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Mihalas D., Mihalas B.W. — Foundations of Radiation Hydrodynamics
Mihalas D., Mihalas B.W. — Foundations of Radiation Hydrodynamics

Îáñóäèòå êíèãó íà íàó÷íîì ôîðóìå

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Íàçâàíèå: Foundations of Radiation Hydrodynamics

Àâòîðû: Mihalas D., Mihalas B.W.


Excellent, informative volume focuses on dynamics of nonradiating fluids, problems involving waves, shocks and stellar winds, physics of radiation, radiation transport, and the dynamics of radiating fluids. (1984 ed.)

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ôèçèêà/Êëàññè÷åñêàÿ ôèçèêà/Ìåõàíèêà æèäêîñòè è ãàçà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1984

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 718

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 29.06.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Star, Electron-ion system      49
Star, Formation      621
Star, Free electron      48
Star, Hydrogen      49
Star, O-type      621—622 629—645
Star, O-type, Boltzmann number in      529
Star, Statistical equilibrium, equations of      386 389—402 614
Star, Statistical weight      37—48
Star, Wolf — Rayet-type      628
Statistics, Boltzmann      41—43
Statistics, quantum      44 45
Steady How      61 76 80—81 93 296—297 452
Stefan — Boltzmann constant      319
Stefan’s law      318
Stellar, Correction factor for opacity      331—333
Stellar, Evolution theory      641
Stellar, Pulsation      287 293 410 470—471 486 490
Stellar, Stimulated emission      329 332 391
Stellar, Structure equations      352—353 452 459
Stirling’s formula      39
Stokes hypothesis      84
Stokes relation      84
Stokesian fluid      83
Stokes’s theorem      663—664
strain      (see Rate of strain)
Strdmgren sphere      622—624
Streakline      58
Stream tube      58
Streaming, radiation      316 341 353—355 424—426 427 431 447—448 453
streamline      58 75
Stress tensor      68—70
Stress tensor, Newtonian fluid      82—85
Stress tensor, Radiation      314 416 468
Stress tensor, Radiation viscous      468
Stress, Fluid      68—70
Stress, hydrostatic      70
Stress, mean      83 315 105
Stress, normal      70 105
Stress, principal      67 83
Stress, radiation      314 416 468
Stress, shear      70
Stress-energy tensor, Material      148 158—159 162—164
Stress-energy tensor, Radiating fluid      426—427 459 462—465
Stress-energy tensor, Radiation      414—418 459 461 465
Strong-collision time      33
Subcritical shock      565—570 576
Subsonic flow      96 298
Subsonic flow, Behind shock      235
Subsonic flow, Near ionization front      615—627
Summational invariants      16 103
Supercritical shock      570—573
Supernova, Explosion      293 436 596—602
Supernova, Presupernova      602—603
Supernova, Remnant      602—603
Supersonic flow      96 298
Supersonic flow, In front of shock      235
Supersonic flow, Near ionization front      615—627
surface      68
Surface force      68—77
Surface force, Work done by      77—81
Surface, Tangential      70
Surface, Work done by      77 88—90
Symmetry of      71
Symmetry of, Viscous      70 105 114
Symmetry, tensor      655
Tangent ray method      380—383 491 497
Tangential stress      70
Telegrapher’s equation      515—516
Temperature fluctuations, radiative damping      507—521
Temperature overshoot, postshock      253 272 276 572 576—577
Temperature, absolute      2
Temperature, Critical (for shock)      570
Temperature, effective      351
Temperature, kinetic      25 105 110
Temperature, Material      159 458 463 467
Temperature, Perfect gas      2
Temperature, Proper      149
Temperature, radiation      473 606
Temperature-gadient and ionization, effects on      220—221
Tensor components, Coefficient of      90 101 107—126
Tensor components, Contravariant      664—666 670—671
Tensor components, Covariant      664 666 670—671
Tensor components, Effects of excitation and ionization      116 117
Tensor components, Electron      257
Tensor components, Flux-limiting of      302
Tensor components, Fourier’s law      90 166
Tensor components, In ionized gases      124—126
Tensor components, In relativistic flow      163
Tensor components, In shocks      244—250
Tensor components, In wind      299—301 301—302
