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Sedgewick R. — Algorithms
Sedgewick R. — Algorithms

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Название: Algorithms

Автор: Sedgewick R.


This book is intended to survey the most important algorithms in use on computers today and to teach fundamental techniques to the growing number of people who are interested in becoming serious computer users. It is appropriate for use as a textbook for a second, third or fourth course in computer science: after students have acquired some programming skills and familiarity with computer systems, but before they have specialized courses in advanced areas of computer science or computer applications. Additionally, the book may be useful as a reference for those who already have some familiarity with the material, since it contains a number of computer implementations of useful algorithms.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Computer science/Алгоритмы/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1983

Количество страниц: 551

Добавлена в каталог: 22.11.2005

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Предметный указатель
2-node      188
2D (two-dimensional) trees      343 346
2—3 trees      198
2—3—4 tree      188
3-node      188
4-node      188
abacus      528
Abstract data structures      30 88 128 136
adapt (integration, adaptive quadrature)      85
add (polynomials represented with linked lists)      27
add (sparse polynomials)      28
Additive congruential generator (randomint)      38—40
Adjacency lists      378—381 382 383 391—392 410—411 435
Adjacency matrix      377—378 384 410—411 425 435 493 515
Adjacency structure      see “Adjacency lists”
adjlist (graph input, adjacency lists)      379
adjmatrix (graph input, adjacency matrix)      378
Adleman, L.      301 304
Aho, A.V.      304
Algorithm machines      457—469
All-nearest-neighbors      366
All-pairs shortest paths      492 494
Analysis of Algorithms      12—16 19
Approximation algorithms      522 524 533
Arbitrary numbers      33
Arithmetic      23—30
Arrays      24
Articulation points      390—392 430
Artificial (slack) variables      503 509
Attributes      335
Average case      12—13
AVL trees      198
B-trees      228—231 237
Backtracking      517—522
Backward substitution      60 64
Backward substitution (substitute)      62
Balanced multiway merging      156—161
Balanced trees      187—199 237 355
Basis variables      504
Batcher, K.E.      463—465
Bayer, R.      228
Bentley, J.L.      370
Biconnectivity      390—392 429
Binary search      175—177 336
Binary search (binarysearch)      176
binary search trees      169 178—185 204 210 336 343—346 353 356—359
Binary search trees, array representation      184—185
Binary search trees, indirect representation      184—185 353
Binary search trees, optimal      489—492
Binary search trees, standard representation      178—179
Binary search trees, weighted internal path length      490
Binary trees      179 237
Binomial queues      167
Bipartite graphs      444—447
Bitonic merge      463—465
bits      116 118 122 214 215 221 222
Bland's method (for cycle avoidance in simplex)      509
Bland, R.G.      507
Borodin, A.      88
Bottom-up parsing      275—276
Boyer — Moore string searching      250—251
Boyer, R.S.      242 304
Branch-and-bound      519—520
Breadth-first search      395 397—398 439
Brown, M.R.      167
brutesearch (brute-force string searching)      243
bstdelete (binary search tree deletion)      185 355
bstinsert (binary search tree insertion)      184 353 355
bstrange (one-dimensional range search)      337 355
Bubblesort      99
Caesar cipher      297
Catalan numbers      487
Chi-square ($\chi^2$) test (chisquare)      41—42
ciphers      297—300
Ciphers, Caesar      297
Ciphers, product      300
Ciphers, Vernam      299
Ciphers, Vigenere      298
Ciphertext      297
Clancy, M.      19
Closest-pair problem      362—366 368
Closest-point problems      361—368 370
Closure      258 261
Clustering      207
Comer, D.      237
Compare-exchange      93 460—465
Compilers      247 269 276—279 304
Complete binary tree      130
Complete graphs      376
complex numbers      473—478
Complex roots of unity      473—477
Computational accuracy      61 63 86 504
Concatenation      258 261
Connected components      375
Connected graph      375
Connectivity      389—405 454
Conquer-and-divide      152
Constant running time      14
Constraints      498
Context-free grammars      270—272
Contextrsensitive grammars      272
Convex hull      321
Convex hull algorithms      321—333 368 370
Convex hull algorithms, divide-and-conquer      368
Convex hull algorithms, Floyd-Eddy method      331—332
Convex hull algorithms, Graham scan      326—330 332
Convex hull algorithms, Graham scan (grahamscan)      329
Convex hull algorithms, hull selection      331—332
Convex hull algorithms, package wrapping      323—326 325
Convex hull algorithms, package wrapping (wrap)      332
convex polygons      321
Convexity      321
Conway, L.C.      536
Cook's theorem (satisfiability is NP-complete)      532—533
Cook, S.A.      242 532
Cooper, D.      19
Counting      455
Cross edges      423 430
Cryptanalysis      295—296
Cryptography      295—296
Cryptology      295—302 304
Cryptosystem      296
Cryptovariables      299
Cubic running time      15
Curve fitting      67—76
CYCLE      375 384
Cycling in the simplex method      506—507 509
Dags (directed acyclic graphs)      426—428
Data fitting      67—76
Data structures, abstract      30 128 136
Data structures, adjacency lists      378—381
Data structures, adjacency matrix      377—378
Data structures, adjacency structure      378—381
Data structures, array      24
Data structures, B-tree      228—231 237
Data structures, binary search tree      178—185
Data structures, deque      263—267
Data structures, heap      129—140
Data structures, indirect binary search tree      184—185
Data structures, indirect heap      138—139
