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Liu C.L. — Introduction to combinatorial mathematics |
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-configuration 370
-configuration 374
(0,1)-matrix 290
2-isomorphism 226 see
Abelian group 191
Adjacency matrix 204
Arrangement 1
Arrangement, circular 5
Articulation point 173
Artificial variable 328
Assignment problem 281
Babington-Smith, B. 362n. 382
Balanced incomplete block design see "Block design"
Basic feasible solution see "Feasible solution"
Basic variable 312
Basis of a vector space 193 202
Basis of the circuit subspace 196 209
Basis of the cut-set subspace 197 200
Beckenbach, E.F. 51 161 382
Bellman, R. 356
Berge, C. 181 201 231 257 275 295
Bernoulli numbers 93
Biconnected graph 173
Binary operation 130
Binary relation 128
Binary relation, induced by a group 140
Binary relation, induced by a permutation group 134
Binomial coefficient 27
Binomial theorem 29
Bipartite graph 183 281
Birkhoff, G. 366n. 382
Birkhoff, G.D. 257
Block 370
Block design 362
Block design, balanced incomplete 370
Block design, balanced incomplete, symmetric 374
Block design, complete 362
Block design, complete, randomized 362
Boolean function 21
Boolean function, equivalent 164
Boolean function, self-dual 21
Boolean function, symmetric 21
Boolean function, truth table of 21
Bose — Einstein counting 21
Bose, R.C. 369 382
Boundary condition 59
Branch 186
Brooks, R.L. 244n. 257
Buck, R.C. 4n. 18 19
Burnside, W. 136
Busacker, R.G. 182 201 231 257 275
Capacity of a cut 261
Capacity of a graph 242
Capacity of an edge 259
Cartesian product 128
Cartwright, D. 182
Characteristic equation 61
Characteristic root 61
Characteristic root, complex 62
Characteristic root, multiple 64
Charnes, A. 338
Chessboard 111
Chessboard of forbidden positions 117
Chessboard, complement of 123
Chessboard, disjunct 114
Chessboard, equivalent 123
Chessboard, rectangular 122
Chessboard, staircase 112 122
Chessboard, triangular 123
Chord 186
Chromatic, number 242
Chromatic, polynomial 248
Circuit 171
Circuit matrix see "Matrix"
Circuit subspace see "Subspace"
Circuit, elementary 171
Circuit, Euler 173
Circuit, fundamental 187 196
Circuit, Hamiltonian 179
Circuit, length of 172
Circuit, oriented 205
Circuit, simple 171
Class, equivalence 129
Class, self-conjugate 165
Cochran, W.G. 382
Code, block 22 371
Code, distance of 372
Code, error correcting 22 372
Code, group 22
Coloring a graph 242
Combination 2
Complement of a chessboard 123
Complement of a subgraph 170
Complement of a tree 185
Complementary network 228
Complete block design see "Block design"
Complete graph 179 183 220
Composition of permutations 132
Contact, normally closed 228
Contact, normally open 228
Convex polygon 304
Convex polyhedron 306
Cox, G.M. 382
Cut 261
Cut, capacity of 261
Cut-set 188
Cut-set matrix see "Matrix"
Cut-set subspace see "Subspace"
Cut-set, fundamental 189 197
Cut-set, oriented 205
Cycle index 148
Cycle, length of 148
Cyclic group 165
Dantzig, G.B. 181n. 182 337
DeBruijn, N.G. 161
Decision 348
Deficiency of a bipartite graph 287
Deficiency of a set of vertices 287
Degree of a vertex 174
Degree of a vertex, incoming 174
Degree of a vertex, outgoing 174
Derangement 106
Descent 122
Difference equation see "Recurrence relation"
Dimension of a vector space 193
Directed graph 168
Distribution of distinct objects into distinct cells 11
Distribution of distinct objects into nondistinct cells 38
Distribution of nondistinct objects into distinct cells 13
Distribution of nondistinct objects into nondistinct cells 41
Dominating set 234 257
Dominating set, minimal 234
Domination number 234
Drake, A.W. 51
Dreyfus, S. 356
Dual of a graph 222
Dual of a one-terminal-pair graph 228
