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Liu B., Lai H.-J. — Matrices in Combinatorics and Graph Theory (Network Theory and Applications Volume 3) |
Предметный указатель |
-decomposition 175
-BIBD 169
-SBIBD 169
-coloring 205
normalized Latin rectangle 91
-colorable 205
-extendible 211
(1-3) property 227
(3-1) property 227
(m,k)-cycle 89
(r,g)-graph 5
1-Factor 219
Acyclic 234
Adjacency matrix 1
Adjacency matrix, reduced 2
Adjacent 279
Admittance matrix 3
Agree with the blocks of the matrix 261
ARC 280
Associated digraph 1
b-solution 200
Balanced incomplete block design 169
Band graph 251
BIBD 169
Bipartite decomposition 171
Bipartite digraph representation 224
Bisimplicial 246
Bloc, irreducible 143
Bloc, trivial 143
Block 168 261
Boolean matrix 101
Boolean matrix, multiplication and addition 101
Boolean rank 150
Branch 55
Canonical transformer 104
Characteristic equation 161
Characteristic polynomial 4 275
Characteristic, level 267
Characteristic, Segre 265
Characteristic, Wyre 265
Chordal 246
Chromatic number 205 280
Circular period 127
Clique number 209 280
Cocycle space 199
Collapsible 200
Color class 204
Column sum vector 71
Combined graph 224
Compact 81
Companian matrix 161
Complement 82
Complement, fully 82
Complementary acyclic 234
Complementary term rank 235
Complementary triangular 234
Completable 250
Complete 174
Complete -decomposition 174
Complete graph 280
Complete k-equipartite 86
Completion 250
Completion, nonnegative 250
Completion, positive 250
Conference graph 193
Confundable 181
Contraction 55
Convergence, index 102
Convergence, period 102
Corresponding homogenous equation 161
Cospectral graph 20
Cospectrally rooted 22
Cover 167
Cyclable 198 199
CYCLE 199 279
Cycle space 199
Cyclic vertex 55
Cyclically connected 257
Cyclically d-partite 102
Decomposable, nearly 58
Decomposable, partly 48
Decomposition, 175
Definite Hermitian 249
Degree 279
Degree, maximum 279
Degree, minimum 279
density 57
Design, balanced incomplete block design 169
Design, symmetric balanced incomplete block design 169
Design, t-design 168
Diagonal 49
Diagonal dominant 254
Diagonal, nonzero 49
Diagonally similar 219
Difference equation 161
Digraph 280
Digraph, cyclically connected 257
Digraph, Eulerian 80
Digraph, k-cyclic 79
Digraph, minimally strong 54
Digraph, primitive 107
Digraph, square bipartite 238
Digraph, strong 281
Digraph, weakly connected 281
Digraph, weighted 217
Digraph, weighted associate 163
Directed (x,y)-walk 281
Disjoint union 280
Distinguished vertex 266
Doubly stochastic matrix 77
Doubly stochastic type 79
EDGE 279
END 279
Equation, characteristic 161
Equation, corresponding homogenous 161
Equation, difference 161
Equivalence normal form 52
Essentially different 236
Eulerian 197 204
Eulerian digraph 80
Eulerian vector 199
Even 197
Exponent, fully indecomposable 136
Exponent, Hall 142
Exponent, primitive 107
Exponent, strict fully indecomposable 137
Exponent, strict Hall 142
Exponent, weak fully indecomposable 145
Exponent, weak Hall 145
Exponent, weak primitive 145
Extremal Matrix problem 111
FISH 194
Forbidden pair 228
Frobenius normal form 50
Frobenius Number 99
Frobenius problem 99
Fully complement 82
Fully indecomposable 49
Fully indecomposable exponent 136
Fully indecomposable exponent, strict 137
G-inverse 224
g-inverse graph 224
g-inverse graph, maximum 226
g-inverse graph, minimum 226
G-partial matrix 250
