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Catthoor F., Danckaert K., Kulkarni C. — Data access and storage management for embedded programmable processors |
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Access ordering 136
Address optimisation methodology 23
Allowed ordering vector cone 51
app 75
Applicative execution 81
ARM-6 emulator 204
Array merging 218 230
Array padding 181
Array splitting 218
Assignment freedom 135
Assignment of arrays to memories 133
ATM application 138
Atomium 134
Auto-correlation 184
Balance bandwidth 140
Bandwidth cost 139
Bank assignment 133
Bank interleave 136
base addresses 212
Basic group 82
Basic group matching 143
Belady's MIN algorithm 126
Belady's MIN algorithm, extension 126
BG structuring 20
Block address 212
BOATD 191 229
BTPC 128 136 142 155
BTPC, data reuse results 143
Cache bypass 185
Cache locking 189 210
Cache locking, strategy for 210
Cache miss conflict, cross-conflict 222
Cache miss conflict, self-conflict 224
Cache miss estimation 226
Cache operation, replacement policy 120
Cache operation, updating policy 197
Cache, hardware controlled 120 204
Cache, software controlled 120 205
Cavity detector 130
Cavity detector, application 265
Cavity detector, results 265 267
CDO, Conflict Directed Ordering 150 157
CDO, experiments 171
CDO, Localized CDO-LCDO 164
CDO, motivation 157
CDO, Multi-level CDO-LCDO(k) 167
CDO, Multi-level Generalized CDO-GCDO(k) 169
CDO, problem formulation 159
Common iteration space 85 90
Compiler optimizations 179
Conflict graph 135 150
Conflict graph, chromatic number 135
Conflict graph, self-conflict 135
Contributions of book 14
Copy-candidate chain 121—122
Custom memory organization 133 136
Cycle budget 133 141
Cycle distribution across blocks 151
DAB decoder, application 239
DAB decoder, Intel results 251
DAB decoder, loop trafo 243
DAB decoder, MAA 247
DAB decoder, results 244 248
DAB decoder, SCBD 245
DAB decoder, task level tradeoff 147
DAB decoder, TriMedia results 252
Data access graph 120 124
Data dependency 35
Data dependency analysis 82
Data layout optimization 20 190
Data path cycles versus memory cycles 145
Data processing speed 138
Data reuse cost function 54
Data reuse dependency (DRD) 123
Data reuse factor 121 124
Data reuse factor, curve 127
Data reuse, assumptions 122
Data reuse, basic methodology 122 124
Data reuse, cost function 122
Data reuse, dependency (DRD) 124
Data reuse, experimental results 128
Data reuse, inter-copy reuse 122 125
Data reuse, intra-copy reuse 122 125
Data reuse, methodology 18 119
Data reuse, search space exploration 127
Data reuse, search space parameters 124 127
Data transfer and storage management 1 (see also "DTSE")
Data type refinement 16
DCT, discrete cosine transform 219
Definition domain 82
Demonstrator, 3D image reconstruction 273
Demonstrator, cavity detector 270
Demonstrator, Digital Audio Broadcast receiver 253
Demonstrator, Mesa graphics library optimization 259
Demonstrator, MPEG4 motion estimation 264
Demonstrator, other multi-media processing 273
Demonstrator, quad-tree structured DPCM 272
Demonstrator, turbo decoder 273
Demonstrator, wavelet coder 273
Dependency analysis 36
Dependency cone 51
Dependency cone, sharpness 51
Dependency Part 80
Dependency rank 62
Dependency size 92
Dependency Vector 88
Dependency Vector Polytope 88
Depending iteration nodes 87
Dinero III simulator 204
Distributed memory subsystem 136
DP 86
DTSE, data reuse trees 184
DTSE, memory hierarchy issues 187
DTSE, methodology 14
DTSE, methodology steps 122
DTSE, methodology, extensions for dynamic data types 22
DTSE, methodology, extensions for parallel targets 22
DTSE, methodology, formal verification 23
DTSE, methodology, platform architecture issues 23
DTSE, methodology, related work 12
DTSE, motivation 1
DTSE, objectives 10
DTSE, preprocessing 16 122
DTSE, related work 25
DTSE, related work, code transformations 25...
DTSE, related work, memory management 29...
DTSE, related work, MIMD compilation 27...
