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Nouredine Z. — Quantum Mechanics: Concepts and Applications |
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Numerov algorithm 236
Observables 162
Occupation number 228 568
Old quantum theory 3
Operator density 174
Operators 88—102
Operators, angular momentum 271
Operators, charge 406
Operators, complete set of commuting 167—169
Operators, definitions 88
Operators, eigenvalues of 97
Operators, even and odd 125
Operators, exchange 439
Operators, functions of 95
Operators, Hermitian adjoint 89—91
Operators, inverse of 96
Operators, laplacian 88
Operators, linear 89
Operators, matrix representation of 104—108
Operators, parity 124
Operators, permutation 439
Operators, products of 88
Operators, projection 91
Operators, rotation 377
Operators, scalar 408
Operators, skew — Hermitian 90
Operators, tensor 410—412
Operators, trace of 107
Operators, uncertainty of 94
Operators, unitary 96
Operators, vector 408—409
Optical theorem 612
Orbital angular momentum 269—271
Orbital magnetic dipole moment 281 348
Orbitals 345 441 451
Orthonormality condition 103 117
Pair production 15—17
Parity conservation 179
Parity operator 124—126 179
Parseval’s theorem 121
Partial wave analysis 609
Paschen — Back effect 485
Paschen — Back shift 485
Pauli exclusion principle 449—451
Pauli matrices 285
Periodic table 451—456
Perturbation theory, time-dependent 552—560
Perturbation theory, time-independent 470—487
Perturbation theory, time-independent, degenerate 476—479
Perturbation theory, time-independent, nondegenerate 470—476
Phase shift 611
phase velocity 43—45
photoelectric effect 10—12
Picture, Heisenberg 550—551
Picture, interaction 551—552
Picture, Schr dinger 550
Pictures of quantum mechanics 549—552
Planck’s constant 2 12
Planck’s distribution 7
Planck’s postulate 7
Poisson brackets 179—180
Polarizability, hydrogen atom 475
Polynomials, associated Laguerre 340
Polynomials, Hermite 233
Polynomials, Laguerre 340
Polynomials, Legendre 289 329
Position representation 119
Positron 16
Positronium 17
Postulates of quantum mechanics 157—159
Potential, barrier and well 213—220
Potential, central 324—327
Potential, centrifugal or effective 326
Potential, Coulomb 334
Potential, delta 243
Potential, double-delta 245
Potential, finite square well 224—227
Potential, harmonic oscillator 227—236
Potential, infinite square well 220—223
Potential, spherical square well 329
Potential, step 210—213
Potential, Yukawa 617
Power radiated 574
Probabilistic interpretation 29
Probability current 174
probability density 29 174
Propagation of wave packets 42—53
Pseudo-scalar 408
Pseudo-vector 408
Quadratic Stark effect 475
Quadrupole interaction 528 529
Quantization of action 36
Quantization of electromagnetic field 566—569
Quantization rule, Bohr 31
Quantization rule, Bohr — Sommerfeld 502
Quantization rule, Planck 7
Quantization rule, Wilson — Sommerfeld 36
Quantization rules 36—38
Quantum number 221 223
Quantum theory of radiation 566—569
Quarks 446
Radial equation for a central potential 325
Radial equation for a free particle 327
Radial equation for a hydrogen atom 336
Radial equation for an isotropic oscillator 330
Raising operator 229
Ramsauer — Townsend effect 215
Rayleigh — Jeans formula 6
Rayleigh — Ritz method 488
Reduced mass 600
Reduced matrix element 413
Reducible tensors 410
Reflection coefficient 211
Relativistic corrections 482
Residue theorem 507
Rigid rotator 296
Rodrigues formula 289
Rotation group 378
Rotation operator 377
Rotations, and spherical harmonics 382—385
Rotations, classical 373—375
Rotations, Euler 379—380
Rotations, finite 377
Rotations, in quantum mechanics 375—385
Rotations, infinitesimal 375—376
Rutherford model 30
| Rutherford scattering formula 608
