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Kullback S. — Information theory and statistics |
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Linear regression, common 268
Linear regression, k categories 219
Linear regression, test of 214
Linear regression, two-way classification 239
Linear set 385
Linear transformation 385
Linear transformation, nonsingular 194 385
Linearly independent functions 385
Linearly independent vectors 385
Log n, tables of 109 110 367
Lower bound 75 385
MacDonald, D. K. C. 8
Mahalanobis, P. C. 190
Mann, H. B. 102
Marginal distributions, homogeneity of 179 333
Matrices 189
Matrices, direct product of 255 291 293
Matrices, inverse of direct product of 256 292
Matrix 385
Matrix differentiation 298
Matrix factorization 302
Matrix inequality 56 292
Matrix, diagonal 192 195
Matrix, nonsingular 385
Matrix, orthogonal 199 386
Matrix, positive 237 289 386
Matrix, positive definite 386
Matrix, rank of 386
Maximum likelihood 85 94
Maximum likelihood, equations 118 139 176
Maximum likelihood, estimate 94 102
McCall, C. H., Jr 238
McGill, W. J. 155
Means, homogeneity of 223 264 272 273 276 309 311
Measurable function 4 385
Measurable set 1 3 385
Measurable space 3 385
Measurable statistic 18
Measurable transformation 18 70 385
Measure 385
Measure, -finite 386
Measure, probability 3 386
Minor 56 385
Minor, principal 386
Modulo 4
Moment generating function 41 297 385
Most powerful test 385
Mourier, E. 77
Multinomial distribution, conditional 116
Multinomial distribution, conditional, fitting 117 139
Multinomial populations, tests of 112
Multiple correlation 203
Multiple covariance 239
Multivalued population 155
Multivariate normal density 189
Multivariate regression, test of 264
N log n, tables of 109 110 367
Neighborhood of a point 385
Neyman criterion, sufficient statistic 45
Neyman's 2 114
Neyman, J. 87 94 114
Nit 8
Noise power 9
Noncentral 5 106 127 210 257
Noncentral , distribution 327 328
Noncentral , table of 380
Noncentral distributions 257
Noncentrality parameter 105 106 125 146 158 162 165 210 257 327
Nonsingular linear transformation 385
Nonsingular matrix 385
Nonsingular transformation 21 385
Normal density 8 14 189
Normal equations 212 215 216 220 221 226 230 237 255 258 289
Notation, matrix 189
Notation, under various hypotheses 220
Observations, definitive 4
Observations, grouping of 16 22
Observations, missing 238
Observations, probabilistic 1
Observations, raw 219 231 234 260
Observations, statistical 3 15
Odds, posterior 5
Odds, prior 5
Okano, F. 234
One-sided hypothesis 119 121 131 148 151 385
One-to-one transformation 385
Open set 386
Orthogonal matrix 199 386
Output space 24
Parameter matrix 220 254
Parameter matrix, partitioning of 214 294
Parameter matrix, sufficient estimate of 293
Parameter matrix, unbiased estimate of 289
Parameter space 98 386
Partial correlation 210
Partitioning of samples 138
Partitioning of tables 173
Partitioning, sufficient 18
Pearson, E. S. 87 94 322
Pearson, K. 8
Pearson’s x 2 114
Pierce, J. R. 1
Pillai, K. C. S. 257
Pitman, E. J. G. 39
Point 386
Point function 386
Pooling, of samples 147 188
Positive definite 14
Positive definite, matrix 386
Positive definite, quadratic form 386
Positive matrix 237 289 386
Positive quadratic form 386
Power, noise 9
Power, noise of a test 386
Power, noise, signal 9
Powers, K. H. 2 13 33
Principal components 199
Principal direction 64
Principal minor 386
Probability density, generalized 4 383
Probability measure 3 386
Probability space 3 386
