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Knuth D.E. — The art of computer programming (Vol. 2. Seminumerical algorithms)
Knuth D.E. — The art of computer programming (Vol. 2. Seminumerical algorithms)

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Íàçâàíèå: The art of computer programming (Vol. 2. Seminumerical algorithms)

Àâòîð: Knuth D.E.


This multivolume work on the analysis of algorithms has long been recognized as the definitive description of classical computer science. The three complete volumes published to date already comprise a unique and invaluable resource in programming theory and practice. Countless readers have spoken about the profound personal influence of Knuth's writings. Scientists have marveled at the beauty and elegance of his analysis, while practicing programmers have successfully applied his "cookbook" solutions to their day-to-day problems. All have admired Knuth for the breadth, clarity, accuracy, and good humor found in his books. To begin the fourth and later volumes of the set, and to update parts of the existing three, Knuth has created a series of small books called fascicles, which will be published at regular intervals. Each fascicle will encompass a section or more of wholly new or revised material. Ultimately, the content of these fascicles will be rolled up into the comprehensive, final versions of each volume, and the enormous undertaking that began in 1962 will be complete. Volume 4, Fascicle 2 - This fascicle inaugurates the eagerly awaited publication of Knuth's "The Art of Co

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/Àëãîðèòìû/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 2nd edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1981

