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Attiya H., Welch J. — Distributed computing |
Предметный указатель |
Failstop failure 184 187 379
Failure detector 369
Failure detector, accuracy 372
Failure detector, completeness 372
Failure detector, definition 372
Failure detector, eventually strong 372
Failure detector, omega 373
Failure detector, strong 373
Failure detector, weakest for consensus 379
Failure type, asynchronous Byzantine 270 316
Failure type, asynchronous identical Byzantine 269 316
Failure type, Byzantine 91 99 187 248 254 277 291
Failure type, crash 91 171 177 208 248 264 309 343
Failure type, failstop 184 187 379
Failure type, general omission 275
Failure type, identical Byzantine 252 255 290
Failure type, omission 252 258
Failure type, receive omission 275
Failure type, send omission 274 275
Failure type, timing 284 290
Fair execution 163
Fast mutual exclusion 85
Fast renaming 368
Fauconnier, H. 379
Faulty integrity property, for asynchronous identical Byzan tine 270
Faulty integrity property, for synchronous identical Byzantine 255
Faulty liveness property, for asynchronous identical Byzan tine 270
Faulty liveness property, for crash 265
Faulty liveness property, for reliable broadcast 171
Faulty liveness property, for reliable multicast 180
Faulty liveness property, for synchronous identical Byzantine 256
Faulty processor 92 100
Feldman, P. 319
Felten, E. W. 341
Fetch&add 326
Fetch&cons 327
Fetch&inc 338
Fidge, C. 152
FIFO message delivery 134
Fischer, M. 28 29 88 89 123 124 152 293 368
flooding 19 135
Frederickson, G. 58
Gafni, E. 29 58 124 319 367 368 379
Gallager, R. 29
Garay, J. 123 368
Garcia - Molina, H. 186
Garg, V. K. 152
General omission failures 275
Gharachorloo, K. 204 205
Global simulation 164 171 189 208 256
Goldreich 0 319
Gopal, A. 187
Gouda 236
Graunke, G. 89
Gries, D. 28 186
Group 179
Group identifier 179
Guerraoui, R. 379
Gupta, R. 318
Hadzilacos, V. 186 187 274 275 340 379
Halpern, J. 152 293
handshake 223 225 226
Handshaking, bits 223 236
Handshaking, procedures 223
Handshaking, properties 224
Happens before 127
Happens before, for broadcast messages 169 175
Happens before, for message passing 127 169 170 242
Happens before, for shared memory 133
Hardware clock 140 198 277
Helping 332
Herlihy, M. 124 205 340 367 368
Herman 89
Herzberg, A. 152
Hierarchy, robust 340
Hierarchy, wait-free 327 338 339
Higham, L. 57 186 318
Hill 205
Hirschberg, D. 57
Horus 186
Hudak, P. 204
Humblet, P. 29
Identical Byzantine failure 252 255 290
Identical Byzantine failure, asynchronous 269
Identical contents property, for asynchronous identical Byzantine 270
Identical contents property, for synchronous identical Byzantine 255
Identifier, pseudo 299
Identifier, unique 25 34
Immediate snapshot 367
implementation 171
Incomparable vectors 130
Indirect scan 226
Indistinguishable 95
Initial configuration 304
Initial configuration, message passing 11
Initial configuration, shared memory 60
Input 93 157
Input, event 162
Integrity property, for asynchronous basic broadcast 160
Integrity property, for asynchronous point-to-point message passing 159
Integrity property, for crash 264
Integrity property, for failure-prone asynchronous mes sage passing 178
Integrity property, for omission 259
Integrity property, for reliable broadcast 171
Integrity property, for reliable multicast 180
Integrity property, for synchronous message passing 241
Integrity, uniform 187
Interface, bottom 162
Interface, top 162
Internal clock synchronization 153
Internal problem 248 249
ISIS 186 187
Israeli, A. 124 236 319
Itai, A. 318
Ivy 204
Jackson, P. 88
Jayanti, P. 340
Johnson 5 340
Johnson, D. 152
Joseph 186
Keidar, I. 188
Kim, J.-Y. 89
Kindberg 5
King, of phase 107
Klawe 57
Korach, E. 58
Kosa, M. 205 236
Kushilevitz, E. 318
Lai, Ò. H. 152
Lamport, L. 28 89 123 152 186 187 205 235 236 293 379 380
Lampson, B. 379
Layer 160 161
Leader election 25 29 31 249 298 373
Leader election, randomized 298 318
Leader elector 373
Leaf, in spanning tree 18
Lee, Y. 340
Legal operation sequence 190
Legal permutation 192
LeLann, G. 57
Lexicographic order 71 133 177 220
Li, K. 204
Li, M. 124 236 319
Linear envelope 278
Linearizability 190 208 236
Linearizability property for shared memory 191 200 208
Linearization point 204 209 228
Lipton, R. 205
| liveness 11 319
Liveness property, for asynchronous basic broadcast 160
Liveness property, for asynchronous point-to-point message passing 159
