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Takeuchi Y., Iwasa Y., Sato K. — Mathematics for Life Science and Medicine |
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, maximization 129
, maximization 146 147
, maximization 124
Age 25
Asymptotic speed 101 106
Attractivity 56
Attractivity, globally 57 63
Bacterium 8
Basic reproduction number 100
Bifurcation 21 90
Birth rate 60 62
Birth rate, density dependent 60 62
Borders 82
Boundedness, solution 185
Cancer models 207—209 219 220
Characteristic equation 189
Characteristic roots 189
Chemotherapy 214
Coefficients, delay dependent 192
coexistence 124 138 146 147
Compartment 7 28 38 43
Competition 125 138 140—144 146 147 208 210
Competitive exclusion 125 132 138
Contact 11 73 75 86
Control 37
Coupling 71
Cross-immunity 167 169 170
Cross-reactive immune activation 163
Cross-reactive immune stimulation 155 157
Cytotoxic immune response 157
Delay 22 23
Delay, adaptive 179
Delay, distributed 181
Delay, immunity 179
Delay, innate 179
Demography 88
density 29 75
Diekmann — Thieme model 98 103—105
Difference 26
Diffusion 35
Disease 9 14 67
Dispersal 68 76 80
distribution 27 72 78
Dynamics 5 6 15 89
Efficiency 20
Environment 36
Epidemiology 82
Epitopes 168
Equilibrium 12 14—17 21 25 32 55 69 77 78 83 208 209 212 219 221
Equilibrium, boundary 188
Equilibrium, disease free 55 57 63
Equilibrium, endemic 55 57 63
Equilibrium, positive 188
Evolution 125 130 155
Evolution of virulence 123 124 129 146
Evolutionary change 162
Exponential delay 197
Exponential kernel 197
Fatality 37
force 75
Force of infection 155 169
Global stability 166
Graphical representation 161
Helper T cell 167
Hepatitis B virus 155
Hepatitis C virus 155
Heterogeneity 91
Hopf bifurcation 62 194
Host 123—126 128 129 132 133 139 145
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) 155
Immigration 36 68 76
Immune cell 168
Immune impairment 162 167 170
Immune response 156 157
Immune selection 169
Immunity 9 20
Immunity, adaptive 177
Immunity, cross-immunity 124 125 127 146
Immunity, innate 177
Immunotherapy 218
Impairment of immune response 157
Impulses 29
incidence 12 15 17 19 24 39 40 79 82 128 131 146
Incidence, mass action 132 138 142 144 146 147
Incidence, standard 124 132 139 140 142 144 146 147
Infection 5 11 33 78
Infection rate 157
Infective 8 69
Infectivity 31 33 39
Input 10
Integral equation 98 118
Invade 74
Invariant principle 56
Invasibility 159
Invasion 162
| Isoclines 210
Jury 81 85
Kendall model 98 100 101
Kermack — McKendrik model 98
Kernels, exponential 180
Kernels, uniform 180
Liapunov functionals 61
Measures 18 41 42
Metastasis 220
Migration 34 70 76 87
Mixing 91
Mobility 87 89
Mosquitoes 71 72
Movements 92
Multi-patch 69 91
Offsprings 26
Outbreak 43
Parasite 123—125 129 130
Parasite, replication rate 137
Parasite, strain 124 138 145 146
Patch 35 68 71 73 81 83 85 88
Pathogenicity 155—157
Patients 38 42
Period 14
permanence 51 58 59 64 84
Persistence 147
Persistence, strong 145 149
Persistent, weakly 133
Population 7 23 24 89
Positivity solution 184
Prevalence 139 141 142 144 147
prevention 42
Prey 34
probability 23 39 40
Propagation 67
Quarantine 18 37 40
RADIUS 83 90
Recovery 27
Replacement ratio, basic 124 125 127 128 138 142 146
Replacement ratio, maximal 124 128 135 146
Replacement ratio, net 139—141 144 147
Replacement ratio, relative 127 128 130 133 137
Reproduction 13 17 77 79 80 90 92
Reproduction number 124 127
Residence 86 88
Risk 81
SEIR models 53
SEIRS models 53
Selection 141 142
Selection, functional 127 134
Semiflow 134 137 148
SI models 53
SIR model 51—53
SIRS model 53
SIS model 51 53
Sojourn 127 133 137
SPREAD 20 38 80
Stability 16 19 25 51 53 70 85
Stability, globally 55—57 59 63
Stability, local 190
Stability, locally 55 56 63
Stages 29
Strategy 36
Structure 26 28 74 77
susceptibility 32
Switch, stability 191
System, delay differential equation 199
System, equivalent 199
Target cell dependence 167
Threshold 13 51 58 63 84
Time delay 51 53 54 56
Time delay, discrete 54
Time delay, distributed 54 56 58
Time delay, infinite 55
Timing immune 178
Timing response 178
Total force of infection 160 162
Trade offs 129
Transmissibility vertical 147
Transmission 7 10 22 28 30 72 137 145
Transmission, horizontal 142 146 147
Transmission, propagule 128 146
Transmission, vertical 131 142 143 146
Transmission, waterborne 128
traveling wave 98 101 108 114 117—119
Treatment, continuous 215
Treatment, periodic 218
Vaccination 18 19 24 31
Vector-disease model 98 109 118
Viral epitope 156
Viral strain 168
Virulence 124 131 145 146
Virulence, management 123 129
virus 8
Virus evolution 155
Virus induced impairment 155
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