G-partial nonnegative 250
G-partial positive 250
| Gauss elimination process 245
Generalized composition 22
Generalized eigenspace 266
Generalized inverse 224
Gersgorin disc 255
girth 279
Graph 279
Graph, band 251
Graph, chordal 246
Graph, combined 224
Graph, completable 250
Graph, complete 280
Graph, conference 193
Graph, connected 280
Graph, cospectral 20
Graph, directed 280
Graph, g-inverse 224
Graph, girth 279
Graph, Jordan 265
Graph, k-friendship 193
Graph, line 17
Graph, nonnegative-completable 250
Graph, perfect 181 246
Graph, perfect elimination bipartite 246
Graph, planar 280
Graph, r-regular 279
Graph, reduced 262
Graph, rooted 22
Graph, singular 266
Graph, strongly regular 190
Graph, total 17
Graph, weighted bipartite 217
Group chromatic number 206
Hadamard matrix 231
Hall exponent 142
Hall exponent, strict 142
Hall exponent, weak 145
Hall matrix 142
Handle 182
head 280
Hermitian 249
High 267
Homogenous solution 162
Imprimitive 102
Imprimitive parameters 144
Imprimitive standard form 105
In-incidence matrix 19
incidence 279
Incidence matrix 2 167
Incidence matrix, oriented 2
incident 279
Indecomposable, fully 49
Indegree 280
Independence number 181 280
Independent 277
Independent set 280
Independent vertex set 181
Index of convergence 102
Index of imprimitivity 102 105
Index of maximum density 125
Induced subgraph 279
Interchange 74
Internal vertex 55 279
Invariant 75
Irreducible 48
Irreducible block 143
Join 280
Jordan Basis 266
Jordan basis, nonnegative 266
Jordan chain 266
Jordan chain, nonnegative 266
Jordan graph 265
k-colorable 204
k-critical 205
k-cyclic digraph 79
k-diameter 175
k-friendship graph 193
Kronecker product 24
kth lower multi-exponent of D 130
kth upper multi-exponent of D 130
Laplace matrix 3
Laplace matrix of a graph 3
Length 56 279
Level characteristic 267
Level diagram 266
Line 277
Line graph 17
Line rank 277
Link 279
Local switching in G with respect to 23
Loop 279 280
M-matrix 263
Majorized by 72
Matching 167
Matrix, acyclic 234
Matrix, adjacency 1
Matrix, admittance 3
Matrix, Boolean 101
Matrix, companian 161
Matrix, complementary acyclic 234
Matrix, definite Hermitian 249
Matrix, diagonal dominant 254
Matrix, doubly stochastic 77
Matrix, essentially different 236
Matrix, Eulerian 197 204
Matrix, even 197
Matrix, fully decomposable 49
Matrix, G-partial 250
Matrix, G-partial nonnegative 250
Matrix, G-partial positive 250
Matrix, Hadamard 231
Matrix, Hall 142
Matrix, hermitian 249
Matrix, imprimitive 102
Matrix, in-incidence 19
Matrix, incidence 2 167
Matrix, irreducible 48
Matrix, Laplace 3
Matrix, M-matrix 263
Matrix, maximal 72
Matrix, nearly reducible 54
Matrix, nonnegative 275
Matrix, nonseparable 197
Matrix, out-incidence 19
Matrix, partial Hermitian 249
Matrix, partly decomposable 48
Matrix, path 177
Matrix, permutation 1
Matrix, positive 275
Matrix, primitive 102
Matrix, reducible 48
Matrix, semidefinite Hermitian 249
Matrix, separable 197
Matrix, simple 197
Matrix, spanning 197
Matrix, stochastic 77
Matrix, strict diagonal dominant 254
Matrix, strictly positive 275
Matrix, subeulerian 198
Matrix, supereulerian 198
Matrix, weakly irreducible 257
Maximal matrix 72
Maximum density 125
Maximum density, index 125
Maximum g-inverse 226
Maximum Index problem 111
Minimal cycle 252
Minimally strong digraph 54
Minimum g-inverse 226
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