Liveness property, for randomized leader election 298
Liveness property, for shared memory 191 192 208
Liveness property, for synchronous message passing 241
Lo, V. 204
Lo, W. - K. 340 379
Load-linked 339 340
Local knowledge 2
Local operation 189
Local simulation 165 202 240 241 248
Locally admissible 165
Locally user compliant 165 243
Logical buffering 239 242
Logical clock 128 184 239 242
Logical timestamp 128
Long-lived renaming 360
Loui 124
Lundelius (Welch), J. 152
Lynch, L. 379
Lynch, N. 5 28 58 88 89 123 124 367 368
Mahaney, S. 293
Malki, D. 187
Mansour, Y. 318
Marker 135
Marsland, T. A. 153 293
Marzullo, K. 152 293 379
Matching processors 48
Matias, Y. 318
Mattern, F. 152 186
Mavronicolas 152 205
Maxemchuk, N. F. 186
Maximal consistent cut 135
Megiddo, N. 152
Melliar - Smith, R 187
Mellor - Crummey, J. 89
Memory consistency system 189
Memory-to-memory move 327
Memory-to-memory swap 327
MERGE 141 198
Merritt, M. 123 124 205 293 368
Message complexity 13
Message delay 277
Message diffusion 178 179 186
Message passing, asynchronous 11 159
Message passing, synchronous 12 240
Message pattern 49
Message propagation forest 181
Message, first phase 44
Message, second phase 44
Micali, S. 319
midpoint 352
Mills, D. 153 293
Milutinovic, V. 205
Moir, M. 89 368
Monitor 63
Moran, S. 367 368
Morgan, C. 152
Moser, L. 187
Moses, Y. 123
Motwani, R. 318
Mullender, S. 5
Multi-reader register, unbounded simulation of 215
Multi-valued register 209
Multi-writer register, unbounded simulation of 219
Multicast 167
Multicast, basic 180
Multicast, causally ordered 181
Multicast, reliable 180
Multiple-group ordering property 180
Munin 204
Munshi, A. 152
Murty, U. S. R. 367
Mutual exclusion 112
Mutual exclusion problem 63 158 164 249 343 362
Mutual exclusion problem, randomized 305 318
Mutual exclusion property 64
Mutual exclusion, adaptive 89
Mutual exclusion, fast 85
Neiger, G. 124 187 249 274 275
Neighborhood 35
Network 10
Network partition 187
Network Time Protocol 153 291 293
New-old inversion 211 216 233 235 236
Nitzberg, B. 204
No deadlock 64 322
No duplicates property, for asynchronous basic broadcast 160
No duplicates property, for asynchronous Byzantine 270
No duplicates property, for asynchronous identical Byzantine 270
No duplicates property, for asynchronous point-to-point message passing 159
No duplicates property, for failure-prone asynchronous message passing 178
No duplicates property, for reliable broadcast 171
No duplicates property, for reliable multicast 180
No duplicates property, for synchronous identical Byzantine 255
No duplicates property, for synchronous message passing 241
No lockout 64 322
No starvation 63
Node 161
Node input 162
Non-causality 129
Nonblocking simulation 321 328 338 341
Nondeterministic operations 337 339 340
Nonfaulty integrity property, for asynchronous Byzantine 270
Nonfaulty integrity property, for asynchronous identical Byzantine 270
Nonfaulty integrity property, for synchronous Byzantine 255
Nonfaulty integrity property, for synchronous identical Byzantine 255
Nonfaulty liveness property, for -resilient shared memory 208
Nonfaulty liveness property, for asynchronous Byzantine 270
Nonfaulty liveness property, for asynchronous identical Byzantine 270
Nonfaulty liveness property, for crash 264
Nonfaulty liveness property, for failure-prone asynchronous message passing 178
Nonfaulty liveness property, for omission 259
Nonfaulty liveness property, for reliable broadcast 171
Nonfaulty liveness property, for reliable multicast 180
Nonfaulty liveness property, for synchronous Byzantine 255
Nonfaulty liveness property, for synchronous identical Byzantine 255
Nonuniform 303
NTP 153 291 293
Nutt, G. 5
Object, universal 327 335
Oblivious adversary 303
Omission failure 252 258
One-to-all communication 167
One-to-many communication 167 179
One-to-one communication 167
Open, edge 38
Open, schedule 38
Operating System 4 322 341
Operation, local 189
Operation, pending 322
Operation, time of 198
Orca 204 205
Order-equivalent neighborhoods 49
Order-equivalent ring 48
Ordering, of broadcast 167 169
Ordering, of multicast 167
Orientation 32 58
Output 93 157
Output, event 162
Owicki, S. 28 293
Pachl, J. 58
pair 113
Pair, computed 115
Parent, in spanning tree 15
Participating process 360
Participating processor 44
Partition, of a network 187
Paterson 28 124 368
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