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Nouredine Z. — Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications |
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Abelian group 79 378
Absorption of a photon 558
Action quantization 36
Addition of angular momenta 385—407
Addition of isospins 406
Addition of three angular momenta 401—402
Addition of two angular momenta 385—400
Adiabatic approximation 560
Adiabatic theorem 561
Adjoint of an operator 89
Airy function 262
Airy functions 500
Allowed transitions 572
Alpha decay 509
Angular momentum, addition of three 401—402
Angular momentum, addition of two 385—400
Angular momentum, commutation relations 270 271
Angular momentum, conservation of 179 269 325 377
Angular momentum, eigenfunctions 287—295
Angular momentum, general formalism 271—276
Angular momentum, generator of infinitesimal rotations 376
Angular momentum, geometrical representation 279—280
Angular momentum, matrix representation 276—279
Angular momentum, orbital 269—271
Angular momentum, raising and lowering operators 272
Angular momentum, spin 280—287
Anisotropic harmonic oscillator 322
Annihilation operator 228—231
Anomalous Zeeman effect 487
Anti — Hermitian operator 90
Anticommutator 92
Antiparticle 16
Antisymmetric state 440 445 446
Associated Laguerre polynomials 340
Associated Legendre functions 289
Atomic shell structure 451
Axial vector 408
Balmer series 34
Barrier penetration 216—220
Basis, complete 103
Basis, continuous 117—124
Basis, discrete 102—117
Basis, of a vector space 81
Basis, orthonormal 82 103 117
Bessel equation 327
Bessel functions, spherical 327
Blackbody radiation 4—9
Bohr Atomic Model 30
Bohr energy 32
Bohr magneton 348
Bohr quantization rule 31
Bohr radius 32
Bohr — Sommerfeld quantization rule 502
Bohr’s postulates 30
Boltzmann constant 6
Boltzmann — Stefan law 5
Born approximation, first 606
Born approximation, validity 607
Born series 604
Bose — Einstein condensation 450
Bose — Einstein statistics 445
Boson condensation 450
Bosons 444
Bound states 206—207 220—227
Box potential 220
Bra-ket, matrix representation of 103
Bra-ket, notation 84 88
Bra-ket, properties 85
Canonical commutation relations 123
Center of mass motion 260 335
Central potential 324—327
Centrifugal potential 326
Characteristic equation 115
Classical limit 182
classical turning points 206 219 497
Classically allowed region 496
Classically forbidden region 496
Clebsch — Gordan coefficients 388
Clebsch — Gordan coefficients, orthonormalization relation 388
Clebsch — Gordan coefficients, recursion relations 392
Clebsch — Gordan series 402—403
Closed shell 453
Closure relation 103
Cofactor of a matrix 106
Commutator, algebra 92—93
Commutator, anticommutator 92
Commutator, definition 92
Commutator, Jacobi identity 93
Commutator, properties of a 93
Compatible observables 167
Complementarity principle 26
Composite particles 445
Compton effect 13—15
Configuration 453
Connection formulas 499—501
Conservation laws 175—179
Conservation of energy 178—179
Conservation of linear momentum 178—179
Conservation of parity 179
Conservation of probability 173—174
Constant of the motion 178 179 377
Constrained variational principle 489
Continuous spectrum 207
Correspondence principle 182
Coulomb gauge 348 564 565
Coulomb potential 334 608 617 623
Coulomb scattering 608
Creation operator 228—231
Cross section, Coulomb 608
Cross section, differential 595 601 602 606
Cross section, partial wave 612
Cross section, total 595 611—613
Cross section, total elastic 613
Cross section, total inelastic 613
Current density 174 186 211
Davisson — Germer experiment 18
De Broglie relation 18
de Broglie wavelength 19
Degeneracy, definition 115
Degeneracy, exchange 444—445
Degeneracy, for central potentials 325
Degeneracy, for Coulomb potential 344
Degeneracy, for cubical potential 321
Degeneracy, for free particle 319 328
Degeneracy, for isotropic oscillator 322 332
Degeneracy, for symmetric potentials 208
Degeneracy, of hydrogen levels 344 345
Degeneracy, partial lifting of 348
Degenerate perturbation theory 476—479
Delta function 117
Delta potential 243 245
Density operator 174
Detailed balancing 559
Differential cross section 595 601 602 606
Dipole moment 414
Dipole selection rules 572
Dipole-dipole interaction 534
Dirac delta function 117
Dirac picture 551
Discrete spectrum 206—207
Distorted plane wave 611
Double-slit experiment 21—27
Dual space 84
Dyson series 554
Effective potential 326
Ehrenfest theorem 181
Eigenstate 97
Eigenvalue 115
Eigenvalue problem 114 117
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of an operator 97—99
| Eigenvectors 115
Einstein, photoelectic effect 11
Elastic scattering, partial wave analysis 609—613
