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Knuth D.E. — The art of computer programming (Vol. 1. Fundamental algorithms) |
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DECX (decrease X) 129 206
Definition, circular see “Circular definition”
Degree, of node in tree 305 314 345 350—351 376
Degree, of vertsx in directed graph 371
Deletion of node, from available space list see “Reservation”
Deletion of node, from deque 248 266 271 294
Deletion of node, from doubly linked list 278—279 288 294 444—445
Deletion of node, from linear list 235
Deletion of node, from linked list 232 252 274 278—279 288 294 301—302 357—358 440 442 444—445
Deletion of node, from queue 237—238 240—241 257—258 262 271
Deletion of node, from stack 237—238 240—241 243 255—256 265—266 271 276 278—279 323 415—416
Deletion of node, from tree 357—358
Deletion of node, from two-dimensional list 301—302
Denned symbol, in assembly language 149
Deque 235—239 458
Deque, deletion from 248 266 271 294
Deque, input-restricted 235—239 415
Deque, insertion into 248 266 271 294
Deque, linked allocation 251 270 278
Deque, output-restricted 235—239 271
Deque, sequential allocation 240
Derivative of a formula 89 337
Descendant, in a tree structure 309
Determinant of a square matrix 35—37 377—378 474
Deuel, Phillip D. 552
Deutsch, L. Peter 417 421
Dewey, Melvil, notation for binary trees (due to Gallon) 315 329 345 405
Dewey, Melvil, notation for trees 310—311 314—315 345 381—382 459
Diagrams of structural information 230—231
Diagrams of structural information, before-and-after 256—257
Diagrams of structural information, List structures 312—313 407
Diagrams of structural information, tree structures 306—307 309
Dickson, Leonard Eugene 80
Difference of function 64
Difference of function, divided 472
Differentiation, algebraic 89 337—346 359 458
Differentiation, algebraic, chain rule for 50 see
Digamma function 94 490 616
Digraph 371 see
Dijkstra, Edsger Wybe 227 236 458
Dilworth, Robert Palmer xii
Directed graph 371—381 420
Directed graph, as flow chart 365 380—381
Directed graph, balanced 374 377
Directed graph, connected 372 376 377
Directed graph, regular 378
Directed graph, representation of 380
Directed graph, rooted 372
Directed graph, strongly connected 372 377
Discrete system simulation 199 279—295
Discrete system simulation, synchronous 289 295
Disk files 132—133 436 461—462
Distribution, binomial 100 103
Distribution, normal 102—103
Distribution, Poiason 103 519
Distribution, uniform 100—101
Distributive law 27 35 40
DIV (divide) 127—128 135 204
Divided differences 472
Division converted to multiplication 513
Dixon, Alfred Cardew 489
Dixon, Robert Dan 504
DLINK: Link downward 408 410
Doig, Alison 406
Domino problem 382—385
doubly linked list 278—279 285—288 294—295 409—411 441—442 443—445 453 458
Dougall, John 489
Drum 132—133 456 461—462
Dual order for traversing tree 330 331
Dull, Brutus Cyclops 107
Dummy variable 27
Dunham, Bradford 346
Dunlap, James Robert xii 456
Dvoretnky, Aryah 531
Dynamic storage allocation 242—251 253—254 411—413 419—420 435—455
Dynamic storage allocation, history 456—457 460—461
Dynamic storage allocation, running time estimates 419—420 445—450
Dynastic order 335 see
Easter Date 155—156
Edge in a graph 362
Edwards, Daniel James 421
EDX (load X) 125 135 204—205
Effective algorithm 6 8 9
Eisenstein, Ferdinand Gotthold 479
Elementary symmetric functions 93 94 494
