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Knuth D.E. — The art of computer programming (Vol. 1. Fundamental algorithms)
Knuth D.E. — The art of computer programming (Vol. 1. Fundamental algorithms)

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Название: The art of computer programming (Vol. 1. Fundamental algorithms)

Автор: Knuth D.E.


This first volume in the series begins with basic programming concepts and techniques, then focuses more particularly on information structures-the representation of information inside a computer, the structural relationships between data elements and how to deal with them efficiently. Elementary applications are given to simulation, numerical methods, symbolic computing, software and system design. Dozens of simple and important algorithms and techniques have been added to those of the previous edition. The section on mathematical preliminaries has been extensively revised to match present trends in research.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/Алгоритмы/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1968

Количество страниц: 761

Добавлена в каталог: 18.11.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
"Big-oh" notation      104—108
A-1 compiler      458
A-register of MIX      122
Aardenne — Ehrenfest, Taniana van      375 578
Abel, Niels Heurik      56 86
Abel, Niels Heurik, binomial theorem generalized      56 70 72 398
Abel, Niels Heurik, limit theorem      94
Abramowitz, Milton      66 92 615
ACE computer, Pilot      226
Adams, Charlee William      226
Add      127 128 204
Add to list      see “Insertion”
Addition of polynomials      273—276 355—359 361
Address (A number used to identify a position in memory) field of MIXAL line      123 141 147 151 152
Address of node      229—230
Address portion of MIX instruction      123
Address transfer operators of MIX      129 206—207
Adjacent vertices of a graph      362
Agenda      285 293 552
Aiken, Howard Hathaway      225
al-Khowariami, Abu Jafar Mohammed ibn Musa      1 78
Alanen, Jack David      xii
ALF (alphabetic data)      148 149 151
Algebraic formulas, differentiation      337—346 359 458
Algebraic formulas, manipulation of      335—347 461
Algebraic formulas, representation ee trees      312 335—336 458
Algebraic formulas, simplification of      339 346
algorithm for ged      2 4—9 13—17 19 40 79 80—81
Algorithm, origin of word      1—2
Algorithms      1—9
Algorithms, analysis of      vii 7 94—104 166—169 175 246—247 249—250 265 276 323—324 380—381 445—446
Algorithms, communication of      16
Algorithms, eet theoretical definition      8—9
Algorithms, effective      6 8 9
Algorithms, equivalence between      466
Algorithms, form of in this book      2—4
Algorithms, hardware-oriented      26 249 600
Algorithms, how to read      4 16
Algorithms, proof of      14—20 318—319 420
Algorithms, propertiee of      4—6 9
Algorithms, random paths in      380—381
Algorithms, theory of      7 9
Allocation of tzbles      see “Dynamic storage” “Allocation” “Linked “Representation” “Equential
Along order      459
Alphameric character (A letter, digit, orspecial character symbol) codes for MIX      132 134 136—137
Analysis of Algorithms      vii 7 94—104 166—169 175 246—247 249—250 265 276 323—324 380—381 445—446
Analytical engine      1 225
Ancestor, in a tree structure      309
Andre, Antoine Desire      531
Anticipated input      212 see
Antisymmetric relation      258
Apostol, Tom Mike      28
Arborescence      362 see
Arc in a directed graph      371
Area of memory      435
Arguments of subroutines      183 185
Arithmetic (Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) fixed-point      154—157
arithmetic expressions      see “Algebraic formulas”
Arithmetic progression, sum of      11 13 31 55
Arithmetic, floating-point      127 304
Arithmetic, operators of MIX      127—128 135 204
Arithmetic, polynomial      272—277 355—359 361
Arithmetic, scaled decimal      156—157
Array (A table which usually has a k-dimensional rectangular structure)      3 228 295—304
Array, one-dimensional      see “Linear list”
Array, represented as tree      310 312
Array, sequential allocation      154 296—298 302—303
Array, tetrahedral      298 303 see two-dimensional
Arrows, used to represent links in diagrams      230
Assembly language: A language which is intended to facilitate the construction of programs in machine language by making use of symbolic and mnemonic conventions to denote machine language instructions) for MIX      141—153
Assembly program      149
ASSIGN a buffer      215 218 224
Assignment operation      3
Asterisk ("*"), in assembly language      143 145 147 149 152
Asymmetric relations      258
Asymptotic values (Functions which express the limiting behavior approached bynumerical quantities), derivation of      104—119 239 395—396
