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Bentley J. — Programming pearls |

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Название: Programming pearls
Автор: Bentley J.
Programming and problem-solving tutorial, sorting algorithms, merge sort, bit vectors, binary searches, program correctness and testing, improving performance, engineering and problem-solving techniques, performance estimates, designing for safety, divide-and-conquer and scanning algorithms, tuning code, tips for more efficient memory usage, insertion sort, quicksort algorithms, sparse arrays, searching algorithms, binary search trees, heaps, priority queues, searching text, and generating random text.
Рубрика: Computer science/Алгоритмы/
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 1986
Количество страниц: 195
Добавлена в каталог: 10.11.2005
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Abstract data types 32 98 121 130—132 134—135 137 184
Accidents, automobile 160
Adams, J.L. 10 119
Addition, vector 46
Adriance, N. vi
Affix analysis 33 141—148 168
aha! see "Insight"
Aho, A.V. vi 9 79 136 164
Airplanes 6 79 90
Algorithm design vi 11—21 33 52 55 69—80 84 91 109—113 119—122 130—134 145—146 181
Algorithms, analysis of 12 14 18 36 45 46 52 69—80 109 112 119 120 123 126 171 175 179 181
Algorithms, divide-and-conquer 52 72 77 78 109
Algorithms, graph 30 80
Algorithms, multiple-pass 4 5 7 163
Algorithms, randomizing 13 111 112
Algorithms, selection 18 116 167 179
Algorithms, shuffling 122 163
Allocation, dynamic 97
Allocation, storage 81 97 101 136
Anagrams 11 15 19 21 165
Analog computations 167
Analysis of Algorithms 12 14 18 36 45 46 52 69—80 109 112 119 120 123 126 171 175 179 181
Analysis, affix 33 141—148 168
Analysis, big-oh 52 52—53 55 66 69—80 107 112 115 116 120 121 125—130 128 131-132 134 135 136 165 167 172 173 180 182 183
Analysis, numerical 47 79 91 94 135 176
Analysis, retrogade 103
AND, conditional 46 114 177 182
Appel, A.V. 51—53 55 56 80 84 102 172
Approximations, Fermi 67
Archimedes 159
Arrays 24 28 29 31 32 35 69—79 82 93 107—116 121 126 130 168;
arrays, associative 33 168
arrays, sparse 9 95 96
ASCII character code 82
Assembly language 19 52 64 88 99 103
Assert statements 42 44 85—88 184
associative arrays 33 168
Automobile accidents 160
Automobile courier 9
Automobiles 7 56
awk 20 33 168 179
Back of the envelope 9 15 28 54 59—68 70 76 83 100 103 114 119 131 142 145 148 169 170 174 180
Background data 3 8 9 15 18 28 46 51 56 64—66 78—79 81 95 98 114 117 124 144 147 148 170 174 175 186
Bags, paper 119
Baird, H.S. vi
BASIC 41 64 66 75 88 108 119 169 171
Bell Labs 18 30 36 59 123 152
Bell, C.G. 55
Belle chess computer 102
Bentley, J.C. 117
Bentley, J.L. 28 64 91
Bentley, M.J. vi
Berecz, V. 90
Big-oh analysis 52 52—53 55 66 69—80 107 112 115 116 120 121 125—130 128 131—132 134 135 136 165 167 172 173 180 182 183
Bin packing 135 183
Bin search 121
Binary search 12—13 16 18 35—42 82 85—88 90 121 131 136 165 167 169 173 176 183
Binary search programs 38 85—88
binary search trees 90 121 142 174
Binary trees, implicit 126 183
Bit strings 83 115 178
Bitmap sort 5—8
bitmaps 5 7 8 13 100 120 121 146
Bits, counting 83
Blocks, conceptual 3 10 23—25 45 60 64 84 110 164 181
Bonnett, R. 173
Boring stuff 39—41
Bottom-up programming 39 99 125
bounds, lower 77 78 80 112 122 136 162 171 172 178
Boyer, R.S. 78
