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Griffits D.J. — Introduction to quantum mechanics |
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Absorption 307—308
Addition of angular momenta 165—170
Addition of vectors 76
Adiabatic, approximation 323—351
Adiabatic, process 323—325
Adiabatic, series 350—351
Adiabatic, theorem 324—330
Adjoint 83
Agnostic position 4 374
Aharonov — Bohm effect 343—349
Airy, equation 286
Airy, function 286—288
Allowed energy 23
Allowed energy, band 201
Allowed energy, bouncing ball 292
Allowed energy, delta function well 55
Allowed energy, finite square well 62—63
Allowed energy, harmonic oscillator 35 40 292
Allowed energy, harmonic oscillator, three-dimensional 170
Allowed energy, helium atom 187—189
Allowed energy, hydrogen atom 137 242—243 295
Allowed energy, infinite spherical well 132
Allowed energy, infinite square well 26
Allowed energy, infinite square well, three-dimensional 124 193—195 231—232
Allowed energy, potential well, no vertical walls 290—292
Allowed energy, potential well, one vertical wall 289—290
Allowed energy, potential well, two vertical walls 278
Allowed energy, power-law potential 293—294
Allowed transition 322
Alpha, decay 281—284
Alpha, particle 281 284
Angular equation 124—128
Angular momentum, addition of 165—170
Angular momentum, orbital 154
Angular momentum, spin 154
Anomalous magnetic moment 241
Antibonding 185
Antisymmetric matrix 82
Antisymmetric state 180 269
Aspect experiment 379—380
Associated Laguerre polynomial 139—140
Associated Legendre function 126—127 172
atoms 186—193
Average, over directions 311
Average, over polarizations 311
Average, value 7—8
Azimuthal, angle 123
Azimuthal, quantum number 148
Azimuthal, symmetry 352 360
Balmer series 143—144 243—244
Band structure 198—203
Baryon 169
Basis 77
Bead on a ring 70 230—231 345
Bell, John 4 376 380
Bell, John, Bell's inequality 378—379
Bell, John, Bell's theorem 4 376—381
Berry, Michael 336—337 347
Berry, Michael, Berry's phase 333—343 347—349
Bessel functions 130—131
Binding energy 138
Binomial coefficient 207
Biot — Savart law 239
Blackbody spectrum 216—218 312—313
Bloch, Felix 193
Bloch, Felix, Bloch's theorem 198—201
Bohm, David 375
Bohr, Niels 3 5 137 143 158 374
Bohr, Niels, Bohr energies 137 236
Bohr, Niels, Bohr formula 137
Bohr, Niels, Bohr magneton 246
Bohr, Niels, Bohr radius 137
Boltzmann factor 312
Bonding 185 269—270
Born, Max 2 327
Born, Max, Born approximation 357 363—373
Born, Max, Born series 371—373
Born, Max, Born — Oppenheimer approximation 324
Born, Max, Born's statistical interpretation 2
Bose condensation 216
Bose — Einstein distribution 214
Boson 179—181 214
Bouncing ball 292
Bound state 51—52 269—270
boundary conditions 25 54
Boundary conditions, at a delta function 55
Bra 118—119
bulk modulus 198
Canonical, commutation relations 110 122
Canonical, momentum 176
Cat paradox 382—383
Cauchy's integral formula 364
Causal influence 380—381
Centrifugal potential 129
Chandrasekhar, limit 219
Chandrasekhar, trial wave function 273
Characteristic equation 88
chemical potential 214—216
Classical, electron radius 155
Classical, region 275—277 284—285
Clebsch — Gordan, coefficients 167—168 171—172
Clebsch — Gordan, series 167
Cofactor 84
Coherent perturbation 310
Collapse of wave function 4 158—159 374—375 381—382 385
Column matrix 82
Commutator 83 111
Commutator, angular momentum 145—147 150 243 316—318
Commutator, canonical 110 122
Commutator, position/momentum 110
Commutator, spin 154
Commuting operators 33 110
Compatible observables 110
Complementarity 374
Completeness 27 29 77 101
Completeness, of a set of functions 27 29 77 101
Completeness, of a vector space 101
Completeness, of quantum mechanics 3 376
components 77—78
Conductor 203
Configuration 205
conjugate 83
Connection formulas 284—293
Conservation laws 12 113 118
Conservation laws, angular momentum 150 317—318
Conservation laws, energy 31 115
Conservation laws, probability 12 14
Continuous spectrum 50 101 106
Contour integral 365—366
Copenhagen interpretation 3
Coulomb, barrier 281—282
Coulomb, potential 133 186 189 358 370
Coulomb, repulsion 281—282
covalent bond 184—185
Critical temperature 216
Cross-section 354—355
Crystal 200 255
Cubic symmetry 255
de Broglie, Louis 18
de Broglie, Louis, de Broglie formula 18
de Broglie, Louis, de Broglie wavelength 18
Decay mode 313
Degeneracy 69 93 124 170
Degeneracy, absence of in one dimension 69—70
Degeneracy, in hydrogen 139
Degeneracy, pressure 197—198 218—219
Degeneracy, pressure, electron 219
Degeneracy, pressure, neutron 219