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 688

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 18.11.2005

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
Continued fractions, with polynomial quotients      420 479 500
Continuous binomial distribution      553
Continuous distribution function      47 51 55 58 116—117 576
Continuous Poisson distribution      552
Convergents      363 380 420
Conversion of representations      205 208—209 212 237 273—274 277 287—289 301 see
Convolution      290 385 535 551
Convolution, cyclic      290—294 300 491—494 502—503
Convolution, multidimensional      651
Convolution, negacyclic      503
Conway, John Horton      385
Cook, Stephen Arthur      vi 195 280 296 301 617 648
Cook, Stephen Arthur, multiplication algorithm      280—285 617
Cooley, James William      642
Coolidge, Julian Lowell      467
Coonen, Jerome      210
Copeland, Arthur Herbert      165
Coppersmith, Don      168 169 482
Coroutine      360 610
Correlation coefficient      70—75 78—85 127
Cosine      231 471
Couffignal, Louis      186
Counting law      636
Coupon collector's test      61—63 74 151 167
Covariance      134
Coveyou, Robert Reginald      26 34 84 88 110 527
Cox, Albert George      263
Craps      174
CRAY-I      391
Cryptanalysis      177 386—389 397 486
Cusick, Thomas William      548
Cycle in a sequence      7—9 21 34—36
Cycle in a sequence, detection of      4 7—8
Cyclic convolution      290—294 300 491—494 502—503
Cyclotomic polynomials      378 432—433 440 492 496
Dahl, Ole-Johan      141
Darling, Donald Allan      56
Datta, Bibhutibhusan      441
Davenport, Harold      359
Davis, Chandler      564
Davis, Clive Selwyn      603
de Bruijn, Nicolaas Govert      196 605 614 629 636
de Bruijn, Nicolaas Govert, cycle      35—36
de Groote, Hans Friedrich      648
de Jong, Lieuwe Sytse      497
de Jonquieres, Adm. Jean Philippe Ernest de Fauque      445 449 458
de la Vallee Poussin, Charles Louis Xavier Joseph      366
Debugging      205—207 260—261 314 656
DEC      20 14
Decimal computer: a computer that manipulates numbers primarily in the decimal (radix ten) number system      186
Decimal digits      179 302
Decimal fractions      181—182
Decimal number system      181—183 194—195 359
decimal point      179 182
Decision, unbiased      2 114—116 122 134
Decuple-precision floating point      268
Dedekind, Richard      78
Dedekind, Richard, sum      78—87 104
Definitely greater than      208 218 228
Definitely less than      208 218 228
Definition of randomness      2 142—169
Degree of a polynomial      399 401 418
Degrees of freedom      41—42 476—477 499—500
Dekker, Theodorus Jozef      227 229 237
Dellac, H.      445
Density function      119—120 134
Dependence      127 134 see
Dependence, algebraic      499
Dependence, linear      381 423 425—427 610
Derivative      421 470 507 631
Descartes, Rene      391
Determinant      338 358 415 416 479—480 482 496
Dewey, Melvil, notation for trees      530
Diaconis, Persi Warren      248 249 578
Diamond, Harold George      230
Dice      2 6 39—42 56 115—116 174
Dickman, Karl      367
Dickson, Leonard Eugene      271 371 376 598
Dieter, Ulrich Otto      vii 85 87 98 110 114 124—125 129 132 133 553
Differences      281—282 484—487 498
Differentiation      see “Derivative”
Digit, binary      179 184
Digit, decimal      179 302
Digit, hexadecimal      179 185 194
Digit, octal      185 194
Dilogarithm      578
Dime, Bailey Whitfield      388
Diophantine equations      326—327 337 359
Direct product      502 504 505
Direct sum      502 504 505
Directed graph      460—462 466
Dirichlet, Peter Gustav Lejeune-      637
Discrepancy      37 105—110 113
Discrete distribution function      45 115—116 131—141
Discrete Fourier Transform      290—294 300 482—484 487 494 497 502—503
Discriminant of a polynomial      619 628 632
Distinct-degree factorization      429—431 439 632
Distribution functions      45—47 51 116—117 135 241—242 247 345—346
Distribution functions, continuous      47 51 55 58 116—117 576
Distribution functions, discrete      45 115—116 131—141
Distribution functions, empirical      47—50
Distribution functions, mixture of      118—119 133—134
Distribution functions, product of      116—117
Distribution, Beta      129—131
Distribution, binomial      131—133 136 160 385 531 553
Distribution, chi-square      41 45 47 65 130
Distribution, discrete      45 115—116 131—141
Distribution, exponential      114 128—133 554
Distribution, F-      130
Distribution, gamma      129—130 135
Distribution, geometric      131 132 135 535 549 551
Distribution, integer-valued      131—135
Distribution, Kolmogorov — Smirnov      48—49 55—56 58
Distribution, mixture      118—119 133—134
Distribution, negative binomial      135
Distribution, normal      54 71 117—127 129 130 134—135 368
Distribution, of floating point numbers      238—249
Distribution, of leading digits      239—249
Distribution, of prime factors      367—369 395
Distribution, of prime numbers      366—367 396 616 632—633
Distribution, partial quotients of continued fraction      345—353 615—616
Distribution, Poisson      53 132—133 135—136 517
Distribution, Student's      130
Distribution, t-      130
Distribution, tail of binomial      160
Distribution, tail of normal      122—123 134
Distribution, uniform      2 9 45 47 55 114 116—120 133 248
Distribution, variance-ratio      130
Distribution, wedge-shaped      120—121
Distribution: A specification of probabilities that govern the value of a random variable      2 114 116
Distributive laws      215—216 229 317 399 636
Divide-and-correct      255—260 263—268
Divided differences      485 498
Division      178 250—251 255—260 263—268 295—297
Division, complex      212 268 647
Division, continued fractions      602
Division, double-precision      235—237
division, floating point      204—205 208 212 215 224 226 228—230 235—237 248 577
Division, fractions      313 315
Division, long      255—260 263—268
Division, mixed-radix      193 589
Division, mod m      25 (exercise 7) 277 337 427—428 480
Division, modular      277
Division, multiple-precision      255—261 263—268 295—297
Division, polynomial      401—420 468—469 515
Division, power series      506—507 514—515
Division, pseudo-      407—409 416 418
Division, string polynomials      418
Division, synthetic      402
Divisor, polynomial      403
Dixon, John Douglas      356 385 395 397
Dixon, Wilfrid Joseph      71
Dobell, Alan Rodney      16
Dobkin, David Paul      638 652
Donsker, Monroe David      532