Braun, M. 63
break statements 37
Break-even point 18 56 76 90 135 159 161 169
bridges 63
Brooks, F.P., Jr. v 31 90 93—94 102 173
Bugs, performance 62 64 84 112 143 174 183
C 20 75 88 113 169
C++ 184
Caching 82 89 167
CAD systems 9 80
Canonical form 16
Card, S.K. 61
Cards, punched 12 13 24
Cargill, T.A. 16
Carter, L.R. 100
Character classes 82 89 172
Character code, ASCII 82
Character code, EBCDIC 82
Character, newline 20 98 140
Cherry, L.A. 186 187
Chess 102
Chess computer, Belle 102
Children 68
Circularly linked lists 174
classes, character 82 89 172
Cleveland, W.S. vi
COBOL 8 23 25 27 91—92 102
CODASYL databases 30
Code tuning 46 52 55 65 81—92 108 112 114 163 182
Codes, Huffman 135 182
Coffee-can problem 45
College registration system 8
Comments 44 123
Common divisors, greatest 17 166
Common sense 61 68 94 97 117 144 180 181
Compilers 54 62 66 86 100 101 161 176
components 6 10 19—21 43—44 55 107 114 115 121 134 139—148 147
Computations, analog 167
Computers, Macintosh 103
Computers, personal 64 66 75 97 98 99 103 117 169 170
Computers, special-purpose 55 102
Conceptual blocks 3 10 23—25 45 60 64 84 110 164 181
Conditional and 46 114 177 182
Conditional or 86
Condon, J.H. 102
Control structures, verifying 43
Conway, J.H. 56 160
Correctness of loops 39
Correctness proofs see "Program verification"
Counting bits 83
Courier, automobile 9
Creativity see "Insight"
Cumulative vectors 71 77 161 171—172
Data processing 8 13 27 49 53 64 77 97
Data structure invariants 125—134 185
Data structures see "Arrays" "Bit "Bitmaps" "Databases" "Dictionaries" "Hash "Heaps" "Lists" "Matrices" "Priority "Search" "Sparse "Strings" "Trees" "Vectors"
Data structures, overlaying 98 132
Data transmission 9 29 65 66 170 171
Data types, abstract 32 98 121 130—132 134—135 137 184
Data, background 3 8 9 15 18 28 46 51 56 64—66 78—79 81 95 98 114 117 124 144 147 148 170 174 175 186
Data, test 8 42 44
databases 29 30 103
Databases, CODASYL 30
Databases, entity-relationship 30
Date routines 29 32 97 102 168
De Boer, J. 173
de Saint-Exupery, A. 7
Debugging 12 13 31 44 62 110 111 169 170
Denning, P.J. vi
Deo, N. 83
Department stores 9
Design levels 49 51 51—57 65 84 89 100 114 147
design process 7 30 49 55 59 62 64 76—77 93 99 122 147 150 151
Design space 5 115 119—122 123 140—143
Design, algorithm vi 11—21 33 52 55 69—80 84 91 109—113 119—122 130—134 145—146 181
Design, system 54 61 62 64 102—104 141
Dewdney, A.K. 16 167
Dictionaries 15 19 21 29 33 102 121 135 139—150 165 186
Differential equations 79
Dijkstra, E.W. 47 144
| Dimension checks 60
Disk files, sequential 136
disks 3—5 9 56 62 65 66 97 98 103 116 135 136 142—143 146 148 167 169 170 171 177 183
Displays, graphical 28 51 76 113 179 180 186
Displays, seven-segment 33
Divide-and-conquer algorithms 52 72 77 78 109
Divisors, greatest common 17 166
Dobkin, D. 171
Documentation 55
Dodds, D.J. 186
Dromey, R.G. 173
Durham, I. 187
Dynamic allocation 97
Dynamic programming 102
EBCDIC character code 82
Edison, T.A. 19 167
Editors, text 15 29
Einstein, A. 65
Elegance 6 6 7 10 14 20 27 31 38 55 60 67 74 84 93 110 111 118 119 124 132 133 139 164 169 176 180
Engineering techniques see "Back of the envelope" "Background "Break-even "Debugging" "Design" "Elegance" "Problem "Prototypes" "Simplicity" "Specifications" "Testing" "Tradeoffs"
Engineering, Software vi 30 47 59 61 123 147 153
