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Sedgewick R. — Algorithms |
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graphs 492—494
Graphs, adjacency list 416
Graphs, adjacency matrix 416
Graphs, bipartite 444—447
Graphs, complete 376
Graphs, connected 375
Graphs, connectivity 389—405
Graphs, dense 376
Graphs, directed 376 421—430 421—430
Graphs, directed acyclic 426—428
Graphs, representation 376—381 416 421 435
Graphs, sparse 376
Graphs, traversal 393—398
Graphs, undirected 376
Graphs, weighted 376
greatest common divisor (GCD) 9—12
Greatest increment method 507
Grid method 339—342 417
Grid method (gridrange) 412
Grid method (rangegrid) 341
Guibas, L. 237
Hamilton cycle problem 514—520 531—532
hash functions 202
Hashing 201—210 234
Hashing, double hashing 207—210
Hashing, initialization for open addressing (ha&initialize) 205
Hashing, linear probing 205—207
Hashing, linear probing (hashinsert) 205
Hashing, open addressing 205—210
Hashing, separate chaining 202—204
Head node 174—175 180 181 199 203—204 214 222 352—353
Heap algorithms 129—140
Heap algorithms, change 135
Heap algorithms, construct 136—137
Heap algorithms, downheap 134 136
Heap algorithms, insert 132 135
Heap algorithms, join 139—140
Heap algorithms, pqconstruct 138
Heap algorithms, pqdownheap 139 289—290
Heap algorithms, pqinsert 139 158 160
Heap algorithms, pqremove 139 290
Heap algorithms, pqreplace 159 160
Heap algorithms, remove 134 135
Heap algorithms, replace 135
Heap algorithms, upheap 132
Heap condition 130
heaps 89 129—140 289—290 397
Heapsort 135—137
Heapsort (heapsort) 136
Hellman, M.E. 301
Hoare, C.A.R. 103 167
Hoey, D. 349 370
Holt, R. 19
Horner's rule 45—46
Hu, T.C. 536
Huffman's algorithm (for file compression) 239 286—293 490
Huffman, D.A. 304
Hume, J.P. 19
Hybrid searching 219
Increment sequence 98
index (convert from name to integer) 227 230 231 376
Indexed sequential access 226—228
Indirect binary search trees 184—185
Indirect heaps 138—139 159—160 289—290
Infeasible linear program 501
inner loop 13—14 106 124
Insertion sort 95—96 112 123—124
Insertion sort (insertion) 96
inside (point inside test) 318
insiderect (point inside rectangle test) 338
Integer linear programming 533
Integration 79—86
Integration, adaptive quadrature 85—86 85
Integration, adaptive quadrature (adapt) 85
Integration, rectangle method 80—82 85
Integration, rectangle method (intrect) 81
Integration, Romberg 84
Integration, Simpson's method 83—84 85—86
Integration, Simpson's method (intsimp) 84
Integration, spline quadrature 85
Integration, symbolic 79—80
Integration, trapezoid method 82—83 85
Integration, trapezoid method (inttrap) 83
Internal nodes 180 230 289 490
Interpolation search 177—178
Interpolation, polynomial 68
Interpolation, spline 68—72
Intersection 349—359 370
Intersection, circles 359
Intersection, horizontal and vertical lines 305 350—356
Intersection, lines 356—359
Intersection, Manhattan geometry 350—356
Intersection, rectangles 359
Intersection, two lines 312—313
Intersection, two lines (intersect) 313
interval 337
Inverse 138 385 450—451
Jarvis, R.A. 370
Jensen, K. 19
Johnson, D.S. 536
Kahn, D. 304
Karp, R.M. 243 439—440
Key generation 299
Keys, binary representation 119
Keys, cryptology 297
Keys, searching 171
Keys, strings 254
Knapsack problem 483—486 519
Knuth — Morris — Pratt string searching 244—249
Knuth, D.E. 19 36 88 167 209 237 242 304 454
Kruskal's algorithm (minimum spanning tree) 411—413 417
Kruskal's algorithm (minimum spanning tree) (kruskal) 412
Kruskal, J.B.Jr. 412 454
Kung, H.T. 466
Lagrange's interpolation formula 47 472
Leading term 14 15
Leaf pages 233
Least-squares data fitting 73—76
Lewis, H.R. 536
lgN 16
Lin, S. 524
Line 308
line drawing 310—311
Line intersection 312—313 349 359
Line intersection, initialization (buildytree) 353
Line intersection, Manhattan (scan) 355
Line intersection, one pair 312—313
Linear congruential generator 35—38
Linear congruential generator (random) 37
Linear feedback shift registers 38
Linear probing 205—207 209
Linear programming 497—510 536
Linear running time 14
Linked lists 25—28
Linked lists, create and add node (listadd) 27
Linked lists, input and construction (readlist) 26
Linked lists, merging (listmerge) 148
Linked lists, output (writelist) 26
Linked lists, sequential search 203 341 343
Linked lists, sequential search (listinsert, listsearch) 174
Linked lists, sorting 149—152
Linked lists, sorting, (merges ort) 151
Linked lists, sorting, (sort) 149
lnN 16
Logarithm 16
Logarithmic running time 14
Longest path 527
Lookahead 273
Macsyma 88
Malcomb, M.A. 88
| Master index 227
match (general regular-expression pattern matching) 265
