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Chandrasekhar S. — Radiative Transfer |
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as a source of continuous absorption in stellar atmospheres 308 et seq. 316
in model stellar atmospheres 311 et seq.
, continuous absorption coefficient of 310 310
, electron affinity of 288 309
Absorption coefficient 6 355 Mean
Absorption lines see “Formation of absorption lines”
Albedo 6 81 124 209 325
Albedo for reflecting surface 147 270
Albedo for reflection by surface 147
Albedo for single scattering 6
Angular distribution of emergent radiation 15 83
Angular distribution of emergent radiation for axially symmetric problems in non-conservative cases 346 349 383
Angular distribution of emergent radiation for diffuse reflection see “Law of diffuse reflection”
Angular distribution of emergent radiation for diffuse reflection and transmission see “Law of diffuse reflection and transmission”
Angular distribution of emergent radiation for isotropic scattering 76 80 98 124 135
Angular distribution of emergent radiation for line formation problem 320 327
Angular distribution of emergent radiation for planetary problem see “Planetary problem”
Angular distribution of emergent radiation for problem with a constant net flux see “Law of darkening”
Angular distribution of emergent radiation for Rayleigh scattering 246 248
Angular distribution of emergent radiation for Rayleigh’s phase function 134 135
Angular distribution of emergent radiation, invariance of 90
Angular distribution of emergent radiation, reciprocity with boundary conditions 76
Anisotropic particle 45
Anisotropic particles, scattering by 45 et seq. 282
Arago point 281 et seq.
Asymptotic solution of equation of transfer 15 18 19 344 383
Asymptotic solution of equation of transfer, invariance arising from 92 345 383
Atmosphere in local thermodynamic equilibrium 7
Atmosphere, electron scattering 43 234 249
Atmosphere, finite 12
Atmosphere, plane-parallel 11
Atmosphere, scattering 7
Atmosphere, semi-infinite 12 14 18
Atmosphere, spherical 23
Atmosphere, stellar 14 288
Average intensity 4
Axially symmetric problem in non-conservative cases 20 383
Axially symmetric problems in non-conservative cases 18 20 344 349 383
Babinet point 281 et seq.
Bessel functions 339 369
boundary conditions 15 20 22 43 45 291
Boundary conditions and interpolation theory 198 379
Boundary conditions for principles of invariance 92 93 167
Boundary conditions in finite approximation 72 82 166
Boundary conditions, reciprocity with emergent radiation 76 83 127 196 241 323
Boundary temperature 293
Boundary-value problem 331 343 357
Brewster point 281 et seq.
Characteristic equation 19 89 105 117 153 285 344 349 363
Characteristic equation as a transcendental equation 19 344 349 383
Characteristic equation for 383
Characteristic equation for isotropic scattering 71 81
Characteristic equation for Rayleigh scattering 237
Characteristic equation for scattering by anisotropic particles 285
Characteristic equation, determinantal 361
Characteristic function 105 183
Characteristic function as defining “pseudo-problems” in transfer theory 351 ct seq
Characteristic function for 159
Characteristic function for 136 228 230 353
Characteristic function for Rayleigh scattering 246 253 260
Characteristic function for Rayleigh’s phase function 129 130 143 220 222 226 352
Characteristic function, conservative case 107 187 190
Characteristic root 19 105
Characteristic roots 19 79 240 300 344 363
Characteristic roots, complex 360
Characteristic roots, relation to zeros of Legendre polynomials 74 242 324
Christ off el numbers 58
Christoffel numbers 58 63 64 65
Compton effect 328 335
Compton effect, softening of radiation by 329 et seq.
Compton wave-length 329 334
Conservative case 6 7 107
Conservative case, ambiguity in X- and Y-functions 190
Conservative case, characteristic function for 107
Conservative case, H-functions and integral equations of Schwarzschild — Milne type 347
Conservative case, inadequacy of principles of invariance 208 212 222 268
Conservative case, K-integral 13 52 74 208 212 213 219 224 234 279
Conservative case, special integrals in 107 108 109 187 188
Conservative case, X- and Y-functions in 190 et seq.
Conservative scattering 6
Conservative scattering, flux integral for 10 74 213 224 234 246 279 290 297 315 331
Conservative scattering, isotropic 15
Conservative scattering, Rayleigh scattering 35
Conservative scattering, Rayleigh’s phase function 17
Continuous absorption coefficient 288
Continuous absorption coefficient of hydrogen 312
Continuous absorption coefficient of H^{-} 310
Continuous absorption coefficient, dependence on wave-length of solar 307 et seq. 316
Continuous absorption coefficient, mean 291 298 300 312
Continuous absorption coefficient, role of, in line formation 321
Continuous absorption coefficient, stellar 303 et seq.
Continuous spectrum of a stellar atmosphere 288
Continuous spectrum, analysis of 304 et seq.
