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Cooper R.B. — Introduction to queueing theory
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Название: Introduction to queueing theory
Автор: Cooper R.B.
Аннотация: This is a revised, expanded, and improved version of my textbook, Introduction to Queueing Theory. As before, it is written primarily for seniors and graduate students in operations research, computer science, and industrial engineering; and as before, the emphasis is on insight and understanding rather than either cookbook application or fine mathematical detail. Although it has been struc- structured for use primarily as a textbook, it should be a useful reference for researchers and practitioners as well. The second edition reflects the feedback of students and instructors who have used the first edition (which began as a set of notes for an in-house course I taught at Bell Laboratories), as well as my own experience teaching from the book at the Georgia Institute of Technology (in the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering and the School of Information and Computer Science), the University of Michigan (in the Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering), the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (in the Department of Mathematics), and Florida Atlantic University (in the Department of Computer and Information Systems). The objective of the second edition is to improve on the first edition with respect to clarity, comprehensiveness, currency, and, especially, its utility both for teaching and, self-study.
Рубрика: Computer science /Алгоритмы /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Издание: 2nd edition
Год издания: 1981
Количество страниц: 347
Добавлена в каталог: 15.11.2005
Операции: Положить на полку |
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Предметный указатель
see "Little's theorem"
32 86 119
Abel's generalization of binomial theorem 233
Actual waiting time 98
Additional conditioning variable 256 260 275 279 see
Advances in Applied Probability 313
Age see "Recurrence time backward"
Allen, A.O. 311 325
Arndt, U. 310 330
Arriving customer's distribution 57 77 105 185
Ashton, W.D. 71 325
At random 53
Avila-Beloso, C. 309 336
Axness, Carl xv
Balachandran, K.R. 253 325
Balance equations 24
Baldwin, J.C.T. 283
Ballot theorems 231 312
Barbour, A.D. 135 175 325
Baskett, F. 135 325
Batch arrivals 241
Batch means 297
Bayes' rule 78
BCC see "Blocked customers cleared"
BCD see "Blocked customers delayed"
Bear, D. 308 325
Beckmann, P. 308 325
Bell System Technical Journal, The 313
Benes, V.E. 117 217 295 309 325 326
Bennett, G.K. 309 339
Bernoulli distribution 34
Bernoulli trials 34 42
Bessel function 121
Beutler, F.J. 135 136 326
Bhat, U.N. 72 237 312 326
Binomial distribution 17 34 46 53
Binomial theorem 30
Birth rate 16
Birth-and-death process 14 22 24 44 74
Birth-and-death queueing models 74
Birth-and-death queueing models, multidimensional 123
Blocked customers cleared 74 79 108
Blocked customers delayed 74 90 111
Blocked customers held 87
Bobillier, P.A. 287 326
Borel distribution 231
Borel — Tanner distribution 231
Borel, E. 231 326
Borovkov, A.A. 309 326
Boxma, O.J. 135 326
Brandwajn, A. 160 326
Bretschneider, G. 168 326
Brockmeyer, E. 80 91 140 310 326
Brumelle, S.L. 79 84 181 326
Buchner, M.M., Jr. 131 326
Buffon's Needle Problem 282
Burke's theorem 135 136 188
Burke, Paul J. xv 126 135 136 148 154 180 186 188 189 242 253 256 261 275 279 300 327
Busy period 13 93 102 228 239
Buzen, J. 138 160 327
Carson, J.S. 297 327
Carter, Grace M. xv 253 258 259 260 275 276 327 see G."
