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» Computer science » Алгоритмы »

Содержимое каталога
1. Al-Jaber Ah. Combinatorial properties of heapsort1985
2. Atallah M.J. Algorithms and theory of computation handbook1999
3. Attiya H. Welch J. Distributed computing (2nd edition)2004
4. Bentley J. More programming pearls1988
5. Bentley J. Programming pearls1986
6. Bentley J. Writing efficient programs1982
7. Benvenuto N. Cherubini G. Algorithms for communications systems and their applications2002
8. Boissonnat J.D. Yvinec M. Algorithmic Geometry1997
9. Catthoor F. Danckaert K. Kulkarni C. Data access and storage management for embedded programmable processors2002
10. Chu W.C. Speech Coding Algorithms: Foundation and Evolution of Standardized Coders2003
11. Coffman E.G. Lueker G. Probabilistic analysis of packing partitioning algorithms1991
12. Cooper R.B. Introduction to queueing theory (2nd edition)1981
13. Cormen T.H. Leiserson C.E. Rivest R.L. Introduction to algorithms (2nd edition)2001
14. Crochemore M. Rytter W. Jewels of stringology2002
15. Felleisen M. Findler R.B. Flatt M. How to Design Programs. An Introduction to Computing and Programming2001
16. Fokker J. Functional Programming1995
17. Fowler M. Refactoring: improving the design of existing code1999
18. Gacs P. Lovasz L. Complexity of Algorithms1999
19. Gonnet G.H. Baeza-Yates R. Handbook of algorithms and data structures (2nd edition)1991
20. Greene D.H. Knuth D.E. Mathematics for the analysis of algorithms (2nd edition)1982
21. Greene D.H. Knuth D.E. Mathematics for the analysis of algorithms (3rd edition)1990
22. Grune D. Jacobs C.J.H. Parsing Techniques: A Practical Guide1990
23. Hopcroft J.E. Motwani R. Ullman J.D. Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation (second edition)2001
24. Hyslop G.A. Bucketing algorithms for sorting, selection and computational geometry1993
25. Kept R. Fundamentals of the Average Case Analysis of Particular Algorithms1984
26. Knuth D.E. The art of computer programming (vol. 1 Fundаmental algorithms) (third edition)1997
27. Knuth D.E. The art of computer programming (Vol. 1. Fundamental algorithms)1968
28. Knuth D.E. The art of computer programming (vol. 2 Seminumerical Algorithms) (third edition)1997
29. Knuth D.E. The art of computer programming (Vol. 2. Seminumerical algorithms) (2nd edition)1981
30. Knuth D.E. The art of computer programming (vol. 3 Sorting and Searching)1998
31. Kowalsky R. Algorithm = Logic + Control1979
32. Kreher D.L. Stinson D.R. Combinatorial Algorithms: Generation, Enumeration and Search1998
33. Lent J. Probabilistic analysis of some searching and sorting algorithms1996
34. Mahmoud H.M. Evolution of random search trees1992
35. Mahmoud H.M. Sorting: a distribution theory2000
36. McGeoch C.C. Experimental analysis of algorithms1986
37. Mehlhorn K. Data structures and algorithms 3: multi-dimensional searching and computational geometry1984
38. Mirenkov N.N. Parallel computing technologies1991
39. Motwani R. Raghavan P. Randomized algorithms1995
40. Niemann T. Sorting and Searching Algorithms: A Cookbookn/a
41. Nikoletseas S. (ed) Rolim J. (ed) Algorithmic Aspects of Wireless Sensor Networks: First International Workshop, ALGOSENSORS 2004, Turku, Finland, July 16, 2004, Proceedings (1 edition)2004
42. Parhami B. Introduction to Parallel Processing Algorithms and Architectures2002
43. Purdom R.W. Brown C.A. The analysis of algorithms1985
44. Ruskey F. Combinatorial generation2003
45. Sag A.I. Wasow T. Syntactic Theory: A Formal Introduction1999
46. Salomon D. Data Compression: The Complete Reference (3rd edition)2004
47. Samet H. The design and analysis of spatial data structures1990
48. Schaffer R.W. Analysis of heapsort1992
49. Sedgewick R. Algorithms1983
50. Sedgewick R. Quicksort1980
51. Smith B.C. Procedural Reflection in Programming Languages (vol.1)1982
52. Smyth B. Computing patterns in strings2003
53. Tanenbaum A.S. Distributed operating systems1994
54. Tarjan R.E. Data structures and network algorithms1983
55. van Roy P.V. Haridi S. Concepts, techniques, and models of computer programming2003
56. Webber R.E. Analysis of quadtree algorithms1985
57. Weide B.W. Statistical methods in algorithm design and analysis1978
58. Wilf H.S. Algorithms and complexity1994
59. Zito M.A.A. Randomized techniques in combinatorial algorithms1999
60. Арсак Ж. Программирование игр и головоломок1990
61. Ахо А. Хопкрофт Дж. Ульман Дж. Построение и анализ вычислительных алгоритмов1979
62. Ахо А. Ульман Дж. Теория синтаксического анализа, перевода и компиляции (Том 1. Синтаксический анализ)1978
63. Ахо А. Ульман Дж. Теория синтаксического анализа, перевода и компиляции (Том 2. Компиляция)1978
64. Ахо А.В. Хопкрофт Д.Э. Ульман Д.Д. Структуры данных и алгоритмы2000
65. Баррон Д. Рекурсивные методы в программировании1974
66. Вирт Н. Алгоритмы + структуры данных = программы1985
67. Вирт Н. Алгоритмы и структуры данных1989
68. Гилл А. Введение в теорию конечных автоматов1966
69. Грин Д. Кнут Д. Математические методы анализа алгоритмов1987
70. Гуц А.К. Математическая логика и теория алгоритмов2003

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