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Knuth D.E. — The art of computer programming (Vol. 2. Seminumerical algorithms)
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Название: The art of computer programming (Vol. 2. Seminumerical algorithms)
Автор: Knuth D.E.
Аннотация: This multivolume work on the analysis of algorithms has long been recognized as the definitive description of classical computer science. The three complete volumes published to date already comprise a unique and invaluable resource in programming theory and practice. Countless readers have spoken about the profound personal influence of Knuth's writings. Scientists have marveled at the beauty and elegance of his analysis, while practicing programmers have successfully applied his "cookbook" solutions to their day-to-day problems. All have admired Knuth for the breadth, clarity, accuracy, and good humor found in his books. To begin the fourth and later volumes of the set, and to update parts of the existing three, Knuth has created a series of small books called fascicles, which will be published at regular intervals. Each fascicle will encompass a section or more of wholly new or revised material. Ultimately, the content of these fascicles will be rolled up into the comprehensive, final versions of each volume, and the enormous undertaking that began in 1962 will be complete. Volume 4, Fascicle 2 - This fascicle inaugurates the eagerly awaited publication of Knuth's "The Art of Co
Рубрика: Computer science /Алгоритмы /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Издание: 2nd edition
Год издания: 1981
Количество страниц: 688
Добавлена в каталог: 18.11.2005
Операции: Положить на полку |
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342 360 611 629 659—660 666
, representation of 209 230 315 593
-distributed sequence 144—155 164—168.
342 343 496 659—660
38 144—145 152 154 182 184 193 268 342 659—660
vii 689
0FL0 202
10-adic numbers 587
2-adic numbers 197
A priori tests 75
abacus 180 184
Abramowitz, Milton 41 611
Absolute error 293—294
Absorption laws 636
ACC: Floating point accumulator 202—203 232—233
Acceptance-rejection method 120—123 129 134—135 553
Accuracy of floating point arithmetic 206 213—230 237 311—312 420 466—467
Accuracy of random number generation 26 90—92 103 171
Adaptation of coefficients 471—479 498—501
Addition 178 191 194 197 250—252 262—263 265—268
Addition chains 444—466 501
Addition chains, 459—460 464
Addition chains, ascending 447
Addition chains, dual 462 466
Addition chains, star 447 453—457 461 463
Addition, complex 468
Addition, continued fractions 602
Addition, floating point 199—204 209 211—216 219—230 232—234 237 238—239 249
Addition, fractions 313—315
Addition, mixed-radix 193 266 589
Addition, mod m 11 14—15 171 187 271—272
Addition, modular 269 277
Addition, multiple-precision 250—252 262—263 265—268
Addition, polynomial 399—401
Addition, power series 506
Addition-subtraction chains 465
Additive random number generation 26—30 36—37 171—173
Adleman, Leonard Max 380 386 396
Admissible numbers 165
Ahrens, Joachim Heinrich Ludecke 114 124 125 128 129 131 132 133 135 136 553
Ahrens, Wilhelm Ernst Martin Georg 192
al-Biruni, abu Rayhan Muhammad ibn Ahmad 441
al-Kasht, Jemshid ibn Mes'ud 182 309 443
al-Khwarizmi, abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Miisa 181 265
al-Uqlidisi, abu al-Hasan, Ahmad ibn Ibrahim 182 265 441
Alanen, Jack David 29
Alekseev, Boris Vasil'evich 112
Algebra, free associative 418—419
Algebraic dependence 499
Algebraic integers 380
Algebraic number field 314 316 632—633
Algol 265
Algorithms, analysis of 7—8 73—74 135 140 238—249 262—263 266—267 278—280 285—289 293—297 300—301 311 330—364 367—369 383—386 397—398 417 420 427—429 436—441 451 481—482 497 503—505 511 513—514 654
Algorithms, complexity of 133 265 299 301 444—466 475—479 487—505
Algorithms, historical development of 318—320 441 443
Algorithms, proof of 265 266 319—320
Alias method 115—116 122 134 555
Alt, Helmut 647
Analysis of Algorithms 7—8 73—74 135 140 238—249 262—263 266—267 278—280 285—289 293—297 300—301 311 330—364 367—369 383—386 397—398 417 420 427—429 436—441 451 481—482 497 503—505 511 513—514 654
Analytical engine 185
Ananthanarayanan, Kasi 123
AND (logical and) 305 312 373—374 434 617
