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Ogata K. — Modern Control Engineering
Ogata K. — Modern Control Engineering

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Íàçâàíèå: Modern Control Engineering

Àâòîð: Ogata K.


This comprehensive treatment of the analysis and design of continuous-time control systems provides a gradual development of control theory—and shows how to solve all computational problems with MATLAB. It avoids highly mathematical arguments, and features an abundance of examples and worked problems throughout the book. Chapter topics include the Laplace transform; mathematical modeling of mechanical systems, electrical systems, fluid systems, and thermal systems; transient and steady-state-response analyses, root-locus analysis and control systems design by the root-locus method; frequency-response analysis and control systems design by the frequency-response; two-degrees-of-freedom control; state space analysis of control systems and design of control systems in state space. For control systems engineers.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Òåõíîëîãèÿ/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: third edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1997

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 997

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 16.03.2007

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
$e^{At}$ computation of      731—35
Abscissa of convergence      17—18
Absolute stability      135
Ackermann, J.E.      983
Ackermann’s formula for observer gain matrix      821—22 834
Ackermann’s formula for pole placement      793—95
Actuator      212
Air heating system      122—23
Analytic extension theorem      19
Analytic function      14
Anderson, B.D.O.      983
Angle condition      319
Angle of arrival      334
Angle of departure      327 334
Approximate differentiator      694
Asymptotes Bode diagram      477
Asymptotes root loci      322
Asymptotic stability      898
Asymptotic stability in the large      898—99
Athans, M      983
Attenuation      146
Automatic controller      211
Automobile suspension system      113—15
Auxiliary polynomial      236
Back emf      143
Back emf constant      143
Bandwidth      555 563
Barnes, J.L.      984
Barnet, S.      983
Basic control actions      212—18
Basic control actions integral      215—16
Basic control actions on-off      213—15
Basic control actions proportional      215
Basic control actions proportional-plus-derivative      216—17
Basic control actions proportional-plus-integral      216—17
Basic control actions proportional-plus-integral-plus-derivative      217—18
Basic control actions two-position      213—15
Bayliss, L.E.      983
Bellman, R.      983
Bertram, J.E.      985
Blackwell, W.A.      986
Bleed-type relay      243
Block      63
Block diagram      63—64
Block diagram algebra      68
Block diagram reduction      68
Bode diagram      473
Bode diagram error in asymptotic expression of      478
Bode diagram general procedure for plotting      483—84
Bode diagram of first-order factors      476—79
Bode diagram of quadratic factors      480—82
Bode diagram of system defined in state space      502
Bode diagram plotting with MATLAB      492—504
Bode, H.W.      983
Boltyanskii, V.G.      986
Branch point      64
Break frequency      477
Break-in point      328
Breakaway point      323
Bridged-T networks      639
Brogan, W.L.      983
Brushless dc motor      141
Business system      6
Butman, S.      983
Campbell, D.P.      983
Cannon, R.      983
Cannon, R.H., Jr.      984
Capacitance of pressure system      239—40
Capacitance of thermal system      98
Capacitance of water tank      94
Cauchy-Riemann conditions      15
Cauchy’s Theorem      584—585
Cayley — Hamilton theorem      729—30 762
Chang, P.M.      983
Characteristic equation      970
Characteristic polynomial      75
Characteristic roots      714
Cheng, D.K.      983
Churchill, R.V.      984
Circular root locus      329—30 385—86 390—91
Classification of control systems      275
Closed-loop control system      7
Closed-loop frequency response for nonunity-feedback system      563—64
Closed-loop transfer function      66
Coddington, E.A.      984
Compensation      405
Compensation feedback      405
Compensation feedforward      5 700—3
Compensation parallel      405
Compensation series      405—6
Compensator      405
Compensator lag      406
Compensator lag-lead      406
Compensator lead      406 409—17
Complementary sensitivity function      688
Complete observability      782—83
Complete observability conditions for      745—47
Complete observability in the s plane      745
Complete output controllablility      778—80
Complete state controllability      737—38 775—78
Complete state controllability in the s plane      741
Complex function      14
Complex impedence      88
Complex variable      14
Complex-conjugate poles cancellation of undesirable      638—39
Complex-differentiation theorem      32
Conditional stability      629
Conditionally stable system      358—59 535
Conduction heat transfer      98
Conforma! mapping      543—44 584—86 597
Conical water tank system      132
Constant phase-angle loci (N circles)      558—60
Constant-gain loci      357—58
Constant-magnitude loci (M circles)      557—58
Contact force      82
Control actions      212—18
Control ler-observer transfer function for      826—27
Controllability      737—43
Controllability matrix      738 790
Controllability output      742
Controllable canonical form      711—12 749—51
Controlled variable      2
Controller tuning      670
Convection heat transfer      98
Conventional control theory      70
Convolution      33
Convolution integral      33 49 62
Corner frequency      477
Craig, J.J.      984
