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Sedgewick R. — Algorithms
Sedgewick R. — Algorithms

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Íàçâàíèå: Algorithms

Àâòîð: Sedgewick R.


This book is intended to survey the most important algorithms in use on computers today and to teach fundamental techniques to the growing number of people who are interested in becoming serious computer users. It is appropriate for use as a textbook for a second, third or fourth course in computer science: after students have acquired some programming skills and familiarity with computer systems, but before they have specialized courses in advanced areas of computer science or computer applications. Additionally, the book may be useful as a reference for those who already have some familiarity with the material, since it contains a number of computer implementations of useful algorithms.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Computer science/Àëãîðèòìû/

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Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1983

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 551

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 22.11.2005

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Radix sorting      115—124 165 218
Radix sorting, radix exchange      117—121
Radix sorting, straight radix      121—124
radixexchange (radix exchange sort)      118
Random integer in a fixed range (randomint)      38 40
random number generation      88 202 299
Random numbers      33—42 112
Random numbers, additive congruential generator      38—40 42
Random numbers, linear congruential generator      35—38 42
Random numbers, pseudo-      33
Random numbers, quasi-      34
Random numbers, uniform      34
Range searching, 2D trees      343—346
Range searching, grid method      339—342 346
Range searching, kD trees      346—347
Range searching, multidimensional      346—347
Range searching, one-dimensional      336—337
Range searching, projection      339
Range searching, sequential search      338
rbtreeinsert (red-black tree insertion)      194
readlist (linked list input and construction)      26 148
readln      9
Records, database      335
records, searching      171—172
records, sorting      93—94
Records/database      335
Records/searching      171
Recursion      11—12 176 363—366 381—382 398 465 479 489 491 515 517—522
Recursion, removal      110—111 145—146 152 176 179—180 275 366 12
Recursion, two-dimensional      356 361 363—367
Red-black trees      192—199
Reduction      445 530—532
Regular expression      258
Regular-expression pattern matching      258 279 304
Reingold, E.M.      536
remove (delete largest element in heap)      134
replace (replace largest element in heap)      135
Replacement selection      158—161
Representation, binary search trees      178—179 184—185
Representation, finite state machines      247 262—263
Representation, functions      65
Representation, graphs      376—381
Representation, lines      308
Representation, matrices      28—30
Representation, points      308
Representation, polygons      306 318
Representation, polynomials      23 28
Representation, trees (father link)      290—202 395—396 400—404 411 415
Rivest, R.L.      167 301 304
rksearch (Rabin — Karp string searching)      253
root node      230 233
Roots of unity      473—477
Rotation      196—197
RSA public-key cryptosystem      301—302
Run-length encoding      284—286
same (test if two points are on the same side of a line)      313
Satisfiability      529 531—532
Scan (line intersection, Manhattan)      355
Scan conversion      310—311
Scheduling      373
Searching      171—237
Searching, binary search      175—177
Searching, binary tree search      178—185
Searching, digital search trees      213—216
Searching, disk searching      225—235
Searching, elementary methods      171—185
Searching, extendible hashing      231—235
Searching, external searching      225—235
Searching, hashing      201—210
Searching, indexed dequential access      226—228
Searching, Patricia      221—222
Searching, radix search tries      216—218
Searching, radix searching      213—223
Searching, sequential      172
Searching, sequential list      174
Searching, varying length keys      223
Sedgewick, R.      167 237
select (selection, nonrecursive)      146
select (selection, recursive)      145
Selection      144—146
Selection sort      144 326
Selection sort (selection)      95
Self-organizing search      175
Seminumerical algorithms      88
Sentinel      106 173 273 309 329 96 247 254 493
Separate chaining      202—204 209
Sequential searching      172—174 339
Sets      398—405
Shamir, A.      301 304
Shamos, M.I.      349 370
Shellsort (shellsort)      97—99 329
Shortest path      413—415 418 454 492—494
Simple closed path      313—315
Simplex method      497—510
Simultaneous equations      58 75 503—504
Single rotation      196—197
Sink      435
Slack (artificial) variables      503
Sort-merge      156
sort3 (sorting three elements)      93 459—460
Sorting      91—167
Sorting, bubble      99
Sorting, disk      162 165 155—165
Sorting, distribution counting      99—101