Probability, conditional 4 24 83
Probability, conditional, posterior 5
| Probability, conditional, prior 5
Probability, conditional, theory of 1
Quadratic form 56 386
Quadratic form, positive 386
Quadratic form, positive definite 386
Radon — Nikodym, derivative 4 29
Random variable 386
Rank of a matrix 386
Rate of transmission 24 25
Region of acceptance (rejection) 74 386
Regression model 294
Regression model, Carter's 229
Regression model, k-category 221 222 225
Regression model, multivariate 253 254 258 265 269
Regression, null hypothesis of no 269
Regression, test of 268 273
Regression, test of subhypothesis 282 286 287
Regression, two-way classification, analysis of 239
Regularity conditions 26 98
Relation, measure of 8 9 25 156 160 163 199 201
Reparametrization 238 289
Replication 238
Rippe, D. D. 302
Roberts, H. R. 103
Rosenblatt, H. 234
Rothstein, J. 1
Row effect 239 240
Sakaguchi 77
Sample averages, moment generating function of 297
Sample space 3
Sample unbiased covariance matrix, moment generating function of 297
Samples, equivalent 82
Samples, equivalent, multivariate normal 191
Sampling theorem 9
Savage, L. J. 2 3 5 19 36
Scale factor in approximation 328
Schuetzenberger M. P. 41
Semantic information 2
Sequential analysis 2 43
Set 3 386
Set function 386
Set of measures, dominated 29
Set of measures, homogeneous 20
Shannon's information 2 7 8
Shannon, C. E. 1 2 24 25 37
Signal power 9
Size (of a test) 387
Smith, C. A. B. 321 344 348
Space 387
Space, Euclidean 3 383
Space, input 24
Space, measurable 3 385
Space, output 24
Space, parameter 98 386
Space, probability 3 386
Space, sample 3
Specified mean, test of 300
Statistic 18 70 387
Statistic, sufficient 18 20 21 22 24 44 59
Statistics, mathematical 1
Stein, C. 77
Stirling’s approximation 326
Stuart, A. 334
Stuart’s test 333
Student’s t-test 97 301
Stumpers, F. L. H. 1 2
Subhypothesis 214 258
Subhypothesis, test of 216 260
Sufficiency, criterion of 18 45
Sufficient partitioning 18
Sufficient statistic 18 20 21 22 24 44 59
Supremum (sup) 387
Symmetry, null hypothesis of 177 178
Symmetry, test for 179
Table, contingency 155
Table, contingency, Fisher's 380
Table, contingency, log tt 109 110 367
Table, contingency, n log n 109 110 367
Table, contingency, noncentral 380
Tensor, fundamental 64
Test, consistent 100 105
Test, consistent, most powerful 385
Test, consistent, power of 386
Test, consistent, size of 387
Test, consistent, uniformly most powerful 387
Theorem 29 386
Theory 387
Theory, communication 1 24 382
Theory, information 1 2
Three-partition subhypothesis, test of 288
Trace 387
Transformation 18 22 387
Transformation, Jacobian of 325 328 384
Transformation, linear 385
Transformation, matrix 387
Transformation, nonsingular 21 385
Transformation, one-to-one 385
Truncation 15 22 387
Tuller, W. G. 1 7
Two-way table with no regression 250
Two-way tables, homogeneity of 168
Type I (II) error 74 77 86 125 387
Unbiased estimator 57 387
Uncertainty 4 7 17 155
Uncertainty, posterior 24
Uncertainty, prior 24
Uniformly most powerful test 387
Union of two or more sets 387
Upper bound 387
Variance, unbiased 50
Variances, Bartlett's test for homogeneity of 319
Variances, independence and equality of 307
Variates, covariance 204
Vector 189 387
Wald, A. 2 74 98 102
Wiener's information 2 33
Wiener, N. 1 2
Wilks' theorem 98
Wilks, S. S. 97 114 322
Wishart distribution 191 325
Wishart distribution, reproductive property 325
Woodward, P.M. 2
“Resemblance 37 82
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