Matching 443—452 454
mathematical algorithms 23—28
Mathematical programming 497
Matrices, addition (matradd) 28—29
Matrices, band 64
Matrices, chain product 486—489
Matrices, inverse 65
Matrices, multiplication 29 53—54 487
Matrices, multiplication by vector 466—469
Matrices, representation 28—30
Matrices, sparse 30 63
Matrices, Strassen's multiplication method 53—54 65 487
Matrices, transposition 465
Matrices, tridiagonal 64 71
MAXFLOW-MINCUT theorem 438
Maximum flow 435438
Maximum matching 443
Mazes 385—386 398 418
McCreight, E. 228
Mead, C.A. 536
Merging 146—152 156—164 363—366
Merging, mergesort (mergesort) 151
Merging, mergesort (non-recursive) 150—152 366
Merging, mergesort (recursive) 148—149 363
Merging, mergesort (sort) 148
Merging, multiway 156—162
Merging, polyphase 163
microprocessors 458 469
Minimum cut 438
Minimum spanning trees 408—413 417 454 518 522—524
mischarsearch (Boyer — Moore string searching) 251
MOD 10—12 3440 301—302
Moler, C.B. 88
Moore, J.S. 242 304
Morris, J.H. 242 304
Morrison, D.R. 219
Multidimensional range searching 346—347
Multiplication, large integers (mult) 37
Multiplication, matrices 27—28 51—52
Multiplication, polynomials (divide-and-conquer) (mult) 48—50
Multiplication, polynomials (fast Fourier transform) 471—480
Multiprocessor scheduling 533
Multiway merging 156—162
Multiway radix searching 218—219
Munro, I. 88
N log N running time 15
name (convert from integer to name) 376 428 429
Nearest-neighbor problem 366
Network flow 433—441 445—447 454 497—499
networks 376 435
Nievergelt, J. 231 237 536
Node transformations 189—191
Non-basis variables 504
Nondeterminism 259—267 529
Nonterminal symbol 270
NP 529
NP-complete problems 527—534 536
Numerical analysis 88
Objective function 498
Odd-even merge 459—463
One-dimensional range search (bstrange) 337
One-way branching 218
Open addressing 205—210
Operations research 433 441
Optimal binary search trees 489 492
OR 258 261
Ordered hashing 210
P 528
Package wrapping 323—326
Pages 226—239
Papadimitriou, C.H. 454 536
Parallel computation 457—469
Parse tree 271
Parser generator 280
Parsing 269—280 304
Parsing, bottom-up 275—276
Parsing, recursive descent 272—275
Parsing, shift-reduce 276
Parsing, top-down 272—275
Partition 533
Partitioning 112 145
Partitioning (partition) 104—105
Pascal 9 19 271—272
Path compression 403
Paths in graphs 374—423
Patricia 219—223 254
Patricia, patriciainsert 222
Patricia, patriciasearch 221
Pattern matching 241 257—267 279
Perfect shuffle 459—465 468—469 478—480 536
Permutation generation 520—522
Pippenger, N. 231 237
Pivoting 504—510
Pivoting (pivot) 508
Plaintext 296
Planarity 387
Point 308
Polygon 308
Polygon, convex 321
Polygon, simple closed 313—315
Polygon, standard representation 318
Polygon, test if point inside 316—318
Polygon, Voronoi 367
Polynomials 45—54
Polynomials, addition 24—28
Polynomials, evaluation 45—46 465 471—472 474—475
Polynomials, interpolation 47—48 471—472 475—477
Polynomials, multiplication 24—25 48—50 471—472 477—480
Polynomials, representation 23—28
Polyphase merging 163
pop 109 439
pqchange (change priority in priority queue) 396
pqconstruct (heap construction, indirect) 138 396 411
pqdownheap (top-down heap repair, indirect) 139 289 290
pqinsert 139
pqremove (remove largest item from priority queue) 396 139 290 411
Pratt, V.R. 242 304
Preprocessing 335
Prim's algorithm (minimum spanning tree) 410—411 413
Prim, R.C. 410 454
Print binary search tree (treeprint) 336
Priority graph traversal (priority-first search), breadth-first search 397 416
Priority graph traversal (priority-first search), densepfs 416
Priority graph traversal (priority-first search), depth-first search 397 416
Priority graph traversal (priority-first search), Euclidean shortest path 418
Priority graph traversal (priority-first search), minimum spanning tree 409—411 416
Priority graph traversal (priority-first search), network flow 439—440
Priority graph traversal (priority-first search), shortest path 413—416
Priority graph traversal (priority-first search), sparsepfs 395—397
Priority queues 127—140 144 158—161 167 395—397
Probe 205
Projection 339
Pruning 517—522
Pseudo-angle calculation (theta) 316
Public-key cryptosystems 300—302 304
push 109
Pushdown stack 109—110 394
Quadrature see “Integration”
QUEUE 109 395
Quicksort 103—113 118 124 135 144 152 165 167 183 218
Rabin — Karp string searching (rksearch) 252—253
Rabin, M.O. 243
Rabiner, L.R. 536
Radix searching 213—223
Radix searching, digital search trees 213—216
Radix searching, multiway 218—219
Radix searching, Patricia 219—223
Radix searching, tries 216—218 291—293
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