English 15 29 33 102 139—150
Entity-relationship databases 30
Equations, differential 79
Equivalence relations 16
Errors, run-time 45 108 169
Errors, spelling 139—150
experiments 8 17 56 66 74 75 88 90 100 113 123 163
exponentiation 47
Factors, safety 62—64 146
Featurecide 99
Fermi approximations 67
Fermi, E. 67
Fiduccia, C.M. 80
fingerprints 17
Floyd, R.W. 137
Form letters 26 33
Form, canonical 16
FORTRAN 3 4 6 8 25 75 95 98 101 124
Fourier transform 79
French 149
Functions, piecewise-linear 168
Functions, trigonometric 84 94
Game of life 56 160
Games 56 102 124 136 181
Garbage collection 98
Gardner, M. 11
Garey, M.R. vi 176
Generator programs 94
Genetic traits 84
Geometric problems 80 83
Gerrymandering 4
Goldstein, A.J. 30
Good, D.I. 48
Graph algorithms 30 80
Graphical displays 28 51 76 113 179 180 186
graphs 30
Greatest common divisors 17 166
Grenander, U. 76 77
Gries, D. vi 14 45 47 74 152 166
Grosse, E.H. vi 75
Gypsy 48
haha! 119
Hand waving 15 16
Hash search 90 90 121 142—143 145—146 164 167 168 174 186
Hayes, B.P. 169
heaps 125—137
Heapsort 132—134 162 182
Helicopter rotor blades 90 174
Hoare, C.A.R. 109 178
Hofstadter, D. 67
Hopcroft, J.E. 9 79 164
Hot spots 52 64 88 100 104 112 174 178
Huffman codes 135 182
Huffman, D.A. 135 182
hyphenation 33
Implicit binary trees 126 183
Information hiding 29 32 44
Information theory 97
Initialization, vector 9 164
Inline procedures 113
Insertion sort 107 113 175
Insight 10 11—16 19 24 59 84 90 103 112 119 146 159 164 167 181
interpreters 21
Invariants, data structure 125—134 185
Invariants, loop 37 85—88 110—111 125—134 160 162 169 173 177 182
Inventor's paradox 31
Isomorphic programs 166
Jackson, M.A. 32
Jacob, M. 111
Jelinski, L.W. vi 136
Johnson, D.S. vi 135 183
Johnson, S.C. vi 33 139—150
Jones, A.K. 57
Kadane, J.B. 77
Kentucky legislature 94
Kernighan, B.W. v vi 3 4 10 13 15 29 67 98 116 136 139
Key-indexing search 7 96 103 121 176
Knuth, D.E. 3 16 17 19 36 62 88 111 116 118 119 122 128 179
Koestler, A. 119
Kolmogorov, A.N. 63
Lagarias, J.C. 169
Lamb, D.A. 187
Lampson, B.W. 57
Language, assembly 19 52 64 88 99 103
Languages, programming see "AWK" "BASIC" "C" "C++" "COBOL" "FORTRAN" "MIX" "Pascal" "Ratfor" "SNOBOL"
Legislature, Kentucky 94
Lehman, A.S. 67
Lehman, N.V. 67
Leighton, F.T. 183
Lesk, M.E. 18 167
Letters, form 26 33
Levels, design 49 51 51—57 65 84 89 100 114 147
Life, game of 56 160
Light bulbs 19
Linderman, J.P. vi 97 116 183
Linger, R.C. 47
Lipton, R.J. 171
LISTS 15 82 90 102 130 131 145 174
Lists, circularly linked 174
Lobsters 68
Lomet, D.B. 90
Lomuto, N. 110
Look at the data see "Background data"
Loop invariants 37 85—88 110—111 125—134 160 162 169 173 177 182
LOOP statements 37
Loop unrolling 83 87 89
Loops, correctness of 39
Lower bounds 77 78 80 112 122 136 162 171 172 178
Lynn, M.S. vi
Macintosh computers 103
magnetic tapes 8 11 13 16 17 18 65 98 135 165 167
Mahaney, S.R. 183
Mail system 59
Maintainability 6 10 25 30 31 44 55 81 82 85 88 92 96 99
Maps 84 95
Martin, R.L. vi 59 62
Martin, W.A. 178
Matrices 18 98 101 164
Mattheyses, R.M. 80
Maximum of a vector 46
Maximum subarray problem 78
Maximum subsequence problem 69
McCreight, E.M. 136 183
McGeoch, C.C. 183
McKeeman, W.M. 35
Mcllroy, M.D. vi 15 29 45 115 139—150 178 187
McMahon, L.E. 186
Medians 114 116 167 177 179 183
Melville, R. vi
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