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Andrzejewski R., Awrejcewicz J. — Nonlinear Dynamics Of A Wheeled Vehicle |
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abs 2 4 11 13 26 103 105 107 109—112 117 120 123 124 251
Ackermann — Jeantaud scheme 75
Active suspension 6 12 183—188 191 194
Active suspension, dynamics 189
Active suspension, stability 191 192
Adhesion friction force 85
Adhesion zone 86 90 91
Algorithm for a control of pressure modulator 6610 106
Algorithm of ASR 258 259
Aligning torque 91
Angular body car displacement 226
Angular velocity 16 17 24 140 282—284
Anticipative driver model 5 164
ASR controller 260 265
Asymptotic stability 30 46
Asymptotically stable 30 31 34 35 41 50 53 60
Barbashin — Krasowski's theorem 43
Best matrix S 63 64 66
Bifurcation curves for vehicle model 202
Bifurcation diagrams 8 183 196 201—203 205—209 220 223 224 305 315
Braking processes 6 7 9 11 79 105 106 109—112 123 124 237 251 295
Bumper 183 184
Chaotic behaviour 203
Characteristic determinant 190
Characteristic equation 48 49 155 190 214
Chetayev's theorem 42 44
Continuously acting perturbations 139 142
Control function 6 133 136 185 186
Controlling force 184
Controlling quantities 259
Conventional suspension 185 186
Coordinate systems 89 99
Costs function 185
Coulomb force 85
Critical car velocity 77
Critical delay 170 172
Critical delay, driver 171
Cylindrical tank 114 116 125
Damping forces 198
Damping of the unit 185
Dissipation function 212
Distribution, normal 109 110 195
Distribution, random 107 109
Driven road wheel rotational motion 261
Driver's delay 172
Driver-vehicle control system 168
Driving process 11 14 88 251 260
Duo-servo brake mechanism 298
Dynamics of an elastic tire 75
Dynamics of the truck tractor with the semi-trailer 151
Elastic element 184 242
Elastic model of fluid 113
Elastic tires 76
Elasto-kinematic systems 139
Equations governing dynamics of braked semitrailer 116
Equations of motion of road wheels 104
Excitation frequencies 195 200 202—206 208 209 220
Excitation of vibrations 200
Exponential convergence index 65 67
Exponential stability domain 63 65 72
Factors of steerability 136
Field of acceptable solutions 29 32 55 56 58 60
Fifth wheel 119 147—149
Final control unit 184
Fixed with a car system 99
Fixed with the road wheel system 99
Fluid part modeled as the mass-spring system 113
Free system vibrations 216
Frequency, characteristics 154 170 171 179 181
Frequency, characteristics of the driver-vehicle system 170
Frequency, characteristics of the system: driver — vehicle 170
Frequency, transitional function 176 178
Friction force, measurement 308
Friction force, model 9 296 311 312 315—317
Front pushed arm 197
Full slip zone 86 91
General stability estimation 2 3 27 62
Globally asymptotically stable 34 36 38 43 44
Globally stable 34
Harmonic excitation 154 194
Harmonic excitation with stochastically perturbed amplitude 195
Harmonic motion with bifurcation 204 206
Homogeneous equation 139 189 253
Impact law 271
Inertial 16 36 53 54 99 103 104 130 150 174 201 212 248 251 258 260 262 265
Initial conditions field 29 32 55 56 58
Instantaneous rotation centre 75 76 78 127 225
Kinematics of front road wheel 129
Kinematics of model 127 128
Kinematics of rear road wheel 130
Kinematics of the wheel suspension 96 97
Lagrange equations 213
Laplace transformation 166 174
Lateral friction force 81—83
Lateral slip 89 131
Lateral tire stiffness 96
Limiting car velocity 75
Liquid modelling 115
Locally stable 34
Longitudinal dynamics of a tank 118
Longitudinal dynamics of two axle car 103
Longitudinal slip 14 79
Longitudinal vehicle tilt 6 237 239
Lyapunov's function 34—39 46 48 49
Lyapunov's second method 39
Lyapunov's theorem 34 37 42
Magnum model 85—87 258
Magnum model, block diagram 86 87
Magnum tire model 88 265
Mass of liquid part, moving 113
Mass of liquid part, non-movable 113
Mathematical model of the truck tractor 151
Middle curves of tire carcass 89
Middle curves of tire tread 89
Model hypothesis 5 164
Model of the truck-tractor 117
Modeling of multi-body systems 270
Movable body 6 7 237—239 241 244 245 247—250
Movement of a planet around the Sun 28
Multi-Link Axle 139
negative slope 310
Non-homogeneous equation 134 139 189
Non-homogeneous surface 107 110 173
Nyquist criterion 170 172 177 181
Operator transmittance 167 175
Optimal control functional 185
Optimal matrix S 62 63 65 69
Oversteered vehicle 133 134 136 138 142 143 145
Passive non-linear suspension 193 195
Pendulum potential energy 212
Persistent disturbances 32
Phase portraits 217—219 222 223
Phase projections 216 220 240—243
Picture of vehicle vibrations 196 209
Piston-connecting rod-crankshaft 7 269 278
Pitch 100
Poincare maps 8 183 202—208 305
Poincare sections 302—305
| Positive slope 310
Pseudorandom function 107
Pulsation impulse change 206
Quadriga from Tell Agrab 23
Quasi harmonic character 203