Continuous spectrum, intensity distribution in sun 303
Darkening see “Law of darkening”
Degree of polarization 247
Density of radiation 3 4
Depolarization factor 49 50 233 282
Differentiation formula 365
Diffuse radiation 22
Diffuse radiation field 22
Diffuse reflection 20 (see also “Diffuse reflection and transmission”)
Diffuse reflection and transmission 20 208
Diffuse reflection and transmission for 227 et seq.
Diffuse reflection and transmission for Rayleigh scattering 249 et seq. 265 286
Diffuse reflection and transmission for Rayleigh’s law 44
Diffuse reflection and transmission for Rayleigh’s phase function 219 et seq.
Diffuse reflection and transmission in Schuster’s problem 319
Diffuse reflection and transmission, effect of ground on 270
Diffuse reflection and transmission, equation of transfer for 22 160
Diffuse reflection and transmission, expressed in terms of X- and Y-functions 181 209 213 226 230 267 268
Diffuse reflection and transmission, flux of 273 274 278 279
Diffuse reflection and transmission, planetary problem 270
Diffuse reflection and transmission, principle of reciprocity in 172
Diffuse reflection and transmission, standard problem in 22 233 269
Diffuse reflection for conservative isotropic scattering 86 125 147 148
Diffuse reflection for isotropic scattering 80 et seq. 88 124 140 147 149
Diffuse reflection for Rayleigh scattering 254 et seq.
Diffuse reflection in accordance with 158
Diffuse reflection in accordance with 99 et seq. 138 140
Diffuse reflection in accordance with general phase function 149 et seq.
Diffuse reflection in accordance with Rayleigh’s phase function 101 et seq. 128 132
Diffuse reflection, equation of transfer for 22 150
Diffuse reflection, principle of reciprocity 94
Diffuse transmission 20 (see also “Diffuse reflection and transmission”)
Diffusion of imprisoned radiation 354 371
Dirac’s -function 332 341
Doppler effect 335 343
Effective temperature 290
Effective temperature of sun 301
Einstein coefficients 354
Einstein coefficients, definition of 354
Electron scattering 36 343
Electron scattering atmosphere 43
Electron scattering atmosphere, Hiltner’s observations on 2—19
Electron scattering atmosphere, law of darkening in 245 et seq.
Electron scattering atmosphere, polarization of emergent radiation 247 et seq.
Electron scattering, broadening of lines by 334 et seq.
Electron scattering, Dirac’s formula for 336
Electron scattering, Doppler effect duo to 335
Electron scattering, importance in stellar atmospheres 4 3 249
Electron scattering, softening of radiation by 328 et seq.
Elimination of the constants 77 84 127 158 197 241 286 323
Elliptic equation 331
Elliptically polarized beam 25
Emergent flux as an integral over source function 67 304 305 314
Emergent flux in absorption lines 320 327
Emergent intensity in absorption lines of stars 320 327
Emergent intensity in continuous spectrum of stars 304— et seq.
| Emission coefficient 7
Emission coefficient, Kirchhoff 8 288
Equation of transfer 1 8 9
Equation of transfer for an electron scattering atmosphere 43 234
Equation of transfer for broadening by electron scattering 337
Equation of transfer for diffuse reflection and transmission 22 44
Equation of transfer for diffusion of imprisoned radiation 356
Equation of transfer for general phase function 150
Equation of transfer for integrated intensity 293 296
Equation of transfer for isotropic, scattering 15 70
Equation of transfer for line formation 322
Equation of transfer for local thermodynamic equilibrium 289 292
Equation of transfer for plane-parallel problems 11
Equation of transfer for Rayleigh’s law 37 et seq.
Equation of transfer for softening of radiation by Compton scattering 329
Equation of transfer for spherically symmetric case 23 364
Equation of transfer in (2,1) approximation 299
Equation of transfer in (2,2) approximation 300 et seq.
Equation of transfer in finite approximations 56 70 151 195 235 294 297 322 330 339 360 364
Equation of transfer, boundary conditions for 15 20 22 4 45 291 366 357
Equation of transfer, formal solution of 9 76 83 190 240 289 294
Equation of transfer, Fourier transform of 338
Equation of transfer, fundamental solutions of 357 et seq.
Equation of transfer, orthogonality of the solutions of 357
Equation of transfer, particular integrals of 81 154
Equation of transfer, reduction of, for Rayleigh scattering 249 250 254
Equation of transfer, replacement by systems of linear equations 54 et seq. 68
Equation of transfer, special solutions of 14 19 344 383
Equation of transfer, “pseudo”- 351 et seq.
Exponential integral 16 347 373
Finite atmosphere 12 156 195
Finite atmosphere, principles of invariance for 161 et seq.
