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Mihalas D., Mihalas B.W. — Foundations of Radiation Hydrodynamics |
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü |
Frame, reference 129 130
Frame, Shock’s 230—232 558—559
Frame, Tetrad 439—440
Free boundary 279
Free-molecule flow 99
Frequency groups 364 475—477
Frequency, Acoustic-cutoff 193
Frequency, Brunt — Vaisala 185 191 212—213
Frequency, Lorentz transformation of photon 412 413
Frequency, Photon 143 311—312 412—413
Frequency, wave 173
Frequency-shift of radiation by adiabatic compression or expansion 474—475
Front, Ablation 618—622 624
Galilean relativity 129
Galilean transformation 129 130 558
Gas constant 2
Gas energy equation, Linearized 187—188 522 527
Gas energy equation, Material fluid 77—81 89 92 151 186—187
Gas energy equation, Radiating fluid 429—430 449 478 499
Gas energy equation, Relativistic 151
Gas, Binary 125
Gas, Dilute 2 99
Gas, Ionizing 48—53
Gas, mixture 27—28 125—126
Gas, perfect 2
Gas, relativistic 152—160
Gas, With internal excitation 45—47
Gaseous nebulae 582 618
Gauss formula for quadrature weights 359
Gaussian elimination 277 280 286 375 406 460 488
Gauss’s theorem 662—663
General relativity, Dynamical equations 152
General relativity, Metric 152
Geodesic 419 432 681—682
Geometrical acoustics 208—210
Gibbs paradox 38
Gradient 659—661 679—681
Gravitational energy density 189
Gravity waves (see Acoustic-gravity waves)
Group velocity 175—177 194—197
Growth factor 269
H I Region 622—627
H II Region 622—627
H — Theorem 28
Harmonic mean opacity 365 475
Heat capacity, Ionizing gas plus thermal radiation 323
Heat capacity, Material 4
Heat capacity, Perfect gas plus thermal radiation 320 322
Heat capacity, Thermal radiation 320
Heat conduction (see Thermal conduction)
Heat flux, Inertia of 166—167 449 469 471
Heat flux, Material 88—89 101 106 113 162—166 299—301
Heat flux, Radiation 313 460 468—469
Heat transfer coefficient 95
Heat-conducting shock 244 250
Heaviside function 349
Helmholtz’s vortex theorem 63
Hermite integration formula 372
Hohlraum 316—318
Homentropic flow 79
Homogeneity of space 131
Hopf function 356
Hugoniot curve 232 236 252—253 580—582
Hugoniot curve, Nonequilibrium 252—253
Hydrogen plasma, Debye length in 32
Hydrogen plasma, Ionizing 48—53
Hydrogen plasma, Shocks in 254 258 569—570
Hydrogen plasma, Thermal conduction in 124—125
Hydrogen plasma, Time of relaxation for 33
Hydrogen plasma, Viscosity of 124—125
Hydrostatic equilibrium 74—75 404
Hydrostatic stress 70
Ideal fluid 55—81 106—107 144-160
Impact parameter 17
Impact pressure 301
Implosion, radiation-driven 621
Incompressible flow 61 76
Indices, tensor 650 670—671
Indices, tensor, Dummy 65
Indices, tensor, Raising and lowering 670—671
Induced emission (see Stimulated emission)
Inelastic collision time 388
Inertial frame 129 421—432 444
Initial conditions 81 344
Instability, absolute 645
Instability, drift 549 645
Instability, numerical 269—273
Instability, Of radiatively-driven wind 645
Instability, Of rarefaction discontinuity 233 239
Instability, Rayleigh — Taylor 601 603
Instability, thermal 513 608
Insulating layer 620
Integral equation 346—349
Integrodifferential equation 335
Intensity, radiation, Emergent 346
Interaction volume 310
Internal energy, Extreme relativistic 159
Internal gravity waves (see Acoustic-gravity waves)
interpretation of 47—48
Interstellar medium, shock transition 301
Interval, Classification of 133—134
Interval, spacetime 133
Intrinsic curvature of spacetime 152
Intrinsic derivative 57 145 676—679
Intrinsic derivative, Relation to Lagrangean derivative 57 676—679
