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Ogata K. — Modern Control Engineering |
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Kailath, T. 984
Kalman, R.E. 737 748 985
Kirchhoff’s current law 87
Kirchhoff’s loop law 87
Kirchhoff’s node law 87
Kirchhoff’s voltage law 87
Kochenburger, R.J. 985
Krasovskii’s method 905—7
Kreindler, E 985
Kuo, B.C. 985
Lag compensator 406 418—20
Lag compensator Bode diagram of 621—23
Lag compensator design by frequency-response method 622—23
Lag compensator design by root-locus method 418—20
Lag network 273 406
Lag-lead compensation 427—32 630—34
Lag-lead compensator 406
Lag-lead compensator Bode diagram of 630—31
Lag-lead compensator design by frequency-response method 631
Lag-lead compensator design by root-locus method 429—31
Lag-lead compensator electrical 441—42
Lag-lead compensator electronic 427’-29
Lag-lead compensator mechanical 440
Lag-lead compensator polar plot of 630—3 1
Lag-lead network 406
Lagrange polynomial 768
Lagrange’s interpolation formula 768
Laminar-flow resistance 93
Laplace integral lower limit of 26—27
Laplace transform 17
Laplace transform change of time scale 26
Laplace transform existance of 18
Laplace transform method solving differential equations by 44—46
Laplace transform of exponential function 19
Laplace transform of impulse function 24
Laplace transform of periodic function 50—51
Laplace transform of pulse function 24
Laplace transform of ramp function 20
Laplace transform of sinusoidal function 20
Laplace transform of step function 19
Laplace transform of translated function 21
Laplace transforms properties of 36
Laplace transforms table of 22—23
LaSalle, J.P. 985
Lathrop, R.C. 984
Lead compensator 406 409—17
Lead compensator design by frequency-response method 613—15
Lead compensator design by root-locus method 411—12
Lead compensator frequency response characteristics o 612—13
Lead network 273 406
Lead network electrical 440—41
Lead network mechanical 439
Lee, C. S.G. 984
Lefschetz, S 985
Levinson, N. 984
Liapunov function 902
Liapunov stability analysis of linear time-invariant system 907—12
Liapunov, A.M. 897
Liapunov, A.M., first method of 897
Liapunov, A.M., second method of 897
Liapunov’s main stability theorem 902—3 940—42
Linear system 58
Linear system MATLAB representation of 160—61
Linear time-invariant system 58
Linear time-varying system 58
Linearization of hydraulic servo system 102—5
Linearization of nonlinear systems 60 100—5
Liquid-level control system 10 140—41 200—4 219—21 287—89
Liquid-level systems 92—96 120—22
Log-magnitude versus phase plot 519—21
Logarithmic decrement 198—99
Logarithmic plot 473
Luenberger, D.G. 985
Lur’e,A.I. 985
M circles 557—58
Magnitude condition 319
Manipulated variable 2
Mapping theorem 526 584—87
Mass 81
Mathematical model 57
Matheson, J.E. 984
MATLAB commands, abs 961 974
MATLAB commands, angle 974
MATLAB commands, axis 961 967
MATLAB commands, axis (‘normal’) 967
MATLAB commands, axis (‘square’) 967
MATLAB commands, bode 961
MATLAB commands, bode (A,B,C,D,iu) 502
MATLAB commands, bode (num, den) 493
MATLAB commands, bode (num, den, w) 495
MATLAB commands, bode(A,B,C,D) 502
MATLAB commands, clear 961 963
MATLAB commands, conv 961 971
MATLAB commands, deconv 961 972
MATLAB commands, det 961
MATLAB commands, diag 961 976
MATLAB commands, diag (0,n) 977
MATLAB commands, diag (0:n) 977
MATLAB commands, eig 961 968
MATLAB commands, eig(A,B) 969—70
MATLAB commands, exit 960—61 965
MATLAB commands, exp 961
