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Farhang-Boroujeny B. — Adaptive filters: theory and applications |
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A posteriors estimation error 172 422 446
A priori estimation errors 422 446
Acoustic echo cancellation 23—44
Acoustic echo cancellation, application in teleconferencing 23
Acoustic echo cancellation, application m hand-free telephony 247
Acoustic echo cancellation, autoregressive modelling of speech and 389
Acoustic echo cancellation, echo return loss enhancement (ERLE) 318
Acoustic echo cancellation, echo spread 24 274
Acoustic echo cancellation, implementation using partitioned FBLMS algorithm 274 275
Acoustic echo cancellation, implementation using subband adaptive fillers 317—319
Acoustic echo cancellation, ITU-T standard G 167 306
Active noise control (ANC) 24—25 247
Active noise control (ANC), cancelling loudspeaker 25
Active noise control (ANC), error microphone 25
Active noise control (ANC), multiple microphones/loudspeakers 25
Adaptation approaches, based on Wiener filter theory 7
Adaptation approaches, method of least-squares 7—9
Adaptive algorithms based on autoregressive modelling 388—403
Adaptive algorithms based on autoregressive modelling, application to acoustic echo cancellation 389
Adaptive algorithms based on autoregressive modelling, backward prediction and 392
Adaptive algorithms based on autoregressive modelling, block diagram 393
Adaptive algorithms based on autoregressive modelling, bounds on the step-size parameter 395
Adaptive algorithms based on autoregressive modelling, computational complexity 389
Adaptive algorithms based on autoregressive modelling, computer simulations 398—403
Adaptive algorithms based on autoregressive modelling, convergence analysis 394—398
Adaptive algorithms based on autoregressive modelling, convergence analysis, convergence in the mean 395—396
Adaptive algorithms based on autoregressive modelling, convergence analysis, convergence in the mean square 396—398
Adaptive algorithms based on autoregressive modelling, delayed LMS algorithm and 393
Adaptive algorithms based on autoregressive modelling, eigenvalue spread problem in 395 398
Adaptive algorithms based on autoregressive modelling, excess mean-square error 397
Adaptive algorithms based on autoregressive modelling, implementation issues 388
Adaptive algorithms based on autoregressive modelling, LMS-Newton algorithm and 388 395
Adaptive algorithms based on autoregressive modelling, misadjustment 395 397
Adaptive algorithms based on autoregressive modelling, stability 394
Adaptive algorithms based on autoregressive modelling, structural complexity 388
Adaptive algorithms based on autoregressive modelling, summary of the algorithms 391 394
Adaptive algorithms based on autoregressive modelling, time constant 395
Adaptive beamforming see "Beamforming"
Adaptive channel estimation 11 489
Adaptive differential pulse-code modulation 20
Adaptive equalization see "Channel equalization"
Adaptive filler applications 9—27
Adaptive filler applications, interference cancelling 21—27
Adaptive filler applications, inverse modelling 11—15
Adaptive filler applications, modelling/idemificaiion 10—11
Adaptive filler applications, prediction 15—20
Adaptive filter algorithms see also "Names of specific algorithms"
Adaptive filter algorithms, real and complex form 9
Adaptive filter structures 3—6
Adaptive filter structures, lattice 6 357 381—383
Adaptive filter structures, linear combiner 4 414 472
Adaptive filter structures, non-recursive (FIR) 5 50 140 357
Adaptive filter structures, recursive (I1R) 5 50 323 357
Adaptive filter structures, transversal 4 140 460
Adaptive filter structures, Volterra 6
Adaptive filters, algorithms see "Adaptive filter algorithms"