Invariant 414
Invariant emissivity 414 419 438—443 463
Invariant intensity 414
Invariant opacity 414 419 438—443 463
Invariant photon distribution function 311 419 438—443 463
Invariant photon distribution function, Blackbody radiation 463
Invariant, Lorentz transformation of 413—414
Invariant, Mean 312
Invariant, Specific 311
Ionization 48—49
Ionization front 287 611—627
Ionization potential 48—49
Ionization potential, For Hydrogen 49
Ionization, By collisions 390
Ionization, By photons 331 388 391
Ionization, Degree of 50
Ionization, Effects on Brunt — Vaisala frequency 212 213
Ionization, Effects on diagnostic diagram 220—221
Ionization, Effects on heat conduction 116—117
Ionization, Fraction 322
Ionization, potential 48—49
Ionization, Saha formula 48—50 323 332 388
Ionizing gas 50—51
Ionizing gas plus thermal radiation 322
Ionizing gas plus thermal radiation, Gas with internal excitation 46
Ionizing gas plus thermal radiation, Nonequilibrium gas 395—396
Ionizing gas plus thermal radiation, Perfect gas 9 26 46
Ionizing gas plus thermal radiation, Perfect gas plus thermal radiation 320 322
Irrotational flow 62 77
Isentropic flow 79
Isothermal, Atmosphere 74 190—201 288—291 536 540 586—591
Isothermal, compressibility 5 9
Isothermal, Shock 249 582—583
Isothermal, Sound speed 182 297 526
Isothermal, Wind 297—299
Isotropizatiou mode 515—519
Jacobian 22 58—60 442 664—666
Jeans unstable protostellar cloud 604 621
Joule — Kelvin experiemnt 4 26 36
Jump relations, Ionization front 612—615
Jump relations, Shock 232—233 234—236 239—240 587
Kappa mechanism 595 608
Kelvin’s circulation theorem 76—77
Kelvin’s equation 63
Kinematic viscosity 87
| Kinetic energy density, wave 178 189 200
Kinetic temperature 25 105
Kinetic theory definition 13 104 153
Kirchhoff — Planck relation 327 333
Knudsen number 99 230
Laboratory frame (see Inertial frame)
Lagrange multipliers 40
Lagrange polynomial 383
Lagrangean coordinate 267 277—278 282 441—445
Lagrangean frame (see Comoving frame)
Lagrangean time derivative, As proper time derivative 144 145
Lagrangean time derivative, Relation to Eulerian derivative 56
Lagrangean time derivative, Relation to intrinsic derivative 56—57 678
Lagrange’s acceleration formula 75
Lambda-iteration 368
Lambda-operator 347—348
Laminar flow 94
Laplacian 659—661 679—681
Lax — Wendroff method 496
Length, proper 133
Levi — Civita tensor 64 673—674
Line blanketing 492
Line element 134 412 667—670
Line element, Comoving frame 444
Line element, Lagrangean 441
Line force multiplier 634
Linearization method 393 402 460 488 489 497
Liouville’s equation 15
Local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) 310 328 332—333 386—389
Longitudinal waves 171
Lorentz gas 125
Lorentz metric 134 145
Lorentz transformation 129—138
Lorentz transformation, Approximate, local to comoving frame 444
Lorentz transformation, As a rotation in spacetime 138
Lorentz transformation, general 135—136
Lorentz transformation, Inverse, J 32
Lorentz transformation, Of emissivity 4
Lorentz transformation, Of monochromatic radiation moments 500
Lorentz transformation, Of opacity 414
Lorentz transformation, Of photon four momentum 412—413
Lorentz transformation, Of radiation stress-energy tensor 416 417 462—465 501
Lorentz transformation, Of specific intensity 414
Lorentz transformation, Of transfer equation 418—426 432—438 500
Lorentz transformation, special 130—133
Lorentz — FitzGerald contraction 133
luminosity 338
Luminosity, Eddington limit 628—630
Luminosity, Gradient 353
Luminosity, Stellar 351 450
Lyman continuum, in shock 583
M-front 615 619
