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Motwani R., Raghavan P. — Randomized algorithms |
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#P 177 307 309 315 316 331
-field 439
Abstract optimization problem 275 277
Adaptive adversary 373
Adleman's Theorem 39
Adleman, L. 41 410 426
Aggarwal, A. 362
Aho, A.V. 25 187 189 302
Ahuja, R.K. 303
Ajtai, M. 156 361
Albers, S. 389
Aldous, D.J. 64 155 332
Aleliunas, R. 96 155
Alford, W.R. 426
All-pairs shortest paths 278—288 302
Alon, N. 97 122 123 156 160 302 361
Alt, H. 24
Althofer, I. 41
Amortization 200
Amplification of randomness see “Probability amplification”
Anderson, R.J. 362
Angluin, D. 66 426
Ankney, N.C. 426
APD 279—288 302
APD algorithm 282—284 287 288
Approximation. hardness results 188
APSP algorithm 288
Aragon, C.R. 229 230
Arithmetization 177
Arora, S. 122 188 192
Arrangement of line segments 255
Arrangement of lines 259 274
Arthur — Merlin games 187
Aspnes, J. 97
ASYNCH-CCP algorithm 358 367
Autopartition 13 14 102 253 255 273
Azar, Y. 63
Azuma's inequality 92 97
Azuma, K. 97
Babai, L. 24 187 188 361
Bach, E. 426
Backwards analysis 235 274
Backwards analysis, convex hull algorithm 238
Backwards analysis, half-space intersection 243
Backwards analysis, trapezoidal decomposition 250
Bar-Noy, A. 389
Barany, I. 332
Basis, linear programming 263
BasisLP algorithm 270 272 274 277
Bayes' rale 440
Beaver, D. 188
Beck, J. 123
Belady, L.A. 387
Bellare, M. 122
Ben-David, S. 387
Ben-Or, M. 188 426
Bent, S.W. 63
Berger, B. 123 361 362
Berkowitz, S.I. 362
Berlekamp, E.R. 23 426
Bernoulli distribution 445
Bernoulli trial 67
Bernstein, S.N. 63 96
Bertrand's postulate 220
Bertsimas, D. 96
Bien, E. 123 155
Biggs, N. 155
Billingsley, P. 97 438
Binary partition 252 273
Binary partition, 3 dimensions 254—256
Binary partition, planar 11—14 102
Binary tree, endogenous 198
Binary tree, full 198
Binomial coefficients 434
Binomial distribution 59 67 445
Birthday problem 45
Blum, A. 388
Blum, M. 63 156 186 188 189 193 232
Bollobas, B. 97
Boole — Bonferroni inequalities 44 440
Boolean circuit family 38
Boolean decision diagram 187
Boppana, R.B. 24 41 187
Borodin, A. 96 155 362 387
Boruvka's algorithm 297—298 303
Bovet, D.P. 25
BoxSort algorithm 339—341 361 363
Boyer, R.S. 187
bpp 22 151 309 337 423
BPWM algorithm 286—288 302 304
Brebner, G.J. 96
Broder, A.Z. 63 123 155 332
Buffon, G. 24
Byzantine agreement problem 358—361 363
ByzGen algorithm 360 361 363 367
Carmichael number 419 420 423 426—428
Carmichael, R.D. 426
Carter, J.L. 229 232 233
Cauchy — Schwarz inequality 436
Chandra, A.K. 155 186 189
Characteristic equation 437
Characteristic vector 160
Chazelle, B. 123 273 274
Chebyshev bound 47 63
Chebyshev — Cantelli bound 64
Chebyshev, P.L. 63
Chernoff bound 67—79
Chernoff bound, global wiring 79
Chernoff bound, oblivious routing 77
Chernoff bound, occupancy problem 73
Chernoff bound, sum of geometric variables 98
Chernoff, H. 63 96
Chew, L.P. 274
Chinese remainder theorem 396 408 422 423
Chistiakov, V.P. 63 97
Chistov, A.L. 362
Choice coordination problem 355—358 363
Chor, B. 63 363
Chrobak, M. 387 388
Chromatic number 93 97
Chung, F.R.K. 160
Chvatal, V. 274
Clarkson, K.L. 273 274
Clique number 91
CNF 18
co-BPP 27
co-IP 192
Co-NP 20 143 173 177 417
co-PP 27
co-PSPACE 20
co-RP 21 191 423 426
Cohen, A. 123 156
Cole, R. 361
Commute time see “Random walk commute
Competitive analysis 368
Competitive analysis, Marker algorithm 376
Competitive analysis, Reciprocal algorithm 382
Competitiveness 370
Complexity classes 18—23
Compositeness 417
Concave function 107 124
Conditional probability 121 440
Conductance see “Markov chain”
Connected component 139
Contract algorithm 290—292 294 303 305
Contraction 290 297
Convex function 98
Convex hull 236 239
Convex hull, 3 dimensions 241
Convex hull, planar 236—239
| Cook, S.A. 155 361
Coppersmith, D. 187 193 302 388