Anderson, Stanley F. 296
Anderson, Theodore Wilbur 71
Antanairesis 318—319 362
Apollonius of Perga 209
Apparition, rank of 393
Approximate equality 208 217—219 228—229
Approximately linear density 120—121
Approximation, by rational functions 420 515
Approximation, by rational numbers 314—316 363—364
Arabic mathematics 181—182 265 309 441 443
Arbitrary precision 265 268 314
Archibald, Raymond Clare 185
Arctangent 297
Arithmetic 178—515 see “Comparison” “Division” “Doubling” “Exponentiation” “Greatest “Halving” “Multiplication” “Reciprocal” “Square “Subtraction”
Arithmetic chains 646
Arithmetic, complex 189—190 212 268 292—294 467—468 482 487 497 501 641—642 647
Arithmetic, floating point 198—249 443
Arithmetic, fractions 68 313—316 409 506—507
Arithmetic, fundamental theorem of 317 364 464
Arithmetic, mod m 11—15 171—172 187 271—272 277 443
Arithmetic, modular 268—278 287—290 431—441 486
Arithmetic, multiple-precision 250—301 327—330 339
Arithmetic, polynomial 399—505
Arithmetic, power series 506—515
Arithmetic, rational 68 313—316 409 506—507
Arrival time 128
Ashenhurst, Robert Lovett 225 227 310
Aspvall, Bengt Ingemar vii
Associative law 214 217 224—225 227 229 399 636
Asymptotic values: functions that express the limiting behavior approached by numerical quantities 57 248 398 451—453 506 520
Atanasoff, John Vincent 186
Atrubin, Allan Joseph 299
Aurifeuille, Leon Francois Antoine 376
Automata (plural of Automaton) 295 297—301 311 398
Automorphic numbers 278
Avogadro, Amedeo, number 198 211 223 225—226
Axioms for floating point arithmetic 214—218 227—229
b-ary number 144
b-ary sequence 144—146 164
Babbage, Charles 185
Babenko, Konstantin Ivanovich 350 361
Babington — Smith, Bernard 2—3 72—73
Babylonian mathematics 180 209 318
Bachet, Claude Gaspard, sieur de Meziriac 192
Bachmann, Paul Gustav Heinrich 605
Bag 636
Baker, Kirby Alan 300
Balanced decimal number system 195
Balanced mixed-radix number system 100 586
Balanced ternary number system 190—193 211 268 336
Ballantine, John Perry 263
Bareiss, Erwin Hans 276 416
Barton, David Elliott 72
Base of representation 179
Base of representation, floating point 198 210—211 248
Bauer, Friedrich Ludwig 226—227 310
Baumgart, Bruce Guenther 90
Bays, John Carter 32
Beckenbach, Edwin Ford 130
Becker, Oskar Joachim 342
Belaga, Eduard Grigor'evich 477
Bell Telephone Laboratories Model V 209
Bellman, Richard Ernest ix
Benford, Frank 240
Bentley, Jon Louis 136
Berglund, Glenn David 642
Bergman, George Mark 620
Berlekamp, Elwyn Ralph vi 420 423 429 436 625
Bernoulli, James (= Jakob = Jacques) 184
Bernoulli, numbers 661
Bernoulli, sequences 165
Besicovitch, Abram Samoilovitch 165
Beta distribution 129—131
Beyer, William Aaron 110
Bharati Krishna Tirtharji Maharaja, Jagadguru Swami Sri, shankaracharya of Goverdhana Matha 192
Bienayme, Irenee Jules 72
Bilinear forms 487—496 502—505
Billingsley, Patrick Paul 611
Bin-packing problem 550
Binary basis 196
Binary computer: A computer that manipulates numbers primarily in the binary (radix 2) number system 29—31 186 311 322 373—374 617
Binary digit 179 184
Binary gcd algorithms 321—323 330—339 417
Binary method for exponentiation 441—444 463—465
Binary number systems 179 182—190 193—197 400 441 464
Binary point 179
Binary search 307
Binary trees 639
Binary-coded decimal 186 305 311—312
Binary-decimal conversion 302—312
Binet, Jacques Phillipe Marie 605
Bini, Dario 482 654—655
Binomial distribution 131—133 136 385 531
Binomial distribution, continuous 553
Binomial distribution, negative 135
Binomial distribution, tail 160
Binomial number system 193
Binomial theorem 507
Birnbaum, Zygmunt Wilhelm 55
bit manipulation see “Boolean operations”
Bit, random 11 29—31 35—36 45 114—115 133
Bit: "Binary digit," either zero or unity 179 184
Bjoerk, Johan Harry 229
Bluestein, Leo I. 588
Blum, Bruce Ivan 265
Blum, Fred 415 499
Bofinger, Eve 535
Bofinger, Victor John 535
Bohlender, Gerd 573
Boolean operations 29—31 177 186 305 311—312 322 373—374 434 439 617 629 637
Border rank 505
Borel, Emile Felix Edouard Justin 164
Borodin, Allan Bertram 479 486 496 648
Borosh, Itzhak 104 113 276 548
Borrow 252 258 266
Bouyer, Martine 268
Bowden, Joseph 185
Box, George Edward Pelham 117
Boyer, Carl Benjamin 182
Bradley, Gordon Hoover 325 362
Bramhall, Janet Natalie 511