Critically damped system      147—48
Cunningham, W.J.      984
Cutoff frequency      554—55
Cutoff rate      555
Damped natural frequency      147
Damper      83 259—60
Damping ratio      146
Damping ratio lines of constant      412—13
Daniel, J.      985
Dashpot      83 259—60
DC servomotor      142
DC servomotor armature control of      142—45
DC servomotor field control of      142
Dead space      59
Dead time      360
Dead-zone nonlinearity      59
Decade      475
Decibel      473
Deconvolution      972
Delay time      150 671
Derivative control action      225
Derivative control action basic principle for obtaining      250—52 261—62
Derivative time      217
Diagonal canonical form      712 753—55
Diagonalization of $n\times n$ matrix      714—15
Differential amplifier      263
Differential gap      214
Differentiating system      188
Differentiator approximate      693—94
Dirac delta function      25
Direct transmission matrix      72
Disturbance      3
Disturbance external      3
Disturbance internal      3
Disturbance rejection      686
Disturbance response to torque      221—22 224—25
Disturbance-feedforward control      700—1
Disturbance-feedforward scheme      702
Disturbance-feedforward transfer function      701
Dither signal      102
Domain of attraction      898
Dominant closed-loop poles      230—31
Dorf, R.C.      984
Doyle, J.C.      984
Eigenvalue      714 968
Eigenvalue generalized      969
Eigenvalue invariance of      717
Eigenvector      968—69
Eigenvector generalized      969
Electric-pneumatic transducer      314
Electronic PID controller      268
Emami-Naeini, A      984
Engineering organizational system      11
Enns, M      984
Equilibrium state      897—98
Equilibrium state asymptotically stable      899
Equilibrium state stable      899
Equilibrium state unstable      899
Equivalent moment of inertia      145—46 191—93
Equivalent viscous-friction coefficient      145—46 191—93
Error dynamics      818
Error equation for minimum-order observer      833
Error vector      815
Euclidean norm      898
Euler equation      937
Euler’s theorem      16—17
Evans, W.R.      317 984
Exponential order      18
Exponential response curve      136—37
Falb, PL.      983
Feedback compensation      405
Feedback control      3
Feedback control system      6—7
Feedforward compensation      702—3
Feedforward control      5 700—3
Feedforward transfer function      65
Field forces      82
Figure of merit of control systems      276
Final value theorem      29—30
First method of Liapunov      897
First-order system      136
First-order system unit-impulse response of      138—39
First-order system unit-ramp response of      137—39
First-order system unit-step response of      136—38
Flapper      242
Flapper contact      82
Flapper field      82
Flapper valve      314
Forces      82
Francis, B.A.      984
Franklin, G.F.      984
Frequency response      471
Frequency response correlation between step response and      550—54
Friedland, B.      984
Fu, K.S.      984 986
Full-order state observer      813—22
Full-order state observer design of      816—22
Functional block      63
Gain adjustment      564—67
Gain crossover frequency      545
Gain margin      544—49
Gamkrelidze, R.V.      986
Gantmacher, F.R.      984
Gardner, M.F.      984
Gas constant      296
Gas flow resistance      239
Gear train      191
Generalized eigenvalues      969
Generalized eigenvectors      969
Gibson, J.E.      984 986
Gilbert, E.G.      984
Gonzalez, R.C.      984
Graham, D.      984
Gravitational acceleration constant      81
Greenwood, J.R., III      984
Gyro single-degree-of freedom      112
Hahn, W.      984
Halmos, P.R.      984
Harbor, R.D.      986
Hazen, H.L.      1
Hermitian form      901
Higdon, D.T.      984
Ho, Y.C.      985
Homogeneous state equation solution of      722—27
Hurwitz determinants      292
Hurwitz stability criterion      290—91 946
Hurwitz stability criterion equivalence of Routh’s stability criterion and      291—94
Hydraulic controller integral      256—58
Hydraulic controller jet-pipe      301—3
Hydraulic controller proportional      258—59
Hydraulic controller proportional-plus-derivative      261—62
Hydraulic controller proportional-plus-integral      260—61
Hydraulic servo system      127—28 305—6
Hydraulic servomotor      102—5 257—58
Hydraulic systems      238 255—56
Hydraulic systems advantages and disadvantages of      256
I-PD control      681—82
I-PD controlled system      698
Impedance      88
Impedance approach to obtaining transfer function      265—66
Impulse function      24
Impulse response      760
Impulse response MATLAB approach to obtain      166—70
Impulse response of second-order system      158—60
Impulse-response function      63
Indefiniteness of scalar function      900
Industrial control system      212
Industrial controllers      212
Industrial robot      4—5
Initial value theorem      30
Input filter      698
Input matrix      72
Instability      899 904
Integral control action      215 219
Integral control action basic principle for obtaining      252—54 260—61
Integral control with state feedback      682—83
Integral time      216
Inverse Laplace transform      35
Inverse Laplace transform partial-fraction expansion method for obtaining      35—44
Inverse Laplace transformation      17
Inverse polar plot      537—40
Inversion integral      17 34
Inverted-pendulum control system      803—10 852—61 891—93 952—57
Inverted-pendulum control system design with MATLAB      808—10 852—61 891—93
Inverted-pendulum system      85—87 803—10 952—57
Inverting amplifier      263—64
Irwin, J.D.      984
Jacobian matrix      905
Jayasuriya, S.      983—84
Jordan blocks      740
Jordan canonical form      713 715 756—57
1 2 3 4
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