Central limit theorem 290
Chaiken, J.M. 138 139 327
Chan, J. 79 328
Chandy, K.M. 135 311 325 327 337
Cheng, R.C.H. 286 327
Cinlar, E. 9 13 26 72 138 208 212 312 327
Clarke, A.B. 72 321
Classical ruin problem 241
Coffman, E.G., Jr. 302 311 327
Cohen, J.W. 14 26 72 84 111 117 122 200 212 214 220 223 237 307 310 328
Collective marks, method of 31 220 223
Combinatorial methods 231 241
Compound distribution 30
Compound Poisson process 61
Computer science see "Computer system performance evaluation"
Computer system performance evaluation 2 111 115 135 301 311
Confidence interval 295
Congestion theory 2
Conolly, B.W. 79 308 328
Conservation of flow 3 4 24 123
Convolution 28 198
Conway, R.W. 310 328
Cooper, Robert B. 157 223 241 253 258 259 260 266 267 275 276 303 327 328
Counting process 50
Courtois, P.J. 135 311 328
Covering interval 54. 56 205
Cox, D.R. 72 111 122 173 308 312 328
Crabill, T.B. 244 328
Cramer, H. 219 220 328
Crane, M.A. 297 328 329
Cycle time 206
Cyclic order, service in 261
D-policy 253
Daley, D.J. 135 329
Dams 2
De Buffon, Count 282
Death rate 16
Decomposition, of Poisson process 59
DeMorais, P.R. 136 329
Denning, P.J. 302 311 327
Departing customer's distribution 185
Descloux, A. 91 97 113 117 125 140 148 149 153 208 295 312 329
DeSmit, J.H.A. 178 329
Dietrich, G. 81 91 97 312 329
Disney, Ralph L. xv 72 135 136 208 327 329
Do-nothing policy 245
Duman — Weber dip 300
Duman, C.J. 298 299 300 329
Eisenberg, M. 266 329
Emmons, Hamilton xv
Engset formula 108 117
Equilibrium see "Statistical equilibrium"
Equivalent random method 140 165
Ergodic property 20
ERL 4 see
Erland delay formula 7 91 320 322
Erlang B formula see "Erlang loss formula"
Erlang C formula see "Erlang delay formula"
Erlang delay system 90 156 320 324
Erlang loss distribution 80 90
Erlang loss formula 5 80 316 318
Erlang loss system 79 95 117 154 171 175 179 288
Erlang's first formula see "Erlang loss formula"
Erlang's second formula see "Erlang delay formula"
Erlang, A.K. 4. 80 84 91 173 309
Erlangian distribution 64 97 172
Erlangs 4 76 see
Event 10
Exponential distribution see "Negative-exponential distribution"
Exponential service times 74
Failure rate 49
Farrell, R.L. 136 329
Feast, G.M. 286 327
Feedback 118 136 302
Feller, W. 9 14 18 22 33 41 45 60 71 72 111 197 198 200 212 312 329
Ferrari, D. 311 330
Finch, P.D. 138 330
Finite waiting room 7 92 235 238
Finite-source input see "Quasirandom input"
Finite-source systems, with nonidentical sources 125
Fishman, G.S. 286 287 297 330
Fisz, M. 9 28 72 330
Flat-rate trunks 88 89 95 119
Foley, F.D. 135 136 330 338
Fortet, R. 128 330
FORTRAN 284 287
Frankel, T. 312 330
Franken, P. 310 330
Fredericks, A.A. 171 330
Fry, T.C. 117 308 330
Gambler's ruin problem see "Classical ruin problem"
Gamma distribution 66 see
Gaps, in expressway traffic 71
Garabedian, P.R. 33 142 330
GASP 284 287
Gating, M/G/1 with 267
Gauss — Seidel iteration 158
Gaver, D.P. 173 330
Generalized Engset formula 111
Generalized occupancy 270
Generating function see "Probability-generating function"
Geometric distribution 7 36 43 63 64 96
GI/G/1 222
GI/G/s 178
GI/M/s 177 267 275
Giffin, W.C. 309 330
Gnedenko, B.V. 310 330
Gordon, G. 287 330
Gordon, W.J. 137 330
GPSS 284 287
Grandjean, C. 128 330
Gross, D. 244 309 328 330
Gumbel, H. 157 330
Gunther, F.L. 297 331
Haight, F.A. 71 331
Halfin, S. 266 301 331
