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Wesseling P. — Principles of computational fluid dynamics |
Предметный указатель |
AB2 scheme 186 188 189 206 207
AB3 scheme 189 207
Absolute stability 168
Absolute temperature 22
Acceleration method 269
Accuracy 163
Accuracy, uniform 122 127 146 147
Acoustic modes 569 579
Acoustics 35 37 570 579 581
Adams — Bashforth scheme 185 186 189 194 226 249 254
Adams — Bashforth — Crank — Nicolson scheme 196 218 226 256
Adams — Bashforth — Euler scheme 194
ADI scheme 331 333 334
ADI scheme, loss of accuracy 333
Adiabatic 27 532
Adiabatic flow 23 24
Adiabatic process 23
Aerothermochemistry 3
Amplification factor 173 219 220
Amplification matrix 313
Amplification polynomial 199
Approximation property 287 288
Arakawa grids 328
Archimedes 564
Area of cell 476 477
Area of cell face 482
Aristotle 43
Artificial compressibility method 240
Artificial diffusion 223 574 575 577
Artificial dissipation 389—391
Artificial viscosity 127 388 389 568
Artificial viscosity scheme 381 388
Artificial viscosity scheme, TDV 389
Asselin filter 194 254 255
Asymptotic expansion 52
AUSM scheme 441 442 466 516 524 525
Backward error analysis 108
Backward facing step 245 562
Barotropic 25 26 28—30 32
Barrier function 138 140
BDF scheme 190 218
BDF scheme, extrapolated 218 226
Beam — Warming scheme 349
Benchmark problem 561—563
Bernoulli’s law 437 448
Bernoulli’s theorem 27 31 248
Bernoulli’s theorem, applied to chimney problem 248
Bi-CGSTAB method 278 284
Bi-CGSTAB method, postconditioned 285
Bi-conjugate gradient stabilized method 284
Bicharacteristics 507 508
BLAS 264
Blasius resistance formula 38
Block-centered discretization 102
Body force 14 20
Bottom friction 51 52 309 315 323 326 327 334 336 338
Bottom roughness 51
Boundary condition 61 62 65 69 75 89 229 237 243 244 508 532 535 550 582 584 591
Boundary condition for convection equation 350
Boundary condition for Euler equations 402
Boundary condition for shallow-water equations 310 327
Boundary condition, absorbing 212
Boundary condition, artificial 350 351 355 521
Boundary condition, far-field 522
Boundary condition, free surface 551 554
Boundary condition, numerical 518 519
Boundary condition, periodic 213
Boundary condition, solid boundary 520
Boundary condition, subsonic inflow 519
Boundary condition, subsonic outflow 520
Boundary condition, supersonic inflow 519
Boundary condition, transparent 212 214 230 521
Boundary condition, weakly reflecting 212 328
Boundary layer 2 32 70 75 76 111 116 120 127 142 224 532 567
Boundary layer, equation 72 73 76—78
Boundary layer, numerical 121 211
Boundary layer, ordinary 76 78 146
Boundary layer, parabolic 76 78 135 146
Boundary layer, solution 76
Boundary-fitted coordinates 467 470 538
Boussinesq, closure hypothesis 41 42
Boussinesq, dimensionless 46
Boussinesq, equations 45—47 563
Buckley — Leverett equation 371 373
Buoyancy 563
Buoyant flow 228
Burger number 327
Burgers equation 363 365 367 368 371 374 376
Butterfly 42
Calorically perfect 23 26 30
Cartesian tensor notation 5 228
Cauchy — Riemann equations 59
Causality principle 367
Cavitation 13 597
Cavity flow, buoyancy driven 563
Cavity flow, lid-driven 563
Celerity 309
Cell area 476 477
Cell aspect ratio 263 270 297 302
Cell edge vector 476
Cell face area 482
Cell face vector 482 483
Cell volume 480 483 484
Cell-centered 94 95 100—103 114 116 120 124 138 232 237 241 511 523
Centigrade scale 22
Central discretization 114 128 146
Centrifugal acceleration 48 49
CFL number 191 210 222 313 342 378 379 384 393 395 446
CG method 278 282 284
CG method, preconditioned 282 283
CG method, rate of convergence 281
Chaos 18
Chaotic dynamical system 37
Characteristic equation 185
Characteristic function 86
Characteristic surface 56 307 507
Characteristics 71 75—78 306 307 309 310 325 339 350 363 376 400—403 406
Checkerboard mode 235 537
Chezy coefficient 51 305 324
Chimney problem 247
Cholesky decomposition incomplete 284
Christoffel symbol 497 543 548 557
Circulation 11 28 64 522
Circulation theorem 28
Classification of partial differential equations 54 58
Classification of shallow-water equations 306 324
Clebsch, potential 7
Clebsch, representation 7
Closed system 23 24
Closure problem 41
Coarse grid correction 287
Colocated 232 240 242 243 261 262 302 467 484 533 535 537 538 557 585 597
Compatibility condition 63 231 252
Compatibility relations 238 509
Compressible 30
Computing cost 263 269
Computing cost of basic iterative method 269
Computing cost of fast Poisson solver 293
Computing cost of GCR method 275
Computing cost of Krylov method 285
Computing cost of multigrid 288 289
Computing cost, CG method 282
Computing cost, uniform 122 127 146
Concave 371
Conformal mapping 64 470
Conjugate gradient method 278
Conjugate gradient method, optimality property 279
Conservation form 113