MATLAB commands, expm 961 975
MATLAB commands, eye 961
MATLAB commands, eye (n) 975
MATLAB commands, filter 961
MATLAB commands, format long 961 964
MATLAB commands, format long e 961 964
MATLAB commands, format short 961 964
MATLAB commands, format short e 961 964
MATLAB commands, grid 961 965
MATLAB commands, hold 185 961 965
MATLAB commands, imag 961
MATLAB commands, impulse(A,B,C,D) 166
MATLAB commands, impulse(num, den) 166
MATLAB commands, inv 961
MATLAB commands, Iogspace(d1,d2) 493
MATLAB commands, Iogspace(d1,d2,n) 493
MATLAB commands, Iqr 962
MATLAB commands, K= lqr(A,B,Q,R) 925 931
MATLAB commands, linspace 962
MATLAB commands, logspace 962
MATLAB commands, lqr(A, B, Q, R) 925
MATLAB commands, magdB = 20*log10(mag) 493 578
MATLAB commands, NaN 962
MATLAB commands, nyquist 962
MATLAB commands, nyquist(A,B,C,D) 517
MATLAB commands, nyquist(A,B,C,D,iu) 518
MATLAB commands, nyquist(A,B,C,D,iu,w) 518
MATLAB commands, nyquist(num, den,w) 513
MATLAB commands, nyquist(num,den) 513
MATLAB commands, ones 962
MATLAB commands, ones(A) 975
MATLAB commands, ones(m,n) 975
MATLAB commands, ones(n) 975
MATLAB commands, pi 962
MATLAB commands, plot 962 965
MATLAB commands, plot(x,y) 965
MATLAB commands, polar 962
MATLAB commands, poly 798 962 970—71
MATLAB commands, polyval 962 972
MATLAB commands, polyvalm 801 962 972
MATLAB commands, quit 960 962 965
MATLAB commands, r = abs(z) 975
MATLAB commands, rank 962
MATLAB commands, rem 962
MATLAB commands, residue 962
MATLAB commands, rlocus 962
MATLAB commands, rlocus(A,B,C,D,K) 339
MATLAB commands, rlocus(num, den) 338
| MATLAB commands, rlocus(num,den,K) 339
MATLAB commands, roots 962 971
MATLAB commands, save 965
MATLAB commands, semi logy 962
MATLAB commands, semilog 496
MATLAB commands, semilogx 962
MATLAB commands, size 962
MATLAB commands, sqrt 962
MATLAB commands, sqrtm 963
MATLAB commands, step 963
MATLAB commands, step(A,B,C,D) 161
MATLAB commands, step(num,den) 161
MATLAB commands, step(num,den,t) 161
MATLAB commands, sum 963
MATLAB commands, text 165 963 966
MATLAB commands, theta = angle(z) 975
MATLAB commands, title 963 965
MATLAB commands, who 963
MATLAB commands, xlabel 963 965
MATLAB commands, ylabel 963 965
MATLAB commands, z = r*exp(i*theta) 975
MATLAB commands, zeros 963 975
MATLAB commands, zeros(A) 975
MATLAB commands, zeros(m,n) 975
MATLAB commands, zeros(n) 975
MATLAB commands, [A,B,C,D] = tf2ss(num,den) 759 977
MATLAB commands, [G,H] = c2d(A,B,Ts) 185 981
MATLAB commands, [K,P,E] = lqr(A,B,Q,R) 925
MATLAB commands, [mag,phase,w] = bode(A,B,C,D,iu,w) 578
MATLAB commands, [mag,phase,w] = bode(num,den,w) 492 495
MATLAB commands, [num, den] = ss2tf(A,B,C,D) 720 978
MATLAB commands, [num,den] = residue(r,p,k) 42 980
MATLAB commands, [num,den] = ss2tf(A,B,C,D,iu) 719 978
MATLAB commands, [r,Kl = rlocus(A,B,C,D) 339
MATLAB commands, [r,K] = rlocus (num, den,K) 339
MATLAB commands, [r,K] = rlocus (num,den) 339
MATLAB commands, [r,K] = rlocus(A,B,C,D,K) 339
MATLAB commands, [r,p,K]= residue (num,den) 41—43 979—80
MATLAB commands, [re,im,w] = nyquist(num,den) 513
MATLAB commands, [re,im,w] = nyquist(num,den,w) 513 593
MATLAB commands, [X,D] = eig(A) 968—69
MATLAB commands, [X,D] =eig(A,B) 969
MATLAB commands, [y, x, t] = impulse(A,B, C,D) 167
MATLAB commands, [y, x, t] = impulse(A,B, C,D,iu) 167
MATLAB commands, [y, x, t] = impulse(A,B, C,D,iu,t) 167
MATLAB commands, [y, x, t] = impulse(num, den) 166
MATLAB commands, [y, x, t] = impulse(num, den,t) 166