Halmstad, D.G. 222 331
Halstrom, H.A. 310 326
Harris, Carl M. xv 309 330
Harrison, G. 229 331
Hasofer, A.M. 227 331
Hazelwood, R.N. 113 117 313 336
Heidelberger, Philip xv 297 331
Heterogeneous servers 131 157
Heyman, Daniel P. xv 181 245 252 253 273 312 331
Hillier, F.S. 309 311 312 313 331 332
Hines, W.W. 309 336
Hokstad, P. 237 332
Holding cost 244
Holding times 3 see
Holtzman, J.M. 171 332
Howard, J.H., Jr. 135 327
Hyperexponential distribution 67 172
IBM Journal of Research and Development 313
Idle period 13
IEEE Transactions on Communications 313
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 313
Iglehart, D.L. 297 328 329 331 332
Infinite-source input see "Poisson input"
Infinitely divisible process 60
Input process 2 73 188
Institute of Switching and Data Technics at the University of Stuttgart see "Studies in Congestion Theory"
Insurance 2 219 220
Integrodifferential equation of Takacs 227
Intended offered load 104 110 115
International Teletraffic Congress, Proceedings of the 314
inventories 2
Inverse-transformation method 284
Iteration matrix 159
j-busy period 228
Jackson, J.R. 136 332
Jackson, R.R.P. 135 332
Jagerman, D.L. 81 117 198 258 332
Jaiswal, N.K. 310 332
Jensen, A. 310 326
Journal of Applied Probability 313
Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery 313
Journal of the Operations Research Society of Japan 313
Journals 313
Kahan, B.C. 287 326
Karlin, S. 26 72 212 312 332
Katz, S.S. 171 332
Keilson, J. 127 332
Kelly, F.P. 127 135 175 310 332 333
Kendall, D.G. 176 177 190 210 212 219 333
Khintchine, A.Y. 26 140 219 310 333
Kingman, J.F.C. 253 333
Kiviat, P.J. 287 333
Kleinrock, L. 116 172 302 309 311 333
Knuth, D.E. 286 333
Kobayashi, H. 116 311 333
Koenig, D. 310 330
Koenigsberg, E. 138 333
Kolmogorov's criterion for reversibility 127
Kosten, L. 66 140 146 309 333
Kovalenko, I.N. 310 330
Kruse, W. 312 329
Kuczura, A. 117 171 295 333 335
Kuehn, P.J. 266 333
Laplace transform 197
Laplace — Stieltjes transform 63 197
Lavenberg, S.S. 297 333 334
Law, A.M. 297 327 334
Lee, A.M. 253 309 334
LeGall, P. 253 275 310 334
Leibowitz, M.A. 266 334
Lemoine, A.J. 135 297 329 334
Levy, Y. 223 334
Lewis, P.A.W. 286 297 331 334
Lewis, T.G. 286 334
Lieberman, G.J. 311 331
Liebmann iteration 159
Little's theorem 76 99 116 178 273
Little, J.D.C. 178 334
Lo, F.D. 312 332
Load carried by ordered server 89 94
Load, carried 76 104 110 114 179
Load, lost 81
Load, offered 4 76 110 114 179 208
Loss-delay system see "Finite waiting room"
Lotze, A. 149 334
M/D/1 189 230 253 257 260
M/D/s 178
M/G/1 64 177 189 200 208 235 241 244 253 267
M/M/1 120 190
M/M/s 90 178
Machine interference model 111
Maclaurin series (for waiting times) 256 258 275
MacNair, E.A. 287 337
Macrostate 150
Magazine, M.J. 244 328
Management science 313
Markov chain 9 83 138 212
Markov chain, imbedded 176 210
Markov process 26 211
Markov property 37 43
Markowitz, H.M. 287 333
Marmon, R.I. 303 328
Mass service, theory of 2
Mathematics of Operations Research 313
Maximum, of independent random variables 47 49
Maxwell, W.L. 310 328
McNickle, D.C. 136 329
Mean queue length 189
Mean waiting time 97 114 189 199 209 272
Measured-rate trunks 88 89 95 119
Melamed, B. 135 136 326 334
Merging, into expressway 70 71
Messerli, E.J. 89 334
Michel, R. 312 329
Microstate 150
Miller, H.D. 72 312 328
Miller, L.W. 310 328
Mina, R.R. 309 334