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Chandrasekhar S. — Radiative Transfer |
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K-integral 13 52 74 219 234
K-integral in diffuse reflection and transmission 213 224 279
K-integral in spherical atmospheres 368
K-integral, role in resolving the ambiguity in principles of invariance 208 212 224 269
Kirchhoff’s law 8 288 321
Lagrange’s formula 58 111
Lambert’s law 147 148 270
Laplace transform 346 347
Laplace transform of Schwarzschild — Milne integral equation 347 349
Law of darkening 15
Law of darkening for conservative isotropic scattering 77 80 124 135
Law of darkening for non-conservative scattering 346 385
Law of darkening for Rayleigh scattering 245 247
Law of darkening for Rayleigh’s phase function 133 135
Law of darkening for “pseudo-problems” 351 et seq.
Law of darkening in a stellar atmosphere 304 et seq.
Law of darkening in sun 303
Law of darkening in terms of H-functions 98 134 159
Law of darkening, definition of 15
Law of darkening, dependence on wave-length 303
Law of darkening, exact 98 135 248
Law of darkening, invariance of 91 92 133
Law of diffuse reflection and transmission for 230
Law of diffuse reflection and transmission for conservative isotropic scattering 213 et seq. 218 231
Law of diffuse reflection and transmission for non-conservative isotropic scattering 181 201 209 216 232
Law of diffuse reflection and transmission for Rayleigh scattering 265 et seq
Law of diffuse reflection and transmission for Rayleigh’s phase function 226
Law of diffuse reflection and transmission, effect of ground reflection on 269 273 279
Law of diffuse reflection and transmission, illustrations of 231 et seq.
Law of diffuse reflection and transmission, invariance of 170
Law of diffuse reflection for 158
Law of diffuse reflection for 138 140 148 149 160
Law of diffuse reflection for isotropic scattering 85 86 97 124 140 147
Law of diffuse reflection for Rayleigh scattering 259 et seq.
Law of diffuse reflection for Rayleigh’s phase function 132 143
Law of diffuse reflection of natural light on Rayleigh scattering 261
Law of diffuse reflection of primary scattering 145 et seq.
Law of diffuse reflection, illustrations of 147 et seq. 262
Law of diffuse reflection, invariance of 90
Legendre polynomials, addition theorem of 150
Legendre polynomials, differentiation formula based on 365
Legendre polynomials, expansion in terms of 7 149 366
Legendre polynomials, quadrature formula based on 01
Legendre polynomials, relation to characteristic equation 74 242 324
Legendre polynomials, zeros of 62
Light scattered once 145 et seq. 216
Light scattered once as a basis for the approximate solution of X- and Y-equations 202 207
Line scattering coefficient 31S
Local thermodynamic equilibrium 7 288
Local thermodynamic equilibrium as a basis for the analysis for continuous spectrum of stars 288
Local thermodynamic equilibrium, equation of transfer for 289
Local thermodynamic equilibrium, source function for 8
Lommel’s equation 369
Mass absorption coefficient 5
Mass scattering coefficient 5
Maximum-modulus theorem 122
Mean absorption coefficient 291
Mean absorption coefficient in stellar atmospheres 312 et seq.
Mean absorption coefficient, method of defining 298 300
Mean intensity 4 293
Mean intensity in a grey atmosphere 294
Mean intensity in a slightly non-grey atmosphere 299
Mean intensity in a. spherical atmosphere 370
Mean intensity in the problem of imprisoned radiation 359 363
Mean intensity, evaluation by quadrature formula 65 et seq.
Milne — Eddington model 321 343
Milne — Eddington problem 321 313
Milne — Eddington problem, exact solution for 327
Model stellar atmosphere 311
Model stellar atmospheres 311 et seq.
Model stellar atmospheres, early work on 316 317
Molecular scattering 38 53
Molecular scattering, classical theory of 45 et seq.
natural light 30 et seq. 33
Natural light, diffuse reflection of, on Rayleigh scattering 201 et seq.
Natural light, principle of reciprocity for 170
Natural light, Rayleigh scattering of 35
Negative hydrogen ion see “ ”
Net flux 2 (see also “Flux”)
Neutral points 261 281
Neutral points of Arago, Babinet and Brewster 281
Non-conservative scattering 18 344 383
Non-uniqueness of the integral equation derived from the principle of invariance 208 212 222 268
Non-uniqueness of the solution of X- and Y-equations 190
Normal optical thickness 12
nth approximation 62
Opposite polarization 31 34
Optical equivalence 29
Optical thickness 9
Optical thickness in a mean absorption coefficient 291
Optical thickness, definition of 9
Optical thickness, normal 12
Optical thickness, varying as inverse power of r 308 et seq.
Parseval’s formula 340
Pencil of radiation 1
Perfect scattering see “Conservative scattering”
Phase function 5 (see also “Rayleigh’s phase function”)
Phase function 6
Phase function , axially symmetric problem in semi-infinite atmospheres 383 et seq.