Tensor components, Physical      664—666 670—671 672—673 679 681
Tensor components, Tetrad      440
Tensor components, Tetrad frame      440
Tensor components, Thermal conduction      89—90 96—106 113 114
Tensor components, Wave damping by      179—184
Tensor, absolute      667
Tensor, Associated      670—671
Tensor, contraction      655—656
Tensor, contravariant      664 666
Tensor, covariant      664—666
Tensor, Divergence of      679—681
Tensor, dual      661—662
Tensor, Equations, covariance of      129—130
Tensor, field      651
Tensor, Form of artificial viscosity      283—285
Tensor, Form of radiation energy and momentum equations      447
Tensor, Four      137
Tensor, Indices      670—671
Tensor, Levi — Civita      64 673—674
Tensor, metric      134 137—138 667—670
Tensor, mixed      664 666
Tensor, Momentum flux density      73 104 147 158 415
Tensor, product      654—655
Tensor, projection      148 160 465
Tensor, Radiation pressure      319 351 416 462 468
Tensor, Radiation stress      314 416 468
Tensor, rank      654—655
Tensor, rate of strain      65 82—85 162 466
Tensor, Reciprocal      667
Tensor, relative      667
Tensor, rotation      65 83 161
Tensor, Stress, material      68 82—85 102—106 155
Tensor, Stress, radiation      344 414—417 468
Tensor, Stress-energy, material      147—149 158 159 162—164
Tensor, Stress-energy, radiating fluid      426—427 459 462—465
Tensor, Stress-energy, radiation      414—418 459 461 465
Tensor, symmetry      655
Thermal conductivity, Spitzer — Harm      125
Thermal coupling parameter      366 400
Thermal diffusivity      525 550
Thermal equilibrium      (see Thermodynamic equilibrium)
Thermal expansion, coefficient of      5
Thermal expansion, Perfect gas      9
Thermal instability      513 608
Thermal relaxation mode      510 514 519
Thermal waves      181—184 549—557
Thermalization depth      367 399—400
Thermalization length      367—368 399—400
Thermally-driven wind      295—304
Thermodynamic      2
Thermodynamic equilibrium      3—8 310 317 318 319—320
Thermodynamic equilibrium, Local (LTE)      310 328 332—333 386—389
Thermodynamic probability      35 39
Thermodynamic state variables      2—3
Thermodynamic temperature      2
Thermodynamics, first law of      3—7 186—187 319—320 449 450 460 511
Thermodynamics, Relation to statistical mechanics      37
Thermodynamics, second law of      7—8 166 236—239 570
Thermoelectric effects      125
Thermonuclear energy release      353 449 452 460 469 484 486
Time dilation      133
Time of relaxation      29
Time, absolute      129
Time, Courant      285
Time, Deflection      30 33
Time, Dilation of      133
Time, dynamical      342
Time, Energy-exchange      30 33
Time, Fluid-flow      250 342 424 426 428—432 437 447 449 453—456 458 486
Time, Inelastic collision      388
Time, Kelvin Helmholtz      286
Time, Nuclear      285 451 488
Time, Photon-fiight      342 513
Time, proper      133
Time, Radiation diffusion      342 353 424—426 447 449 458 478
Time, Radiation-flow      342 424—426 430 437 445 447 479
Time, Radiative cooling      602
Time, Radiative recombination      388
Time, Radiative relaxation      509 519 522 537 538 541—543
Time, relaxation      29
Time, retarded      349
Time, Self-collision      34 388
Time, Strong-collision      33
Time, universal      129
Timelike interval      134
Total energy equation, Material fluid      78 89 106
Total energy equation, Radiating fluid      429—430 451—452 460 469 471
Total energy equation, Relativistic      150 164—167
Trace      655—656
Trace, tensor      65 83 655—656
Trajectory, photon      419 432 440
Transfer equation, Boundary conditions      344 368
Transfer equation, Comoving-frame      432—448
Transfer equation, Conservative form      434—435 491
Transfer equation, Coupling to conservation relations      402 407
Transfer equation, Covariance of      418—419
Transfer equation, Diffusion limit      350—353
Transfer equation, Discrete-ordinates method      358 555
Transfer equation, Discrete-space method      383
Transfer equation, Feautrier method      374 375 369 380
Transfer equation, Finite difference equqtion      371 402
Transfer equation, Formal solution      343—349 373 382 489 492
Transfer equation, Grey      355—366
Transfer equation, In resonance continuum      400—401