Data structures, linked list      27—28 202—203 379
Data structures, priority queue      127—140
Data structures, queue      264 395
Data structures, red-black tree      192—199
Data structures, sorted list      129
Data structures, stack      109—110 264 394 428 429
Data structures, string      241
Data structures, top-down 2—3—4 tree      187—199
Data structures, unordered list      129
Database      226 237 335
decryption      297 301
Deletion in binary search trees      183—184
Deletion in hash tables      208
Dense graphs      376 378 397—398 411 413 415—417
densepfs (priority graph traversal)      416 439—440
Deo, N.      536
Depth-first search      371 381—387 391—395 397—399 422—423 428—430 454 515
Depth-first search forest      382 384 394 422—423
Derivation      270
Deterministic algorithm      528
dfs (recursive depth-first search)      382—385
Dictionaries      171
Diffie, W.      301
Digital search trees      213—216
Digital search trees, digitalinsert      215
Digital search trees, digitalsearch      214
Dijkstra's algorithm (for finding the shortest path)      415
Dijkstra, E.W.      410 415 454
Directed acyclic graphs (dags)      426—428
Directed cycle      428
Directed graphs      376 380 421—430
Directed path      423
Directory      233
Discrete mathematics      19
Disk searching      225—235
Distribution counting      99—101 116 122—123
Divide-and-conquer      48 51 104 152 175 362 474 477—480 483
Divide-and-conquer recurrence      51 108 149 475 363
Dot product      74
Double buffering      161
Double hashing      207—210
Double rotation      198
Down edges      423
downheap (top-down heap repair)      134
drawing lines      311
Drawing lines (draw)      310
Dual of Voronoi diagram      367—368
Dummy node      see “z”
duplicate keys      see “Equal keys”
Dynamic programming      483—494 536
Eddy, W.F.      331 370
Edges      374
Edges, backward      437
Edges, capacities      435
Edges, cross      423 430
Edges, down      423
Edges, forward      437
Edges, negative weight      494
Edges, up      423 430
Edmonds, J.      439—440
eliminate (forward elimination)      62
Encryption      297 301
eof      9
Equal keys      172 177 193 204 214 227—228 234
escape sequence      286
Euclid's algorithm (for finding the gcd)      10—11 19 302
Euclidean minimum spanning tree      417
Euclidean shortest path problem      418
Euclidean traveling salesman problem      522—524
eval (fast Fourier transform)      479
eval (spline evaluation)      72
Even, S.      454
Exception dictionary      210
Exhaustive graph traversal (visit)      515
Exhaustive search      513—524 536
Exponential running time      15 513 520 528 534
exponentiation      46—47 301
expression (top-down compiler)      277
expression (top-down parser)      273
Extendible hashing      231—235 237
External nodes      180 230 289 490
External searching      225—235
External sorting      155—165
factor (top-down compiler)      278
factor (top-down parser)      274
Fagin, R.      231 237
Fast Fourier Transform      465 471—480 536
Fast Fourier transform (eval)      479
fastfind (union-find with compression and balancing)      403 411
Feasible basis      509—510
file compression      283—293
File compression, Huffman encoding      286—293
File compression, run-length encoding      284—286
File compression, variable-length encoding      286—293
find      399
find (union-find, quick union)      401
findinit (fastfind initialization)      403 411
Finite-state machine, deterministic      248 259
Finite-state machine, nondeterministic      259—267
Flow      435
Floyd, R.W.      331
Ford, L.R.      435
Forecasting      161
Forest      375
Forsythe, G.E.      88
Forward elimination      59 60—62 64
Forward elimination (eliminate)      62
Fourier transform      471—480
Fredkin, E.      216
Friedman, J.H.      370
Fringe vertices      393 410
Fulkerson, D.R.      435
Garey, M.R.      536
Gauss — Jordan method      63 65 508
Gaussian elimination      57—65 71 76 504 508
Gaussian elimination (gauss)      60
gcd (greatest common divisor, Euclid's algorithm)      11 12
General regular-expression pattern matching      279
General regular-expression pattern matching (match)      265
Geometric algorithms      307—370
Geometric algorithms, 2D-trees      343—346
Geometric algorithms, closest pair      362—366
Geometric algorithms, convex hull      321—333 368
Geometric algorithms, elementary      307—319
Geometric algorithms, grid method      339—342
Geometric algorithms, inside polygon test      316—318
Geometric algorithms, intersection      349—359
Geometric algorithms, line drawing      310—311
Geometric algorithms, range searching      336—347
Geometric algorithms, simple closed path      313—315
Gerrymandering      307
Gold, B.      536
Gosper, R.W.      242
Graham scan      326—330
Graham scan (grahamscan)      329
Graham, R.L.      326 370
grammars      270—272
Graph algorithms      373—454
Graph algorithms, all-pairs shortest paths      492—494
Graph algorithms, biconnectivity      390—392
Graph algorithms, bipartite matching      444—447
Graph algorithms, breadth-first search      395
Graph algorithms, connected components      384
Graph algorithms, cycle testing      384
Graph algorithms, depth-first search      381—387
Graph algorithms, elementary      373—387
Graph algorithms, exhaustive search for cycles      515—520
Graph algorithms, maximum flow in a network      439—440
Graph algorithms, minimum spanning tree      408—413
Graph algorithms, priority traversal      395—397
Graph algorithms, shortest path      413—415
Graph algorithms, stable marriage      447—452
Graph algorithms, strongly connected components      428—430
Graph algorithms, topological sorting      426—428
Graph algorithms, transitive closure      423—426
Graph algorithms, union-find      398—405
Graph input, adjacency lists (adjlist)      379
Graph input, adjacency matrix (adjmatrix)      378
Graph isomorphism      387
Graph traversal      393—398
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