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Wesseling P. — Principles of computational fluid dynamics |
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Предметный указатель |
Expansion wave 406
Explicit scheme 171
Extrapolated BDF scheme 197
Extremum, local 68 118 121 124
Fan 370—373 379
Fast Fourier Transform 292 293
Fast Poisson solver 263 278 292 303
Favre average 40
Fick’s law 34
Finite difference 4 81 84 87 91 95 99
Finite element 4 557
Finite volume 4 53 81 84 86 87 91 95 99 100 114 135 232 233 241 243 414 511 533 536 543 549 584 590
First law of thermodynamics 19 20
First order upwind scheme 148 176 237
Flow separation 32
Fluctuation 40
Fluid interface 3
Flux 100 114
Flux limited scheme 154 158 225 381
Flux limiter 153
Flux limiter diagram 157
Flux limiting 148 150 360 380
Flux splitting 98
Flux splitting scheme 384 436 441 445 456 512 526 527 569
Flux vector 34
Flux, convective 100
Flux, viscous 100
FOC scheme 176 178 180 182—184 193 195 197
Fourier, analysis 168 171
Fourier, discrete transform 172
Fourier, fast — transform 292 293
Fourier, integral 351
Fourier, law 20 34
Fourier, smoothing analysis 291
Fourier, stability analysis 253
Fourier, transform 174 176
Fourth order central scheme 150 176 193
Fractional step method 251
Free convection 43 46
Free index 486
Free surface 3 48
Free surface condition 230 238 551 554
Friction 17
Frictional heating 21 24 25
Fromm scheme 149 158 160 348 358
Froude number 308 309
Frozen coefficients method 171
Function space 62
Gasdynamics analogy 52
Gauss — Seidel method 268 269 292 301
Gauss — Seidel method, backward 273 283
Gauss — Seidel method, distributive 298
Gauss — Seidel method, forward 273 283
Gauss — Seidel method, nonlinear 290 298
Gauss — Seidel method, symmetric 283
Gauss — Seidel method, symmetric coupled 300
Gauss — Seidel, alternating damped zebra 270
Gauss — Seidel, alternating symmetric line 270
GCR method 273 275 278 282 284
GCR method, acceleration by — 276
GCR method, preconditioned 276
GCR method, rate of convergence 275
GCR method, restarted 275
GCR method, truncated 275
Gear scheme 190
Generalized conjugate residuals method 273
Generalized minimal residual method 276
Geometric identity 478
Geophysical fluid dynamics 305
Geophysics 49
Gibbs equation 23
GMRES method 276 278 282 284
GMRES method, preconditioned 277 303
GMRESR method 276 278
Godunov, flux 380 396
Godunov, order barrier theorem 340 341 344 346 359 378
Godunov, scheme 379 380 414 415
Gram — Schmidt orthogonalization 274
Grashoff number 46 228
Gravity 43 48
Grid refinement, adaptive 122
Grid refinement, local 122
Grid, boundary-fitted 293 303 468 469 471 472 503 517 527—529 531 557
Grid, Cartesian 468 469 557 562
Grid, colocated 467
Grid, generation 472
Grid, generation, boundary-fitted 473
Grid, multi-block 562
Grid, orthogonal at boundary 551
Grid, staggered 467
Grid, structured 467—469 503 511 531
Grid, unstructured 468 469
Group velocity 309 320 327 356
Group velocity, numerical 320 356
Hadamard’s problem 63
Hansen scheme 316 320 322 329
Harmonic average 87
Heat, conduction 25
Heat, conductivity 36
Heat, flux 20
Heat, transfer 22 25
Heat, transfer, equation 25
Helmholtz, equation 64
Helmholtz, representation 7
Heun, method of 387 458
hexahedron 469 470 478 503
High performance computing 264
Homentropic 24 26 30 32 33
Homogeneous transformation 487 488
Hybrid scheme 128 132 205 233 237
Hydraulics 305
Hydrostatic equilibrium 44 45
Hyperbolic 54 55 58 70 72 76 112 305 306 325 339 400
Hyperbolic strictly 400
Hyperbolic system 505
Hypersonic 3
ICCG method 284
Ideal fluid 27 28 32
Ill-conditioned 568
Ill-posed 63 116
ILU 270 273 278 284 292 299 300
ILU, distributive 299 301
IMEX scheme 196 197 224 256 258 557
IMPES model 83
Incomplete factorization 284
Incomplete LU factorization 299
Incompressibility 13
Incompressibility, conditions for 36 37
Incompressible 3 12 29 34 36
Inconsistent 101 103
Inertia 14 17
Inertial frame 47
Inflow boundary 76 77 98 116 117 532
Inflow condition 247
Initial condition 64
Inner equation 73 74
Inner solution 73 74 142
Instability 164
Instable 119 169 313
Interface problem 82 84 87 88
Internal energy 19 22
Internet 4 264 293 472 560
Interstellar medium 2
Invariance 485 487
Invariant form 484 485 549
Inverse monotonicity 368
Inviscid 30
Irreversibility 21 57 65 367
Irrotational 6 29 30
| Isentropic 24 33 34 36
Isothermal 25
Iteration matrix 265
Iteration method 263
Iteration method, stationary 264 269 273 276 278 282 286 291 297
Iteration method, stationary, accelerated 269
