Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Attiya H., Welch J. — Distributed computing |
Предметный указатель |
12 48 61 299 302 304
-resilient, common coin 310
-assignment 362 364
-exclusion 343 361 362
-exclusion, slotted 368
-lockout avoidance property 362
-participants property for long-lived renaming 360
-set consensus 120 344
10 15
-quiescent 80
0-valent configuration 96 109
1-valent configuration 96 109
Abrahamson, K. 319
Abu - Amara, H. 124
Active round 50
Actual value of snapshot object 228
Adaptive mutual exclusion 89
Adjusted clock 277
Adjustment variable 277
Admissible execution 164
Admissible execution, for mutual exclusion 64
Admissible execution, in asynchronous message passing 12
Admissible execution, in shared memory 61
Admissible execution, in synchronous message passing 13
Admissible execution, in unreliable asynchronous 109
Admissible execution, locally 165
Admissible schedule 12
Admissible timed execution 143 198
Admissible timed execution, with clock drift 278
Adve, S. 205
Adversary 302 307 318
Adversary, oblivious 303
Adversary, strong 319
Adversary, weak 303 315
Afek, Y. 205 236 318 368
Agarwal, D. A. 187
Aghili, H. 186 187
Agreement property, clock 278 287
Agreement property, for -set consensus 344
Agreement property, for approximate agreement 352
Agreement property, for consensus 93
Agreement property, for randomized consensus 308
Aguilera, M. K. 123
Alemany, J. 341
Algorithm 10
Algorithm, comparison based 49
Algorithm, nonuniform 303
Algorithm, nonuniform and anonymous 32
Algorithm, nonuniform and non-anonymous 34
Algorithm, uniform and anonymous 32
Algorithm, uniform and non-anonymous 34
Allowable sequence 157
Amir, Y. 187
Amoeba 186
Amza, C. 204
Anderson 88
Anderson, J. 89 236 368
Angluin, D. 57
Anonymity property, for renaming 356
apply 329
Approximate agreement 343 352
Arjomandi, E. 152
Aspnes, J. 236 319
Asynch 241
Asynchronous Byzantine failure 316
Asynchronous identical Byzantine failure 316
Asynchronous message passing 11
Asynchronous message passing, failure-prone 177
Asynchronous shared memory 60 343
Asynchrony 2
Atomic broadcast 183
Atomic snapshot 116 152 222 234 345 352 357
Atomic snapshot, multi-writer 236
Attiya, H. 28 58 152 186 205 236 367 368
Augmented queue 204 327 338
Augmented stack 204
Authenticated broadcast 274 293
Average case analysis 298
Average message complexity 57 58
Averaging function 352
Awerbuch, B. 29 236 249
Babaoglu, O. 152
Bakery algorithm 71
Bal, H. 204
Bar - Noy, A. 123 236 367 368
Barbosa, V. 5
Bazzi, R. 275
Ben - Or 318
Bennett, J. 204
Berman, P. 123
Bershad, B. 341
Bhaskar, S. 318
Bias of common coin 310 314 316 317
Binary register 209
Biran, O. 368
Birman, K. 186
Bisiani, R. 204
Bit complexity 27
Bivalent configuration 96 109
Block 346
Block execution 346
Blocking, of broadcast operations 168
Bondy, J. A. 367
Borodin, A. 368
Borowsky, E. 124 367
Bounded drift property 278 284
Bounded name space property for long-lived renaming 360
Bounded timestamp system 236 368
Bounded timestamps 236
Bounded values 210
Bounded waiting 69 318
Bracha, G. 274 319
Breadth-first search 21 247
Broadcast 167 253
Broadcast, asynchronous basic 159 168 172
Broadcast, atomic 171 183
Broadcast, authenticated 274 293
Broadcast, causal atomic 171
Broadcast, causally ordered 170 175 179
Broadcast, FIFO atomic 171
Broadcast, reliable 170 177 178 284 292
Broadcast, single message 15
Broadcast, single-source FIFO 169 172
Broadcast, total 171
Broadcast, totally ordered 169 193 380
Broadcast, totally ordered, asymmetric algorithm 172
Broadcast, totally ordered, symmetric algorithm 173
Broadcast, uniform 187
Brown, G. 205
building blocks 29
Burns, J. 58 88 89 368
Byzantine failure 91 99 187 248 254 277 291
Byzantine failure, asynchronous 270
Caching 88
Canetti, R. 319
Capturing concurrency 130
Causal shuffle 127
Causality 126
Causality, non 129
Causally ordered property, for broadcast 170 175
Causally ordered property, for multicast 181
Causally ordered property, for reliable broadcast 179
Center 147
Chandra 379
Chandy, K. 152
Chang, E. 57
| Chang, J. - M. 186
Charron - Bost, B. 152
Chaudhuri, S. 205 236 367
Cheriton, D. 186
Cheung, T. - Y. 29
