Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Wesseling P. — Principles of computational fluid dynamics |
Предметный указатель |
Norm, 169
Norm, maximum 88 122
Norm, spectral 265
Normalized variable 234
Normalized variable, diagram 150 151 157
Oleinik, entropy condition 367
Omega scheme 202 204 208 218 221 223
Omega scheme, multistage 219—221 223 224 256 258
Operator splitting 259
Order barrier 124 125 127 148 150 339
Order barrier for multistep schemes 343
Order barrier of Dahlquist 217
Order barrier of Godunov 340 341 344 346 359 378
Order barrier, theorem 340 341
Orthogonal matrix 509
Oseen equations 19
Osher scheme 425 428 430 442 455 456 514 525
Osher scheme, H-variant 432
Osher scheme, O-variant 432 466
Osher scheme,, version of Hemker and Spekreijse 431
Outer equation 73 76—78 142
Outer product 7
Outer solution 73—75 77 142
Outflow boundary 76 99 113 133 135 532
Outflow condition 79 111 211 212 230 246 247 249 351 556 562
Parabolic 54 55 58 60 66 70 72 78 112 229 532
Parallel computing 472
Parallel processing 264 503
Parallelepiped 480
Parseval’s theorem 172
Particle path 9
Path integral method 533 537 545 550 556
Peclet, mesh — condition 96 125
Peclet, mesh — number 97 104 117 120 121 126 128 180 209 213 215 222
Peclet, number 34 112 122 127 134 224 228
Peclet, uniform 122
Peclet, uniform accuracy 124 127 134
Peclet, uniform computing cost 124 127 134
Perfect gas 22—26 32 35 398 400 504 580
Permutation, even 7 493
Permutation, odd 7 493
Permutation, symbol 7 493
phase velocity 35 309 327 356
Phase velocity, numerical 320 356
Physical component 495
Physical units 16
PISO method 259 260 296 298 601
Plane wave 56 58 507
Poincare wave 327
Poisson equation 251
Porous media 3 81 83 109 371
Positive scheme 124 339
Positive type 122—127 138 148 150 154 155 157 170 171 205 208 214 215 225 266 268 340
Postconditioning 273 276 284 294 296
Potential 6 27 29
Potential equation 30
Potential equation, full 31
potential flow 6 29—32 64
Potential flow, compressible 30
Prandtl number 47
Prandtl — Meyer relation 403
Preconditioner 269 270 278 285
Preconditioner, left 273
Preconditioner, right 273
Preconditioning 273 276 284 296
Preconditioning of equations of motion 568 571 574 577
Preconditioning, matrix 571
Predesign 32
Predictability 42
Predictability of dynamical systems 18 42
Predictability, horizon 42
Pressure equation 83
Pressure matrix 278
Pressure Poisson equation 251
Pressure-correction method 251 257 258 303 538 556 590 596 597
Pressure-weighted interpolation 237 302 537
prism 469
Projection method 251
Prolongation 286
Propagation 57
PWI method 237—239 262
QR factorization 277
Quadrilateral 469 483
QUICK scheme 149 158 348
QUICKEST scheme 348
Random fluctuations 37
Rankine — Hugoniot conditions 403
Rarefaction fan 370
Rarefied gas 2
Rate of convergence 265
Rate of strain 15
Rayleigh number 228 247
Re-entry 2
Reducible curve 29
Relaxation parameter 263 269
Relaxation parameter, optimal 269
Reservoir engineering 3 81 83 102 109
Residual 261 266
Residual averaging 393
Restriction 286
Reversibility 21
Reversible process 21 23
Reynolds, average 40
Reynolds, averaged Navier — Stokes equations 40 41
Reynolds, decomposition 40
Reynolds, number 3 17 25 37 122 127 134 148 228 270 532 562 563
Reynolds, number, macroscale 38
Reynolds, stress 41 42
Reynolds, transport theorem 10
Rheology 15
Ricci’s lemma 488 496 499 501
Richardson extrapolation 564 566
Riemann, approximate solver 380 382 388 414 415 512 527 569
Riemann, invariant 309 310 400—402 407 509 518—521
Riemann, problem 370 371 379 408 409 411 415 512 513 585 592
Riemann, solution 371 373
Right-handed 6 7 480 485
Robin condition 62 112 229
Robustness 263 269 270 275 297—299 302 303
Roe, average 419 512 575
Roe, flux 417 420 425 431
Roe, matrix 417 419
Roe, scheme 236 416 417 420 423 432 442 456 512 514 525 574
Roe, scheme, sonic entropy fix 423 459 514
Rossby number 324
Rotating cylinder 1
Rotating frame 49
Rotation 6
Rotation of the earth 49
Runge — Kutta method 199 218 391 449 589
Runge — Kutta method of Wray 199 202 257 258
Runge — Kutta method, amplification factor 199
Runge — Kutta method, Heun 387 458
Runge — Kutta method, mixed 202
Runge — Kutta method, SHK 201 459 528 585 591 596
Runge — Kutta method, stability analysis 199
Runge — Kutta method, stability domain 199
Runge — Kutta method, TVD 387 388 393 458 528
Runge — Kutta method, WLM 202
Runge — Kutta — Crank — Nicolson scheme 257
scalar 489
Scalar, absolute 489
Scalar, relative 489
SCGS method 300 301
Schur — Cohn theory 205
Schwartz inequality 174 178
