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» Математика »

Содержимое каталога
1. ()-Admissibility and Exponential Dichotomy of Evolutionary Processes on the Half-linen/a
2. (0, 1) ideal matricesn/a
3. (0, 1, 2, 4) Interpolation by G -splines1990
4. 1+1 Dimensional Integrable Systemsn/a
5. 12th Report on Studies in Congestion Theory Loss Systems with Priorities1973
6. 13-я математическая олимпиада. Сборник подготовительных задач1950
7. 14-я математическая олимпиада1951
8. 25-я математическая олимпиада. Сборник подготовительных задач1962
9. 25-я математическая олимпиада. Сборник подготовительных задач1962
10. 44th International Mathematical Olympiad: Short-listed problems and solutions2003
11. 4th Geometry Festival, Budapest1999
12. 501 Challenging Logic And Reasoning Problems (2-nd edition)2005
13. 6th International conference on geometry and applications2003
14. A Basis for theTop Homology of a Generalized Partition Lattice1999
15. A density lemman/a
16. A field approach to the description of gravitational interactionn/a
17. A Nonstationary Model of the Universen/a
18. A problem in the spectral theory of an ordinary differential operator in a complex domain - V. A. Tkachenkon/a
19. A-stable block implicit one-step methods1972
20. Absolutely summing operators from the disc algebran/a
21. Abstracts of short communications1994
22. Absurdity of the calculation of the intensity of gravitational radiation in the general theory of relativityn/a
23. Absurdity of the definition of inertial mass in the general theory of relativityn/a
24. Acceleration of the Center of Mass of an Extended Body in a Weak Gravitational Fieldn/a
25. Actes Du Congrès International Des Mathématiciens 1970, vol. 21971
26. Actes du Congres International Des Mathematiciens1970
27. Additional Appendicesn/a
28. Advanced Mathematical Concepts: Precalculus with Applicationsn/a
29. Algebra I. Kapitel I - Ringkonstruktionenn/a
30. Algebra of PD operators with constant analytic symbolsn/a
31. Algebraic Topology Gottingen 19841985
32. Algebraische Topologien/a
33. Algorithmen & Komplexitat 11995
34. Analiza matematyczna 1. Przyklady i zadania2001
35. Analysisn/a
36. Analytical and Numerical Methods for Elliptic Partial Differential Equations1999
37. Applied Categorical Structures 1993-19961996
38. Applied Categorical Structures 1997-20032003
39. Applied Categorical Structures 1997-2004 (compilation)2004
40. Applied Categorical Structures 2003-20062006
41. Approximate solution of singular integro- differential equations in generalized Holder spaces2007
42. Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry2001
43. Atti del Congresso Internazionale del Matematici. Tomo V1931
44. Aubry-Mather theoryn/a
45. Audin M. Les systèmes hamiltoniens et leur intégrabilité2001
46. Automatentheorie und Logik 0012004
47. Averaged Relative Motion of an Extended Body and a Point Body1984
48. Basic Concepts of Algebra2006
49. Berufs- und Karriere-Planer Mathematik: Schlusselqualifikation fur Technik, Wirtschaft und IT; fur Abiturienten, Studierende und Hochschulabsolventen2008
50. BN general and Clifford general K3 surfaces - Trygve Johnsen and Andreas Leopold Knutsenn/a
51. Britannica Mathematics in Context: Algebra Rules!2006
52. Brittish Mathematical Olympiad2003
53. Buildings of type F4n/a
54. Buildings, BN-pairs, Hecke algebras, classical groupsn/a
55. C-star-algebras. Hilbert Spaces (Elsevier edition)2001
56. California Mathematics Course One2007
57. Cauchy problem for PD equations with variable symbolsn/a
58. Central European Journal of Mathematics (Volume 1 Number 1, March 2003)2003
59. Central European Journal of Mathematics (Volume 1 Number 2, June 2003)2003
60. Central European Journal of Mathematics (Volume 1 Number 3, September 2003)2003
61. Central European Journal of Mathematics (Volume 1 Number 4, December 2003)2003
62. Central European Journal of Mathematics (Volume 2 Number 1, March 2004)2004
63. Central European Journal of Mathematics (Volume 2 Number 2, April 2004)2004
64. Central European Journal of Mathematics (Volume 2 Number 3, June 2004)2004
65. Central European Journal of Mathematics (Volume 2 Number 4, August 2004)2004
66. Central European Journal of Mathematics (Volume 2 Number 5, October 2004)2004
67. Central European Journal of Mathematics (Volume 3 Number 1, March 2005)2005
68. Central European Journal of Mathematics (Volume 3 Number 2, June 2005)2005
69. Central European Journal of Mathematics (Volume 3 Number 3, September 2005)2005
70. Central European Journal of Mathematics (Volume 3 Number 4, December 2005)2005

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