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Roskam J. — Airplane flight dynamics and automatic flight controls (part 1) |
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A/D Device 1247
Acceleration Feedback 973
Acceleration Feedback, Error Constant 1024
accelerometers 935
Actuator 951
Actuator, Controller 923
Actuator, Electro Hydraulic Servo 958
Actuator, Magnetic Clutch Servo 952
Additional Lift Distribution 57
Aerodynamic Center, Airfoil see “Airfoil”
Aerodynamic Center, Total Airplane 133
Aerodynamic Center, Wing 76 see
Aerodynamic Center, Wing — Body 941 131
Aerodynamic Effects of Turbulence 892
Aeroelasticity Chapter 8
Aileron Control 145 205
Aileron Reversal 713
Air Data Computers 942
Airfoil, Aerodynamic Center 57 62
Airfoil, Aerodynamic Characteristics 53
Airfoil, Geometry 54
Airfoil, Lift Curve Slope 63
Airfoil, New 102
Airfoil, Parameters 53
Airplane Data Appendix C 589
Airspeed Detectors 940
Altitude Hold (Mode) 1117 1141 1227
Altitude Sensors 942
Amplitude ratio 812
Angle of Attack, Airplane 124 125
Angle of Attack, Feedback 1102
Angle of Attack, Wing 124 125
Angle Requirement 984
Angular (Rotational) Velocity 13 15 29
Apparent Time Constant 1020
Approximate Inverse Laplace Method 690
Artificial Feel System 342
Asymptote 990 992
Asymptotic, Approximations 826
Asymptotic, Frequency Response 1117 838
Attitude Hold Mode 1117
Auto-Drag 1145
Auto-Throttle 1143 also
Automatic Flare (Mode) 1194
Automatic Flight Control System 1085 1223 1337
Automatic Landing Mode 1182
Bandwidth 1019
Bank angle 25
Bank Angle Hold (Mode) 1157
Basic Lift Distribution 57
Betti Reciprocal Theorem 731
Block Diagrams 975
Bobweight 327
Bode Chart 812
Bode Chart, Method 972 1002
Body Fixed Coordinate System 10 12 13
Break Away Angle 995
Break frequency 822
Canonical transformation 1323
Categories for Automatic Landing Systems 1182
Center of mass 12 13
Center of Pressure of an Airfoil 57 62
Characteristic equation 415 449
Clear air turbulence 885
Closed Loop Transfer Function 979
compatability 726
Compensation 1031
Compensatory System 915
Control (Wheel) Stick Steering 147 1133
Control Surface, Angle-of-Attack Effectiveness 97
Control Surface, Lift Effectiveness 97
Control System Effects 300
Controllability 1314
Convergence, Oscillatory 388 389
Convergence, Pure 388 389
Cooper — Harper Scale 537
Coriolis acceleration 1178
Corner frequency 822
Coupler 1197 1198
Coupling, Lateral Disturbances into Longitudinal Disturbances 674
Coupling, Longitudinal Motions into Lateral Response 650—668
Coupling, Pitch Rate into Dutch Roll 650—652
Coupling, Roll into Longitudinal and Directional stability 645—650
Cross-over, Frequency 824
Cut-off rate 1019
D/A device 1247
Damping ratio 407
Decibel 812
Delay time 1019 1020
Denoivre's Theorem 1252
Departure Poles or RootS "9
Design for Artificial Static Stability 504
Design for Dynamic Stability 490 494
Design for Roll Response 499 502
Dicifal control System Analysis 1247
Differential ator 826 949
Differential Stabilizer Control 145 147
Dihedral Effect 140 260
Dimensional Stability Derivatives, Laterall — Dlrectional 444 445
Dimensional Stability Derivatives, Longirudinal 412 413
Directional stability 254
Directional Stability SAS 1086 1117
Discrete turbulence 888
Distribtion Matrix 1307