Adaptive filters, applications see "Adaptive filter applications"
Adaptive filters, structures see "Adaptive filter structures"
Adaptive lattice filler, LMS algorithm for 382 383
Adaptive lattice filter 381—383 see
Adaptive lattice filter, computer simulations 384 385
Adaptive lattice filter, learning curves 384 385
Adaptive lattice filter, misadjustment 382 384
Adaptive lattice filter, normalized step-size parameters 382
Adaptive lattice filter, PARCOR coefficients perturbation and misadjustment 384
Adaptive lattice filter, performance in a non-stationary environment 386
Adaptive line enhancement 18 324 see
Adaptive line enhancement, applications 18
Adaptive line enhancement, computer simulations 164—166
Adaptive line enhancement, learning curve 165
Adaptive line enhancement, modes of convergence 166
Adaptive line enhancement, notch filter using 18 335
Adaptive linear combiner 4 331 382 414 472
Adaptive noise cancelling see "Active noise control" "Noise
Adaptive transversal filters 4 140 see
Aliasing 181 295 307 315 317
All-pole filters 15 19 379
All-zero filters 15 379
Analogue equalizer 324 346
Antenna arrays 26 see
Applications of adaptive filters see "Adaptive filter applications"
Augmented normal equations 448—449
Autocorrelation function 37 38 41
Autocovariance function 38
Autoregressive (AR) model 15 357
Autoregressive (AR) modelling of random processes 386—388 see
Autoregressive (AR) modelling of random processes, application in fan converging algorithms 388
Autoregressive (AR) modelling of random processes, description of 586
Autoregressive (AR) modelling of random processes, forward and backward predictors and 386
Autoregressive (AR) modelling of random processes, innovation process 386
Autoregressive (AR) modelling of random processes, linear prediction and 15
Autoregressive (AR) modelling of random processes, model order 387
Autoregressive (AR) modelling of random processes, modelling or arbitrary processes 387
Autoregressive (AR) modelling of random processes, reconstruction of 387
Autoregressive (AR) modelling of random processes, spectral estimation using 17 387
Autoregressive (AR) modelling of random processes, speech coding, in 19 20
Autoregressive parameters 386
Autoregressive power spectrum 17 387
Autoregressive processes see "Autoregressive modelling of random processes"
Autoregressive-moving average (ARMA) model 15
Backward linear prediction 357 359—360 see
Backward linear prediction, fast recursive algorithms and 439
Backward linear prediction, relations between forward prediction and 361
Backward linear prediction, Wiener equation for 360
Backward prediction see "Backward linear prediction"
Backward prediction error 360
Backward prediction-error filter 362
Band-partitioning 201 204 205 224 293
Baseband processing of signals 178
Beamforming 25—27 166—169 180—184
Beamforming, array power gain 167 182
Beamforming, array/bcam/direciivity pattern 26 168
Beamforming, broad/wide-band 27 184
Beamforming, complex baseband signals and 180
Beamforming, examples 181 167
Beamforming, Frost algorithm 196
Beamforming, Griffiths and Jim beamformer 196
Beamforming, phase-quadrature baseband, equivalent 180
Beamforming, phase-shifter 26
Beamforming, phasor notation 180
Beamforming, spatial response 168
Beamforming, temporal and spatial filtering 25
Block estimation of the least-squares method 8
Block implementation 247
Block index 248
Block LMS (BLMS) algorithm 247 248—251 see
Block LMS (BLMS) algorithm, conventional LMS algorithm and 248—251
Block LMS (BLMS) algorithm, convergence behaviour 250
Block LMS (BLMS) algorithm, derivation of, alternative 279
Block LMS (BLMS) algorithm, method of steepest-descent and 249
Block LMS (BLMS) algorithm, misadjustment 250 283—285
Block LMS (BLMS) algorithm, modes of convergence 250
Block LMS (BLMS) algorithm, simulation results 251
