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Goertzel G. — Some Mathematical Methods of Physics
Goertzel G. — Some Mathematical Methods of Physics

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Íàçâàíèå: Some Mathematical Methods of Physics

Àâòîð: Goertzel G.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Ìàòåìàòèêà/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1960

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 312

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 09.12.2012

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
$RC$ line      73—78 85—92
Abstract vector spaces      50—66
Abstract vector spaces, Dirac notation for      67—72
Addition of matrices      10
Addition theorem, for Bessel functions      292—293
Addition theorem, for spherical harmonics      161
Adjoint of matrix, Hermitian      56 80 103—104
Adjoint operator      60 103
Aitken, A. C.      20
Amplitude, scattering      184
Analytic function      254
Analytic function, derivatives of      254—255
Analytic function, poles of      257
Analytic function, singularities of      256—257
Approximate methods, for determining eigenfunctions      215—223
Approximate methods, for determining eigenvalues      201—208 212—223
Approximation, Born      190—192
Associated Legendre functions      154
Asymptotic expansions      287—291
Asymptotic series, of Debye      281—292
Asymptotic series, of Hankel      291
Base vectors      52—54
Basis      52—54
Basis, change of      55—57 68 100—103
Basis, formation of      61—63
Bauer’s formula      161
Bessel functions      135—142 280—281 283—287 290-293
Bessel functions, addition theorem for      292—293
Bessel functions, asymptotic behavior of      291
Bessel functions, generating function for      139
Bessel functions, integral representation of      280—281 283—284
Bessel functions, orthogonality of      140
Bessel functions, recurrence formulas for      135—136
Bessel functions, roots, table of      142
Bessel functions, series expansion for      286—287
Bessel functions, spherical      157
Bessel functions, spherical, recurrence formulas for      157
Bessel, equation of      134 280
Bethe, H.      154 159
Bi-orthonormality condition      54
Bierbach, L.      260
Biot, M. A.      20 232
Born approximation      190—192
Born, M.      190
boundary conditions      75 86—91
Bra      67
Bragg factor      194
Branch point      257
Byerly, W. E.      164
Campbell, G. A.      49 279
Carslaw, H. S.      49 127 279
Cauchy integral formula      38 257— 258
Cauchy integral theorem      255—256
Cauchy integral theorem, corollary of      256
Cauchy — Riemann equations      255
Change, of basis      55—57 68 100—103
Change, of variable      32—34
Characteristic equation      27
Characteristic function (eigenfunction)      104—105
Characteristic value      see Eigenvalue
Churchill, R. V.      49 279
Circular membrane      141—143
Collar, A. R.      20 232
Commutation rules      19 133 135 148 149
Commuting observables, complete set of      72 133 148
Commuting observables, matrices      30
Commuting observables, operators      133
Completeness      24—27 61—63
Complex variables, functions of      254—260
Condon, E. U.      154 159
Convolution theorem      47—48
Cooke, R. G.      66
Coordinate system      see Basis
Coordinate transformations      100—103 (see also Basis change
Copson, E. T.      260
Corson, E. M.      72
Cosine Fourier series      275
Cosine Fourier transform      269 275
Courant, R.      175 210 224 260
Cramer’s Rule      248
Cross section, differential scattering      184
Cylindrical functions      134 280—294
Cylindrical functions, integral representation of      280—286
Cylindrical functions, recurrence formulas for      135—136
Cylindrical functions, theorems on      134—140 (see also Bessel functions)
Debye, P.      291 292
Degenerate matrix      26
Delta function      98—100
Delta, Kronecker      12
Determinant      14—15 24 251
Determinant, of matrix product      15 250—251
Diagonal matrix      7
Diagonalization of matrix      26—27 64
Difference equation      75
Difference equation, from variational principle      239—241
Difference operator      79—80
Difference operator, adjoint of      80
Differential operator      108—109
Differential scattering cross section      184
Diffraction, order of      196
Dirac delta function      98—100
Dirac notation      67—72
Dirac, P. A. M.      67 72 100 110
Doetsch, G.      49
Dual vector space      53
Duncan, W. J.      20 232
Dyad      51
Eigencolumns      22
Eigencolumns, complete set of      25
Eigenfunctions, of Legendrian      152—154
Eigenfunctions, orthogonality of      104—105
Eigenvalue problems, construction of      233—235
Eigenvalue, for matrix      22
Eigenvalue, for operator      60 70
Eigenvalue, of Hermitian operator      71 104
Eigenvalue, of Legendrian      149—151
Eigenvector      60 70
Emde, F.      142 145 294
Essential singularity      257
Expansion theorem      54
Expansions, asymptotic      287—291
Expansions, Fourier — Bessel      276—279
Expansions, multipole      179—180
Factorization of operators      132 155—156
Feshbach, H.      66 95 110 127 164 175 197 210 224 232
Formation of basis      61—63
Foster, R. M.      49 279
Fourier integral      268—272
Fourier series      272—275
Fourier series, cosine      275
Fourier transform      92 266—275
Fourier transform, cosine      269 275
Fourier — Bessel expansion      276—279
Fourier — Bessel integral      275—276