Rydberg constant 32 339
Scalar operator 408
Scalar product 80 83—85 119 120
Scattering amplitude 599—606
Scattering cross section 595—599
Scattering of identical particles 614—616
Scattering. Rutherford 608
Schr dinger equation, numerical solution of 236
Schr dinger equation, time-dependent 159 171 172 550
Schr dinger equation, time-independent 171 172 205
Schr dinger picture 550
Schwarz inequality 86
Screening effect 455
Second quantization 569
Secular equation 115
Selection rules, Clebsch — Gordan coefficients 390
Selection rules, dipole transitions 426 571—572
Semiclassical approximation 495
Separation of variables 317—318 324 325
Shell structure 451
Simultaneous eigenstates 167
Simultaneous measurements 168 175
Simultaneous observables 168
Singlet state 393 407 451 463 530 615 616
Slater determinant 449
Space, dimension of a 81
Space, Euclidean 82
Space, Hilbert 80
Space, linear vector 79
Space, phase 37 502
Special (3) group 375 382
Spherical harmonics 291—295
Spin, angular momentum 280—287
Spin, experimental evidence 280
Spin, general theory 283
Spin, magnetic dipole moment 282
Spin, Singlet state 393
Spin, Triplet state 393
Spin-orbit coupling 479
Spin-orbit functions 400
Spin-orbit interaction 480
Spinor 284
Spontaneous emission 570 572—575
Square-integrable functions 83
Stark effect 474 478
Stark effect, linear 475
Stark effect, quadratic 475
States, orthogonal 86
States, orthonormal 86
Stationary states 31 171—172 205
Stefan constant 5
Stern — Gerlach experiment 280—283
Stimulated emission 558 570
Sudden approximation 561
Superposition principle 26 160
Symmetric state 440 444—446
Symmetrization postulate 445
Tensor operators 407—415
Thomas precession 480
Thomson experiment 19
Time evolution operator 170
Time-dependent perturbation theory 552—560
Time-energy uncertainty relation 28
Time-independent perturbation theory 470—87
Transition rate 556 566
Transmission coefficient 211
Triangle inequality 86
triplet state 393 407 451 463 530 615 616
Tunneling 216 218—220 507—510
Uhlenbeck, George 281
Ultraviolet catastrophe 7
Uncertainty relations 28 95
Unit matrix 104
Unitary operators 96
Unitary transformations 97 100—102
Unitary transformations, finite 102 176—177
Unitary transformations, infinitesimal 101 175—176
Unitary transformations, properties 100
Variational method 488—495
Vector operator 408
Vectors, linearly dependent 81
Vectors, linearly independent 81
Velocity, group 43 45
Velocity, phase 43
Virial theorem 32 235 347
Wave function of many-particle systems 448
Wave function of three-particle systems 448
Wave function of two-particle systems 447
Wave function, antisymmetric 446
Wave function, symmetric 446
Wave mechanics 127
Wave packet 38—53
Wave packet, distorted 46—51
Wave packet, Gaussian 40 42
Wave packet, group velocity 45
Wave packet, localized 38
Wave packet, minimum uncertainty 42
Wave packet, motion of a 42
Wave packet, Schr dinger equation and 172
Wave packet, spreading of a 47
Wave packet, time evolution 45—46
Wave packet, undistorted 43
Wave vector 4
Wave-particle duality 25—26
Wavelength, de Broglie 19
Wien’s displacement law 9
Wien’s formula 6
Wigner -matrix 380
Wigner formula 381
Wigner functions 380
Wigner — Eckart theorem 413
Wilson — Sommerfeld quantization rule 36
WKB method 495—510
WKB method, applied to tunneling 507
WKB method, connection formulas 501
WKB method, for bound states 498—506
WKB method, for central potentials 503
WKB method, for Coulomb potentials 507
WKB method, quantization condition 502
work function 11
Yukawa potential 617
Zeeman effect, anomalous 484—487
Zeeman effect, normal 349—351
Zeeman effect, strong-field 485—86
Zeeman effect, weak-field 486—487
Zero-point energy 221 231 502
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