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Margenau H., Murphy G.M. — The mathematics of physics and chemistry |
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Abelian group 546
Abel’s integral equation 541
Absolute temperature 30
Absolute temperature, velocity 289
Accessory conditions 209
Adams, E. P. 177
Adams, N. I., Jr. 140
Addition of matrices 306
Addition of matrices of vectors 140
Addition of matrices, theorem for Legendre polynomials 109
Adiabatic expansion 36
Adjacent path 198
Adjoint matrix 309
Aggregate, probability 435
Aitken 316 322 332
Algebraic calculations 491
Allen 519
Alternating group 558 561
Amplitudes, probability 347
Analogies between thermodynamic and statistical quantities 459
Analogues statistical, of thermodynamic quantities 452
Analysis, indirect chemical 314
Anchor rings 190
Angles, Eulerian 282 286
Angular momentum in quantum mechanics 338
Angular momentum, eigenfunctions of 360
Angular momentum, eigenvalues of 360
Angular momentum, internal 293
Angular momentum, velocity 145 285
Antisymmetric eigenfunctions 416 455
Approximate quadrature 474
Approximation in the mean of functions 276 279
Approximation method for algebraic equations 493
Approximation method for differential equations 484
Approximation method for secular determinants 503
Arbitrary constants 33
Areas, vector 144
Arley 519
Arrangements 431 432
Arrays of numbers 301
Assemblage of identical particles 417
Assignment, of statistical weights 456
Associate matrix 309
Associated, differential equation for 68 69 223
Associated, Laguerre function 80
Associated, Laguerre polynomial 78 106 132
Associated, Legendre functions 68
Associated, representation 560
Associated, spherical harmonics 68 69
Associated, tensor 167
Associative law 545
Atmospheric pressure 36
Atom in a magnetic field 408
Auxiliary equation 49
Average error 510
Average error, weighted 514
Axes, coordinate 172
Axial vector 165
Axiomatic foundation of quantum mechanics 335
Axis of rotation 285
Axis of symmetry, n-fold 575
Azimuth 177
b-function 97
bacteria 33
Baggoit 483
Balls in boxes 438
Barrier problems 353
Base vectors 193
Bateman 245
Bauer 566 586
Beattie 477
Beers 519
Bent 17
Bernoulli’s equation 44
Bernoulli’s equation, numbers 474
Bessel coefficients 113 588
Bessel coefficients, formulas involving 121
Bessel coefficients, functions 75 113 132
Bessel’s differential equation 74 221 235 540
Bessel’s differential equation, integral 116
Bessel’s differential equation, interpolation formula 470
Bilinear form 317
Binomial coefficients 433
Binomial coefficients, addition theorem of 434
Binomial coefficients, theorems on 434 435
Binomial expansion 433
Binomial expansion, theorem 113
Biol 252
Bipolar coordinates 187
Birge 492 504 518 519
Bloch’s theorem 81
Bocher 72 313 323 543
Body, deformable 169
Body, elastic 169
Body, rigid 282
Bohm 429
Bohr’s frequency condition 402
Bohr’s frequency condition, radius 131
Bohr’s frequency condition, theory, angular momentum 340
Bolza 215
Born 27 87 328 429
Bose — Einstein statistics 462
Boundary conditions of differential equations 269 520 537
Brachistochrone 202
Bridgman 15 17
Brillouin 171 429
Browne 11
Brunt 518
Buchdahl 27
Buck 519
Burckhardt 586
Burington 59 156
Burnside 586
Byerly 215 249
Cable, hanging under own weight 58
Calculation, algebraic 491
Cambi 136
Campbell 252
canonical ensemble 446 448
Canonical ensemble, equations, Hamilton’s 284 443
Canonically conjugate variables 284
Capacitance 44
Caratheodory 13 27
Caratheodory, principle of 26
Carroll 17
Carslaw 266 267
cartesian 172 177
Cartesian components 101
Cartesian for scalar product 142
Cartesian for scalar triple product 147
Cartesian for vector product 143
Cartesian of Lagrange, generalized 283
Cartesian, confocal ellipsoidal 178
Cartesian, confocal paraboloidal 184
Cartesian, conical 183
Cartesian, coordinates 172 177 338
Cartesian, curvilinear 172
Cartesian, cylindrical 178 191
Cartesian, ellipsoidal 179
Cartesian, elliptic cylindrical 182
Cartesian, expansion for divergence 150
Cartesian, generalized 443
Cartesian, normal 292 326
Cartesian, oblate spheroidal 182
Cartesian, system 553 576
Casimir 586
Catenary 58
Cauchy relations 41 89
Cauchy — Riemann 90
| Cauchy’s integral theorem 259
Cayiey — Kiein parameters 287
Central difference formulas 467
