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Kullback S. — Information theory and statistics |
Предметный указатель |
3 386
, definition of 18
-algebra 3 386
-finite measure 386
Absolute continuity 3 29 381
Additive class 3 381
Admissible 39 381
Analysis of covariance 219 239
Analysis of samples 109
Analysis of variance 109
Analysis of variance, multivariate analogue 294
Analysis of variance, multivariate generalization 109
Asymptotic confidence interval 382
Asymptotic distribution 70 97 324 382
Averages, distribution of 191
Averages, distribution of moment generating function of 297
Axiomatic development 12 382
Bartlett, M. S. 302 329
Bartlett’s test for the homogeneity of variances 319
Basis 382
Bayes’ Theorem 4 84
Behrens — Fisher problem 311
Bessel function 327
Best estimate 109 382
Bhattacharyya, A. 41
Bias 382
Biased estimate 58 382
Binary digit 7 382
Bit 7 382
Borel field 3 382
Borel set 3 382
Box, G. E. P. 327
Brownlee, K. A. 188
Canonical correlation 202 204 275 277 279 281
Canonical correlation, discrimination efficiency 278
Canonical correlation, test for 276 278 282
Canonical form 194
Carter, A. H. 229
Categories, grouping 114 116
Centering 217 262
Central limit theorem 101 105
Channel, capacity 9 25
Channel, capacity, noisy 24
Characteristic equation 382
Characteristic function 325 328 329
Characteristic function of a set 21 42 382
Characteristic function, -distribution 210 327 330
Characteristic function, noncentral -distribution 210 327
Characteristic roots 195
Characteristic vectors 195 382
Chernoff, H. 41 77 86 95 98
Cherry, E. C. 2 3
class 3 382
Classification procedure 85 348
Column effect 239 240
Communication, system 24
Communication, system, theory 1 8 24 382
Comparisons, dichotomous 114 115
Comparisons, dichotomous, pooling 136 147
Complement of one set with respect to another 42 382
Components, principal 197
Concave function 34
Conditional discrimination information 13
Conditional entropy 24
Conditional expectation 19
Conditional homogeneity, analysis of 171 181 184
Conditional homogeneity, null hypothesis of 170
Conditional independence 166 170 182
Conditional information 13
Conditional probability 4 83 117 166
Confidence coefficient 102 382
Confidence interval 91 103 149 382
Confidence interval, binomial 103
Confidence limits 102 382
Confidence region 102
Conjecture 352
Conjugate distribution 81 106 111 143 297 298 310 315 318
Consistent estimate 98 382
Consistent test 100 105
Converge in probability 75 102 382
Converge with probability 1 141 187 382
Convex function 16 34 171
Convex set 98 383
Convexity property 16 114 135 145 157 171
Correlation coefficients, test of homogeneity 321 323
Correlation matrices 192
Correlation matrices, null hypothesis of homogeneity 320
Correlation matrix, null hypothesis specifying 304
Correlation, canonical 200 275 277 279 281
Correlation, canonical, multiple 203
Correlation, canonical, simple 205
Covariance matrices, homogeneity of 315 324
Covariance matrices, test of homogeneity 322
Covariance matrix 189
Covariance matrix of estimates 213 237 255 291
Covariance matrix of linear functions 290
Covariance matrix, null hypothesis specifying 302
Covariance matrix, unbiased sample 192
Covariance variates 204
Covariance, analysis of 219 239
Covariance, multiple 239
Cramer — Rao inequality 36 383
Critical region 74 86
Cumulant generating function 41
Denumerable 383
Determinantal equation 195 197 382
Determinantal equation, roots of 330
Diagonal element 383
Diagonal matrix 192 195
Digit, binary 7 382
Directed divergence 7 82 85
Discriminant function, linear 196 203 205 254 276 305 311 317 342
Discriminant function, sufficient 196
Discrimination efficiency 63 64 65 197 277
Discrimination information 5 19 70 85 196
Discrimination information, conditional 13
Discrimination information, minimum 37 38 81 85 94 109 213 256 302 303
Disjoint sets 383
Distance 6 383
Distance, generalized 190
Distribution, asymptotic 324 382
Distribution, conjugate 81 106 111 143 297 298 310 315 318
Distribution, Fisher’s B 327
Distribution, least informative 111 120 143
Distribution, multivariate normal 189
Distribution, noncentral 257
Distribution, noncentral 327 328
Distribution, roots of determinantal equation 330
Distribution, Wishart 191 325
Divergence 6 22 41 110 142 190 212 254
Divergence, directed 7 82 85
Dominated set of measures 29 383
Efficiency, discrimination 63 64 65 197 277
Efficiency, estimation 64 65 66
Efficiency, relative 77
Efficient estimate 383
entropy 1 7 34
Entropy, conditional 24
Equivalent measures 383
Equivalent samples 82
Equivalent x’s, sets of 18
Error, type I (II) 74 77 86 125 387
Estimate, consistent 98 382
Estimate, efficient 383
Estimate, maximum-likelihood 94 102
| Estimation efficiency 64 65 66