Quasi-periodic dual loop curves 203
Randomly perturbed amplitude 195
Rear trailed arm 197
Reference programming velocity 106
Relative adhesion zone length 90
Relative circumferential slip 79 104 110 264
Road model 107 109
Road vehicle properties 133
Road wheel, braked 79 81 105
Road wheel, driven 7 79 81 258 260 261 264
Road wheel, kinematics 251
Road wheel, rotational dynamics 251
ROLL 100
Roll centre 6 224
Roll stability 230
Rotational moment controller 260
Routh — Hurwitz criterion 5 155
Sacker — Neimark bifurcation 216
Schlippe — Dietriech hypothesis 97 98
Semi-trailer with movable body 242
Semi-trailer, kinematics 150
Semi-trailer-cistern partioned by bulkheads 121
Semicritical dynamics 222
Shimmy 5 173 179
Shimmy, phenomenon 5 76 173
Shock absorbers 198 282 283
Side-slip angle of vehicle 93
Simplified one-truck vehicle model 5 148
Simulation of the vehicle drive during start 264—266
Single longitudinal arms 197
Sliding 7 9 269 271 273 289 291 292 295—297 300 315 316
Slip angle 14—16 76—78 81—83 92—94 97 99 128—130 138 148 149 151 173 175 225 226
Slip angle, dynamic 99
Slip angle, static 99
Slip velocity 85 86 89 90 267
Slip velocity, coefficient 89
Stability in Bogusz's sense 53 56 58—60 156
Stability in Lagrange's sense 44 50 51
Stability in Lyapunov's sense 29 30 32—34 51 53—55 58 60
Stability in Poincare's sense 51
Stability in Poisson's sense 53 54
Stability in Szpunar's sense 60 61
Stability of a wheeled vehicle 3 73—75
Stability of active suspension 6 186
Stability of the system: driver-vehicle 164 172
Stability of truck tractor/semi-trailer in the Bogusz sense 153
Stability of truck tractor/semi-trailer in the Lyapunov sense 156
Stability of two axle wheeled vehicle 127
Stability of wheeled articulated vehicles 5 146
Stability, asymptotic 30 46
Stability, condition 4 52 59 74 127 137 143 145 155—159 175 177 179 190—192 215 231—233 253 258 267
Stability, estimation 2—4 27 62 63 127
Stability, exponential domain 63 65 72
Stability, factor, first technical 141
Stability, factor, second technical 141
Stability, investigation of a two axle wheeled vehicle 137
Stability, orbital 3 51 52 74
Stability, technical 2—6 39 53 55 56 60 61 74 139 141—143 145 146 159 160 162 163 191 193 194 230 232—234 253—258 267
Stable vehicle 12 137
Stable, asymptotically 30 31 34 35 41 50 53 60
Stable, globally 34
Stable, globally, asymptotically 34 36 38 43 44
Stable, locally 34
Starting vehicle process 260
Steerability characteristics 4 136
Steering angle 15 75 133 134 136 227
Steering function 165
Steering system 94 95 97 138
Steering system, elasticity 95 97
Steering system, flexibility 95
Stiff tire 74 76 88
Stiffness of the unit 185
Stochastic perturbations 195
Stribeck curve 85 86 300
Sumerians 20 22 23
Suspension system dynamics 183
System, active 183 184
System, passive 2 13 183
Taylor series 187
Technical stability 2—6 39 53 55 56 60 61 74 139 142 143 145 160 162 163 191 193 194 230 233 253—258 267
Technical stability, factor 4 141 142 145 146 159 193 232 234
Technical stability, within definite time 56
Theorem, first, Lyapunov's 41 47
Theorem, first, of instability 42
Theorem, second, Lyapunov's 41
Theorem, second, of instability 42
Tilt dynamics, longitudinal 237
Tilt dynamics, transversal 211
Time delay 165 185 193 201 260
Time histories 8 86 88 120 123 124 216—220 222 223 229—231 240—242 300 310 315
Tire stabilization moment 78
Tire(s), characteristics 79 81 84 92 105 174 225 234 251—253 258 259
Tire(s), characteristics, dynamical 85
Tire(s), characteristics, multicomponent 81
Tire(s), modelling 84
Total relative circumferential force 91
Total relative lateral force 91
Total stability tire moment 91
Tractor kinematics 150
Transducers matrix 168
Transitional function 166 171 175 176 178
Transitional zone 86 90—92
Transmittance 36 166—169 175
Transmittance of the controller (driver) 168
Transmittance, matrix of the vehicle 168
Transversal angle displacements 5 148
Transversal pendulum 6 211
Transversal tilt dynamics 6 211
Transversal tire stiffness coefficient 89
Triple physical pendulum with barriers 274
Two axle wheeled vehicle model 127
Two degrees-of-freedom mechanical system 298
Unstable system in Lyapunov's sense 31 43 51
Unstable vehicle 137
Vehicle dynamics 4 11 12 15 16 113 133 227 258 264
Vehicle model 5—7 127 130 131 136 139 143 145 148 156 162 197—202 207 209 229 234 237 238 325 328
Vehicle model motion 199
Vehicle vertical vibrations 200
Vehicle, body with movable body 237
Vehicle, body-pendulum system 211 216
Vehicle, roll dynamics 225
Vehicle, stability in the Bogusz sense 139 161
Vehicle, stability in the Lyapunov sense 138
Vehicle, suspension model 198 202
Vibration analysis 133
Vibrations of the vehicle 195
Viscous friction force 85
Wagner tire model 89 119
Weight coefficients 185
Work of external forces 213
Yaw 100
Yaw angle 93 128 140 165
Yaw velocity sensor 17
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