Child, in spanning tree 15
Chockler, G. 188
Chor, B. 124 319
Chow, R. 5
Clean crash 92 119
Clock adjustment, amortized 293
Clock adjustment, discontinuous 293
Clock agreement property 278 287
Clock synchronization 143 184 249 269
Clock synchronization, external 153
Clock synchronization, internal 153
Clock validity property 279 289
Clock, adjusted 143 277
Clock, drift of 277 278
Clock, hardware 140 198 277
Clock, logical 128 239 242
Clock, vector 130 176
Coan, B. 124 275
Common coin 309
Common coin, -resilient 310
Common coin, bias of 310 314 316 317
Common frontier 106
Common node 106
Communication system 158 161
Communication system, and faulty behavior 253
Compare&swap 59 323 328 339
Comparison based 49 54
Comparison based, 54
Complexity measures for message passing 13
Complexity measures for shared memory 62
Composition of algorithms 160
Computed pair 115
Computed pair, winner of 115
Concurrent events 129
Configuration, for layered model 162
Configuration, initial 304
Configuration, initial, for layered model 162
Configuration, initial, message passing 11
Configuration, initial, shared memory 60
Configuration, message passing 10
Configuration, quiescent, for leader election 41
Configuration, quiescent, for mutual exclusion 69
Configuration, reachable 61
Configuration, shared memory 60
Configuration, similar 62 110
Conflicting events 133
Connectivity, for clock synchronization with Byzantine failures 293
Connectivity, for consensus with Byzantine failures 124
Consensus 91 93 100 179 185 248 268 277 279 321 343 369
Consensus number 326
Consensus object 328 329
Consensus, randomized 308 318
Consensus, single-source 123
Consensus, wait-free 323
Consistent cut 134 237
Consistent cut, maximal 135
Contamination 187
Contention 84 368
Convergecast 18
Correct for communication system 164
Correct interaction property, for -resilient shared memory 208
Correct interaction property, for long-lived renaming 360
Correct interaction property, for shared memory 190 192
Coulouris, G. 5
Covering a variable 80
Crash failure 91 171 177 208 248 264 309 343
Crash failure, clean 92 119
crash recovery 152
Cristian, F. 153 186 187
Critical section 63 207 343 362
Cut 134
Cut, consistent 134 237
Cut, consistent, maximal 135
DASH 204
Database, distributed 121
Database, replicated 183
De Prisco, R. 379
Deadlock 31
Debugging 152
Decision 93
Dekker 89
Delay, of a message 14 277
Delporte - Gallet, C. 379
Delta 4 186
Depth-first search 23
Detection of stable properties 152
Diameter 21 23 138 248
Dijkstra, E. 89
Direct scan 226
Disk Paxos 379
Distributed shared memory 189
Distributed shared memory, fault tolerant 237
Distributed shared memory, recoverable 237
Distributed snapshot 135 152 236
distributed system 1
Dolev, D. 57 123 124 186 187 236 367 368
Dollimore, J. 5
Double collect 223 225 226 228 229
Drift, adjusted clock 289
Drift, hardware clock 278
DSM 189
DSM, fault-tolerant 237
DSM, recoverable 237
Dubois 205
Dwork, C. 28 123 124 236 249 319
Early stopping 120
Eggli.J. 186
Emerson, E. 29
Enabled 162
Entry section 63
Environment 161
Epoch synchronization 284
Equivalent 55
Event, computation, for message passing 11
Event, computation, for shared memory 61
Event, delivery 11
Event, enabled 162
Event, input 162
Event, output 162
Events, concurrent 129
Events, conflicting 133
execution 11
Execution segment, in asynchronous message pass-ing 11
Execution segment, in shared memory 61
Execution, admissible 11 164
Execution, asynchronous, for layered model 163
Execution, block 346
Execution, correct for communication system 164
Execution, fair 163
Execution, in asynchronous message passing 12
Execution, in shared memory 61
Execution, in synchronous message passing 13
Execution, scaled 279
Execution, similar 128 139
Execution, synchronous, for layered model 254
Execution, timed 13 198
Execution, user compliant 163
Exit section 63
Expected value 301
Expected value, given an adversary 302
Expected value, given an adversary and initial configuration 304
Extended linearizability property for -resilient shared memory 208
Extended virtual synchrony 186
External clock synchronization 153
Extinction 29
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