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Knuth D.E. — The art of computer programming (Vol. 1. Fundamental algorithms) |
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Shell, Donald Lewis xiii
Shepp, Lawrence Alan 180 181
Shift operators of MIX 131 207
Shih-chieh, Chu 52
Sibling 307 347 tee
Similar trees 325—327 345
Simon, Herbert Alexander 226 456—
Simple oriented path 371 376
Simple path 362 369
Simplification, algebraic 339 346
Simulated time 281 285 451
Simulation 279
Simulation, discrete 199 279—295
Simulation, of one computer on another 198—208
Simulation, of one computer on itself 208—211
Singleton cycle of permutation 160—161 164 168 177—179
Sister 307 see “Brother”
Skalsky, Michael 484
SLA (shift left A) 131 207
SLAX (shift left AX) 131 207
SLG (shift left AX circularly) 131 207
SLIP 229 458 459 460
Smallest-in-first-out 552
Snobol 400
Solitaire game 377
Son, in a tree structure 307 333—334 347 352 426—432
Sorting, topological 258—268 345 376 397
Sparse matrix 299—304
Speed coding 226
SRA (shift right A) 131 207
SRAX (shift right AX) 131 207
SRC (shift right AX circularly) 131 207
ST1 (store 1) 126 205
STA (store A) 125—126 205
STACK 235—239 240—250 254—256 265—207 271 276 317—319 323—324 329—330 414—417 427—428
Stack, deletion ("popping") 237—238 240—241 243—244 255—256 265—266 271 270 278—279 323 415—416
Stack, insertion ("pushing"), 237—238, 240—241, 243—244, 254—256, 265—206, 271, 27G 279 323 415—416
Stack, linked allocation 254—250 265—267 271 276 278—279 330 416
Stack, pointer to 240 243 254
Stack, sequential allocation 240—250 323 414—415
Standard deviation of probability distribution 96 99 102
Stearns, Richard Edwin 402
Stegun, Irene Anne 66 92 615
Stickelberger, Ludwig 50
Stirling numbers 65—08 70 73 77 90 94 97 102 501 578
Stirling numbers, combinatorial interpretations 73 176
Stirling numbers, generating functions 90
Stirling numbers, tables of 66
Stirling, approximation 46 49 71 111—112 113 115—116 538
STIRLING, JAMES 46—48 72 86 111 178
STJ (store J) 126 142 183 205
Storage mapping function 240 296—298 303
Storing operators of MIX 125—126 205
Straight linkage 230 251 256 410 416
String 8—9 85 see
String, concatenation 272
String, manipulation 460 461
Strongly connected directed graph 372 377
Structure, how to represent 234—235 423—432 461 see
STX (store X) 126 205
STZ (store zero) 126 205
Sub (Subtract) 127 128 204
SUBROUTINE 154 156 182—189 190—192 198 202—203 207 225—226 288—289
Subroutine, allocation 268—269
Subroutine, closed 225—226 see history”
Subroutine, linkage 182—183 187
Subroutine, open see “Maero instruction”
Subscript 3 see
Substitution operation 3
Subtree order 459
subtrees 305—307
Subtrees, enumeration of 377—378
Subtrees, free 365—368
Summation 26—37
Summation, by parts 43 (exereise 42) 75 77
Summation, Eider's formula 108—112 116 119
Summation, interchange of order 28—30 33 41
Summation, of arithmetic progression 11 13 31 55
Summation, of binomial coefficients 54—64 68—73
Summation, of geometric progression 31 87
Summation, relation to integration 108—112 116
Swapping buffers 143—144 155 213—215 222
Sward, Gilbert L. 346
Swift, Charles James 227
Switching table 154 200—201 204—205
Symbol table algorithms 172 263 425
Symbolic machine language see “Assembly language”
Symmetric function, elementary 93 94 494
Symmetric order for binary tree 317 see
Symmetric relation 353
Synchronous discrete simulation 280 295
system 360 120 523
Szekeres, George 590
Table-driven program see “Interpreter” “Switching
Tables of numerical quantities 66 613—616
Tables, arrangement of, inside a computer see “Representation”
Tag field in tree node 319 see “RTAG”
Takacs, Lajos 532 588
Tape 132—133
Taussky, Olga xiii
Tautology 346
Taylor, Brook, formula with remainder 113
Temp storage 188
Terminal node of tree 305 315
Terminology 237 307 362
Ternary tree 332 396 401 404—405
Tetrahedral array 298 308 see
Theile, Thorvald Nicolai 101
Theory of algorithms 7 9
Theory of automata 462—463
Thornton, Charles 319 459
Thread an unthreaded tree 330—331
Thread links 319—321 334
Threaded trees 319—325 329—332 334 420 459
Threaded trees, compared to unthreaded 324 420
