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Purdom R.W., Brown C.A. — The analysis of algorithms |
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Sorting, Simple Merge Sort 228
Sorting, Split 72
Sorting, tape 226—227
source node 364
Spanning tree 364
Spanning tree, Algorithm 364
Spiess, J. 217 219 502
Split Algorithm (for Quicksort) 72
Standard deviation 33 480
Standish, Thomas A. 20 83 121 388 499
Starting state of a Turing machine 423—424
Steady-state solution 241—242 343—344
Stegun, Irene A. 136 145 339 400 454 463 496
Step function 450
Stevenson, Francis R. 369 502
Steward, B. M. 46 498
Stieltjes, Thomas Jan, integral 450
Stieltjes, Thomas Jan, sum 450
Stigler, Stephen M. 461 480 502
Stirling's approximation 193—195
Stirling, James, approximation 92 193 307
Stirling, James, numbers 132—136
Stirling, James, numbers of the first kind 132
Stirling, James, numbers of the second kind 133
Straight-line code 4—6 364
Strang, Gilbert 116 408 498
Strassen, Volker 217 218 410 417 503
Strassen, Volker, Algorithm 218 410
String edit 323
strings of characters 375
Subgraph 362
Summation see also “Specific topic”
Summation, alternating terms 195—196
Summation, approximating 159
Summation, binomial 98—131 139—146
Summation, bounding 166
Summation, by parts 79—81 190 259
Summation, conventions 66 114
Summation, error notation 157
Summation, Euler's formula 184—186
Summation, Euler's general formula 186—188
Summation, exponential 64 76 80
Summation, harmonic numbers 190
Summation, implied limits 100
Summation, interchange of order 174 190—191
Summation, multiple 112—117
Summation, notation 58—59
Summation, periodic terms 121—123 125—126
Summation, polynomial 69—75 80
Summation, positive terms 65
Summation, rapidly varying terms 180—182
Summation, rational 84—88
Summation, slowly varying terms 183—195
Summation, suppressed limits 100
Suppressed limits on sums 100
Symbolic algebra systems 112
Symmetric closure 42 385
Symmetric relation 41
System of recurrences 329—345
System of recurrences, characteristic equation 336—337
System of recurrences, conversion to first order 329
System of recurrences, converting to single equations 330
Table look-up to evaluate a function 410
Tail recursion 75
Tails of distributions 459
| Tails of distributions, bounding 461—465
Tarjan, Robert Endre xv 249 319 384 388 392 393 437 496 499 503
Taylor, Brook, theorem 158—160
Term rewriting systems 55
Terminal symbol of a grammar 325
Text editing 375
Thread 284
Threaded binary tree 284
Total order 42
Total variance 476
Tower 274
trade-offs 152—155
Transforming indices 59 62 205—210 347—351
Transition function 423
Transitive 41
Transitive closure 41 55 416
traverse a tree 283
TREE 364 (see also “Binary tree”)
Tree, binary search tree 354
Tree, Delete 482
Tree, Inorder 385
Tree, Inorder Successor 284
Tree, Insert 280
Tree, Rightdelete 481
Tree, rooted 364
Triangular matrix 27 71
Triangular Matrix Addition Algorithm 27
True coin 108 444
Tufte, E.R. 461 498
Turing, Alan Mathison, machine 423—424 440
Two-tailed test 447
Tzeng, Chun Hung xv 447 448 502
Ullman, Jeffrey D. xv 4 16 20 25 37 40 75 83 157 212 249 282 313 323 388 393 395 400 403 408 421 438 439 479 495 498 499 501
Unbiased estimate 456
Unbounded chains 43
Uncorrelated 34
Undecidable problem set 439
Undetermined coefficients 238 336
Union Algorithm 386
Union with Ranks and Collapsing, worst-case time 387
Union with Ranks, Algorithm 387
Union with Ranks, worst-case time 387
Union with Weights Algorithm 387
Unit circle 124
Universal Turing machine 440
Urn 30
van Leeuwen, Jan 393 503
Variance 33 268 451 453 456
Variation of parameters 264—266
Vertex cover 433—434
Vertex of a graph 361
Vitter, Jeffrey Scott 121 466 503
Wand, Mitchell 46 498
Well-ordered set 42
Williams, J.W.J. 83 503
Williams, John H. 107 502
Windley, P.F. 282 503
Winograd, P.F. 217 503
Winograd, S. 410 500
Wong, J. K. 410 500
Wood, Fred S. 480 497
Worst-case time 31 374
wronskian see “Casoratian”
Younger, D.H. 327 503
Zucker, Ruth 400
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