Doob, Joseph Leo      532
Dorn, William Schroeder      469
Double-precision arithmetic      230—237 263—264 278—279
Doubling      305 360 443
Doubling step      447
Downey, Peter James      466
Dragon curve      564 566 607
Dresden, Arnold      180
Drift      221—222 229—230
Dual of an addition chain      462 466 639
Duncan, Robert Lee      249
Duodecimal number system      183
Dupre, Athanase      605
Durbin, James      54
Durham, Stephen Daniel      32
Durstenfeld, Richard      140
e      11 73 342 360 659—660 666
Earle, John Goodell      296
Easton, Malcolm Coleman      555
EDVAC      210
Effective algorithms      154—156 164—166 169
Egyptian mathematics      318 443
Eisenstein, Ferdinand Gotthold      438
Electrologica X8      206
Ellipse, random point on      130—131 136
Ellipse, volume of      101
Empirical distribution function      47—50
Empirical tests for randomness      59—75
Encoding a permutation      64 75 139
Encoding secret messages      177 386—389 397 486
Engineering Research Associates      192
ENIAC      52
Enison, Richard Lawrence      30
Enumeration of tree structures      639
Equality, approximate      208 217—219 228—229
Equidistributed sequence      143—145 157 166—169
Equidistribution test      59 72
Equivalent addition chains      461 466
Eratosthenes, sieve of      394
Erdos, Pal (= Paul)      369 451 638
ERH      see “GRH”
ERNIE      3
Error estimation      206 213 216—217 237 240 293—294
Error, relative      206 213 216—217 237 240
Essential equality      218—219 228—229
Estrin, Gerald      469
Euclid's Algorithm      81—83 113 272 289 317—320 323—324 338—339 544
Euclid's algorithm, analysis of      339—364 605
Euclid's algorithm, extended      325 337 417 515
Euclid's algorithm, for polynomials      405—420 515
Euclid's algorithm, for string polynomials      419
Euclid's algorithm, multiple-precision      327—330
Euclides (= Euclid)      318—320
Eudoxus of Cnidus      318 342
Euler, constant $\gamma$      342 360 611 629 659—660 666
Euler, Leonhard      340 360 361 391 602
Euler, theorem      19 270 273 523
Euler, totient function $\varphi(n)$      19 273 353—354 361 548 666
Evaluation, of mean and standard deviation      216 229
Evaluation, of monomials      465—466
Evaluation, of polynomials      466—505 588
Evaluation, of powers      441—466
Evaluation: Computing the value, of determinants      416 479—480 482
Eve, James      474 499
Eventually periodic sequence      7—8 21 359 369—371
Excess q exponent      198—199 211 231
Exclusive OR      29—31 177 400
Exercises, notes on      ix—xi
Exhaustive search      99—100
Exponent overflow      201 203 206 211 216 227—228 233
Exponent part of a floating point number      198—199 231 248 268
Exponent underflow      201 203 206 211 216 227—228 233
Exponential deviate, generating      128
Exponential distribution      114 128—133 554
Exponential function      297 471 514
Exponential sums      79—81 105—109 113 168 366
Exponentiation: Raising to a power      441—466 507 656
Extended arithmetic      230 593
Extended Euclidean algorithm      325 337 417 515
F-distribution      130
Factor method of exponentiation      443 445 462—463 466
Factorial number system      64 192
Factorial power      281—282 497 597 664
Factorization, of polynomials      420—441
Factorization, uniqueness of      403—404 417
Factorization: Discovering factors, of integers      12—13 317 353 364—398 464
FADD (floating add)      208 209 211 498
Fan, Chung Teh      137
Farmwald, Paul Michael      190
Fast Fourier Transform      71 290—294 300 483—484 486 494 497 651 653
Fateman, Richard J      443
FCMP (floating compare)      208 229
FDIV (floating divide)      208
Fermat, numbers      13 371 375 380
Fermat, Pierre de      371—372 375 391 544
Fermat, theorem      375 394 421
FFT      see “Fast Fourier transform”
Fibonacci, Leonardo, of Pisa      181 192 265
Fibonacci, number system      193
Fibonacci, numbers, table      661
Fibonacci, numbers: elements of the Fibonacci sequence      664
Fibonacci, sequence      26 28 33 34 44 50 52 88 343 172 448 464 568 611 616
Field, finite      28 438 529 630 643
Field: An algebraic system admitting addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division      197 314 401—403 487 506
Fike, Charles Theodore      472
Finite Fourier transform      see “Discrete Fourier transform”
Finite sequence, random      145 161—164
Fischer, Michael John, vii      301
Fischer, Patrick Carl      226
fix      208
Fix-to-float conversion      205 208
Fixed point arithmetic      193 198 292—294
Fixed slash      314—315 363—364
Flat distribution      see “Uniform distribution”
Flehinger, Betty Jeanne      247
Fletcher, William      654
Float-to-fix conversion      208 209 212
Floating binary numbers      198 210—212 238—239 248
Floating decimal numbers      198 210—211 238—239
Floating hexadecimal numbers      238—239 248
Floating point arithmetic      33 172 180 198—249 276 314 530
Floating point arithmetic, accuracy of      206 213—230 237 311—312 420 466—467
Floating point arithmetic, addition      199—204 209 211—216 219—230 232—234 237 238—239 249
Floating point arithmetic, axioms      214—218 227—229
Floating point arithmetic, comparison      208 217—219 224 227—229
Floating point arithmetic, decuple-precision      268
Floating point arithmetic, division      204—205 208 212 215 224 226 228—230 235—237 248 577
Floating point arithmetic, double-precision      230—237 263—264
Floating point arithmetic, interval      212 225—227 230 570
Floating point arithmetic, mod      212 228
Floating point arithmetic, multiplication      204 207 208 215—216 224 226—230 234—235 237 248—249
Floating point arithmetic, operators of MIX      208 211 498
Floating point arithmetic, reciprocal      228 248
Floating point arithmetic, remainder      212 228
Floating point arithmetic, single-precision      198—213
Floating point arithmetic, subtraction      200—204 214—216 219—225 230 232—234 238—239 249
Floating point arithmetic, summation      216 229
Floating point arithmetic, triple-precision      237
Floating point arithmetic, unnormalized      223—225 227 229 310
Floating point numbers      180 198—199 206 223 225 231
Floating point numbers, radix b, excess q      198—199
Floating point numbers, statistical distribution      238—249
Floating point radix conversion      309—312
Floating point trigonometric subroutines      231 471
Floating slash      314—316 363
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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