Elastic scattering, total cross section 613
Electric dipole approximation 571
electric dipole moment 478 572
Electric dipole transition 571
Electromagnetic field quantization 566—569
Electronic configuration 453
Energy conservation 178
Equation of motion, density operator 175
Equation of motion, dynamical variable 180
Equation of motion, for expectation value 174
Equation of motion, for operators 552
Equation of motion, Hamilton — Jacobi 181
Equation of motion, Heisenberg 551
Equation of motion, interaction picture 552
Equation, Klein — Gordon 266
Euler angles 379
Exchange degeneracy 444—445
Exchange operator 439
Exclusion principle 449 451
expectation value 165
Expectation value, time evolution 174
Exponential decay 217 498
Fermi Golden Rule 557
Fermi — Dirac statistics 445
fermions 444
Fine structure constant 32 482
Fine structure of hydrogen 483
Flux 174 209 211
Forbidden transitions 572
Forward scattering amplitude 612
Fourier transforms 38 603
Free particle motion, one dimensional 208—210
Free particle motion, three dimensional 319—320 327—329
Gauss’s theorem 490
Generator of finite translations 177
Generator of infinitesimal rotations 376
Generator of infinitesimal transformation 176
Generator of infinitesimal translations 176
Golden Rule 557
Goudsmith, Sam 281
Green’s function 603
Group velocity 43—45
gyromagnetic ratio 282 486
Hamilton — Jacobi equation 181
Hankel functions, spherical 330
harmonic oscillator 227—236
Harmonic oscillator, anisotropic 322
Harmonic oscillator, energy eigenstates 231
Harmonic oscillator, energy eigenvalues 229—231
Harmonic oscillator, isotropic 322
Harmonic oscillator, matrix representation 234 235
Harmonic oscillator, wave function 233
Harmonic oscillator, zero-point energy 231
Heaviside function 522
Heisenberg equation of motion 551
Heisenberg picture 550—551
Heisenberg uncertainty principle 27
Heisenberg uncertainty relations 28 95
Helium atom, energy levels 462 539 540 544
Hermitian adjoint of an operator 89—91
Hermitian operator 90
Hund’s rules 455
Hydrogen atom 334—347
Hydrogen atom, anomalous Zeeman effect 484—487
Hydrogen atom, Bohr model 30—36
Hydrogen atom, degeneracy of energy levels 344
Hydrogen atom, energy levels 338—339
Hydrogen atom, fine structure 483—484
Hydrogen atom, normal Zeeman effect 349—351
Hydrogen atom, polarizability 475
Hydrogen atom, probabilities and averages 345
Hydrogen atom, radial functions 339—342
Hydrogen atom, radius quantization 346
Hydrogen atom, relativistic corrections 482—483
Hydrogen atom, spin-orbit coupling 479—482
Hydrogen atom, Stark effect 474 478
Hydrogen atom, wave function 342
Hyperfine structure 484
Identical particles, indistinguishability of 442—444
Identical particles, systems of 442—449
Inelastic scattering, partial wave analysis 613—614
Inelastic scattering, total cross section 613
Infinitesimal rotations 375
Infinitesimal spatial translations 176
Infinitesimal time translations 176
Infinitesimal unitary transformations 175
Interaction picture 551—552
Interchange symmetry 439
Invariance principle 178
Invariance under spatial rotation 269 377
Invariance under spatial translation 178
Invariance under time translation 178
Inverse of a matrix 105
Inverse of an operator 96
Irreducible tensors 411
Isospin 404—407
Ket vector 84 85
Klein — Gordon equation 266
Kronecker delta 103
Ladder method for angular momentum 272—276
Ladder method for harmonic oscillator 228—231
Ladder operators 229
Lagrange multipliers 489
Laguerre polynomials 340
Lande factor 282 486
Laplacian operator 88
Larmor frequency 350
Laser 566
Legendre associated functions 289
Legendre differential equation 289
Legendre polynomials 289
Legendre polynomials, completeness 290
Levi — Civita tensor 285
Linear operators 89
Linear Stark effect 475
Linear vector space 79
Linearly independent vectors 81
Lowering operator 229
Lyman series 34
Magnetic dipole moment 484
Many-particle systems 437—442
Maser 566
Matrix mechanics 126
Matrix, cofactor of a 106
Matrix, inverse of a 105
Matrix, properties of a 110
Matrix, skew-symmetric 105
Matrix, symmetric 105
Matrix, trace of a 107
Matrix, transpose of a 105
Matter waves 20—21
Measurement 164—170
Mixed spectrum 207
Momentum conservation 178
Momentum representation 120
Neumann functions, spherical 327
Noble gases 456
Nodes of a wave function 207 208 221
Nodes of hydrogen radial functions 342
Nodes of variational method wave function 489
Nodes of WKB wave function 502
Normalization of associated Laguerre functions 342
Normalization of associated Legendre functions 291
Normalization of Gaussian wave packet 41
Normalization of radial functions 341
Normalization of spherical harmonics 290
Normalization of WKB wave function 503
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