Divergence, dynamic Pressure 718
Divergence, oscillatory 388 408
Divergence, pure 388 405
Downspring 327
Downwash, at Horizontal Tail 84
Downwash, determination from Tunnel Data 278
Downwash, in Wing Wake 84
Drag polar 120
Drag to Angle of Attack 119 120
Drag to Stabilizer and Elevator 120
Drag Total, Airplane 119
Driden spectra 882
Duteh Roll, Approximation 458
Duteh Roll, node 452
Dynamic Pressure Ratio 91
Dynamic Stability and Response 387 Chapter
Dynamic Stability, Criterion 387 699
Dynamic Stability, Definition 387
Dynamic Stability, Free Controls 485
Dynamic Stability, Lateral — Directional 442
Dynamic Stability, Longitudinal 412
Earth Fixed Coordinate System 9
Eigen Values 1317
Eigen Vector 1318
Elastic Airplane Chapter 8
Elastic Airplane, Equations of Motion 719 752
Elastic Airplane, Equivalent 758
Elastic Airplane, Equivalent Stability Derivatives (Longitudinal) 762
Elastic Airplane, Lateral — Directional Applications 797
Elastic Airplane, Magnitude of Derivatives 771
Elastic Airplane, Perturbed Equations of Motion 759 778
Elastic Airplane, Perturbed State Stability Derivatives (Longitudinal) 759
Elastic Airplane, Steady State Equations of Motion 752
Elastic Airplane, Steady State Stability Derivatives 758
Elastic Airplane, Windtunnel Models 780
Elevator Control Power Reduction 718
Elevator-Per-'g' 295
Energy-Time-Histories 700 702 707
Engine-Out Control 280
Equalization 918
Equations of motion Chapters 2 8
Equations of Motion, Derivation 11
Equations of Motion, Elastic Airplanes 719—756
Equations of Motion, General 32
Equations of Motion, In Gust 897
Equations of Motion, Kinematic 33
| Equations of Motion, Perturbed State 39
Equations of Motion, Rigid Airplanes 9
Equations of Motion, Steady State 37 735
Equilibrium 244
Equivalent Stability Derivative 495
error constants 1022
Error Specifications 1022
Euler angles 25
FAR's (Federal Airworthiness Regulations) Appendix B 548
FAR's (Federal Airworthiness Regulations), FAR Abbreviations and Symbols 549
FAR's (Federal Airworthiness Regulations), FAR23/SFAR 23 550
FAR's (Federal Airworthiness Regulations), SFAR13/FAR 25 567
Feedback control Chapter 11
Feedback Path Transfer Functions 977
Filters 949
Final value theorem 394 1277
First Order Hold 1256
Flight Path Relative to Earth 25
Flow Incidence Angle Sensors 940
Fly-By-Wire Control (Fly-by-Light) 342
Fly-by-wire system 925 923
Force — Feel Computer 342 345
Force(s), Aerodynamic 12 Chapter 111
Force(s), Lateral-Directional 137
Force(s), Longitudinal 114
Force(s), Steady State 114
Force(s), Thrust 12 114
Forward Path Transfer Function 977
Fourier analysis 809 871
Fowler Flap 127
Frequency Domain Specifications 1017
Frequency response Chapter 9 809 811 819
Frequency Response, Contribution to Aerodynamic Center Location 94
Frequency Response, Fuselage see also “Body”
Frequency Response, Lateral-Directional 852
Frequency Response, Longitudinal 843
Gain, margin 1017
Gain, Pitch Damper 495
Gain, Yaw Damper 198
Gearing Ratio 305
General Electric Self-Adaptive Control System 1234
Geometric Dihedral Wing 140
Glide Slope Intercept and Hold, Lateral 1198
Glide Slope Intercept and Hold, Longitudinal 1182
Gravity Components 31
Gyroscopes 927
Gyroscopes, Directional 932
Gyroscopes, Rate 932
Gyroscopes, Tilt Angle 1095