Transfer equation, Inertial-frame, for moving fluid      421—426 433
Transfer equation, Integral relations      345—348
Transfer equation, Lagrangean      420 443 445
Transfer equation, Line      396—402 492
Transfer equation, Linearized      402—407
Transfer equation, Lorentz transformation of      411—426 432 438 500
Transfer equation, Mixed frame      422—423 461 494 498 500
Transfer equation, Model Lagrangean      489
Transfer equation, Moments of      337—386 422 435—436 481 483
Transfer equation, Multigroup      495—499
Transfer equation, Operator formulation      346—348
Transfer equation, Planar geometry      334 346—349 366—378
Transfer equation, Rybicki method of solution      377—378
Transfer equation, Second-order form      369—373
Transfer equation, SN-method      383
Transfer equation, Spherical geometry      335 378—386 433 437 491
Transfer equation, Streaming limit      353—355
Transfer equation, Time-dependent      333—335 348—349
Transfer equation, Wave, limit      353—355
Transformation, admissible      665
Transformation, Galilean      129
Transformation, Lorentz      129—138 412 126 432—438 462 465 500—501
Transformations      137
Transmitting boundary      279
Transonic flow      96 295—301 627—645
Transport coefficients, evaluation of      117 126
Transport phenomena      96—102 107—126
Transport theorem, Reynolds      60 62
Trapping, wave      207—208
Tube, Stream      58
Tube, vortex      62—63
Tunneling, wave      204 207
Turbulent flow      94
Two-level atom      396—402
Two-level atom, Equivalent      401
Two-stream approximation      357
Two-temperature description of radiating fluid      473
Unconditional stability      269—273
Universal gas constant      2
universal time      129
Upstream differencing      270
Upwind differencing      (see Upstream differencing)
Variable Eddington factor      316 341 350 354 375 406 456 479 481 484 489 490 497 503 607
Variational Principle      118—120
Vector, axial      661—2
Vector, contravariant      664—666
Vector, covariant      664 666
Vector, Curl of      659—661 679—681
Vector, divergence of      659—661 679—681
Vector, field      651
Vector, Four      136
Vector, Length of (magnitude)      652
Vector, null      144 412 439
Vector, polar      661—662
Vector, product      658—659
Vector, Pseudo      661—662
Vector, Scalar product of      653 671—672
Vector, triple product      658—659
Velocity gradient      64 83 161
Velocity gradient tensor, In Newtonian stress tensor      83
Velocity gradient tensor, Newtonian      64
Velocity gradient tensor, Relativistic      161
Velocity, critical      234 297 638
Velocity, fluid      56
Velocity, Four      138—139
Velocity, group      175—177 193—197
Velocity, Packet      176
Velocity, potential      62 170 537 541
Venting, shock      294
VERA method      (see Radiation hydrodynamics equations
Viscosity, artificial      86—88
Viscosity, bulk      83 115
Viscosity, coefficient of      83
Viscosity, dilatational      83
Viscosity, dynamical      83 101 107—126
Viscosity, Evaluation of      117—126
Viscosity, fundamental role of in shocks      244
Viscosity, kinematic      87 242
Viscosity, radiative      461 466—467
Viscosity, second      83
Viscosity, shear      83 101 115 117—126
Viscosity, Tensor      283—285
Viscous energy, dissipation      88—92
Viscous energy, In shock      241—244
Viscous energy, In waves      179—184
Viscous flow      86—93 102—106 107—126 241 242
Viscous force      82—85 97 467
Viscous pressure      86 90 275 278—279 485
Viscous shock      242—244 597
Viscous stress tensor, From kinetic theory      105 114—115
Viscous stress tensor, General      70
Viscous stress tensor, Newtonian fluid      83
Viscous stress tensor, Radiating fluid      468
Viscous stress tensor, Radiation      465—466
Viscous stress tensor, Relativistic      163
Viscous stress, material      70 82—83 105 1 14 163
Viscous stress, radiative      468
Vlasov equation      14
Volume      3 667—670
Volume ratio      247
Volume ratio, Limiting      247 564
Volume, Invariant volume element      670—671 133
Volume, material      60
Volume, specific      3
Von Neumann stability analysis      269 486
von Neumann — Richtmyer      273—275 283 285
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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