Brauer, Alfred Theodor 451 459 464
Bray, Thomas Arthur 123 521
Brent, Richard Peirce, vii 7 27 125 131 134 136 226 265 297 335 338 339 367 371 482 510 512—513 515 530 584 597 608 656 657
Bright, Herbert Samuel 30
Brillhart, John David, vi 28 378 380 384
Brockett, Roger Ware 652
Brooks, Frederick Phillips 210
Brouwer, Luitzen Egbertus Jan 166
Brown, D. J. Spencer 637
Brown, George William 130
Brown, Mark Robbin 652
Brown, William Stanley 401 410 420 435 629
Brute force 596
Buchholz, Werner 186 210
Buckholtz, Thomas Joel 661
Bunch, James Raymond 482
Buneman, Oscar 647
Burks, Arthur Walter 186
Cahen, Eugene 621
Calculating prodigies 279
Campbell, Sullivan Graham 210
Cancellation error 230
Cancellation error, avoiding 574
Cantor, David Geoffrey 430—431
Cantor, Georg Ferdinand Louis Philippe 193
Capovani, Milvio 482
Caramuel Lobkowitz, Juan 183
Cards, playing 139 174
Carlitz, Leonard 79 86
Carmichael, Robert Daniel 19
Carmichael, Robert Daniel, numbers 609 613
Carr, John Weber, III 210 226 227
Carry 189 191 232—234 250—254 258 261—263 265—266 400 450 456
Cassels, John William Scott 105 151
Casting out nines 273 287 307
Catalan, Eugene Charles, numbers 639
Cauchy, Augustin Louis 192 314 506
Cauchy, inequality: 95 216
CDC 1604 276
Ceiling function 77 665
Cesaro, Ernesto 337
Chain step 475 500—503
Chaitin, Gregory John 164 166
Chan, Tony Fan-Cheong 572
Chappie, M. A. 511
CHAR (convert to characters) 311
Characteristic 199 see
Characteristic polynomial 480
Charles XII of Sweden 184
Chartres, Bruce Aylwin 227
Chebotarev, Nikolai Grigor'evich 632
Cheng, Russell Ch'uan Hsun 130
Chhin Chiu Shao 271
Chi-square distribution 41 45 47 65 130
Chi-square table 41
Chi-square test 39—45 50—54 56—59
Chinese mathematics 181—182 271
Chinese remainder algorithm 20 274 277 289 435—436 486
Chinese remainder theorem 269—271 373 629
Chinese remainder theorem, for polynomials 437 (exercise 3) 486 490—492
Chinese remainder theorem, generalized 276
Chirp transform 588 (exercise 8)
Choice, random 2 114—116 122 134
Christiansen, Hanne Delgas 72
Church, Alonzo 165
Classical algorithms 250—268
Cochran, William Gemmell 53
Cocke, John 212
Coefficients of a polynomial 399
Coefficients of a polynomial, adaptation of 471—479 498—501
Coefficients of a polynomial, Cohen, Daniel Isaac Aryeh 579
Coefficients of a polynomial, size of 401 414 432—433 438—439
Cohn, Paul Moritz 418 620
Colenne, Joseph Desire 185
Collins, George Edwin, vi 264 265 357 401 410 434 435 441 595 622
Collision test 68—70 72—73 151
Colson, John 192
Colton, Rev. Charles Caleb vii
Combination of random number generators 31—33 36—37
Combination, random 136—141
Combinations with repetitions 614
Combinatorial matrix 112
Common divisors 419 see
Commutative law 214 316 636 639
Commutative ring with identity 399 401 407
Companion matrix 494
Comparison, continued fractions 606
Comparison, floating point 208 217—219 224 227—229
Comparison, fractions 315
Comparison, mixed-radix 274—275
Comparison, modular 274—275
Comparison, multiple-precision 266
Complement notations for numbers 14—15 186—187 194 197 212 261 262 264 272
Complete binary tree 555
Completely equidistributed sequence 164
Complex arithmetic 189—190 212 268 292—294 467—468 482 487 497 501 641—642 647
Complex number representation 189—190 193—194 196 268 401
Complexity of calculation 133 265 299 301 444—466 475—479 487—505
Composition of power series 514 656
Computability 154—156 164—166 169
Computational complexity 133 265 299 301 444—466 475—479 487—505
Congruential sequence, linear 9—11
Congruential sequence, linear, choice of increment 10 15 21 84—85 93 171
Congruential sequence, linear, choice of modulus 11—15 170
Congruential sequence, linear, choice of multiplier 10 15—25 84—86 98—105 170—171
Congruential sequence, linear, choice of seed 15 19 137 170
Congruential sequence, linear, period length 15—22
Congruential sequence, linear, subsequence of 10 71
Congruential sequence, quadratic 25—26 34
Conjugate of complex number 642 667
Content of a polynomial 405—406
Context-free grammar 636
Continuant polynomials 340—343 358 361—363 420 548 604 605 607 621
Continued fractions 339—340 479 500
Continued fractions, infinite 341 358
Continued fractions, quadratic irrationality 342 359 380—382 398
Continued fractions, regular 330 341—342 352—353 358—363