Phase function , characteristic equation for 383
Phase function , diffuse reflection and transmission in accordance with 227 et seq.
Phase function , diffuses reflection in accordance with 99 et seq. 135
Phase function, 157
Phase function, see “Phase function ”
Phase function, expansion in Legendre polynomials 7 149 177
Phase function, inadequacy of the concept of 264 286
Phase function, Rayleigh’s 6
Phase matrix 37 40 103 170 250 275 280
Phase matrix for Rayleigh scattering 37 42
Phase matrix for resonance lino scattering 50 et seq.
Phase matrix for scattering by anisotropic particles 49
Phase matrix, reducibility of 42
Phase matrix, symmetry of 173
Photospheric surface 318 321
Planck function 8 28K
Plane of scattering 24
Plane-parallel atmosphere 11
Plane-parallel atmosphere, II 13
Planetary atmospheres, illumination of 44 231 270
Planetary problem 270
Planetary problem for scattering according to phase function 274 et seq.
Planetary problem for scattering according to phase matrix 270 et seq.
Planetary problem, reduction to standard problem 270 et seq. 280
Polarizability tensor 40
Polarization of sky see “Sky”
Polarization, degree of 25 247
Polarization, elliptcity of 25 27
Polarization, opposite 31
Polarization, plane of 25 27
Polarized light, elliptically 25 175 260
Polarized light, independent streams of 20
Polarized light, left-handed 26
Polarized light, oppositely 31
Polarized light, optically equivalent 20
Polarized light, representation of 24 et seq. 31 33
Polarized light, resolution into oppositely polarized beams 33 31 175
Polarized light, right-handed 26
Polarized light, Stokes parameters of see “Stokers parameters”
Polarized light, Stokes’s theorem on 32
Principle of reciprocity 21 42 94 171 172
Principle of reciprocity for elliptically polarized light 175
Principle of reciprocity for matter waves 182
Principle of reciprocity for natural light 176
Principle of reciprocity for plane polarized light 174
Principle of reciprocity, allowing for polarization 173 et seq. 182
Principles of in variance 80 et seq. 104 127 133 161 182
Principles of in variance as a guide for solving systems of integral equations 127 208
Principles of in variance as defining “pseudo-problems” in transfer theory 353
Principles of in variance as necessary conditions 208
Principles of in variance for finite atmospheres 161 et seq. 170
| Principles of in variance for semi-infinite atmospheres 89 et seq. 165 166
Principles of in variance of Stokes — Rayleigh 104
Principles of in variance, allowing for polarization 103 170
Principles of in variance, arising from asymptotic solution at infinity 92 104 344 383
Principles of in variance, insufficiency in conservative cases 208 212 222 268
Principles of in variance, mathematical formulation of 90 et seq. 162
Principles of in variance, role of K-integral in 208 212 219 224 269
Principles of invariance 90 162—166
Problem with a constant net 351 352
Problem with a constant net flux 14
Problem with a constant net flux for 159
Problem with a constant net flux for an electron scattering atmosphere 234 et seq.
Problem with a constant net flux for general phase function 156
Problem with a constant net flux for isotropic scattering 15 70 97 127
Problem with a constant net flux for Rayleigh scattering 234 et seq.
Problem with a constant net flux for Rayleigh’s phase function 17
Problem with a constant net flux for Thomson scattering 43 234
Problems with spherical symmetry 23 364 371
Quadrature formula 54 et seq. 56 68
Quadrature formula for mean intensities and fluxes 57 65
Quadrature formula, based on Laguerre polynomials 57 64
Quadrature formula, construction of 57 et seq.
Quadrature formula, Gauss’s 56 61
Quadrature formula, Radau’s 63
Quadrature formula, Reiz’s 66 et seq. 315
Radial optical thickness 307
Radiation field in finite atmosphere 161 et seq.
Radiation field in semi-infinite atmosphere 165 166
Radiation field in spherical atmosphere 370
Radiation field in stellar atmosphere 295
Radiation field, axially symmetric 2
Radiation field, diffuse 22
Radiation field, division into streams 55
Radiation field, homogeneous 1
Radiation field, isotropic 1
Radiation field, reduced 22 162
Radiation field, spherical symmetric 2
Radiation, density of 3
Radiation, integrated energy density 4
Radiative equilibrium 290
Radiative equilibrium of a grey atmosphere 293 et seq.
Radiative equilibrium of a slightly non-grey atmosphere 296 et seq.
Radiative equilibrium of a stellar atmosphere 288 et seq. 315
Radiative equilibrium, condition of 290
Rayleigh scattering 35 et seq. 233
Rayleigh scattering as a basis for illumination of sky radiation 44 233 280
Rayleigh scattering, phase matrix for 37 42 250
Rayleigh’s phase function 6
Rayleigh’s phase function, diffuse reflection and transmission in accordance with 219 et seq.
