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Perina J., Hradil Z., Jurco B. — Quantum optics and fundamentals of physics
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Название: Quantum optics and fundamentals of physics
Авторы: Perina J., Hradil Z., Jurco B.
Аннотация: This book deals with the contemporary development of quantum theory from the point of view of quantum optics. The fundamentals of quantum theory are presented, with particular attention being given to the quantum theory of measurement. General coherent states are adopted as the most important theoretical tool for the description of the interaction of optical fields with matter. Quantum theory predicts various nonclassical phenomena, such as squeezing of vacuum fluctuations, photon antibunching, sub-Poisson photon statistics, collapses and revivals of atomic motion, etc. These quantum effects can be observed, together with violation of various classical and Bell's inequalities, using photon interference and correlation techniques. This is demonstrated by experiments involving single-photon and two-photon interferences, squeezed and sub-Poisson light and twin photons produced by frequency down conversion. All these results are in agreement with quantum theory and they confirm the wave — particle duality of a photon and the `nonlocal' features of quantum theory. For research workers in quantum mechanics, quantum theory, quantum optics and electronics, optical communications, optoelectronics, photonics and nonlinear optics, optical processing and computing.
Рубрика: Физика /
Статус предметного указателя: Указатель в процессе заполнения
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 1994
Количество страниц: 350
Добавлена в каталог: 16.11.2014
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Algebra 135
Algebra, oscillator 135
Algebra, Weyl — Heisenberg 135
Amplitude-squared squeezing 160
Anharmonic oscillations 151
Anharmonic oscillator 234 235
Anholonomy 96
Annihilation operator 22 26 150
Annihilation operator of level 150
Annihilation operator of photon 150
Annihilation operator, Fermi — Dirac 207
Antibunching of photons 156 161 162 277
Antibunching of photons in resonance fluorescence 277
Anticommutator 158 159
Anticorrelation 261
Atom-field frequency detuning 188
Atomic coherent states 136 192
Atomic dipole momentum operator 187
Back-action-evading amplifier 109
Back-action-evading measurement 103 108 274
Baker — hausdorff identity 121
Bargmann representation 123 124
Beam 199
Beam, cross-spectrally pure 200
Beam, partially coherent 199
Beam, splitter 212 261
Beam, twin 232 233
Beats 207
Beats in fourth-order pattern 207
Behaviour 218
Behaviour, complementary of classical and quantum fields 299
Behaviour, particle-like 218 221
Behaviour, wave-like 218 221
Bell's inequalities 238 242 243 245 246 252 259
Bell's inequalities, modified 250
Bell's inequalities, violation of 242 250 252 259
Bernoulli distribution 40
Berry phase 96
Berry — Pancharatnam phase 96 222 306
Berry — Pancharatnam phase, topological 306
Bloch state 138 192
Bohm — Aharonov effect 95
Bose gas 25
Bose — Einstein distribution 41
Bunching of photons 161
Burgess variance theorem 41
Canonical commutation relation 21
Canonical quantization 20 21
Casimir operator 85 86 91
Cavity quantum electrodynamics 187
Cavity quantum optics 187
Cell of quantum phase space 198
Change of photon statistics 153
Change of photon statistics by nonlinear dynamics 153
Change of photon statistics in initial state 153
Chaotic light 161 162 205
Chaotic light from natural sources 161
Chaotic state 211
Characteristic equation 159
Characteristic function 39 45 78 128 129 178
Characteristic function for phase-conjugated beam 193
Characteristic function, antinormal 128 151 165
Characteristic function, connecting relations for 131
Characteristic function, Fourier transform of 178
Characteristic function, normal 128 144 152 166
Characteristic function, symmetric 128
Characteristic subspace 46
Classical device 59
Classical limit 173
Classical limit of strong fields 173
Classical-quantum correspondence 32
Clauser — Horne inequality 251
Clauser — Horne — Shimony — Holt inequality 249
Coherence 200
Coherence area 205 206
Coherence matrix 42
Coherence time 200 204 206
Coherence volume 198 205 206
Coherence, 2N-th order 210
Coherence, complete 210
Coherence, spatial 200 205
Coherence, temporal 200 205
Coherent state 32 116 123 157 210
Coherent state as eigenstates 122
Coherent state of harmonic oscillator 120
Coherent state, associated with Lie groups 118
Coherent state, atomic 136
Coherent state, basic properties of 120
Coherent state, canonical 120 140
Coherent state, even 122
Coherent state, odd 122
Coherent state, scalar product of 122
Coherent state, spin 136
Coherent state, two-photon 134
Coherent system 9
Coherent-state technique 149
Coherent-state technique, two-photon 151
Coincidence device 203
Collapse and revival 156 279
Collapse and revival of atomic oscillations 279
Collapse and revival of atomic population 156 188
Collapse and revival of probability 189
Collective operator 192
Commutation relation 22 28—30
Commutation relation of Heisenberg — Weyl algebra 121
Commutation relation, canonical 120
Complementarity 172 221
Complementarity of one-particle and two-particle visibilities 203
Complementarity, principle 173 197 216
Completeness 119 244
Completeness of coherent states 119
Continuous detection 71
Contractive state 104
Contravariant symbol 117
Control 195
Control of quantum statistics 195
Cooperative effects 192
Corpuscular properties 216
