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Purdom R.W., Brown C.A. — The analysis of algorithms |
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Abel, Niels Henrik, power series theorem 159
Abel, Niels Henrik, summation 101
Abramowitz, Milton 136 145 339 400 454 463 496
Absolute value 38 123
Accepting state of a Turing machine 423—424
Ackermann, Wilhelm, function 392
Addition see “Matrix addition”
Addition, Algorithm 12
Addition, integer 12
Addition, lower-bound time 411
Addition, modular arithmetic 403—408
Adjacency matrix 417
Adjacent vertices in a graph 363
Aho, Alfred V. xv 4 16 20 25 37 40 75 83 157 212 249 282 306 313 323 388 393 395 400 403 408 421 479 495 498 499
Algebra programs 112
Alternating sum 65 195—196 146—147
Alternative hypothesis 445
Amortized cost 375
Anagrams 93—95
Analytic function 488
Ancestor, common 55
Andrews, George E. 145 499
Apostol, Tom M. 66 88 89 116 125 151 158 185 196 451 487 488 494 496
Approximately equal to 37 148
Approximation algorithm 438
Approximation, binomial theorem 160
Approximation, exponential function 160
Approximation, factorial 193—195
Approximation, harmonic number 189—190
Approximation, logarithm function 160
Approximation, power series 158—160
Approximation, range of 155—156
Approximation, Stirling's formula 193—195
Arc (edge) of a graph 362
Arithmetic, Addition 12
Arithmetic, Euclidean 16
Arithmetic, Faster Multiplication 213
Arithmetic, Integer Value 9 10
Arithmetic, Multiplication 22
Arithmetic, Strassen's Algorithm 218
Artin, Emil 98 496
Associative items 308
Associative law 60 65
Asymptotic expansion 148—199 328
Asymptotic expansion, notation 155
Asymptotic expansion, notation 155
Asymptotic expansion, definition 165
Asymptotic expansion, measurements 198—199 481—486
Asymptotic expansion, O notation 37—38 155
Asymptotic expansion, techniques 160—164
Atallah, Mikhail J. 414 499
Average 32 268 451 453 456
Average, time see “Specific algorithm”
Baase, Sara xv 20 24 25 34 37 46 54 75 83 157 216 388 400 412 495
Backtrack Estimation Algorithm 465—466
Backtracking 168—171
Backtracking, Algorithm 171
Backtracking, average time 171—180
Backtracking, estimating running time 465—477
Backwards analysis 230
Barnes, Bruce H. 303 502
Base case for proof by induction 45
Base of a number system 9
Basic event 28
Basic hypergeometric function 145
Bellman, R. 328 496
Bender, Carl M. 204 235 239 254 256 259 261 268 301 328 496
Bender, Edward A. 167 182 196 328 499
Bentley, Jon L. 95 152 212 439 499
Benton, Edward R. 301
Bernoulli, Daniel, polynomials 186
Bernoulli, James, numbers 186
Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm, function 256
Big O see “Asymptotics”
Bilateral function 140—141
Bin packing 438—439
Bin packing, Decreasing First Fit Algorithm 439
Bin packing, First Fit Algorithm 438
Binary branching 412
Binary computer 402
Binary Merge, Algorithm 49
Binary Merge, worst-case time 50—55
Binary search tree 279—280
Binary Search Tree Algorithm 354
Binary Search Tree Algorithm, average time 354—355
Binary Search with Equality Checking Algorithm 209—210
Binary Search, Algorithm 19 49
Binary Search, average time 311—313 315—319
Binary Search, worst-case time 19—20 200
Binary tree 279—280 315 354—355
Binary tree, balanced 306
Binary tree, number with height n 304—305
Binary tree, number with n nodes 306—308
Binary tree, threaded 284
Binomial coefficient 99
Binomial coefficient, addition formula 103
Binomial coefficient, factoring 102
Binomial coefficient, negating top index 104
Binomial coefficient, product 105
Binomial coefficient, summing on both indices 104
Binomial coefficient, summing on bottom index 100 105 461—465
Binomial coefficient, summing on top index 102
Binomial coefficient, summing products 127—130 139—146
Binomial coefficient, symmetry 102
Binomial theorem 100
Binomial tree 154
Birkhoff, Garrett 14 44 46 116 125 496
Block of code 364
Blum, Manuel 249 499
Boolean matrix multiplication 416—418
Booth, A.D. 282 499
Borosh, I. 408 499
Boundary values 137—138 200—201 203
Bounding functions 148—152 166—168 196—198 317
Bounding tails 188—195 461—465
Brainerd, Walter S. 392 440 442 495
Brandeis University xv
Brinck, K. 291 500
Broder, Andrei Z. 101 500
Brown, Cynthia Ann 180 296 299 432 500 502
Brown, Donna J. 152 499
Brute-force approach 314—319
Buddy system 461
Bugrara, Khaled xv
Burns, James xv
Card deck 30
Carry propagation 403
Casoratian 257 265
Catalan, Eugene Charles, number 285 307—308
Cauchy, Augustin Louis 488
Cauchy, Augustin Louis, integral formula 490
Cauchy, Augustin Louis, residue theorem 492