Degenerate perturbation theory 225 227—235
Degrees of freedom 220
| Delta function 50 52—53 58—59 72 102 250 259 301
Delta function, barrier 58
Delta function, bump 225 234
Delta function, changing 340
Delta function, interaction 226
Delta function, moving 72
Delta function, shell 362
Delta function, source 363
Delta function, well 50—60 72 258 260 296
Derivative operator 97 99
Determinant 84 91 116
Determinate state 105
Deuterium 179 254—255
Deuteron 254—255
Diagonal matrix 82 90 231
Diagonalizable matrix 90
Differential cross-section 353—355 357 359—360
Diffuse (d) 190
Dipole moment, electric 254 306
Dipole moment, magnetic 160 239—241 250
Dirac, P.A.M. 102 106
Dirac, P.A.M., Dirac comb 198—203
Dirac, P.A.M., Dirac delta function 52—53 59 102
Dirac, P.A.M., Dirac equation 237 244
Dirac, P.A.M., Dirac notation 102 118—119
Direct integral 269
Dirichlet's theorem 28—29 49
Discrete, spectrum 50 101 106
Discrete, variable 9 50
dispersion relation 47
Displacement operator 199
Distinguishable particles 179 182—183 214
distribution 52
Doping 203
Double well 70 295—297
Dual space 119
Dynamic phase 335 337
d’Espagnat, Bernard 3
Effective, nuclear charge 264—265
Effective, potential 129
Ehrenfest's theorem 17 43 122 150 162 175
Ehrenfest, Paul 327
Eigenfunction 97
Eigenvalue 87—88 93
Eigenvalue, angular momentum 148—149
Eigenvalue, spin 155
Eigenvector 87—88 93
Einstein, Albert 3 308—309 375 380
Einstein, Albert, Einstein — Podolsky — Rosen paradox 375—376 379—380
Einstein, Albert, Einstein's A and B coefficients 311—312
Einstein, Albert, Einstein's mass-energy formula 283
Electric dipole, moment 254 306
Electric dipole, radiation 318—319 322
electric field 254 301 307
Electromagnetic wave 306—307
Element (of matrix) 81
Energy 22—23
Energy, binding 138
Energy, electromagnetic field 309
Energy, ionization 138 261 265
Energy, photon 143 216
Energy-time uncertainty principle 112—116 118 321
Ensemble 14—15 382 385
EPR paradox 375—376 379—380
Equilibrium 204 270
Equipartition theorem 220
Ethereal influence 381
Euler's formula 29
Even function 24 26 39 61
Exchange integral 269
Exchange, force 182—185
Exchange, operator 180
Excited state 26 138—139 261
Excited state, helium 187—188
Excited state, lifetime 313
Exclusion principle 180 189 193 195 203
expectation value 7 9 16
Expectation value, rate-of-change 113
Fermi, Enrico, Fermi energy 196 214—215 218
Fermi, Enrico, Fermi surface 196
Fermi, Enrico, Fermi temperature 197
Fermi, Enrico, Fermi — Dirac distribution 214—215
Fermi, Enrico, Fermi's golden rule 311
Fermion 179—181 214
Feynman, Richard iii
Feynman, Richard, Feynman diagram 372
Feynman, Richard, Feynman — Hellman theorem 252—253
Fine structure, constant 235—236
Fine structure, hydrogen 235—244
Finite, spherical well 133
Finite, square well 60—67 373
First Born approximation 367—370
First-order correction 222 302
First-order correction, energy 223 261
First-order correction, wave function 225
Flopping 306 310
Flux quantization 345
Forbidden, gap 201—202
Forbidden, transition 318 322
Foucault pendulum 333—334
Fourier series 28
Fourier transform 46
Fourier's trick 28 106—107
Free electron, density 196
Free electron, gas 193—198
Free particle 44—50 69
Free particle, moving 69
Free particle, stationary 50
Function space 95
Fundamental (f) 190
Fundamental assumption of statistical mechanics 204
Fusion 273
g-factor 246 250 225
g-factor, deuteron 255
g-factor, electron 241 250
g-factor, Lande 246 250
g-factor, proton 250
Gamma function 216
Gamow, George 281
Gamow, George, Gamow theory of alpha decay 281—284
Gap 201—202
Gauge invariance 175—176 349
Gauge transformation 175 343
Gaussian 11 50 69 112 257—258 260 271
Generalized, function 52
Generalized, statistical interpretation 104—105
Generalized, uncertainty principle 108—109
Generating function 44
Generator 118
Generator, of rotations 173
Generator, of translations in space 118
Generator, of translations in time 118
Geometric phase 335—340
Golden Rule 311
Gradient 150
Gram — Schmidt procedure 79
Graphical solution 62—63
Green's function 363 366 373
Ground state 26 35
Ground state, delta-function well 55 258
Ground state, electromagnetic field 308—309
Ground state, finite square well 62 64
Ground state, harmonic oscillator 35 40 257—258 260
Ground state, helium 187—188 261—266
Ground state, hydrogen, atom 138 171 251 367
Ground state, hydrogen, ion 265 272—273
Ground state, hydrogen, molecule ion 266—270
Ground state, infinite square well 26 259—260
Ground state, lithium ion 265
Ground state, upper bound 256 261
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