Second law of thermodynamics 23
Separable partial differential equation 293
Separation 567
| Separation bubble 562
Shallow-water approximation 48 49
Shallow-water equations 3 4 33 48 52 305 339
Shallow-water equations, boundary and initial conditions 310 327
Shallow-water equations, linearized 308
Shear stress 496
Shishkin grid 146
SHK method 201
Shock 32 339 363—367 370 371 373 401 403 409
Shock tube 408 411 432
Shock tube, equation 410
Shock, sensor 389 448
Sielecki scheme 317 320
SIMPLE method 296—298 301—303 601
Simple thermodynamic system 19 22
Simple wave 407
SIMPLEC method 296 298
SIMPLER method 296
Simply connected 63
Singular perturbation 19 53 70—73 75 111 122 142
Skew-symmetric 105 106
Slope limited scheme 381 383 394 395 456 527 562 584 585 590 596 597
Slope limiter 153
SMART scheme 158
Smoother 269 270 286
Smoothing 289
Smoothing, analysis 291 295 301
Smoothing, factor 292
Smoothing, nonlinear 290
Smoothing, property 286 288 291 292 295
Sobolev space 82
Solenoidal 6 8
Solenoidality condition 581
Solid boundary 532
Sonic entropy fix 425
Sonic glitch 423 425 432 442 450 456 466
Sound speed 570
Sound wave 37
SPD 278 282 283
Specific at constant volume 23
Specific heat at constant presure 23
Specific heats, ratio of 24
Spectral method 4
Spectral norm 265
Spectral number 568
Spectral radius 265
Spectro-consistent 105 106 109
Speed of sound 13 31 35 399
Splitting 264 276 294 296 300
Splitting, convergent 266 268
Splitting, Gauss — Seidel 299
Splitting, regular 266 268 295
Spurious, mode 194 235—237 240 242 537
Spurious, oscillations 148 336 538
Spurious, reflection 212 351 359 585
Spurious, root 194
Spurious, solution 59 60 315 316
Stability 119 166 167 169 170 176 208 224 227 253 376 392—394 457 458 585
Stability of Adams — Bashforth scheme 188 190
Stability of Adams — Bashforth — Crank — Nicolson scheme 197
Stability of Adams — Bashforth — Euler scheme 195
Stability of Courant — Isaacson — Rees scheme 354
Stability of explicit Euler scheme 186
Stability of extrapolated BDF scheme 198
Stability of Hansen scheme 316 329
Stability of implicit scheme 330
Stability of kappa-scheme 353
Stability of Lax — Friedrichs scheme 354
Stability of Lax — Wendroff scheme 353
Stability of leapfrog scheme 315 323
Stability of leapfrog-Euler scheme 192
Stability of Leendertse scheme 319 332
Stability of omega scheme 204
Stability of WLM Runge — Kutta method 203
Stability of Wray’s Runge — Kutta method 200
Stability, A- 217 218 220
Stability, absolute 168 171 174 221
Stability, analysis 168 318
Stability, analysis for the shallow-water equations 312
Stability, condition 174 186
Stability, domain 174 177 185 187 189 190 192 194 199 201 203 217 352 391 449 459 528
Stability, Fourier analysis 171 175 253 445
Stability, local 171
Stability, numerical 163
Stability, polynomial 185 187 189—191 218
Stability, R- 217 218 226
Stability, strong 209 217 218 220 224 256 258
Stability, von Neumann 174 177 184 185 206 256 313 442 446 526 528
Stability, zero- 168 171 173 221
Staggered 240—245 249 261 262 292 293 303 312 328 467 538 540 548 557 583—585 589 590 597
Standard atmosphere 17
Standard software 264
State variable 19 20 22 24 25 35
Stationary 112
Stationary iterative method 264 273
Statistical average 42
Stelling scheme 334
Stencil 89 549
Stiff differential equations 569 571
Stokes, equations 18
Stokes, paradox 18
Stokes, theorem 6 29
Stratified flow 14 43
Streakline 9
Streamfunction 227
streamline 9
Stress tensor 14 496 498 531
Stretched coordinate 72 77
Subscript notation 5
Subsonic 3 25
Summation convention 5 473 486
Supersonic 3
Surface force 14 20
Sylvester’s lemma 61
Symbol 174 176 178 352 391 446 449 459 526
Templates 264
Temporal accuracy 186 187
Tensor 487
Tensor analysis 467 484 485 539 543
Tensor calculus 498
Tensor notation 484
Tensor, absolute 488
Tensor, contra variant 487
Tensor, Kronecker 489
Tensor, law 487
Tensor, metric 494
Tensor, mixed 488
Tensor, rank 488
Tensor, rate of strain 15
Tensor, relative 488 500
Tensor, stress 14
Tensor, weight 488
Termination criterion 265 266
thermal conductivity 20
Thermal expansion coefficient 46
Time scale 163 208 222
Time-like 57
Topologically equivalent 472
Total derivative 9
Total energy 20
Total enthalpy 27
Total variation 344 345 368 393
Total variation diminishing 339 344 368
Transitive transformation 487 488
Transonic 3 290 522
Transonic rarefaction 380
Transport theorem 10 12 20
Tricomi equation 55
Truncation error 98
Truncation error, global 81 102 103 106 120 122 139 141 149 163 166 167
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