Cauchy, Augustin Louis, theorem 490
Ceiling function 11
Central limit theorem 458—459
Characteristic equation 235—238 244 336—337 341
Characteristic function of a distribution 452—453
Characteristic function of a relation 41
Chebyshev, Pafnutii Lvovich, bound 462—465
checking see “Mistake”
Chernoff, Herman, bound 462—465
Chomsky, Noam, normal form 327
Church, Alonzo, Church — Rosser property 55
Church, Alonzo, thesis 442
Clause 172
Clever approach 315—317
Closed form 61
Cochran, William C 444 449 498
Cocke, J. 327 500
| Cohen, Daniel I.A. 46 101 130 147 221 308 351 497
Cohen, Norman H. 360 500
Coin 28 444 464
Coin flipping 108—109 463
Colin, A. J. T. 282 499
Combination 99
Commutative law 60 65
Commutative operator 68
Complete predicate 55
Complex analysis 487—494
Complex conjugate 125
Complex number 123
Component of a graph 363
Conditional probability 30
Configuration of a Turning machine 424
Confluent relation 55
Congruent 12—15 42 400—409
Conjunction (logical and) 170 172
Conjunctive normal form 180
Connected graph 364
constant time 2
Continuous function 40
Contour integral 489 '
Conventions, power 100
Conventions, product 90
Conventions, running time 10
Conventions, Stirling numbers 132
Conventions, summation 66 114
Convergent 165
Convergent, absolute 65 159
Convolution 269 282 306 393—395
Convolution, cyclic 394
Cook, Stephen A. 334 430 432 500
Cook, Stephen A., Theorem 427
Coppersmith, D. 410 500
Correlation coefficient 34
Covariance 34
Cramer, Grabriel, rule 116
Cramer, Harald 458
Credit analysis 375 393
Cross, Anne Elizabeth xv
Cubic sum 64 70
Cummings, Larry J. 101 499
Cumulative probability 81
Cycle of a graph 363
Cycle of a graph, directed 363
Cycle of a graph, fundamental set 370—374
Cycle of a graph, simple 363
Cycle of a permutation 93 254
Daniel, Cuthbert 480 497
Darboux, Jean Gaston 328
Data analysis 459—461
Davis, Martin 440 500
De Bruijn, N. G. 40 157 182 196 198 497
de Fermat, Pierre, prime 405
de L'Hopital, Guillaume Francois Antoine, rule 40
Decision table 301
Decision table, number of 301—306
Decreasing First Fit Algorithm 439
Decreasing function 149 184
Decreasing power 71 91 132
Degree of a vertex 362
Delete Algorithm 482
Delta function 103
Demers, A. 438 439 501
Density function 451 (see “Distribution function”)
Density function, normal 454
Density function, rectangular 459
Derangement 147 264
Derivative 150 488
Derivative, of a sum 89
Descendant, common 55
destructive testing 152—154
Determinant 116
Deterministic 425
Diagonal triangulation 308
Diagonalization 441
Diamond lemma 55
dictionary order 44
Die 28
Difference equation 204 (see “Recurrence equation”)
Differential equation 204
Differential equation, first order linear 255
Differential equation, general order 255
Differential equation, partial 346
Differential equation, steady-state solution 240—241 343—344
Directed multigraph 363
Discrete distribution 451
Discrete linear systems 335
Disjunction (logical or) 172
Distribute Algorithm (for Merge Sort) 229
Distribution function 444 451—453
Distribution function, nasty 459—400
Distributive law 114
diverge 65
Divide and conquer 238 243—250
Divide and conquer, algorithms 200 210 243
Divide and conquer, recurrence 210—212 243—250 309—314
Dot dot dot notation 58
Dot product 394
Dreyfus, S. E. 328 496
Dwork, Cynthia 334 500
Dynamic programming 320—321
Dynamic programming, blind bottom-up 321—324
Dynamic programming, blind top-down 321—323
Early, J.C 479 502
Edge Flow Graph Algorithm 368
Edge of a graph 361
Edge of a graph, negative 37
Edge of a graph, positive 371
Eight-queens 169—172
Elliott, Douglas F. 400 497
Ellipsis notation 58
Eppinger, Jeffrey L. 483 500
Epstein, George xv
Equivalence class 42
Equivalence class, algorithm 385—388
Equivalence class, worst-case time 388—392
Equivalent programs 303
Erlang, A. K. 242
Error see also “Mistake”
Error notation 155
Error term 302
Error term, rounding up 339
Error, numerical 304
Error, relative 193
Error, timing 5
Essential singularity 491
Estimator 456
Euclid 15
Euclidean algorithm 16 359
Euclidean Algorithm, worst-case time 20
Euler, Leonhard, function 147
Euler, Leonhard, constant 189—190
Euler, Leonhard, general summation formula 186—188
Euler, Leonhard, number 353
Euler, Leonhard,recurrence equation 261
Euler, Leonhard,summation formula 184—186
Event 444
Event, basic 28
Event, independent 29 456
Event, mutually exclusive 29
Expected value see “Average”
Exponent, laws of 17
Exponential generating function 292—293
Exponential sum 64 76
Exponential time 2—3 422
External path length 280
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