Rayleigh’s phase function, diffuse reflection in accordance with 101 et seq. 128
Rayleigh’s phase function, error in the concept of 264 286
Rayleigh’s phase function, problem with a constant net flux 17 133
Rayleigh’s phase matrix 37 42
Rayleigh’s phase matrix, an integral property of 251
Rayleigh’s phase matrix, explicit form of 42 250
Rayleigh’s phase matrix, reducibility of 249
Reciprocity, principle of see “Principle of reciprocity”
Recursion formulae for 152
Recursion formulae for 73 236
Recursion formulae for 155
Recursion formulae for 153 156
Reduced incident radiation 22 162
Reduction of integral equations 99 101 130 137 177 221 227 256 265
Reflection effect 88
Residual intensity 320 327 328
Reversing layers 318 321
Scattering 5
Scattering and transmission functions for 227 et seq.
Scattering and transmission functions for isotropic scattering 181 201 209 213
Scattering and transmission functions for planetary problem 273 et seq.
Scattering and transmission functions for Rayleigh’s phase function 220 et seq.
Scattering and transmission functions, ambiguity in 208 212 224 268
Scattering and transmission functions, expansion of, in Fourier series 177
Scattering and transmission functions, expression in terms of X- and Y-functions 209 226 230
Scattering and transmission functions, expression of, in functions of one variable 180
Scattering and transmission functions, integral equations for 169 et seq. 178
Scattering and transmission functions, resolution of ambiguity in 214 224 268
Scattering and transmission functions, symmetry of 172
Scattering and transmission matrices for planetary problem 279 280
Scattering and transmission matrices, expression in terms of X- and F-functions 267 268
Scattering and transmission matrices, form of, for Rayleigh scattering 252 et seq. 265
Scattering and transmission matrices, integral equations for 170 265
Scattering and transmission matrices, reducibility with respect to ellipticity of 249
Scattering and transmission matrices, symmetry of 173
Scattering atmosphere 7 (see also “K-integral”)
Scattering atmosphere, definition of 7
Scattering atmosphere, source function for 8
Scattering atmosphere, the K-integral for 13
Scattering by anisotropic particles 45 282
Scattering by free electrons 36 43 249 328 334
Scattering function 20 161
Scattering function for 99 135 138 140
Scattering function for diffuse reflection of natural light and Rayleigh scattering 261
Scattering function for isotropic scattering 85 140
Scattering function for Rayleigh’s phase function 101 128 132 143
Scattering function, expression of, in terms of H-functions 85 86 124 132 138 140 143 158
Scattering function, integral equation for 92 et seq.
Scattering function, symmetry of 95 176
Scattering matrix 44 103
Scattering matrix for Rayleigh scattering 260 261
Scattering matrix, form of, for Rayleigh scattering 252 et seq.
Scattering matrix, integral equation for 103 255
Scattering matrix, symmetry of 173 176
Scattering, coefficient 5
Scattering, conservative 6
Scattering, plane of 24
Scattering, primary 145 202 216 263
Scattering, Rayleigh 35 et seq.
Scattering, resonance line 50 et seq. 282
Scattering, theory of light 53
Scattering, Thomson 35 36
Schuster — Schwarzschild method of approximation 55 330 339 363 366
Schuster’s problem 318 342 354
Schuster’s problem, solution of, in terms of X- and Y-functions 320
Schwarzschild — Milne integral equation 17 52 93 344
Schwarzschild — Milne integral equation, generalized 347
Schwarzschild — Milne integral equation, relation to H-functions 346 et seq.
Schwarzschild — Milne integral equation, special solution of 19 350
Schwarzsehild — Milne integral equation 17
Semi-infinite atmosphere 12 14 159
Semi-infinite atmosphere, axially symmetric problems in non-conservative cases 18 20 344 383
Semi-infinite atmosphere, principles of invariance for 89 et seq.
Semi-infinite atmosphere, role of H-functions in 105
Semi-infinite atmosphere, under conditions of radiative equilibrium 291
Sky, illumination and polarization of 280 et seq. 286
Sky, illumination and polarization of, basic problem in 44 270
Sky, illumination and polarization of, neutral points in 281 et seq.
Source function 8
Source function for a scattering atmosphere 8 10
Source function for an electron scattering atmosphere 240
Source function for broadening of lines by electron scattering 337
Source function for diffuse reflection and transmission 93 167
Source function for isotropic scattering 75
Source function for local thermodynamic equilibrium 8 288
Source function for Rayleigh scattering 38 40
Source function for softening of radiation by Compton scattering 329
Source function for “pseudo-problem” 351
Source function, definition of 8
Source function, integral equation for 10
Specific intensity 1
Spherical atmosphere 23 371
Spherical atmosphere, a problem of radiative transfer in 364 et seq.
Spherical atmosphere, solution in first approximation 366
Spherical atmosphere, solution in second approximation 367 et seq.
Spherical harmonies see “Legendre polynomials”
Spherically symmetric problems 23 304 371
Standard problem 22 45
Standard problem in diffuse reflection and transmission 22 233 269 273
Standard problem in diffuse reflection and transmission, reduction of planetary problem to 269 et seq.
Standard solution 191
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