Mach number 96 235—239 244—266
Macrostate, thermodynamic 35
Markov process 30
Marshak wave 570—571 549 552—557
Mass cell 267
Mass flux 61 104 627—645
Mass flux vector 104
Mass loss rates 628—645
Mass, conservation of 61
Mass, density of proper, In laboratory frame 146
Mass, density of proper, In proper frame 145
Mass, density of relative 146
Mass, proper 140
Mass, reduced 16
Mass, Relative 140
Mass, rest 140
Material element 56
Material stress-energy tensor 147—149 158 159 162—164
Material temperature 159 458 463 467
Material volume 60
Mathematical structure of dynamical equations, Material fluid 80—81
Mathematical structure of dynamical equations, Radiating fluid 455—456
Maxwell equations, and relativity 129
Maxwellian fluid 84 106—117
Maxwellian velocity distribution 24—28
Maxwellian velocity distribution, Average speed in 26
Maxwellian velocity distribution, From kinetic theory 24—29
Maxwellian velocity distribution, In equilibrium flow 106—107
Mean free path, Distribution of 96—102
Mean free path, effective 480 483
Mean free path, Optical 480
Mean free path, Particle 96—102
Mean free path, Photon 309 325 336 350 368 459
Mean free path, Relation to shock thickness 244 248 559
Mean free path, Relation to wave-damping length 180
Mean intensity, radiation 312 346—7
Mean molecular weight 53
Mean molecular weight, Perfect gas plus thermal radiation 324
Mean opacity 355—366 (see also Opacity)
Mean opacity, Absorption 362 473
Mean opacity, Direct 475
Mean opacity, Flux 361 476
Mean opacity, Harmonic 365 475 487
Mean opacity, Planck 362 473 602
Mean opacity, Rosseland 351 360 406 464 498 553
Mechanical energy equation, Material fluid 77—78 89
Mechanical energy equation, Radiating fluid 429—430 451
Method of characteristics 24 273 591
Method of discrete ordinates 358 555
Metric 134 137—138 667—670
Metric, Comoving frame 444
Metric, General 443
Metric, General relativity 152
Metric, indefinite 134
Metric, Inertial frame 444
Metric, Langrangean 444 447
Metric, Lorentz 134 145
Microstate, thermodynamic 35
Milne’s problem 356
Minkowski 137
Minkowski, Coordinates 137
Minkowski, Metric 137
Minkowski, Spacetime 432
Minkowski, Transformation matrix 137—138
Mixed frame 423 494—500
Mode, Exchange 515—519
Mode, Isotropization 515—519
Mode, Of quantized oscillation 317
Mode, Photoacoustic 549
Mode, Photogravity 549
Mode, Radiation 515—519
Mode, Radiation diffusion 534
Mode, Thermal relaxation 510 514—519
Mode, wave 179—201 507—549
Model Lagrangean transfer equation 489
Molecular chaos 21
Moment equations, Closure problem 337—341 481—482
Moment equations, Combined 379 480 483 487—488 492 493
Moment, Closure problem 337—341 481—482
Moment, Of Boltzmann equation 102—106
Moment, Of radiation field 312—316 343—349
Moment, Of transfer equation 337—341
Momentum density, Material 104 147 156 178
Momentum density, Radiation 313 339 415 469
Momentum equation, Cauchy's 71
Momentum equation, Euler’s 71
Momentum equation, From kinetic theory 104—105
Momentum equation, Linearized 170 187—188
Momentum equation, Navier — Stokes 86—88 108 167
Momentum equation, Radiating fluid 428—429 448—449 452 455 460 468 483 485 499
Momentum equation, Radiation 338—339 423—426 431-432 435—438 446 482 491 495 499 502
Momentum equation, Relativistic 151—152 166—167
Momentum flux density tensor, Newtonian 73 104
Momentum flux density tensor, Radiation 314 339
Momentum flux density tensor, relativistic 147 158 415
Monochromatic waves 173—175 190—201 353—355
Most probable speed in 25
Most probable speed in, Root-mean-square speed in 26
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