Estimator 81 383
Estimator, unbiased 57 387
Euclidean space 3 383
Event 3 383
Evidence, weight of 5
Expectation, conditional 19
Experiment 10
Experiment, designer of 1
Exponential family 38 84
Exponential type 39 44
Factor analysis 302
Field 383
Finite measure 5 383
Fisher consistent 141
Fisher information matrix 28 49 383
Fisher, R. A. 1 2 13 18 119 141
Fisher’s table of 380
Fisher’s B-distribution 327
Fisher’s information 13 26 55
Fisher’s z-test 324
Garner, W. R. 155
Generalized distance 190
Generalized probability density 4 383
Generating function, cumulant 41
Generating function, moment 41 297 385
Gilbert, E. N. 1
Good, I. J. 5 114
Greatest lower bound 383
Green, P. E., Jr 2
Greenhouse, S. W. 344
GT(x), definition of 19
Halmos, P. R. 19
Hartley, R. V. L. 2 7
Homogeneity, conditional 169
Homogeneity, conditional, correlation matrices 320
Homogeneity, conditional, covariance matrices 315 318
Homogeneity, conditional, marginal distributions 179 333
Homogeneity, conditional, means and regressions 272 273
Homogeneity, conditional, means, multivariate samples 264 276 309 311
Homogeneity, conditional, means, single-variate samples 223
Homogeneity, conditional, multinomial samples 128 134 159
Homogeneity, conditional, multivariate normal sample 299
Homogeneity, conditional, normal sample 95
Homogeneity, conditional, null subhypothesis of 225
Homogeneity, conditional, Poisson samples 144
Homogeneity, conditional, regression coefficients 221
Homogeneity, conditional, sample averages 280
Homogeneity, conditional, two-way contingency table 168
Homogeneity, conditional, variances, Bartlett’s test 319
Homogeneous sample, hypothesis about mean of 301
Homogeneous samples 383
Homogeneous set of measures 20 384
Hotelling, H. 199 202 256 268
Hotelling’s 2 213 257 262 279
Hotelling’s canonical correlation coefficients 276
Hotelling’s generalization of Student’s Mest 301
Hyperplane 98 384
Hypotheses, rejection of 3 37 85
Hypotheses, testing 85 109
Hypothesis 384
Hypothesis, conditional 166
Hypothesis, multivariate normal 333
Hypothesis, one-sided 119 121 131 148 151 385
Identity matrix 384
Independence components, analysis of 173
Independence hypotheses 165 182
Independence, conditional 166
Independence, multivariate 303
Independence, sets of variates 276 282 306
Independence, three-way contingency table 160 162 177
Independence, two-way contingency table 156
Indicator of a set 42 384
Inequality, Cramer — Rao 36
Inequality, information 36 55 384
Infimum (inf) 384
Information in a set 16
Information in a variable about another variable 8
Information in a vector about another vector 201
Information in row-categories about (column, depth)-categories 163
Information in row-categories about column categories 156
Information in the elements of a set 16
Information Inequality 36 55 384
Information infinite 6
Information statistic 81 83 85 113 120 124
Information theory 1 2
Information, additivity of 12
Information, bit of 7
Information, Chernoff’s 41
Information, conditional 13
Information, definition of 3 5
Information, discrimination 5 19 70 85 196
Information, experiment 10
Information, Fisher’s 13 26 55
Information, Hartley's 7
Information, logarithmic form of 13
Information, loss of 16 22 74 144
Information, mean 8 142 156 201
Information, pseudo 41
Information, Savage’s 5
Information, selective 7
Information, semantic 2
Information, Shannon’s 2 7 8
Information, transmission of 25
Information, unit of 5 7 8
Information, Wiener’s 2 33
Input space 24
Interaction 171 186 238
Interaction, negative 172 185
Interaction, second-order 188
intersection of two sets 384
Invariance 6
Invariant properties 64 194 292
Inverse image set 18 384
Inverse of a matrix 384
Iteration 343 349
Ito, K. 268
J(1, 2) 6
Jacobian 325 328 384
Jeffreys, H. 6
Jensen’s Inequality 16
Khintchine’s theorem 75 105 384
Klemmer, E. 110
Knowledge, prior 10
Kolodziejczyk, S. 211
Koopman, B. O. 39
Kossack, C. F. 313
Kronecker product of matrices 255 291
Kullback, J. H. 313
Kupperman 83 98
Latin square 238
Lawley, D. N. 256 257 268
Least informative distribution 111 120 143
Least upper bound 71 384
Lehmann, E. L. 93
Levin, S. G. 109
Likelihood ratio 5 94 95 97 104 114 384
Limit inferior (lim inf) 71 384
Limit point 384
Limit superior (lim sup) 384
Lindley, D. V. 9
Linear compound 254 276 278 317 348
Linear discriminant functions, comparison of 351
Linear discriminant functions, minimum error criterion 349
Linear discriminant functions, most divergent 198 200 203 347
Linear discriminant functions, most informative 198 200 203 347
Linear discriminant functions, pair of 204
Linear estimates, minimum variance, unbiased 238 255 292
Linear hypothesis 109 211 212 253
Linear regression model 294
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