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Bellman R. — Stability Theory of Differential Equations |
Предметный указатель |
Adjoint equation 11
Andronow, A.A. 92
Approximation theorem for matrices 23 25
Approximations, successive 6 66
Armellini 139
Arzela selection theorem 139
Ascoli, G. 140 141
Asymptotic behavior 14 25 44 50 60 85 101 125—127 132—133 135 161
Asymptotic series 55
Basu, N.M. 106
Bellman, R. 31 63 93 141 142
Biernacki, J.M. 140 141
Borel, E. viii 64 106
Borg, G. 142
Bose, S.N. 106
Boundedness 113 115 136
Boutroux, P. 106
Brillouin, L. 142
Butlewski 138
Cacciopoli, R. 141
Caligo, O. 63
Cauchy — Schwarz inequality 116
Cesari, L. 31 63
Chaikin, C.E. 92
Characteristic equation 15
Characteristic root 16
Characteristic vector 16
Chelkounoff, S.A. 142
Comparison theorems 120
Component 2
Conditional stability 89
Constant coefficients 12
Cotton 93
Counterexamples 42 69 87 97
Diagonalization of a matrix, constant 18 21
Diagonalization of a matrix, variable 25
Difference equation 70 92
Diliberto 63
Dini, U. viii 63
Dunkel, O. 63
Emden, R. ix 164
Esclangon, E. 141
Existence theorem, linear systems 6
Existence theorem, nonlinear systems 65
Exponential of a matrix 12
Fermi, E. ix
Fowler, R.H. ix 106 142 143 164
Fundamental inequality (lemma) 35 36 40 84 107 112 114 117
Gronwall, T.H. 63
Guiliano, L. 63
Halperin, I. 141
Hardy theorem 101
Hardy, G.H. viii 106 150 151 154
Hartman, P. 142
Haupt, O. 141
Hill 123
Hille, E. 141
Holder’s Inequality 117
Hopf, E. 164
Hukuwara, M. 63 64
Ince, E.L. 74 141
Instability 88
Inverse of a matrix 5
Jordan canonical form 19 21 41
| Kamke, E. 74
Kneser, A. 139 142
Kryloff, N. 92
La Salle, J.P. 74
Lagrange variation of parameters 12
Landau, E. 141
Lefschetz, S. ix 31 92
Levinson, N. 63 93 138
Liapounoff, A. viii 93 123 142 144
Lindelof, E. 106
Linear inhomogeneous system 11
Liouville transformation 110 129
Lipschitz condition 71
Logarithm of a matrix 29
Matrix notation 3
Matrix, approximation theorem for 23 25
Matrix, diagonalization of 18 21 25
Matrix, exponential of 12
Matrix, inverse of 5
Matrix, logarithm of 29
Milne 139
Minorsky, N. 92
Murray 138 140
Newton’s method 73
Nonlinear equation, existence and uniqueness 65
Nonlinear equation, stability 75
Oscillatory equations 119
Oscillatory solutions 161
Osgood 139
Periodic coefficients 28 41 86 123
Perron, O. 63 93 141
Petrovitch 139
Picard 6 139
Picone 120
Poincare — Liapounoff theorem 79
Poincare, H. viii 93 134 144
Prodi, G. 142
Rees, Mina ix
Riccati equation 130
Rocard, Y. 92
Sansone, G. 74 164
scalar 2
Spath, H. 63
Stability theorems 34 78 82
Stability, conditional 89
Stability, definition 33 76
Stoker, J.J. 92
Successive approximations 6 66
Thomas ix
Trace 10 43
Transformations 108—111 143
Trjitzinsky, W.J. 63 64
Uniqueness of solution, linear systems 8
Uniqueness of solution, nonlinear system 67
van der Pol vii
Variation of parameters 11
Vector notation 2
Vijayaraghavan, T. 106
Wedderburn, J.H.M. 31
Weyl, H. 63
Wilkins 140
Wiman A. 140 141
Wintner A. 63 138 141 142
wronskian 10 11 108 124
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