Central field motion, quantum treatment 363
Centrifuge 38
Chain, sliding over peg 51
Chapman 431 466
Characteristic equation 7
Characteristic equation of a matrix 318
Characteristic equation, functions 246
Characteristic equation, roots of a matrix 319
Characteristic equation, values 246
Characters of a representation 554 578
Characters of a representation, tables of 579
Charged cylinder, potential near 225
Chasles’ Theorem 275
Chemical analysis, indirect 314
Chemical potentials 25
Christoffel three-index symbol 167 196
Churchill 136 267
Circular membrane, vibrations of 254
Clairaut’s equation 47 48
Clapeyron’s equation 38
Classes 432 547
Classical physics contrasted with quantum mechanics 333
Classification of eigenvalues according to irreducible representations 584
Clausius 11 24 38
Cleveland 585
Closed systems 394
Coaet 548
Coefficient of diffusion 238
Coefficient of diffusion, index 589
Coefficients, detached 498
Cofactor of determinant 303
Cogradient variable 318
Colatitude 177
Collar 282 332 498 499 502 503
Collatz 519
Collineatory transformation 317
Combinations 431
Combinations of three vectors 146
Combinations with repetitions 433
Commutability of operators 337 338
Compatible measurements 338
Complementary function 53
Complete differential 82
Complete differential, solution 32
Completeness of a set of functions 248 249
Completeness of a set of functions, eigenfunctions 344
Complex integration 89
Complex integration of a group 548
Components of a tensor 162
Components, of a curvilinear vector 174
Components, of a vector 137
Components, of thermodynamic system 26
Composite functions of del 153
Conditions on state functions 336
Condon 358 422 429
Conducting sphere, in field of point charge 226
Conducting sphere, potential near 224
Conductivity, thermal 35
Configuration space 336
Confocal ellipsoidal coordinates 178
Confocal ellipsoidal coordinates, paraboloidal coordinates 184
Congruent transformation 317 322
Conical coordinates 183
Conjugate variables 284
Conjugate variables, elements of a group 547
Conjugate variables, subgroup 548
Conjunctive transformation 317
Conservation of density-in-phase 444
Conservative system 205 281
Constraints 283
Continuity, equation of 152 217 399
Continuous group 562
Continuous spectrum 402
Continuous spectrum of eigenvalues 336 340
Contra variant tensor 163
Contra variant tensor, vector 162
Contraction of tensors 166
Contragradient variable 317
Convolution 261
Coolidge 424 503
Coordinate axes 172
Coordinate axes, line 172 192
Coordinate axes, surface 172
Coordinate systems, n-dimensional 312
Coordinate systems, non-orthogonal 192
Coordinate systems, orthogonal 173
Coordinates, bipolar 187
Coordinates, parabolic 185
Coordinates, parabolic cylindrical 186
Coordinates, prolate spheroidal 180
Coordinates, relative 411
Coordinates, spherical polar 177 191
Coordinates, tensors in curvilinear 192
Coordinates, toroidal 190
Corbin 282
Corson 430 586
Cosines, direction 138 173
Cotes, formula of Newton and 476
Coulomb field, motion in 365
Coulson 245 430
Courant 267 270 279 281 379 528 543
Covariant derivative of tensor 169 196
Covariant tensor 163
Covariant tensor, vector 163
Cowling 431 466
Craig 171
Cramer’s Rule 313
Crawford 503
cross 300 503
Cross product 143
Crumpler 504
Crystallographic point groups 574
Cubic groups 575 590
Curl in curvilinear coordinates 175
Curl in curvilinear coordinates in tensor notation 197
Curl in curvilinear coordinates of a vector 152
Current in quantum mechanics 399
Curve fitting, errors in 518
Curvilinear component of vector 174
Curvilinear coordinates 172
Curvilinear coordinates, tensors in 192
Cycle, of permutation 558
Cycle, thermodynamic 8
Cyclic group 543 557
Cycloid 203
Cylinder, potential of charged 225
Cylindrical coordinates 178 191
Cylindrical coordinates, elliptic 182
Cylindrical coordinates, parabolic 186
Damped harmonic motion 51
Darling 299
Darwin 452 459
Darwin — Fowler method 452
Davey 576
de Broglie 429
De Broglie, formula 398
De Broglie, wave length 352
De Moivre’s Theorem 557
Decius 300
Defay 31
Definite form 317
Deformable body 169
Degeneracy 296
Degeneracy, due to particle exchange 415
Degeneracy, factor 458
Degenerate eigenvalues 273
Degree, of a cycle 454
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