Atom (in a List)      312—313 406—409 417
Automata theory      226 462
Automaton (An abstract machine which is formally defined in some manner, often intended to be a model of some aspects of actual computers (plural: Automata))      462—463
AVAIL stack (Available space list)      253
Available space list      253—254 263 266 275 289 290 411—413 419—420 435—455
Available space list, history      457
Available space list, variable-size blocks      436—455
Average value of a probability distribution      96 98—99 101
Babbage, Charles      1 225
Bachmann, Paul Gustav Heinrich      104
Backus, John W.      226
Bailey, Michael John      461
Balanced directed graph      374—377
Ball, Walter William Rouse      158—159
Ballot problem      531—533
Barnett, Michael Peter      461
Base address      230 240
Bead      229
Before and after diagrams      256—257
Bellman, Richard Ernest      xvii
Bennett, John Makepeace      226
Berge, Claude      406
Berger, Robert      385
Bernoulli, James (= Jakob = Jacques)      109
Bernoulli, Nikolaus (= Nicolas)      82 86
Bernoulli, numbers      74 90—91 108—112
Bernoulli, numbers, table      615
Bernoulli, polynomials      42 109—112
Bertrand, Joseph Louis Francois, postulate      506
Berztiss, A. T.      461
Best-fit method of storage allocation      436—437 448 452—453
beta function      71
Bhascara Acharya      52
Bigelow, Richard H.      558
Binary logarithm      22 25
Binary trees      308—309 314—334 345 362 399—405 458—459
Binary trees, "Dewey" notation for      315 329 345 405
Binary trees, complete      400—401
Binary trees, copying of      327—328 332 346
Binary trees, correspondence to trees and forests      333—334 345
Binary trees, definition of      309
Binary trees, enumeration of      388—389
Binary trees, equivalent      326 331
Binary trees, erasing of      331
Binary trees, extended      399—405
Binary trees, oriented      396
Binary trees, path length of      399—405
Binary trees, representation of      315—316 319—322 325 332
Binary trees, righUhreaded      325 331 332 336—346 459
Binary trees, similar      325—326 331
Binary trees, threaded      319—325 329—332 334 420 459
Binary trees, traversal of      316—332
Binet, Jacques Phillipe Marie      405 578
Binomial coefficients      51—73 88
Binomial coefficients, combinatorial interpretation      51 72
Binomial coefficients, denned      51
Binomial coefficients, generalized      64 69 71 72 85
Binomial coefficients, generating functions      88—90
Binomial coefficients, history      52
Binomial coefficients, history, sums involving      53—73 75—77 84 88—90 93
Binomial coefficients, table of      52
Binomial distribution      103
Binomial number system      72
Binomial theorem      55—56 89—90
Binomial theorem, Abel's generalization      56 70 72 398
Binomial theorem, generalizations of      56 64 72 90 398
Binomial theorem, Hurwitz's generalization      398 488
Blaauw, Gerrit Anne      457
block of memory      435
Blocking of records      214 222
Bobrow, Daniel Gureasko      459
Bolzano, Bernhard, theorem      381
Boncompagni, Prince Baldassarre      79
Boothroyd, John      174 518
Bottom of stack      237
Bottom-up process      351 362
Boundary tag method of storage allocation      441—442 449—450 453 460
Bourne, Charles Percy      511
Branch node of tree      305
BROTHER link in tree      426—412 see
Brother, in a tree structure      307
Brouwer, Luitxen Egbertus Jan      405
Buddy system for storage allocation      442—445 448—450 453—454 460 605
Buffering of input-output      154 155 212—225
Buffering of input-output, history      227
Buffering of input-output, swapping      143—144 155 213—215 222
Buniakovskii, Viktor Yakovlevich      631
Burke's Peerage      308
Burks, Arthur Walter      359
Burleson, Peter Barrus      461
Burroughs B220      xii 120
Burroughs B5000-B5500      xii 460
Byte (Basic unit of data, usually associated with alphameric characters) in MIX      120—121 135
Cajori, Florian      23
calendar      156
California Institute of Teehnology (Caltech)      xii 280
Calling sequence      183—186 189 192—193
Canchy, Augustjn I-ouis      36—37 578
Canonical cycle notation for permutations      176
Canonical representation of oriented trees      390—391 397—398
Car (LISP terminology for the first component of a List) analogous to INFO and DLINK      410
Car (LISP terminology for the first component of a List) analogous to INFO and DLINK to ALINK      417
Card format for MIXAL programs      148—149
Cards, playing      49 68 229—233 377
Carlitz, Leonard      501
Carr, John W.      III
Catalan, Eugene Charles      405
Cayley, Arthur      396 405—406
CDC 1604      120 523
CDC G20      120