DTSE, storage size reduction 188
DV 88
DVP 88
ECG, extended conflict graph 150
EDP 95
Effective size 215 222
Execution ordering 79
Execution ordering, fixed 81
Execution ordering, partially fixed 85
Execution ordering, unfixed 82
Extended DP 95
Extreme dependencies 51
Future work 278
Geometrical cost functions 50
Geometrical model 191
Geometrical model, definition domain 191
Geometrical model, definition mappings 192
Geometrical model, iteration domain 191
Geometrical model, operand mappings 192
Geometrical model, operation domain 191
Geometrical model, variable domain 191
Global data-flow transformations 16
| Global loop transformations 17 33 122
Graphics pipeline, geometrical transformations 254
Graphics pipeline, rasterization 254
Graphics pipeline, rendering 254
Hierarchical SCBD 150
High speed memories 136 139
Homogeneous coordinates 58
HP PA-RISC 8000 256
Hyperplane method 34
In-place mapping 21 79 85
In-place mapping, inter-signal 195
In-place mapping, intra-signal 195 197
Innermost nest level 85
Instruction cache 257
Interconnect 138 150
Inverse mappings 59
Iteration domain (of statement) 86
Iteration node 86
Iteration space 86 180
LBL 82
Length ratio 98
Linearly bounded lattice 82
Locality 60
Locality, cost function 54
Loop folding 42
Loop fusion 179
Loop interchange 42 63
Loop merging 41
Loop nest, data locality 120 122
Loop skewing 65
Loop tiling 36 57 180
LPC vocoder 202
LR 98
Memory allocation 133 137
Memory bandwidth 135
Memory hierarchy 119 121
Memory interconnect optimization 20
Memory latency 139
Memory organisation 133
Memory planes 140
Memory size estimation 18 79 128
Memory size estimation, orthogonalize 89
Memory size/power trade-off 122
Memory/bank allocation 20
Mesa graphics library 254
Mesa graphics library, results 257
Minimum spanning tree 56
Miss rate 216
Miss removal, capacity misses 21
Miss removal, conflict misses 21
MPEG4 76 106 129
MPEG4, cache and ADOPT results 261
MPEG4, global trade-off results 264
MPEG4, trafo results 259
Multi port memory 135
Multi-level blocking 181
Multi-level caches 221
Multi-level hierarchy 126
Multi-port memory 140
nd 88
Non-homogeneous accesses 121 123
Nonprocedural execution 81
Nonspanning Dimensions 88
OATD 192
OpenGL 254
Operand domain 82
Order of memory accesses 115
Ordering freedom 150
Ordering phase 41 46
Outermost nest level 85
Packing data 140
page mode 139
Parallel memory architecture 140
Parallelizing compiler 204
Pareto curves, cycle budget versus cost 130 141 155
Pareto curves, cycle budget versus cost on BTPC 143
Pareto curves, power/memory size trade-off 128
Pareto curves, system-wide tradeoff 20 266
PDG 40
Peak bandwidth 136
Placement phase 41 50 58
Placement phase, constraints 60
Placement phase, example 45 66 72
Placement phase, experiments 72
Placement phase, strategy 69
Placement phase, tool 69
Placement phase, translation 60 76
Platform architecture 15
Polyhedral Dependency Graph 40
Polytope 81
Polytope conflict 72
Polytope model 40
Power cost function 123
Predefined memory architecture 15 38 136 239
Procedural execution 81
Processor mapping 43
Rank 62
Real-time constraints 133 138
Recurrence equation 39
Register allocation 133
Regularity 60
Regularity, constraints 61
Regularity, cost function 51
Related work, loop transformations 33
Reuse distance 180 223
Reuse factor 215 223 231
Reuse of conflicts 153
Rotation scheduler 134
SBO 20 151
SCBD, algorithm 153
SCBD, flat flow graph technique 150
SCBD, global optimum 151
SCBD, incremental 153
SCBD, incremental example 153
SCBD, Storage Cycle Budget Distribution 136
SCBD, technique 149
SCBD, tool feedback 155
Schur algorithm 202
Scratch pad memory 183
SD 88
SDRAM bank interleaving 136
Search tree reordering 72
Signal to-memory/bank assignment 20 137
SimpleScalar tool set 231
Single assignment 35 37 122
Single port memory 135
Size estimation 57
Sliding window concept 224
Software pipelining 144
Software prefetching 183
SOR, successive over relaxation 219
Spanning Dimensions 88
Spanning Value 88
Spec92 236
Storage bandwidth optimization 20 151
Storage cost models 8
Storage cycle budget distribution 19 128
Storage order 188
Structure of book 23
SUSAN principle 131
SV 88
Target application domain 4
Target architecture style 4
Task level tradeoff 146
Temporal data locality 120
Test vehicle, Algebraic Path Problem 75
Test vehicle, Binary Tree Predictive Coder 128
Test vehicle, Cavity detection 130
Test vehicle, MPEG4 motion estimation 76 106 129 217
Test vehicle, QSDPCM 202
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