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Schmidt O.Yu. — Abstract theory of groups |
Предметный указатель |
Abel 10
Abelian group 10 90
Abelian group, characters 129
Abelian group, type 99
Abstract group 20
Ahrens 112
Alternating group 44
Automorphism 51
Automorphism, cogredient 51
Automorphism, contragredient 52
Automorphism, group 52 100 105
Automorphism, inner 51
Automorphism, outer 52
Basis of an Abelian group 94
Burnside 40 42 56 57 111 117 121 125 129 148 152 156 157 159 160 162
Caley table 17
Capelli 48
Cauchy 68
Cayley 17 42
Center of a group 38
Central elements 29
Central elements, isomorphism 95
Character of a matrix 129
Characteristic equation 128
Characteristic equation, series 73
Characteristic equation, series of Abelian groups 107
Characteristic equation, simple group 54
Characteristic equation, subgroup 37
Characteristics of first degree 130
Chief series 74
Classes of conjugate elements 27
Cole 162
Commensurable groups 24
Commutant 80
Commutative graps 10
Commutator 38
Commutator, subgroup 38
Commuting elements 10
Commuting sets 27
Complete group 56
Composite group 35
Conjugate elements 26
Conjugate subgroups 26
Constant matrix 130
Contragredient automorphism 52
cosets 15
Coxeter 60
Cyclic group 10
Cyclic permutation 6
Decomposable group 32
Dedekind 15 117
Defining relations 19 40
Degree of a group of permutations 8
Determinant 127
Dickson 4 103 162
Dihedral group 46
Direct product 32
Divisor 10
Double cosets 13
Dyck 40 42 57
Elementary group 54
Equivalence by a double module 14
Equivalent matrices 130 131
Equivalent representations 130 131
Even permutation 44
Expansion by a double module 14 15 66
Feit 129 160
Finite group 4
First derived group 38
Fite 125
Frobenius 15 27 37 49 54 65 66 72 74 81 84 85 94 105 107 110 115 129 148 159 162 163
Frobenius' theorems 66 81
Fundamental basis of Abelian group 94
Galois 15 30 103 162
Generating elements of a group 19 39
Genus zero group 46
Group matrix 130
Group matrix, irreducible parts 138
Group matrix, reducible 131
Group matrix, regular 140
Group, kind of: Abelian 10 90
Group, kind of: abstract 20
Group, kind of: alternating 44
Group, kind of: automorphism 52 100 105
Group, kind of: characteristic simple 54
Group, kind of: commutative 10
Group, kind of: complete 56
Group, kind of: composite 35
Group, kind of: cyclic 10
Group, kind of: decomposable 32
Group, kind of: dihedral 46
Group, kind of: elementary 54
Group, kind of: Hamiltonian 117
Group, kind of: icosahedral 46
Group, kind of: imprimitive 69
Group, kind of: intransitive 68
Group, kind of: k-ply transitive 68
Group, kind of: metabelian 125
Group, kind of: octahedral 46
Group, kind of: order 12 87
Group, kind of: order 6 18
Group, kind of: order 8 62
Group, kind of: order p2 60
Group, kind of: order p3 123
Group, kind of: order pq 86
Group, kind of: order, p 16
Group, kind of: perfect 38
Group, kind of: primitive 69
Group, kind of: quaternion 62
Group, kind of: simple 35 162
Group, kind of: solvable 78
Group, kind of: special 109
Group, kind of: Sylow 109
Group, kind of: symmetric 44
Group, kind of: tetrahedral 46
Hall 60
Hamilton 63
Hamiltonian group 117
Hilton 52 90
Hoelder 52 56 57 60 75 76 88 162
Holohedric isomorphism 50
| Holomorph 103
Homogeneous linear permutation 103
Homomorphism 48 49
Homomorphism, (n/m)-valued 50
Icosahedral group 46
Identity element 2
Identity matrix 128
Identity representation 149
Imprimitive group 69
Index: of a subgroup 15 23
Index: of an irreducible part 139
Infinite group 4
Inner automorphism 51
Intersection of groups 23
Intransitive group 68
Invariant elements 29
Invariant subgroup 29
Invariants of an Abelian group 93
Inverse element 3
Irreducible parts of a group matrix 138
Isomorphism 20 48 49 95
JORDAN 50 74 75 76 79
Jordan-Holder Theorem 75
k-ply transitive group 68
Klein 48
Lagrange 15 16
Lagrange theorem 16
Landau 63
Lie 38
Ling 162
Loewy 111 112
Maschke 135
Matrices 126
Matrix of a group 130
Maximal normal subgroup 35
Merohedric homomorphism 50
Metabelian group 125
Miller 39 89 125 162
Minimal basis of Abelian group 95
Module 13 126
Moore 4
Moser 60
Multiple homomorphism 50
Normal subgroup 29
normalizer 28
Octahedral group 46
Odd permutation 44
Order: of a class 29
Order: of a group 4
Order: of an element 12
Outer automorphism 52
Perfect group 38
Permutation 5
Permutation group 6
Permutation group, regular 59
Pfeiffer 46
Poincare 24
Polyhedral group 46
Primitive group 69
Product of groups 32 65
Proper subgroups 10
Quaternions 62
Quotient group 34
Rank: of a rectangular matrix 127
Rank: of an Abelian group 95
Reducible matrix 131
Reducible matrix representation 131
Reduction of a group matrix 137
Regular group matrix 140
Regular group matrix of permutations 59
Relatively prime groups 23
Remak 95 111
Representation: by permutations 47 70
Representation: equivalent 131
Representation: identity 149
Representation: of a group 136
Residues by a module 15
Rietz 160
Scalar matrix 128
Schmidt 95
schur 129 152
Schur's lemma 142
Seguier 38 47 49 125
Semigroup 47
Senior 60
Series: of commutants 80
Series: of generalized centers 112
Sets of intransitivity 69
Siceloff 162
Similar elements of a group 27
Simple characters 144
Simple group 35 162
Solvable group 78
Special group 109
Specialty of a group 112
Stickelberger 94 98
Structure of a group 17
Subgroup 9
Subgroup, characteristic 37
Subgroup, commutator 38
Subgroup, conjugate 26
Subgroup, index 15 23 34
Subgroup, invariant 29
Subgroup, maximal normal 35
Subgroup, normal 29
Subgroup, proper 10
Subgroup, Sylow 109
Sylow 66 85 90 115
Sylow group 109
Sylow's first theorem 66 90
Sylow's second theorem 85 115
Symmetric group 44
Tetrahedral group 46
Thompson 129 160
Transposition 43
Turkin 160
Type of abelian group 99
Weber 46 48 94 129
Wedderburn 95
Wendt 114
Young 112
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