MATLAB commands, [y, x, t] = step(A,B, C,D,iu) 161
MATLAB commands, [y, x, t] = step(num,den,t) 161
MATLAB, automatic plotting algorithm 967
MATLAB, available colors 967
MATLAB, conversion from continuous time to discrete time 981
MATLAB, double-assignment command 969
MATLAB, double-assignment statement 968
MATLAB, line beginning with ‘%’ 963
MATLAB, line types 966
MATLAB, manual axis scaling 967
MATLAB, obtaining response to initial condition 173—78
MATLAB, obtaining unit-step response with 416—17
MATLAB, partial-fraction expansion with 979
MATLAB, plotting Bode diagram with 492—504
MATLAB, plotting multiple curves 965
MATLAB, plotting root loci with 338—39
MATLAB, point types 966
MATLAB, transient-response analysis with 160—78
MATLAB, use of colon operator 964
MATLAB, use of semicolon operator 963—64
MATLAB, variables in 963
MATLAB, writing text in diagrams 644 966
Matrix cancellation in transfer 775—78 785
Matrix defective 969
Matrix exponential 723 731—35
Matrix exponential computation of 731—35
Matrix Riccati equation 925
Maximum overshoot in unit-impulse response 160
Maximum overshoot in unit-step response 151 153
Maximum overshoot versus curve 155
Maximum percent overshoot 151 153
Maximum phase lead angle 612—13
Measuring element 213 218—19
Mechanical vibratory system 178—87 196—98
Mechanical vibratory system computer simulations of 182—87
Melbourne, W.G. 985
Minimal polynomial 730—31 762—65
Minimum-order observer 813 830—34
Minimum-order observer observed-state feedback control system with 836—37
Minimum-order state observer 813 830—34
Minimum-phase system 486—87
Minimum-phase transfer function 486
Minorskyk, N. 1 985
Mishchenko, E.F 986
Mitter, S.K. 986
Model-reference control system 912—14
Modeling error 686
Modern control theory 70
Modified Nyquist path 541—42
Monopoli, R.V. 985
Moore, J.B. 983
Motor time constant 145
Motor torque constant 143
Motorcycle suspension system 114
Multiple-loop system 536
Multiple-loop system stability of 528—29
N circles 558—60
Narendra, K.S. 985
Negative definiteness of scalar function 900
Negative semidefiniteness of scalar function 900
Newton 82
Nichols chart 560—63
Nichols plots 520
Nichols, N.B. 986
Noble, B. 985
Nonbleed-type relay 243
Nonhomogeneous state equation solution of 727—29
Noninverting amplifier 264
Nonlinear mathematical models linear approximation of 101—5
Nonlinear system 59
Nonminimum-phase systems 359—60 486—87 575
Nonminimum-phase transfer function 486 569
Nonuniqueness of a set of state variables 717—18
Norm of matrix 967
Norm of vector 967
Nozzle-flapper amplifier 242—43
Number-decibel conversion line 474—75
Nyquist path 526
Nyquist plot 504
Nyquist plot of 621—22
Nyquist plot of positive-feedback system 593—96
Nyquist plot of system defined in state space 517—18
Nyquist stability analysis 532—42
Nyquist stability criterion 521 523—32
Nyquist stability criterion applied to inverse polar plot 537—40
Nyquist, H. 1 523 985
Observability 737 743—49
Observability complete 743—44
Observability matrix 744
Observable canonical form 712 751—53
Observation 813
Observed-state feedback control system 825
Observer 813
Observer error equation 825
Octave 475
Offset 141
Ogata, K. 985—86
On-off control action 213
On-off control action off control action op amps 263
Open-loop control system 7
Open-loop control system advantages of 10
Open-loop control system disadvantages of 10
Open-loop frequency response curve reshaping of 611
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