Block LMS (BLMS) algorithm, step-size parameter 249 250
Block LMS (BLMS) algorithm, time constants 250
Block LMS (BLMS) algorithm, vector formulation 249
Block processing 247 248
Bruun's algorithm 230
Bruun's algorithm, sliding transform, as 230—233
Canonical form of the performance function 106
Cauchy integral theorem 33
Cauchy — Schwartz inequality 367 411
Causal and non-causal systems 35 36
Causal and non-causal systems, an example of non-causal systems 36
Channel equalization 11—14 71 161 247 see
Channel equalization, computer simulation 159—164
Channel equalization, decision directed 13
Channel equalization, dominant time constants 163
Channel equalization, examples 71 74
Channel equalization, learning curve 162 164
| Channel equalization, noise enhancement 74
Channel equalization, partial response signalling 13
Channel equalization, spectral inversion property of 163
Channel equalization, target response 13
Channel equalization, training 13
Channel identification 11 489
Channel noise 12 159
Characteristic equation 90
Circular convolution 248 252
Circular matrices 254—245
Circular matrices, diagonalization by DFT matrix 254
Class IV partial response 15 345
Coding see "Speech coding"
Complementary eigenfilters 322
Complementary filter banks 298—302 310
Complementary filter banks, complementary condition 301 311
Complementary filter banks, pictorial representation 301
Complex gradient operator 178
Complex LMS algorithm 178—180 248
Consistent dependency 91
Constrained optimization problem 172 173 184 310
Conventional LMS algorithm see "Least-mean-square algorithm"
Conversion between lattice and transversal predictors 373—375
Conversion factor 447
Conversion from z-domain to s-domain 349
Correlation see "Auto-correlation" "Cross-correlation"
Correlation matrix 52
Cost functions 50 see
Cross-correlation function 37 38
Cross-correlation vector 52
Cross-covariance function 38
Custom chip 176 320 388
Data Transceiver 13
Decimation 294 see "Multirate
Decision-directed mode 11 13
Deconvolution 11
Degenerate eigenvalues 90
Delayed LMS algorithm 321 393
Desired signal 2 49 414
Differential pulse-code modulation 20
Differentiation with respect to a vector 53
Discrete cosine transform (DCT) 204 225
Discrete cosine transform (DCT), DCT filters 205
Discrete cosine transform (DCT), DCT filters, characteristics of 220
Discrete cosine transform (DCT), DCT filters, transfer functions of 205
Discrete cosine transform (DCT), DCT matrix 221
Discrete cosine transform (DCT), non-recursive sliding realization of 235
Discrete cosine transform (DCT), recursive sliding realization of 229
Discrete Fourier transform (DFT) 224 248
Discrete Fourier transform (DFT), DFT matrix 224 254
Discrete Fourier transform (DFT), linear convolution using 252—254
Discrete Fourier transform (DFT), non-recursive sliding realization of 231
Discrete Fourier transform (DFT), real DFT 224
Discrete Hartley transform (DHT) 225
Discrete Hartley transform (DHT), non-recursive sliding realization of 234
Discrete sine transform 221 225
Discrete sine transform, DST filters 223
Discrete sine transform, non-recursive sliding realization of 236
Discrete-time systems 29
DPT filter banks 294—298 see
DPT filter banks, decimation 294
DPT filter banks, decimation factor 294
DPT filter banks, DFT analysis filter bank 294
DPT filter banks, DFT synthesis filter bank 297
DPT filter banks, interpolation 296
DPT filter banks, interpolation factor 296
DPT filter banks, prototype filter 294 311
DPT filter banks, subband and lull-band signals 295
DPT filter banks, weighted overlap-add method for analysis filter banks 295—296
DPT filter banks, weighted overlap-add method for analysis filter banks, time aliasing 296
DPT filter banks, weighted overlap-add method for synthesis filter banks 296—298