Iteration method, stationary, multigrid acceleration of— 291
Jacobi method 268 269
Jacobi method, damped alternating line 270
Jacobian of coordinate mapping 8 476 477 480 485 492
Jacobian of flux function 398 505
Jacobian, spectral number 568
Jameson — Schmidt — Turkel scheme 388 447 569
JST scheme 388 447 449 450 455 456 503 525
JST scheme, TVD version 391
Jump condition 83 364—366 371 373 374 384 395 403
Kappa scheme 148 149 158 175 176 178—180 182—184 197 206 209 225 234 237 242 255 257 347—349 355 357 359 360 380 381 457 459 528 529 537 597
Karman vortex street 563
Kelvin, circulation theorem 28
Kelvin, scale 22
kinetic energy 19
Knudsen number 2
Kolmogorov scale 38
Kronecker tensor 489
Krylov subspace 271
Krylov subspace acceleration 298
Krylov subspace method 269 270 273 275 285 290 303
Krylov subspace method, acceleration 273
Krylov subspace method, acceleration of multigrid by — 291
Krylov subspace method, preconditioned 278 284 293
Krylov subspace method, preconditioned with multigrid 303
Krylov subspace method, rate of convergence 272
Krylov subspace, optimal approximation 273
Kutta condition 64
Lagrange multiplier 249
Lagrangean formulation 3
Laminar 3 4 42
Laplace 18
Laplace, equation 30 55 59 66
Laplacian in general coordinates 501
Large-eddy simulation of turbulence 39 189 191 223 254 292
Large-eddy simulation of turbulence, computing cost 39
Large-eddy simulation of turbulence, databases 39
Latitude 49
Lax — Friedrichs scheme 349 360 375 378 396
Lax — Wendroff scheme 348 355—360 380 388
Lax — Wendroff theorem 376
Lax’s equivalence theorem 168
Leapfrog scheme 314 321 323
Leapfrog-Euler scheme 185 191 253 255
Leendertse scheme 319 322 331 334
Length scale 163 208 222
Leonardo da Vinci 18
Lift 32 522 567
Limiter 155 382 390 391 395 457
Limiter, minmod 161
Limiter, PL 161
Limiter, superbee 159
Limiter, van Albada 159 457 527 529 597
Limiter, van Leer 159
limiting 209 234
Linear transformation 487 488
Liou — Steffen scheme 441 466 516 524
Local grid refinement 120—122 127
Local mesh refinement 119 148
LU factorization 268
M-matrix 97 98 104 225
MAC scheme 540
MacCormack scheme 375 380
Mach, conoid 507
Mach, number 3 31 37 567
Mapping, boundary-fitted 470
Mapping, conformal 470
Mapping, orthogonal 471
Mapping, piecewise multilinear 472 474
Mapping, piecewise trilinear 478 538
Marker-and-cell scheme 540
Matched asymptotic expansion 142
Matching principle 73 75 76 78
Material contour 11
Material curve 28 29
Material particle 3 9—12 19 20 24 29 33 34 48
Material property 9 33
Material surface 29
Material volume 10 14 20
Matrix, adjoint 331
Matrix, distribution 302
Matrix, Hessenberg 277
Matrix, irreducible 267 268
Matrix, K- 267 268 294 302
Matrix, M- 266—268 278 291 294 299
Matrix, normal 265 331
Matrix, unitary 272 331
Maximum Modulus Principle 220
Maximum, local 67 69 124
Maximum, principle 53 66 67 69 104 116 119 123 124 132 138—140 146 163 170
Mean 40 41
Mean free path 2
Mean, density-weighted 40
Mesh Peclet condition 96 125
Mesh Peclet number 97 104 117 120 121 126 128 180 209 213 215 222
Metric tensor 494
Metric tensor, contravariant 494
Metric tensor, covariant 494
Metric tensor, covariant derivative 499
Metric tensor, mixed 494
Minimum, local 68
Minimum, principle 69 170
Mixed derivative 53 270 293 297
Mixed method 191
Momentum equation 14
Momentum equation, depth-averaged 49 51
Monge, conoid 507
Monge, potential 7
Monotone 116 118 122 125 126 340
Monotone, scheme 69 377 380 382 384
Monotone, solution 392
Monotonicity preserving 339—341 343 344 346 368 369 382
Multigrid 269 270 285 292 293 295 300 301 303 469
Multigrid as preconditioner 291
Multigrid, acceleration 298 303
Multigrid, approximation property 298
Multigrid, computing work 288 289
Multigrid, efficiency 288
Multigrid, full 289
Multigrid, Galerkin coarse grid appoximation 300
Multigrid, nonlinear — method 290
Multigrid, smoothing factor 299
Multigrid, smoothing property 298
Multigrid, storage requirements 289
Multilevel method 285
Multiphase flow 2 3 12
MUSCL 380 456 458 459 512 518 523 527 528 589
Navier — Stokes equations 3 15 227 531 533 535 543 567
Navier — Stokes equations, dimensionless 17 228
Navier — Stokes equations, Reynolds averaged 40
Nested iteration 289
Neumann 62 68 69 79 90 93 95 107 112 116 120 133 229 532
Newton 1
Newton, Principia 1
Newton, stress hypothesis 1
Newtonian fluid 15
Newton’s method 234
No-slip condition 51 229 245 524 532 550 562
Nonconservative scheme 373 374 376
Nonconservative variables 399
Nonmonotone scheme 377
Norm, 88 172
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