Cdr (LISP terminology for the remainder of a List with its first omponent deleted) analogous to BLINK      417
Cdr (LISP terminology for the remainder of a List with its first omponent deleted) analogous to RLINK      410
Ceiling function      37 40—14
Cell (A word of the computer memory)      123
Cellar      236
Centroid of a free tree      387—388 396
Chain rule for differentiation      50 see
Channel (A data-transmission device connected to a computer)      221
CHAR (convert to characters)      134
Character code of MIX      132 134 136—137
Characteristic function of a probability distribution      101
Chebyshev, Pafnuli L'vovich, polynomials      493
Checkerboard      435
Checkerboarding      see “Fragmentation”
Chese      6 270
CHP1 (compare 1)      130 206—207
Chung, Kai Lai      103
Church, Robert      117
CI (The comparison indicator of MIX)      136—137 224
Circuit, Eulerian, in a directed graph      373—375 378—379
Circuit, Hamiltonian, in a directed graph      334 378
Circular definition      260 see circular”
Circular linkage      270—277 300 355 409—410 416 458
Circular list      270—277 409—410 458
Circular store      236
Circulating shift      131
Cirole of buffers      214—225
Citrus      456
Clavius, Christopher, S. J.      155—156
Clock, real time      224
Clock, simulated      281 285 451
Clock, solitaire game      377
Closed subroutine      see “Subroutine”
CMPA (compare A)      130 206—207
CMPX (compare X)      130 206—207
COBOL ("Common Business-Oriented Language")      423—434 456 552 572
Cofactor of element in square matrix (Determinant of the matrix obtained by replacing this element by unity and replacing alt other elements having the same row or column by zero)      35
Cohen, Jacques      460
coin tossing      100—101
Collins, George Edwin      460
Combinations of n objects taken k at a time      51 68
Combinations with repetitions permitted      72—73 93 386 388
Combinations with restricted repetitions      93
Combinatorial matrix      36 584
Comfort, Webb T.      xii 460
COMIT      460
Comment in assembly language      145 149
Compacting memory      421 439—440 450 451 454—455
Comparison indicator of MIX      122 129—130 138 202 224
Comparison operators of MIX      130 206—207
Compiler (Program which translates programming languages) algorithms especially for use in      360—361 423—421 552
Complete binary tree      400—401
Compound intsrest      23
Computational method      5 8
Computer (A data processor)      1
Computer language      see “Assembly language” “Machine “Programming
CON (constant)      146 151—152
Concatenation of strings      271—272
Conditional expression      459 608
Congruence      38—39
Connected directed graph      372 376 377
Connected directed graph, strongly      372 377
Connected graph      362
Conservative law      167 see
Constants in assembly language      146 151—152
Construction of trees      339 342 426—427
Contents      123 231—233
Continuous simulation      279
Convergence      see “Eq 1.2.3—3” “Exercise
Convergence, of power series      86 395
Conversion operators of MIX      134
Convolution of probability distributions      99 101
Conway, Melvin Edward      xii 147 226
Copy a data structure, binary tree      327—328 332 346
Copy a data structure, linear list      277
Copy a data structure, List      421
Copy a data structure, tree      327—328 332 346
Copy a data structure, two-dimensional linked list      304
Coroutine      190—196 218—220 281—293 318
Coroutine, history      226
Coroutine, linkage      190 196 220 288—289
Correspondence between binary trees and forests      333—334 345
Cousins      314
Coxeter, Harold Scott Macdonald      79 158
Critical path time      213
Crossword puzzle      159—160
Cumulants of probability distribution      101—103
Cycle, detection of      268 369
Cycle, fundamental      366—368 376
Cycle, in directed graph      371—372
Cycle, in graph      362
Cycle, in permutation      160—164 173 176—181
Cycle, in random permutation      176—181
Cycle, notation for permutations      160—164 169—170 176 179—181
Cycle, oriented, in directed graph      371
Cycle, singleton      160—161 164 168 177—179
d'Imperio, Mary E      461
Dahm, David Michael      432 434
DATA      211
Data structure      228—463
Data structure, linear list structures      234—295
Data structure, List structures      406—422
Data structure, multilinked structures      423—434
Data structure, orthogonal lists      295—304 423^34
Data structure, tree structures      305—406
Data, packed      124 153
daughter      307 see
de Bruijn, Nicolaas Govert      xii 118 119 375 379 538 578
de La Loubere, Simon      158
De Moivre, Abraham      82 103
de Morgan, Augustus      17
Debugging      189 197 294
DEC1 (decrease 1)      129 206
DECA (decrease A)      129 206
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