Echo cancellation in telephone lines 21—23
Echo cancellation in telephone lines, adaptive echo canceller 22
Echo cancellation in telephone lines, carrier systems (trunk lines) 22
Echo cancellation in telephone lines, data echo canceller 23
Echo cancellation in telephone lines, echo spread 22
Echo cancellation in telephone lines, four-wire and two-wire networks 21
Echo cancellation in telephone lines, frequency domain processing 23
Echo cancellation in telephone lines, hybrid circuit 21
Echo cancellation in telephone lines, short and long-delay echoes 22
Echo cancellation in telephone lines, subscriber loops 21
Echo return loss enhancement (ERLE) 318
Eigenanalysis 89—99 see "Eigenvalues" "Eigenvectors"
Eigenanalysis, eigenfiters 97
Eigenanalysis, eigenvalue computations 90
Eigenanalysis, examples 101 116
Eigenanalysis, minimax theorem 94
Eigenanalysis, properties of eigenvalues and eigenvectors 90—99
Eigenanalysis, unitary similarity transformation 93
Eigenfilters 97 322
Eigenproblem 310 311
Eigenvalue spread 131 268 273 276 304
Eigenvalue spread, reduction through transformation 211—215 224
Eigenvalues, arithmetic and geometric averages 215
Eigenvalues, bounds on 97
Eigenvalues, computations 90
Eigenvalues, defined 90
Eigenvalues, degenerate 90
Eigenvalues, distribution of 215
Eigenvalues, least-mean-square algorithm and 143
Eigenvalues, numerical examples 99—104
Eigenvalues, performance surface and 108
Eigenvalues, power spectral density and 97—98
Eigenvalues, properties 90—99
Eigenvalues, recursive least-squares algorithm and 430
Eigenvalues, steepest descent algorithm and 122—125 127
Eigenvectors, basis, as a 93
Eigenvectors, correlation matrix and 93
Eigenvectors, defined 90
Eigenvectors, eigenfilters 97
Eigenvectors, mutually orthogonal 91
Eigenvectors, orthogonal subspaces of 92
Eigenvectors, power spectral density and 97—98
Eigenvectors, properties 90—99
Eigenvectors, steepest descent algorithm and 122—125 127
Eigenvectors, subspace of repeated eigenvectors 92
Eigenvectors, unitary matrix of 92
Ensemble averages 37 149
Equalization see "Channel equalization"
Ergodicity 46
Ergodicity, correlation-ergodic 46
Ergodicity, ergodic in the strict sense 46
Ergodicity, mean-ergodic 46
Error signal 2
Estimation based on time averages see "Ergodicity"
Estimation error 49
Euclidian norm or length 94
Excess mean-square error 152
Exponentially weighted average 238
Extended Levinson — Durbin algorithm 378
Fast block LMS (FBLMS) algorithm 257—265 293 see
Fast block LMS (FBLMS) algorithm, block diagram 258
Fast block LMS (FBLMS) algorithm, comparison of constrained and unconstrained algorithms 265
Fast block LMS (FBLMS) algorithm, comparison with the subband adaptive filters 319—320
Fast block LMS (FBLMS) algorithm, constrained and unconstrained 259
Fast block LMS (FBLMS) algorithm, convergence analysis, alternative 281
Fast block LMS (FBLMS) algorithm, convergence analysts 259—261
Fast block LMS (FBLMS) algorithm, derivations of 285—291
Fast block LMS (FBLMS) algorithm, disadjustment equations 264
Fast block LMS (FBLMS) algorithm, processing delay (latency) 265
Fast block LMS (FBLMS) algorithm, real- and complex-valued signal cases 263
Fast block LMS (FBLMS) algorithm, round-off noise in 263 264
Fast block LMS (FBLMS) algorithm, selection of block length 265
Fast block LMS (FBLMS) algorithm, step-normalization 261
Fast block LMS (FBLMS) algorithm, summary 262
Fast block LMS (FBLMS) algorithm, transform domain LMS (TDLMS) algorithm and 281
Fast Fourier transform (FFT) 230 252 273 296
Fast recursive least-squares algorithms 8—9 439 see "Fast
Fast transversal filters (FTF) see "Fast transversal recursive least-squares algorithms"
Fast transversal recursive least-squares (FTRLS) algorithms 439 460—466
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