Correlated coherent state 159
Correlated photon pairs 253
Correlated photon pairs, state reduction for 253
Correlation function 30
Correlation function of stationary field 34
Correlation function, (m + n)-th order 31
Correlation function, analytic properties of 35
Correlation function, antinormal 32
Correlation function, even-order 38
Correlation function, factorization condition of 32 200 210 211
Correlation function, fourth-order 275
Correlation function, inequalities for 36
Correlation function, normal 31
Correlation function, odd-order 38
Correlation function, positive definiteness of 36 37
Correlation function, properties of 30
Correlation function, quantum 30
Correlation function, spectral 35
Correlation function, spectral properties of 33
Correlation function, wave equation for 35
Correlation interferometer 206
Correlation matrix 42
Correlation measurement 206 251
Correlation measurement, quantum 251
Correlations 186
Correlations of fluctuations 205
Correlations of intensities 204 207
Correlations of photoelectrons 205
Correlations, quantum 186
Correlations, signal-pump 186
Correlations, signal-signal 186
Correlator 203
Correspondence principle 259
Coulomb gauge 29
Counting rate 211
Counting rate, joint 211
Coupling of modes 153
Covariant symbol 117
Creation operator 22 26 150
Creation operator of level 150
Creation operator of photon 150
Crescent state 174 177 183
Cross-spectral purity 205
Cumulant 40
Cyclic vector 48
Damping constant 142
De Broglie guided wave 173
De Broglie guided-wave theory 300
De Broglie guided-wave theory for photons 300
Decay rate 191
Decoherence effects 257
Decomposition 63
Decomposition of identity operator 63
Degeneracy parameter 42 204
Degenerate subharmonic generation 165
Degenerate subharmonic generation with classical pumping 165
Degree of coherence 162 177
Degree of coherence, fourth-order 162
Degree of coherence, phase of 199
Degree of coherence, second-order 162 199
Degree of coherence, spectral 200
Degree of freedom 205
Degree of freedom, polarization 205
Degree of freedom, spatial 205
Degree of polarization 42 205
Delayed-choice experiments 217 306 308
Demolition measurement 104
Density matrix see "Statistical operator"
Density operator see "Statistical operator"
Detailed balance 147
Detailed balance, between absorption and emission 147
Detection 69 72
Detection of gravitational waves 98 110
Detection Operator 30
Detection volume 205
Detection, area 205
Detection, heterodyne 69 72 76
Detection, homodyne 69 72 73
Diagonal representation 117
Dicke state 136 192
Difference-amplitude squeezing 161
Diffraction of light 171
Diffusion coefficient 148—150
Diffusion coefficient, antinormal order 148
Diffusion coefficient, normal order 148
Dipole coupling constant 191
Disentangling formula 138
Dispersion relations 35
Displacement operator 113 121 123
Dissipation 170
Down conversion 231
Drift vectors 148 149
Dynamical phase shift 96
Effective Hamiltonian 150 185 222 224 225
Eigenvalue 46 158
Eigenvalue equation 46 158
Eigenvalue problem 173
Eigenvector 46
Eigenvector, generalized 50
Einstein formula 40
Einstein — Podolsky — Rosen (EPR), "paradox" 2 173 200 242 243 285
Electric strength operator 187
Electric-dipole matrix element 187
Electronic transitions 150
Electronic transitions, real 150
Electronic transitions, virtual 150
Element of physical reality 244
emission 158
Emission, spontaneous 158 221 304 310
Emission, stimulated 304 310
Entangled state 231 243 244 285
Entanglement 195
entropy 154 195
Entropy of squeezed coherent state 154
Entropy, global characteristic 154
Equation of motion 148
Equation of motion for characteristic function 148
Evolution operator 8
Exclusion principle 213
expectation value 10
Expectation value, vacuum 32
Experiment 260
Experiment with feedbacks 260 265
Experiment with frequency down conversion 286
Experiment with squeezed light 260 268
Experiment with sub-Poisson light 260 275
Experiment, cavity quantum electrodynamics 260
Experiment, polarization correlation 264
Experiment, resonance fluorescence 260
Experiment, single-photon interference 260
Experiment, two-photon 260
Experiment, two-photon interferometer 294
Factorial moments 40 145 153 155
Fano factor 41 163
Fano factor for chaotic field 43
Fano factor for coherent field 43
Fano factor for Fock state 43
Fano factor for sub-Poisson field 43
Fano factor for super-chaotic field 43
Fano factor for super-Poisson field 43
Feedback 222 267
Feedback mechanism 231
Feedback, negative 233
Feynman path amplitude 218
Field 32
Field, auxiliary 61 77
Field, chaotic 41 207
Field, classical 41
Field, coherent 32 41 207
Field, deterministic 32 210
Field, ergodic 34
Field, local oscillator 77
Field, partially coherent 177 202
Field, partially polarized 42
Field, Poissonian 41
Field, quantum 41
Field, second-order coherent 37
Field, signal 77
Field, stationary 34
Field, sub-Poissonian 41
Field, super-Poissonian 41
Flow of number probabilities 147
Fluctuations 157
Fluctuations in coherent state 157
Fluctuations, amplitude 211
Fluctuations, phase 211
Fluctuations, quadrature 157
Fluctuations, vacuum 157
fluorescent light 261
Fluorescent light from single atom 261
Fock representation 23 120
Fock space 23 135
Fock state 23 177 211 284
Fock vacuum 135
Fokker — Planck equation 145—150 223 225 235
Fokker — Planck equation, generalized 145—147 149 150 223 225
Fokker — Planck equation, non-Gaussian solution 236
Four-wave mixing 151 228 253 260 271—273
Four-wave mixing in optical fibres 272
Four-wave mixing, backward 271
Four-wave mixing, forward 272 273
Fourier transformation 50 178