Gyroscopes, Vertical 931
Handling Quality Requirements Appendix B
Handling Quality Requirements, Dynamic Lateral-Directional Stability 543
Handling Quality Requirements, Dynamic Longitudinal Stability 536
Handling Quality Requirements, Roll Response 545
Harmonic analysis 871
Heading angle 25
Heading Hold Mode 1157 1160
Hinge Moments 306 307
Homogeneous turbulence 877
Hooke's law 727
Human Pilot 915
Human Pilot, Delay 1049
Human Pilot, Equalization 1059
Human Pilot, In-the-Loop Chapter 12
Human Pilot, Lag 1061 918
Human Pilot, Lead 1061 918
Human Pilot, Model 1049 918
Human Pilot, Neuromuscular Lag 918
Human Pilot, Rating Prediction 1074
Human Pilot, Transfer Function 1049 918
Indicial admittance 408
Inertia, Examples of Airplane Moments of Inertia 19 20 21
Inertia, moment of 16 18
Inertia, product of 16 18
Inertia, tensor 742
Inertial coordinate system 9 719
Inertial Derivatives 764
Influence coefficients 727
Influence Coefficients, Aerodynamic 747
Influence Coefficients, Function Tensor 731
Influence Coefficients, Structural 738 727
Initial value theorem 394 1276
inner loop 1000
Integration of Nonlinear Differential Equations 686
Integrator 826 827 947
Intensity of turbulence 875 885 887
Internal Equilibrium of Elastic Airplane 723 727 738 744
Inverse s-Transform 399 401 404
Inverse z-transform 1271
Irreversible Control Systems 301 339
Isotropic turbulence 877
Jig Shape 732 756 784 785
Jig Shape, Problem 756
Jury's Test 1295
Karman Spectra 882
King Radio Corporation Autopilot Appendix D
Krueger Flap 127
Lag network 815 1031 943
Laplace Transform (ation) 392—412
Lateral-Directional (Localizer) Beam Control 1198
Lateral-Directional Forces and Moments 161
Lead network 946
Lead-Lag Network 829 1031
Leading Edge Shape (Parameter) 53 54
Level of Handling Qualities Appendix B
Lift Vector Tilting 199
Lift — Curve Slope, Airfoil 63
Lift — Curve Slope, Wing 71 77
Lift, Due to Angle of Attack 123
Lift, Due to Elevator and Stabilizer 123 126
Lift, Horizontal Tail 125 126
Lift, Total Airplane 120
Lift, Wing — Body 125
Linear Transformation Theory 1317
Longitudinal Stability 255
Longitudinal Stability SAS 1102 1225
Lyapunov, direct method 678
Lyapunov, function 682
Lyapunov, Stability Definitions 679
Mach Hold (Mode) 1117 1143
Mach Trim Compensator 250 260 1149
Maneuver Point (Stick Fixed and Free) 300 318
Mapping of s-Plane into z-Plane 1264
Mass Rate of Change 10 11
Matrix exponential 1311
Maximum Thickness Ratio 53
Mean Line (Shape) 53 54
Mean, Aerodynamic Chord 69
Mean, Geometric Chord 69
Measurement Matrix 1307
Mechanical Reversion 921
Minimum Control Speed 283
Mode Shape, Lateral-Directional 465
Mode Shape, Longitudinal 437
Moment coefficient see “Wing”
Moments, Aerodynamic Chapter 4
Moments, Lateral-Directional see “Rolling and Yawing Moment”
Moments, Longitudinal see “Pitching Moment”
Momentum, angular 11
Momentum, linear 11
Multiple Loop Control 1208 997
Multiple Variable Control 1208 1210 1215
NACA Airfoil Designations 55
Navier's equations 730
Neutral point 265 313
Newton's second law 9 11
Nondimensional, Perturbed Forces and Moments 173
Nondimensional, Variables 171
Nonlinear differential equations 686
Nonlinear Equations of Motion Chapter 7 683 684
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