679
Derivative, Lagrangean      56 145
Derivative, material      56
Derivative, Pfaffian      440
Derivative, Proper time      144—145
Derivative, substantial      56
Detailed balance, principle of      24 387 391
Determinant      656—658
Determinant, Jacobian      664 666
Detonation      617—618
Diagnostic diagram      191—194 220—221
Difference equations      (see Finite difference equations)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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