Fourier — Bessel transform      276
Frank, N. H.      95
Frazer, R. A.      20 232
Generating functions for Bessel functions      139
Gratings      192—196
Gray, A.      145 294
Green’s function      165—175
Green’s function, direct method of finding      168
Green’s function, eigenfunction expansion for      166— 167
Green’s Theorem      277
Grimshaw, M. E.      66
Halmos, P. R.      66
Hamburger, H. L.      66
Hankel function      284—286
Hankel function, asymptotic expansion of      291
Hankel function, integral representation of      285
Hankel function, spherical      157
Hankel transform      276
Hankel’s asymptotic series      291
harmonic oscillator      4 45 46 50
Harmonics, spherical      153
Heat conduction, in infinite bar      113—114
Heat conduction, in infinite plate      128—134 140—141
Heat conduction, in infinite solid      163
Heaviside step function      99
Heaviside, O.      100
Heine, E.      164
Heitler, W.      154
Helmholtz equation      183
Hermitian adjoint of matrix      56 80 103—104
Hermitian matrix      64
Hermitian operator      70
Hermitian operator, eigenvalues of      71 104
Hermitian operator, eigenvectors for      105
Hermitian operator, theorems on      70—72
Hilbert, D.      175 210 224
Hildebrand, F. B.      232
Hobson, E. W.      164
Hull, T. E.      164
Hurwitz, A.      260
Identity matrix      11
Identity operator      60
Images, method of      123—126
Ince, E. L.      175
Infeld, L.      164
Integral formulas, Cauchy      38 257—258
Integral representation, for Bessel functions      280—281 283—284
Integral representation, for cylindrical functions      281—283
Integral representation, for Hankel functions      285
Integral theorem, Cauchy      255—256
Interference pattern      194
Inverse matrix      16
Inverse operator      165
Inversion formula, Laplace      44
Iteration procedures      225—232
Jaeger, J. C.      49 127
Jahnke, E.      142 145 294
Jeffreys, B. S.      20 256
Jeffreys, H.      20 256
K$\acute{a}$rm$\acute{a}$n, T. von      20 232
Kernel of operator      98
Ket      67
Kohn, W.      213
Kronecker delta      12
Laplace inversion formula      44
Laplace transform      44—45
Laplace transform, convolution theorem for      47
Laplacian      111 129 132 147
Laplacian, one-dimensional      111 127
Laplacian, one-dimensional, in circular domain      122—123
Laplacian, one-dimensional, in finite domain      119—122
Laplacian, one-dimensional, in infinite domain      112—116
Laplacian, one-dimensional, in semi-infinite domain      116—119
Laplacian, three-dimensional      146—163
Laplacian, two-dimensional      128—145
Legendre functions, associated      154
Legendre functions, Rodrigue’s formula for      154
Legendre operator      see Legendrian
Legendrian      148
Legendrian, eigenfunctions of      152—154
Legendrian, eigenvalues of      149—151
Lense, J.      164
Linear equation      7
Linear independence      17
Linear operator      57
Linear operator, representation by matrix      57—60 69
Loaded string      78—79 241—242
MacDonald, J. K. L.      213
MacRobert, T. M.      145 164 294
Magnus, W.      145 294
Margenau, H.      20
Massey, H. S. W.      197
Mathews, G. B.      145 294
Matrices, addition of      10
Matrices, commuting      30
Matrices, diagonalization of      27—28
Matrices, equality of      10
Matrices, multiplication of      10—13
Matrix      7
Matrix, adjoint      56
Matrix, antisymmetric      8
Matrix, characteristic equation of      27
Matrix, conjugate transpose      56
Matrix, degenerate      26
Matrix, derivative of      10
Matrix, determinant of      see Determinant
Matrix, diagonal      7
Matrix, diagonalizable      26—27 64
Matrix, eigencolumns of      22
Matrix, eigenvalues of      22
Matrix, elements of      7
Matrix, function of      22—26 38—43
Matrix, hermitian      64
Matrix, Hermitian adjoint      56 80 103—104
Matrix, identity      11
Matrix, inverse of      16
Matrix, nondegenerate      27
Matrix, nonsingular      16
Matrix, normal      64
Matrix, notation      7—9
Matrix, null      11
Matrix, orthogonal      56
Matrix, positive definite      217
Matrix, rank of      18 249
Matrix, reciprocal of      see Inverse of above
Matrix, rectangular      7
Matrix, secular equation of      27
Matrix, singular      14
Matrix, skew-symmetric      8
Matrix, spectral representation of      26
Matrix, spectrum of      26
Matrix, square      7
Matrix, symmetric      8
Matrix, transpose of      15
Matrix, unit      11
Matrix, unitary      56 64
Matrix, zero      11
McLachlan, N. W.      49 145 294
Membrane, circular      141—143
Membrane, circular ring      143
Membrane, circular sector      143—144
Membrane, rectangular      130—131
Method, of images      123—126
Method, of partial waves      185—188
Method, of steepest descent      288
Method, pass      288
Methods, numerical      236—242
Monogenic function      254
Morse, P. M.      66 95 110 127 164 175 197 210 224 232
Mott, N. F.      197
Multiplication of matrices      10—13
Multipole expansion      179—180
Murphy, G. M.      20
Neumann function      285
Neumann function, asymptotic behavior of      290—291
Neumann function, spherical      157
Neumann, J. von      66
Nielsen, N.      145 293
Nondegenerate matrix      27
Nonsingular matrix      16
Normal coordinate      33
Normal matrix      64
Normal mode      33
Normal operator      61
Null matrix      11
Numerical methods      236—242
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