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Griffits D.J. — Introduction to quantum mechanics |
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Group, theory 169
Group, velocity 47—48
gyromagnetic ratio 160 240 244 250
Half-harmonic oscillator 68 289—290
Half-integer angular momentum 149 153 173—174 179
Half-life 315
Hamiltonian 22 120
Hamiltonian, atomic 186
Hamiltonian, charged particle in electric field 306
Hamiltonian, charged particle in electromagnetic field 174 343
Hamiltonian, helium 187 261
Hamiltonian, hydrogen molecule ion 266
Hamiltonian, magnetic dipole in magnetic field 160 239 330
Hankel functions 358—359
Hannay's angle 335
Hard sphere 353—355 361—362
harmonic oscillator 31—44 70—71 117 225—226 257—258
Harmonic oscillator, driven 349—350
Harmonic oscillator, radiation from 313—315
Harmonic oscillator, three-dimensional 170 272
Heisenberg, Werner 5 18 383
Heisenberg, Werner, Heisenberg uncertainty principle 18 110 112 123
Helium 187—189 261—266
Helmholtz equation 363 366
Hermite polynomials 41 43—44
Hermitian, conjugate 83 92
Hermitian, matrix 83
Hermitian, transformation 92—93
Hidden variables 3 376—380 385
Hilbert space 100—101
histogram 6 8 15
hole 203
Hooke's law 31 272
Hund's rules 191—193
Hydrogen atom 113—144
Hydrogen atom, allowed energies 137
Hydrogen atom, fine structure 235—244
Hydrogen atom, ground state 138 171 251 367
Hydrogen atom, hyperfine splitting 235—236 250—252
Hydrogen atom, radius 137
Hydrogen atom, relativistic correction 235—239
Hydrogen atom, spectrum 143—144
Hydrogen atom, spin-orbit coupling 235 239—242
Hydrogen atom, spin-spin coupling 250—252
Hydrogen atom, wavefunctions 139
Hydrogen ion 265 272—273
hydrogen molecule 184—185
Hydrogen molecule ion 266—270
Hydrogenic atom 144 188—189
Hyperfine splitting 235—236 250—252
Identical particles 177—220
Impact parameter 352 371
Impulse approximation 371
Incident wave 57
Incoherent perturbation 309—311
Incompatible observables 110
Incompleteness 3 376 379
Indeterminacy 3 158—159 381
Indistinguishable particles 179—180
Infinite spherical well 129—133
Infinite square well 24—31
Infinite square well, expanding 116—117 324—326 340
Infinite square well, three particles in 204—206
Infinite square well, three-dimensional 193—195
Infinite square well, two particles in 181
Infinite square well, two-dimensional 218
Inner product 78 95
Inner product, space 78
Insulator 203
Integral form of Schrodinger equation 366 373
Integration by parts 15
Intrinsic angular momentum 154
Inverse, beta decay 219
Inverse, Fourier transform 46
Inverse, matrix 84
Ionization 138 261 265
Jordan, Pascual 3
Ket 118—119
kinetic energy 16—17
Kinetic energy, relativistic 236
Kramers' relation 253
Kronecker delta 27—28 102
Kronig — Penney model 200—201
Ladder operators 32—34
Ladder operators, angular momentum 147—149 151
Ladder operators, harmonic oscillator 33—35
Lagrange multiplier 209—210 212
Laguerre polynomial 139—140
Lamb shift 235—236
Lande g-factor 246 250
Laplacian 122
Larmor, formula 314
Larmor, frequency 162
Larmor, precession 160—162
Laser 308
LCAO technique 267
Legendre polynomial 96 99 126
Levi-Civita symbol 159
Lifetime 14 71 114—115 283—284 313 315
linear combination 23 77 382
Linear combination of atomic orbitals 267
Linear independence 69 77
Linear operator 146
Linear potential 292
Linear transformation 80 97
Linearized potential 285—286
Locality 376 380—381
Localized potential 66 358—359
Lorentz force law 160 162 174—175
Low energy scattering 368
Lowering operator 33—34 147—149 151
Luminoscity 355
Lyman series 143—144
Macroscopic object 382—383
Magnetic dipole 160 239
Magnetic dipole, energy of 160
Magnetic dipole, force on 162
Magnetic dipole, moment 160 240—241 250
Magnetic dipole, moment, anomalous 241
Magnetic dipole, transition 322
Magnetic, energy 160 309
Magnetic, field 160 174 307 339—345
Magnetic, flux 339—340 344 349
Magnetic, force 162 174—175
Magnetic, quantum number 125 127 191 317
Many worlds interpretation 385
Matrix 81
Matrix, antisymmetric 82
Matrix, column 82
Matrix, diagonal 90
Matrix, elemental 103 229
Matrix, hermitian 83
Matrix, imaginary 83
Matrix, inverse 84
Matrix, real 83
Matrix, row 82
Matrix, singular 84
Matrix, skew-Hermitian 83
Matrix, symmetric 82
Matrix, unit 84
Matrix, unitary 84
Matrix, zero 88
Maxwell — Boltzmann distribution 214
Mean value 7—8
Measurement 3—5 105 158—159 164 381—383 385
Median value 7—8
Mermin, David 3 381
Meson 169 375
Metastable state 318
Minimum-uncertainty wave packet 111—112
| Molecule 70 184—185