Conservation law 2 11 22 339
Conservation law, scalar 361
| Conservation of energy 19
Conservation of mass 12
Conservation of momentum 13 14
Conservative 114
Conservative force 27—30
Conservative scheme 373 374 376 377 414
Consistency 167 168
Consistent 101 102
Constitutive relation 15
Contact discontinuity 406 407 409 423 455 525 585 592 596 601
Continuity equation 12
Continuity equation, depth averaged 48
Continuity equation, depth-averaged 49
Continuum Hypothesis 2 3
Contraction 495
Contractive scheme 356 360
Contravariant, base vector 476 477 491 492 539 540
Contravariant, components 491
Contravariant, order 488
Contravariant, tensor 487
Contravariant, transformation law 487 491
Contravariant, vector 487 490
Convection equation 70 340
Convection-diffusion equation 4 33 34 53 99 111 133 174 228 234 235 269 532 535 565
Convection-diffusion equation, nonstationary 163
Convergence 165 167 168
Convergence analysis 236 252
Convergent 101
Convex 371
Coordinate invariant 543 548
Coordinate system, boundary-fitted 53
Coordinate system, inertial 47
Coordinate system, moving 47
Coordinate system, non-orthogonal 53
Coordinate system, rotating 47
Coordinate transformation 53 485
Coordinate-invariant 557
Coordinates, admissible transformation 486
Coordinates, boundary-fitted 470
Coordinates, Cartesian 5 7 491
Coordinates, curvilinear 7
Coordinates, general 484 491
Coordinates, orthogonal 470
Coordinates, right-handed 5 476
Coriolis, acceleration 47 49 51 52 317 324 334
Coriolis, parameter 324 327
Courant — Isaacson — Rees scheme 349 360 375 427 436
Covariant, base vector 476 491 492 539
Covariant, derivative 498 499
Covariant, order 488
Covariant, transformation law 492
Covariant, vector 487 490
Crank — Nicolson scheme 204 249 252 255 258
Credibility 559
Curl 6 8 500
Cyclic order 493
Cyclic reduction 263 292
Darcy equations 3
Defect correction 129 132 224 225 268
Depth-averaged, continuity equation 48 49
Depth-averaged, momentum equations 49 51
Depth-averaged, velocity components 48
Descartes 1
Determinant 8
Determinism 18
Diagonal dominance, weak 267
Difference, backward 89
Difference, finite 89
Difference, forward 89
Differential-algebraic system 239 244 251
Diffusion 57
Diffusion coefficient 34
Diffusion equation 55 61 65
Diffusion equation, rotated anisotropic 269 297 303
Diffusion number 210
Diffusion, numerical 562
Dimensionless 111
Dimensionless, Boussinesq equations 46
Dimensionless, energy equation 47
Dimensionless, equations 16 570 578
Dimensionless, Navier — Stokes equations 17 228
Dimensionless, variables 16
Direct numerical simulation of turbulence 38 189 223
Direct numerical simulation of turbulence, computing cost 38
Direct numerical simulation of turbulence, databases 39
Dirichlet 62 66 76 79 89 93 95 107 112 121 133 229
Discretization error, local 186
Discretization error, temporal 186
dispersion 213 319
Dispersion, analysis 320
Dispersion, numerical 321 329 336 356—358
Dispersion, relation 309 320—323 328 356
Dissipation 21 213 319
Dissipation, artificial 389—391
Dissipation, numerical 320—322 336 356—358
Dissipative scheme 171 351 355 360
Distinguished limit 74 75 78
Distribution matrix 295 299 302
Distribution matrix of SIMPLE type 299 302
Distributive formulation 296 302
Distributive, Gauss — Seidel method 298
Distributive, ILU method 299
Distributive, iteration 251 294 295
Divergence 500
Divergence theorem 5
Domain decomposition 472 503
Domain of dependence 311
Domain of influence 311
Doubly-ruled surface 474 479 483 539
Drag 32
Dual time stepping 576 577
Dummy index 486
Eddy viscosity 41 42
Efficiency 163 224 263 270 297—299 302 303
Efficiency of multigrid method 288
Elliptic 54 55 58 70 112 532
energy equation 20 21 24 27 32 33
Energy, internal 19 21 22
Energy, kinetic 19
Energy, total 20
Engquist — Osher scheme 375 377 378 384 425
Enthalpy 22 26 27 32
Enthalpy, stagnation 31
Enthalpy, total 27
entropy 22—24 33 400 401 405 407 411
Entropy, condition 366 367 370 371 374 376 377 380 385 405 406 423 425 427 432 450 455 456 466 585
Entropy, condition, Oleinik’s formulation 367
Entropy, solution 367 368 376 377
Equation of state 22 398 504 580
Equation of state, dimensionless 581
Equation of state, nonconvex 601
Error, discretization 563 564
Error, estimate 69
Error, global 69
Error, iterative convergence 563
Error, modeling 559
Error, numerical 559
Error, rounding 563
Euler, equations 32 397 503 567 568
Euler, equations, asymptotic expansion 579
Euler, equations, boundary conditions 402
Euler, equations, dimensionless 570 578
Euler, equations, nonconservative 399 504 570 578
Euler, explicit scheme 185 204 313 576
Euler, implicit scheme 204 313 318 320 576
Eulerian formulation 3
Existence 62 83 231
Expansion fan 370 380 385 407—410 423
Expansion shock 380 385 423 425
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