Sorting, elementary methods      91—101
Sorting, external      92
Sorting, Heapsort      135—137
Sorting, insertion      95—96
Sorting, internal      92
Sorting, linear      123—124
Sorting, mergesort (non-recursive)      150—152
Sorting, mergesort (recursive)      148—149
Sorting, Quicksort      103—114
Sorting, radix exchange      117—121
Sorting, relationship to convex hull      323
Sorting, selection      94—95
Sorting, shellsort      97—99
Sorting, stability      92—93 121 152
Sorting, straight radix      121—124
Sorting, tape      155—165
Sorting, three elements (sort3)      93
Source      435
Spanning trees      375 408—413
Sparse graphs      376 378 396 397—398 411 413
sparsepfs (priority graph traversal)      396 410 415—417 439—440
Spline interpolation      68—72
Spline interpolation (eval)      72
Spline interpolation, (makespline)      71
Spline quadrature      85
Splitting      189—191 194—199 228—229
Stable marriage problem      447—452 454
STACK      394 428 429
Standard form of linear programs      503
Standish, T.A.      304
Steepest descent method      507
Steiglitz, K.      454 536
Stone, H.S.      536
straightradix (straight radix sort)      121—124
Strassen's method      53—54 65 88 487
string processing      241—304
String searching      241—254
String searching, Boyer — Moore      249—252
String searching, brute-force      243
String searching, Knuth — Morris — Pratt      244—249
String searching, mismatched character      250—251
String searching, multiple searches      254
String searching, Rabin — Karp      252—253
strings      241 283 284—285
Strong, H.R.      231 237 231
Strongly connected components      428—430
substitute (backward substitution)      62
Supercomputer      458 513 528
Symbol tables      171
Systolic arrays      466 536
Tail node      25—28 174—175 180 203
Tarjan, R.E.      387 405 428 454
term (top-down compiler)      278
term (top-down parser)      273
Terminal symbol      270
theta (pseudo-angle calculation)      316 324 325
Thompson, K.      304
Top-down 2—3—4 trees      187—199
Top-down compiler (expression, term, factor)      277—278
Top-down parsing      273—274
Top-down parsing (expression, term, factor)      272—275
Topological sorting      426—428 430
Transitive closure      423—426 493
Traveling salesman problem      387 513—524 531—532
Tree vertices      393
treeinitialize (binary search tree initialization)      181
treeinsert (binary search tree insertion)      181
treeprint (binary search tree sorted output)      182 346 354
Trees, 2—3      198
Trees, 2—3—4      188
Trees, AVL      198
Trees, balanced      187—199
Trees, binary      179 237
Trees, binary search      178—185
Trees, breadth-first search      395
Trees, depth-first search      382 384 394 422—423
Trees, exhaustive search      516—519
Trees, father link representation      290—292 395—396 400—404 411 415
Trees, parse      271
Trees, red-black      192—199
Trees, spanning      375 408—413
Trees, top-down 2—3—4      187—199
Trees, union-find      399—404
treesearch (binary tree search)      180 193
Tries      216—218 291—293
twoDinsert (insertion into 2D trees)      345
twoDrange (range searching with 2D trees)      346
Ullman, J.D.      237 304
Undirected graphs      376
union      399
Union-find      454
Union-find algorithms      398—405
Union-find algorithms (fastfind)      403
Union-find algorithms (find)      401
Union-find algorithms, analysis      405
Union-find algorithms, halving      404
Union-find algorithms, height balancing      404
Union-find algorithms, path compression      403
Union-find algorithms, quick union      401
Union-find algorithms, splitting      404
Union-find algorithms, weight balancing      402
Unseen vertices      393 410
Up edges      423 430
upheap, insert (heap insertion at bottom)      132
van Leeuwan, J.      454
Variable-length encoding      286—293
Vernam cipher      299
Vertex cover      533
Vertex visit, adjacency lists (visit)      382
Vertex visit, adjacency matrix (visit)      384
Vertices      374
Vertices, fringe      393
Vertices, tree      393
Vertices, unseen      393
Very large scale integrated circuits      458
Vigenere cipher      298
Virtual memory      165 234
visit, exhaustive graph traversal      515
visit, graph search to test biconnectivity      392
visit, graph traversal to find strong components      429
visit, permutation generation      521
visit, vertex visit for graph searching, adjacency lists      382
visit, vertex visit for graph searching, adjacency matrix      384
Visited vertices      410
von Neumann model of computation      457
von Neumann, J.      457
Voronoi diagram      366—368
Voronoi dual      417
Warshall's algorithm (computing transitive closure)      425 492—493
Warshall, S.      425
Wegner, P.      88
Weight balancing      402
Weighted graphs      376 380 407—418
Weighted internal path length      490
Weighted matching      444
Wells, M.B.      536
Wirth, N.      19
Worst case      13
wrap (convex hull by package wrapping)      325
writelist (linked list output)      26 148
writeln      9
Z      25—28 174—175 180—181 194 203 214—215 221—222 341 345 352—353 364—365
1 2 3
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