Elevator system 280—295
Embedding of partial order into linear order 259 see
Embedding of tree in another tree 347 385
END 148 151
End of file 212—213 S24
Endorder for binary tree 316—317 310 324 328—330
Endorder for tree 334—335 345 349
English letter frequencies 155
ENN1 (enfer negative 1) 129 200
ENNA (enter negative A) 29 206
ENNX (enter negative X) 129 206
ENT1 (enter 1) 129 206
ENTA (enter A) 129 206
Entity 229 see
Entrances to subroutines 183—187
ENTX (enter X) 129 206
Enumeration of free structures 377—378 385—399 404
Enumeration of free structures, history 405—406
EQU (equivalent to) 142 145—146 151 152
Equivalence algorithm (Algorithm 233E) 354—355 360—361 376 572 575
Equivalence between two algorithms 466
Equivalence classes 353
Equivalence declaration 355 360—361
Equivalence problem 353 360—361
Equivalence relation 353
Equivalent of a MIXAL symbol 152
Equivalent trece 326 331 345
Erase a data structure, binary tree 331
Erase a data structure, linear hat 270 271 277
Erase a data structure, List 412—413
Erd&yi, Arthur 398 531
Erdwinn, Joel Dyne 226
Errors, avoiding 256—257
Errors, computational 24 26 302
Errors, detection of 189 197 294
Ethermgton, Ivor Malcolm Haddon 398 531
Ettingahausen, Andreas von 52
Euclides (— Euclid) 2 4 5
Euler, constant 74 110
Euler, Leonhard 48 51 56 86 108 110 373 405 494 531
Euler, summation formula 108—112 116 119
Euler, theorem of 41
Euler, totient function 41 181
Eulerian circuit 373—375 377—379
Evaluate tree function 351 362
Evans, Arthur, Jr 198
Exchange operation 3 179
Exclusive OR 443 454 550
Execution time, methods for determining 95—104 166—169
Execution time, methods for MIX instructions 134—137
Exercises, notes on xvii—xix
Exits from subroutines, multiple 186 266
Expected value of a probability distribution 98
Exponents, laws of 21—22 25
Expressions, arithmetic see “Algebraic formules”
Extended binary tree 399—405
External path length 399—405
Faa di Bruno, Francesco, formula of 50 92 103
Factorial 45—51 53 111
Factorial powers 70 609
Factorization into primes 18 41 46 49 68
FADD (floating add) 127 304
Fail-safe program 267—268
Family tree 307—309 314
Family-order sequential representation of trees 349—350 359
| Farber, David Jack 460
Farey, John, series 157
FATHER link in tree 352—355 359—360 426—432
Father, in a tree structure 307 314 333—334
FCMP (floating compare) 127 502 556
FDIV (floating divide) 127 304
Ferguson, David Elton xii 227 332
Fermat, Pierre de 17
Fermat, theorem 39
Feynman, Richard Phillips 26
Fibonacci, Leonardo 78—79
Fibonacci, number system 85
Fibonacci, numbers 13 18 78—85 454
Fibonacci, numbers, generating function 81—82
Fibonacci, numbers, table of 615
Fibonacci, Quarterly 80
Fibonacci, sequence 13 18 78—85 454
Fibonacci, string sequence 85
Field, partial, of MIX word 122—127 135 130 203 232—233
Field, within a node 229
Field, within a node, notations for 231—233 457—458
FIFO 236 458 see
Fifty percent rule 445^46
Final vertex of arc 371
Fine, Nathan Jacob 483
First-fit method of storage allocation 436—438 447—450 452—453 605
First-in-first-out 236 sec
Fischer, Michael John 353
Fixed element of permutation 177—179
Fixed-point arithmetic 154—157
Flag see “Sentinel”
Floating-point arithmetic 127 304
Floating-point operators of MIX 127 554—556
Floor function 37—38 40—4—1
Flow chart 2 18 364—3H5
Floyd, Robert W. xii 17 10 20 420 473 504 552
FLPL 459—460
FMUL (floating multiply) 127 304