Dual problem 331
Dual simplex method 341
Durfee square 56
Dynamic programming 347
Dynkin, E.B. 257
EDGE 168
Edge isomorphism see "Isomorphism"
Edge, capacity of 259
Edge-disjoint union of circuits 193
Edge-disjoint union of cut-sets 193
Edmond, J. 295
Egervary, E. 291 295
| Enumerator 26
Enumerator, exponential 34
Enumerator, ordinary 26
Enumerator, store 144
Equivalence, class 129
Equivalence, relation 129
Euler's conjecture 369
Euler's formula 210 232
Euler, -function 120 165
Euler, circuit 173
Euler, first theorem of 56
Euler, path 173
Euler, second theorem of 57
Expansion formula 113
External piece 216
Externally stable set 257 See
Factor 296
Fary, I. 208 231
Feasible flow see "Flow"
Feasible region 303
Feasible solution 302
Feasible solution, basic 312
Feasible solution, basic, initial 326
Feasible solution, optimal 302 314
Feller, W. 19 51 87
Fermi — Dirac counting 21
Ferrers graph 45
Fibonacci numbers 59 61
Field 191 366
Field of integers modulo 2 192
First occurrence problem 79
Flow 260
Flow, feasible 268
Flow, feasible, initial 271
Flow, maximal 260
Flow, minimal 278 279
Flow, multiple-commodity 275
Ford, L.R.,Jr. 275
Four-color problem 250
Fulkerson, D.R. 275
Fulkerson, R. 181n. 182
Function 130
Function, domain of 130
Function, one-to-one 130
Function, onto 130
Function, range of 130
Functional equation 352
Fundamental system of circuits 187 196
Fundamental system of cut-sets 189 197
Fundamental, circuit 187 196
Fundamental, cut-set 189 197
Game of rencontres 121
Gamma function 4n.
Garvin, W.W. 338
Generating function 25
Generating function, exponential 34
Generating function, ordinary 25
Gilbert bound 22
Gilbert, E.N. 161
Golomb, S.W. 161
Gould, R.L. 201
Graph 168
Graph, biconnected 173
Graph, bipartite 183 281
Graph, complete 179 183 220
Graph, connected 172 187
Graph, connected, strongly 173
Graph, directed 168
Graph, finite 171
Graph, line 183
Graph, linear 171
Graph, one-terminal-pair 228
Graph, planar 206
Graph, series-parallel 233
Graph, triangular 252
Graph, unconnected 172
Graph, undirected 168
Group 131
Group, abelian 191
Group, cyclic 165
Group, permutation 133
Guillemin, E.A. 201
Hadamard matrix 379
Hadamard matrix, normalized 379
Hadley, G. 338 356
Hall, M., Jr. 119 382
Hamiltonian path (circuit) 179
Hamming bound 22
Hamming, R.W. 362n. 382
Harary, F.R. 161 182
Hardy, G.H. 51 119
Harrison, M.A. 152n. 161
Hilderbrand, F.B. 87
Hit polynomial 117
homogeneous solution 61
Hungarian method 295 297
Hyperplane 305
Identity element 131
Incidence matrix of a block design 371
Incidence matrix of a graph 200
Incoming degree 174
Independence number 238
Independent set 238 257
Independent set, maximal 238
Indicator function 25
Initial vertex 168
Internal piece 216
Internally stable set 257 See
Invariance 135
Inventory of a set of functions 144
Inventory of a set of patterns 145
Inverse 131
Isolated vertex 168
Isomorphism 169
Isomorphism to within vertices of degree 2 212
Isomorphism, edge 204
Johnson, S. 181n. 182
k-graph 171
Kendall, M.G. 362n. 382
Koenig — Egervary theorem 291
Koenigsberg bridges 174
Krausz's theorem 183
Kronecker product 380
Kuhn, H.W. 295
Kuratowski's graphs 212
Kuratowski's theorem 212 230
Kuratowski, G. 212
Labeled set 166
Labeling Procedure 263 270
Lagrange multiplier 307
Laplace transform 51
Latin rectangle 286 363
Latin square 286 363
Latin squares, orthogonal 364
Law, reflexive 129
Law, symmetric 129
Law, transitive 129
Lessman, F. 87
Levy, H. 87
Line graph 183
Linear constraint 299
Linear graph 171
Linear programming 299
Link 186
Loop 168
MacLane, S. 231 366n. 382
MacMahon, P.A. 51
Manage polynomial 124
Manage Problem 124
Mann, H.B. 382
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