Threaded trees, insertion into 325
Threaded trees, list head in 322 336
Three-address code 336 458
Tiling the plane 382—385
Time taken by program see “Execution time”
Time, simulated 281 285 451
Timer see “Clock”
Todd, John xiii 474
Todd, Olga Taussky xiii
Tonge, Frederic McLanahan 459
Top of stack 237—238
| Top-down process 362
Topological sorting 258—268 345 376 397
Torelli, Gabriele 70 487
Totient function 41 181
Trace routine 208—211 226—227 293
Traffic signal 157—158
Transitive relation 105 258 353 see
Transpose of matrix 180
Traversal of tree structure 316—324 328—332 334—335 345
Tree function, evaluation of 351 362
Trees 223 305—422 426—434
Trees, binary see “Binary trees”
Trees, comparison of different types 306 373
Trees, complete t-ary 401
Trees, construction of 339 342 426—428
Trees, copying of 327—328 332 346
Trees, definition of 305—306 309 312 314—315 363 371 372
Trees, deletion from 357—358
Trees, Dewey notation for 310—311 314—315 345 381—382
Trees, diagrams of 306—307 300
Trees, embedding of 347 385
Trees, enumeration of 377—378 385—399 404
Trees, equivalent 326 331 345
Trees, erasing of 331
Trees, free see “Free trees”
Trees, history 405—406 458—459
Trees, index notation for 310 312 313 315
Trees, infinite 314—315 381—385
Trees, insertion into 325 331 357—358
Trees, labeled, enumeration of 389—395 397—398
Trees, linear ordering for 331 332 345
Trees, linked allocation for 315—316 319—322 325 333—334 351—359
Trees, mathematical rheurv of 362—406
Trees, n-tuply rooted 306 see
Trees, ordered 306 373 388—389 see
Trees, oriented see “Oriented trees”
Trees, representation of 333—334 347—362 459
Trees, right-threaded 325 331 336 380
Trees, sequential allocation for 347—350 359—362 401 434
Trees, similar 325—327 345
Trees, t-ary 332 396 401 404—405
Trees, ternary 332 401 405
Trees, threaded see “Threaded trees”
Trees, traversal of 316—324 328—332 334—335 345
Trees, triply linked 352 359 426—434
Trees, unordered see “Oriented trees”
Trees, unrooted 363 see
Triangular matrix 297—298 303
Tricomi, Francesco Giacomo Filippo 118
Trigonometric functions 42 470
Trilling, Laurent 460
Triply linked tree 352 359 426^34
Tritter, Alan L 572
Turing, Alan Mathison 226 458
Turing, machine 9 226 462—463
Tutte, William Thomas 378
Twain, Mark (= Clemens, Samuel Langhornc) 53
Tweedie, Charles 86
Two-way linkage 278 286 410
Uhler, Horaee Scudder 479
Underflow 241—242 255 265—266 271
Uniform distribution 265—266 271
Univac 1 147
UNIVAC 1107 120
UNIVAC 3 120
Unpacking 153
Update-memory 295
van Aardenne — Ehrenfest, Taniana 375 578
van der Waerden, Bartei Leendert 385
Vandermonde, Alexander Theophile, matrix 36—37
Varga, Richard S. iv
Variable 3 231
Variable, link or pointer 231
Variable-size nodes 435—455
Variance of a probability distribution 96 98 99 101
Vector see “Linear lists”
Vertex in a graph 362 371
Vertex in a graph, isolated 374
Vietorius of Aquitania 155
Visit a node 318
von Ettingshauseii, Andreas 52
von Neumann, John 18 225 456
von Standi, Karl Georg Christian 405
W-value (in HIXAL) 150—151
Wait list see “Agenda”
Waite, William McCastfine 417 420 603
Wallis, John 22
Wallis, product 50 112
Wang, Hao 346 382 383 384
Waring, Edward 77
Warren, Don W 359
Watson, Rev Henry William 382
Wegner, Peter 303
Weierstrass, Karl, theorem 381
Weighted path length 401—405
Weizenbaum, Joseph 413 458 460
Welch, John Tunstall, Jr 369
Well-ordering 20—21 332
Wheeler, Duvid John 226 227 456
Whinihan, Michael J 85
Whirlwind I 226
Wilkes, Maurice Vincent 226 456
Wilson, Sir John, theorem 49 50
Windsor, House of 308
Wire length, minimum 370—371
Wirth, Niklaus 457
Wnlman, Erie 152
Wolontis, Vidar Michael 226
Woodger, Michael xiii
Woods, M L 226
Woodward, Philip Mayne 459
Worii: Addressable unit of computer memory 122
Worst-fit method of storage allocation 452
Wrench, John William, Jr. xiii 615
Wright, Edward Maitland 490 515
Wright, Jesse B. 359
Writing 211
Writing large programs 187—189
X-register of MIX 122
xor (exclusive or) 454
Yngve, Victor Huse 460
Yo-yo list 236
Youden, William Wallace xiii
Young, Rosalind Cecily Hildegard 75
Zeta function 42 74—75
Zimmerman, Seth 406
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