Momentum 14—17 121 275
Momentum, operator 16 107 121 176
Momentum, space 107 117 171
Monochromatic perturbation 309
Most probable, configuration 205—206 209—212
Most probable, occupation numbers 211—212
Most probable, value 7—8
Muon 179 252 273
Muon-catalysed fusion 273
Muonic hydrogen 179 252
Muonium 252
Neutrino oscillations 120
Neutron star 219
Node 26
Nomenclature, atomic 190—192
Non-normalizable function 11 45 50
Nonholonomic process 333—335
Nonlocality 380—381
Norm 78
Normalization 11—14 79 122 127
Normalization, of radial wave function 127 129
Normalization, of spherical harmonics 127—128
Normalization, of spinors 157
Normalization, of two-particle wave function 177
Null vector 76 88
Observable 104 106
Observable, incompatible 110
Observer 5 382
Occupation number 205 211
Operator 16 22 97
Operator, angular momentum 145 151
Operator, derivative 97 99
Operator, displacement 199
Operator, exchange 180
Operator, gradient 150
Operator, ladder 32—35 147—149 151
Operator, linear 146
Operator, lowering 33—34 147 151
Operator, momentum 16 107
Operator, position 16 98—99 107
Operator, projection 119
Operator, raising 33—34 147 151
Orbital 189 267
Orbital angular momentum 154
Orthodox position 3—4 374—375
Orthogonal 27 79
Orthogonalization 79
Orthohelium 188—189
Orthonormal 27 79
Orthonormality, hydrogen wave functions 140—141
Orthonormality, Legendre polynomials 128
Orthonormality, spherical harmonics 128
Orthorhombic symmetry 255
Overlap integral 268
Parahelium 188—189
Partial wave, amplitude 359—360
Partial wave, analysis 357—362
Paschen series 143—144
Paschen — Back effect 246
Patching region 285 288
Pauli exclusion principle 180 189 193 195 203
Pauli spin matrices 156 159
Pauli, Wolfgang 4
Periodic potential 198—199
Periodic table 189—193
Perturbation theory, time-dependent 298—322
Perturbation theory, time-independent 221—255
Phase, velocity 47—48
Phase, wave function 11 26 30 175—176 275 277 320
Phase, wave function, dynamic 335
Phase, wave function, geometric 336
Photon 143 216—218 307—309 317—318
Plancherel's Theorem 46 49
Planck, Max 143
Planck, Max, Planck's blackbody formula 216—218 309 312—313
Planck, Max, Planck's constant 2
Planck, Max, Planck's energy formula 143 216
Polar angle 123
Polarization 306 310—311
Population inversion 308
Position operator 16 98—99 107
Position space 107 117
Positronium 179 252
Potential 20 174 343
potential energy 1 20 31
Potential well, no vertical walls 290—292
Potential well, one vertical wall 289—290
Potential well, two vertical walls 277—278
Potential, scalar 174—176 343
Potential, vector 174—176 343—349
Power law potential 293—294
Power series expansion 32 38 135
Preparation of a state 164
Principal (p) 190
principal quantum number 137
probability 2 5—11 157 204
Probability, current 13
Probability, density 9
Projection operator 119
Propagator 372
Quantum, dynamics 298
Quantum, electrodynamics 307
Quantum, jump 143 299
Quantum, number 130 137
Quantum, number, azimuthal 148
Quantum, number, magnetic 125 127 191 317
Quantum, number, principal 137
Quantum, statics 298
Quantum, statistical mechanics 204—218
Quantum, Zeno effect 383—385
Quark 169
Rabi flopping frequency 306
Radial, equation 129—133
Radial, wave function 123 129 133
Radial, wave function, hydrogen 133—141
Radial, wave function, infinite spherical well 131
Radiation zone 358
Raising operator 33—34 147—149 151
Rayleigh's formula 361
Realist position 3—4 374—375 379—380
Rectangular barrier 65 280—281 283
Recursion formula 39 138
Reduced mass 178
Reflected wave 57
Reflection coefficient 57 67 73 373
Reflectionless potential 73
Relativistic correction 235—239
Riemann zeta function 108 216
Rigid rotor 153
Rodrigues formula 43 126
Rotating wave approximation 305—306
Row matrix 82
Rutherford scattering 355 370 373
Rydberg, constant 143
Rydberg, formula 143
S matrix 66—68 73
scalar 75
Scattering, amplitude 356—357 360
Scattering, angle 352 371
Scattering, center 352 371
Scattering, cross-section 354 360
Scattering, differential cross-section 353—355 357 359—360
Scattering, in one dimension 51—52 56 62 66 280—281 293
Scattering, in one dimension, from delta function 56—59 373
Scattering, in one dimension, from finite square well 62—64 67 373
Scattering, in one dimension, from rectangular barrier 65 280—281 283
Scattering, in one dimension, from step function 65 69
Scattering, in three dimensions 352—373
Scattering, in three dimensions, from delta-function shell 362
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