Flux in diffuse reflection and transmission 273 279
Flux integral 11
Flux of radiation in a grey atmosphere 295
Flux, derivatives of 296
Flux, distribution in sun 303
Flux, evaluation by quadrature formula 65 et seq. 3
Flux, integral 1 1 13 74 213 224 234 273 279 360
Flux, integrated 290
Flux, monochromatic 295
Flux, not 2
Formation of absorption lines 318 321 342 343
Formation of absorption lines, broadening of 342
Fourier transform 338 et seq.
Function see “H-functions” “X-
Function 203
Function, 203 207 375 378
Function, , 203 207 376 378
Functions and 203
Gaussian division 62
Gaussian division, differentiation formula based on 365
Gaussian weight 62
Gaussian weights 50 62
Gauss’s quadrature formula 56 61 62 71
Green’s Theorem 332
Grey atmosphere 291
Grey stellar atmosphere 291
Grey stellar atmosphere, boundary temperature of 293
Grey stellar atmosphere, flux of radiation in 295
Grey stellar atmosphere, law of darkening in 293
Grey stellar atmosphere, radiative equilibrium of 293 et seq.
Ground correction 273 279
Ground corrections 270
Ground corrections on illumination of sky 281 et seq.
Ground corrections on law of diffuse reflection and transmission 273
Ground corrections, matrix representing 279
H-equation 105
H-equation in finite approximation 110 et seq.
H-equation, alternative forms of 107 109
H-equation, approximate form of 110
H-equation, exact form of 105
H-equation, explicit solution of 115 et seq.
H-equation, general solution of 123
H-equation, relation to H-functions in finite approximation 110 et seq.
H-equation, uniqueness of the solution of 122 123
H-function in finite approximation 105
H-function, exact definition 105
H-functions 77 97 105
H-functions as Laplace transforms 347 et seq.
H-functions as law of darkening for “pseudo-problem” 351
H-functions as limit of X-functions 183 186
H-functions for 139 141
H-functions for isotropic scattering 124 et seq.
H-functions for problem of line formation 325
H-functions for Rayleigh scattering 248 261
H-functions for Rayleigh’s phase function 132
H-functions in conservative case 107 108 117 347
H-functions in finite approximation 77 89 110
H-functions in non-conservative case 117 349
H-functions, an identity governing 84 112 116
H-functions, explicit solution for 115 et seq.
H-functions, integral equation for 105
H-functions, integral properties of 106 et seq. 130 133 136 256
H-functions, moments of 106
H-functions, pole of 122 350
H-functions, practical method for evaluating 123
H-functions, representation as a complex integral 114 117
H-functions, tables of 125 132 139 141 248 261
H-functions, tables of moments of 126 133 141 248 328
H-functions, uniqueness of, in conservative cases 123
Helmholtz’s theorem 176 182
Hopf — Bronstein relation 78 88 109
Hopf — Bronstein relation, analogues of 109 134
Hopf — Bronstein relation, derivation of, from principles of invariance 98
Hydrogen-metal ratio 311
Hyperbolic equation 343
identities 73 78 83 87 112 116 245
Independent streams of light 29
Integral equation see “Reduction of integral equations”
Integral equation for H-functions 97 105
Integral equation for law of darkening 96
Integral equation for problems with spherical symmetry 24
Integral equation for Rayleigh’s phase function 18
Integral equation for scattering and transmission functions 169 et seq. 178
Integral equation for scattering and transmission matrices 170 265
Integral equation for scattering function 94 99
Integral equation for scattering matrix 103 255
Integral equation for source function 10
Integral equation for X- and Y-functions 181 183
Integral equation, generalized Schwarz’s child — Milne type 347 349
Integral equation, Schwarzschfid — Milne 17 93
Integral equation, systems of 100 103 180 220 221 227 255 265 266
Integral equations of the Schwarzsehild — Milne type 347
Integrals and 305
Integrated energy density 4
Integrated intensity 2
Integro-differential equation 9 54
Integro-differential equation, reducible directly in terms of H- or X- and Y-functions 252 353
Intensity, average 4
Intensity, evaluation of 65 305
Intensity, expansion of, in terms of Legendre polynomials 366
Intensity, integrated 2
Intensity, inward 12
Intensity, outward 12
Intensity, specific 1
Interpolation theory, a problem in 198 379
Isotropic scattering 6 15 70
Isotropic scattering, characteristic equation for 19
Isotropic scattering, conservative case of 15 18
Isotropic scattering, constants of integration for 78 79
Isotropic scattering, diffuse reflection and transmission on 180 195
Isotropic scattering, diffuse reflection on 80 et seq.
Isotropic scattering, diffusion of imprisoned radiation 354
Isotropic scattering, equation of transfer for 15 18 22
Isotropic scattering, equation of transfer for, in finite approximation 70 81
Isotropic scattering, integral equations for 96 et seq.
Isotropic scattering, problem with a constant net flux for 70
Isotropic scattering, Schwarzschild — Milne integral equation for 16 346
Isotropic scattering, source function for 75 83
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