Ford, Donald Floyd 511
Foreeasting 221
Forest 306 407 see
Formulae, algebraic see “Algebraic formulas”
Formulae, algebraic, logical 346
Forstemann, Wilhelin 488
FORTRAN 355 459
Fractional pari 38
Fragmentation problem 438—440 450
Franklin, Joel N. xii
Free lattice 346—347
Free storage see “Available spate”
Free trees 362—371 373 377—378 386—388 396 397
Free trees, enumeration 377—378 388 306 397
Free trees, minimum cost 370
Fridshal, R. 346
Front of queue 237
FSUB (floating subtract) 127 304
Fundamental cycles in graph 366—368 376
Furch, Robert 117
Future reference (in MIXAL) 149 151
Future reference (in MIXAL), restrictions on 152
Galler, Bernard Aaron 353
Gallon, Francis 558
Games, solution of 85 270
Gamma function 48—51 71 78 112 115—116
Gamma function, incomplete 113—119
Garbage collection 254 412—422 438—410 450 454—455 460 541
Gardner, Martin 79
Garwick, Jan Vaumund 244 456
Gaskell, Robert Eugene 85
Gauss, Karl Friedrieh 48 56 94
Gauss, reduction algorithm for matrix inversion 304
Gelernter, Herbert Leo 460
General Electric Corporation 456
Generating functions 81—83 86—93 97—104 178 239 386 388—389 391—399 404 532—533
Generating functions, asymptotic values from 230 395—396
Generating functions, for a discrete probability distribution 97—104 178
Geometric progression, sum of 31 87
Gerberich, Carl Luther 459
Gill, Stanley 226 456
Glaisher, James Whit bread Lee, constant 499
Gnedenko, Boris Vladiinirovich 103
GO-button of MIX 140 208
Goldbach, Christian 48
Goldberg, Joel 522
Golden ratio 13 18 21 79 81—85 613 614
Goldstine, Herman Heine 18 225
Golomb, Solomon Wolf 181
Goneharov, Vasilii Leonidovich 103
Good, Irving John 374 395 482
Gora, Saul 459
Gould, Henry Wadsworth xii 62 117 484 490
Gower, John Clifford 458
Graham, Ronald Lewis 605
Graph 362—372 377—378 406
Graph, connected 362
Graph, directed see “Directed graph”
Graphical display 159—160
Greatest common divisor 2 4—6 9 14—15 38—39 42 80—81
Greatest integer function see “Floor function”
grid 228 371
Griswold, Ralph Edward 460
Haddon, Bruce Kenneth 603
Halayudha 52
Hamilton, Dennis Eugene xii
Hamilton, Sir WiUiam Rowan, circuit 374 378
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark 228
Hansen, James Rone 459
Harary, Frank 406
Hardware-oriented algorithms 26 249 600
Hardy, Godfrey Harold 12 490 515
Harmonic numbers 73—78 89 110—111 156
Harmonic numbers, generating function 89
Harmonic numbers, table 615—616
Harmonic series 74
Harrison, Michael Alexander iv
Hart man is, Juris 462
Heap sort 552
Heed of list 272 278 286—287 299—300 322 332 336 408—110 443
Height of vertex in free tree 387
Hellerman, Herbert 458
Henkin, Leon Albert 17
Herrnite, Charles 48
Heyting, Arend 405
Hifbert, David, matrix 37
HLT (halt) 132 139
Hoare, Charles Antony Richard 457
Holmes, Thomas Sherlock Scott 463
Holt Hopfenberg, Anatol Wolf 459
Honeywell H800 120
Hopper, Grace Murray 458
Huffman, David Albert 402—405
Hurwitz, Adolf 42
Hurwitz, generalized binomial formula 398 488
I/O: Input or output 211
IBM 050 i 120 226 456 523
IBM 701 226
IBM 705 227
IBM 7070 120
IBM 709 120 523
Identitv permutation 101 172
II-regiater of MIX 122 138
Iliffe, John Kenneth 460
Illiac I 226
IN (input) 132—133 211—212
In-degree of vertex 371
INC1 (increase 1) 12a
INCA (increase A) 129 206
Incidence matrix 267
Inclusion and exclusion principle 178—179 181
Incomplete gamma function 113—119
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