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Griffits D.J. — Introduction to quantum mechanics |
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Scattering, in three dimensions, from hard sphere 353—355 361—362
Scattering, in three dimensions, from soft sphere 369 373
Scattering, in three dimensions, low energy 368
Scattering, in three dimensions, Rutherford 370 373
Scattering, in three dimensions, spherically symmetrical 369—370
Scattering, in three dimensions, Yukawa 370
Scattering, matrix 66—68
Scattering, state 51—52 56 62
Schroedinger, Erwin 1 71 382
Schroedinger, Erwin, Schrodinger equation 1—5 12 22—23 33 121—122
Schroedinger, Erwin, Schrodinger equation, integral form 363—367 373
Schroedinger, Erwin, Schrodinger equation, time dependent 1—5 12 22 120—122 177 298
Schroedinger, Erwin, Schrodinger equation, time independent 20—74 33 122 178 289
Schroedinger, Erwin, Schrodinger equation, two-particle 177—178
Schroedinger, Erwin, Schrodinger equation, with vector potential 174
Schroedinger, Erwin, Schrodinger's cat 382—83
Schwarz inequality 79—80
screening 190 264—265
Sech-squared potential 72 294
Second-order correction 222 226—227 302—303
Selection rules 315—318
Semiconductor 203
Separable solutions 22—23 123 125
Separation of variables 20 123—125
Sharp (s) 190
Shell 190
shielding 190 264—265 273
Similar matrices 85
Simple harmonic oscillator 25
Singlet state 166 171 185 251
Singular matrix 84
Sinusoidal perturbation 303—306
Skew-Hermitian matrix 83
Slater determinant 186
Soft-sphere scattering 369 373
Solids 193—203
Sommerfeld, Arnold 193
Spectral decomposition 119
Spectrum 101 106
Spectrum, blackbody 217—218
Spectrum, hydrogen 143—144
Spherical, Bessel functions 130—132
Spherical, coordinates 123
Spherical, Hankel functions 358—359
Spherical, harmonics 127—128 152
Spherical, Neumann functions 130—132
Spherical, wave 356
Spherical, well, finite 133
Spherical, well, infinite 129—133
Spin 154—170
Spin, down 155—156
Spin, matrices 156 160 172
Spin, one 160
Spin, one-half 155—160
Spin, three-halves 176
Spin, up 155—156
Spin-orbit coupling 235 239—242
Spin-spin coupling 250—251
Spinor 155
Spontaneous emission 307 311—313
Square well 24 60
Square well, finite 60—67 373
Square well, infinite 24—31
square-integrable 11 95
Standard deviation 8—9
Stark effect 254
State preparation 164
Stationary state 22
Statistical, interpretation 2 11 104—105
Statistical, mechanics 204—218
Stefan — Boltzmann law 217
Step function 59 65 69 259
Stern — Gerlach experiment 162—165
Stimulated emission 307—309
Stirling's approximation 210 212
Superconductor 345
Superluminal influence 380—381
Symmetric, matrix 82
Symmetric, state 180 267
Symmetrization 180
Taylor series 31 116 173
Temperature 204 213
Tetragonal symmetry 255
Thermal equilibrium 204 312—313
Thomas precession 241
Time derivative of expectation value 113
Time-dependent, perturbation theory 298—322
| Time-dependent, Schrodinger equation 1—5 12 22 120—122 177 298
Time-independent, perturbation theory 221—255
Time-independent, Schrodinger equation 20—74 120—122 177 298
Trace 85 91 116
Transfer matrix 73
Transition 143 298 300 329
Transition, allowed 322
Transition, electric dipole 318—319 322
Transition, electric quadrupole 322
Transition, forbidden 318 322
Transition, magnetic dipole 322
Transition, probability 304—305 332
Transition, rate 310
Translation 86 118
Transmission coefficient 57 64—65 67 73 373
Transmitted wave 57
Trial wave function 257—260 271 273
Triangle inequality 80
triplet state 166 185 251
Tunneling 52 59 280—284 293
Turning point 51 275 285 291
Twenty-one centimeter line 251
Two-level system 299—306
Uncertainty principle 17—19 108—110
Uncertainty principle, energy-time 112—116 118 321
Uncertainty principle, generalized 108—109
Uncertainty principle, Heisenberg 18 110 112 123
Uncertainty principle, position-momentum 18 110 112 123
Unit matrix 84
Unitary, matrix 84
Unitary, transformation 94
Valence electron 193
Variance 8
Variational Principle 256—273
Vector 75—76
Vector, potential 174
Vector, space 75—76
Velocity 15—16 45 122 175
Velocity, classical 45 48
Velocity, group 47—48
Velocity, phase 47—48
Vertex factor 372
Virial theorem 117 170 238
von Neumann, John 102
Watched pot effect 383
Wave function 1—2 11 20 22
Wave function, collapse 4 158—159 374—375 381—382 385
Wave function, delta function well 55
Wave function, finite spherical well 132
Wave function, finite square well 61
Wave function, harmonic oscillator 35 41
Wave function, helium 187
Wave function, hydrogen 139
Wave function, infinite spherical well 132
Wave function, infinite square well 26
Wave function, infinite square well, three-dimensional 231
Wave packet 46—47
Wave packet, Gaussian 50 69 112
Wave packet, minimum-uncertainty 112
Wave packet, traveling 69
Wave packet, velocity of 48
Wave vector 194
Wave-particle duality 374
Wavelength 16
White dwarf 218—219
Wien's displacement law 217
Wigner, Eugene 5 383
WKB approximation 274—297
WKB approximation, bound states 277—278 289—292
WKB approximation, scattering 280—281 293
WKB approximation, spherically symmetric potentials 294—295
WKB approximation, tunneling 280—284
Yukawa potential 271 370
Zeeman effect 244—250
Zeeman effect, intermediate field 248—249
Zeeman effect, strong field 246—247
Zeeman effect, weak field 245—246
Zeno effect 383—385
Zero, matrix 88
Zero, vector 76
Zeta function 108 216
“Cold” solid 195 197
“Good” states 228—231
“Helium-like” systems 272
“Normalization” 102
“Orthonormal” 106—107
“Rubber band” helium 272
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