Cormen, T. 302
Coupon collector's problem 57—63
Coupon collector's problem, sharp threshold 61—63
Courant — Fisher equalities 147 159
Cover time see “Random walk cover
Crescenzi, P. 25
Cryptography 187
Csanky, L. 362
Cvetkovic, D.M. 155
Dagum, P. 332
Dantzig, G.B. 275
Data structures 197—233
Data structures, DELETE operation 197
Data structures, FIND operation 197
Data structures, INS operation 197
Data structures, JOIN operation 197
Data structures, MAKESET operation 197
Data structures, PASTE operation 197
Data structures, SPLIT operation 197
Davenport, H. 426
de Leeuw, K. 23
Delaunay triangulation 245—247
Delaunay triangulation, of a convex polygon 248
DeMillo, R.A. 187
Derandomization 39 63 120 121 274 302 303 346 364
Determinant see “Matrix”
Diameter, graph 281
Diameter, point set 256—258
Diameter, polytope 275
Dictionary problem, dynamic 214 218
Dictionary problem, static 213
Dietzfelbinger, M. 229
Dijkstra, E.W. 302 303
Dinwoodie, I.H. 156
Discrete log problem 402
Disjunctive normal form see “DNF”
Distributed algorithms 97
Distributional complexity 34
Dixon, B. 303
DNF 307
DNF counting problem 310—315
Donath, W. 156
Doob, J.L. 97
Doob, M. 155
Doubly stochastic matrix see “Matrix”
Doyle, P.G. 155 388
Duality see “Geometric duality”
Dubins, L.E. 97
Dwork, C. 363
Dyer, M.E. 332
Dymond, P.W. 155
Edelsbrunner, H. 273 274
Edge coloring 389
Edmonds matrix 167
Edmonds' Theorem 167
Edmonds, J. 167 187 190
Effective resistance 135
Effective resistance, Short-cut Principle 138
Effective resistance, triangle inequality 138
Eigenvalue 437
Eigenvector 437
Electrical networks 135—137
Electrical networks, Short-cut Principle 138
Elias, P. 302
Erdos, P. 122 123
ERH 405 425 426
Euclid's Algorithm 393 394 414
Euclid's algorithm, extended version 395 427
Euler totient function 397
Euler's criterion 404 413
Euler's theorem 399
EXP 20
expanders 108—112 123 143 145 152
Expanders, application to probability amplification 110—112 151—155
Expanders, existence proof 109—110
Expanders, explicit construction 110
Expanders, Gabber — Galil 145
Expanders, magnifiers 156
Expanders, rapid mixing property 144
Expanders, relation to eigenvalues 144—151
Expanders, super-concentrators 156
Extended Euclidean algorithm 395 427
Extended Riemann hypothesis see “ERH”
Factoring 399 401 403 409—412 417 426
FastCut algorithm 294 303
Feder, T. 187 302
Feige, U. 188
Feigenbaum, J. 188
Feinstein, A. 302
Feller, W. 63 97 438
Fermat congruence 418
Fermat's theorem 399 418
Fermi, E. 24
Fiat, A. 387 388
Fibonacci number 191 435
Fich, E.E. 41
FIFO see paging problem FIFO
Find algorithm 15 24 26
Fingerprint 161 168 190 214
Fischer, M.J. 363
Floyd, R.W. 63 302
Ford, L.R. 302
Fortnow, L. 188 192
FPAS see “Fully polynomial approximation scheme”
FPRAS see “Fully polynomial randomized approximation scheme”
Fredman, M.L. 229 233 303
Free Boolean graphs 186
Freivalds' technique 162
Freivalds, R. 186
Friedman, J. 123 274
Frieze, A.M. 123 332
Fulkerson, D.R. 302
Fully polynomial approximation scheme 308
Fully polynomial randomized approximation scheme 309
Function, linear 185
Function, nearly linear 185
Furedi, Z. 332
Gabber, O. 123 156
Gabow, H. 303
Gale, D. 63
Galil, Z. 123 156 302 303 362
Game theory 31—34
Game tree evaluation 28—30 102
Gartner, B. 275
Gecsei, J. 387
Gemmell, P. 188
Geometric algorithms 234—277
Geometric distribution 10 57 300 446
Geometric duality 239—241
Gill, J. 23 41 155
Gillman, D. 156
Global wiring 79—83
Goebel, F. 155
Goemans, M.X. 96 122
Goldberg, A. 303 362
Goldberg, M. 361
Golden ratio 435
Goldreich, O. 63 187 188
Goldwassei, M. 275
Goldwasser, S. 187 188 426
Gomory, R.E. 302
Graham, R.L. 229 303 433
Granville, A. 426
Graph algorithms 278—305
Graph isomorphism 173 187
Graph non-isomorphism 173 187
Greedy MIS algorithm 342
Greene, D.H. 433
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