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Polyanin A., Manzhirov A.V. — Handbook of Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists
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Название: Handbook of Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists
Авторы: Polyanin A., Manzhirov A.V.
Аннотация: The Handbook of Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists covers the main fields of mathematics and focuses on the methods used for obtaining solutions of various classes of mathematical equations that underlie the mathematical modeling of numerous phenomena and processes in science and technology. To accommodate different mathematical backgrounds, the preeminent authors outline the material in a simplified, schematic manner, avoiding special terminology wherever possible.
Organized in ascending order of complexity, the material is divided into two parts. The first part is a coherent survey of the most important definitions, formulas, equations, methods, and theorems. It covers arithmetic, elementary and analytic geometry, algebra, differential and integral calculus, special functions, calculus of variations, and probability theory. Numerous specific examples clarify the methods for solving problems and equations. The second part provides many in-depth mathematical tables, including those ofexact solutions of various types of equations.
This concise, comprehensive compendium of mathematical definitions, formulas, and theorems provides the foundation for exploring scientific and technological phenomena.
Рубрика: Математика /
Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц
ed2k: ed2k stats
Год издания: 2006
Количество страниц: 600
Добавлена в каталог: 30.06.2008
Операции: Положить на полку |
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Предметный указатель
-norm 314
Abel convergence criterion functional series 349
Abel convergence criterion power series 341
Abel differential equation, first kind 462
Abel differential equation, first kind, canonical form 463
Abel differential equation, second kind 464
Abel differential equation, second kind, canonical form 465
Abel differential equations 462—465
Abel functional equation 914
Abel identity 902
Abel integral equation 1385
Abel integral equation generalized 1386
Abel integral equation, second kind 1392
Abel integral equation, second kind, generalized 1393
Abel theorem 343 411
Abel theorem, on convergence of power series 351
Abel transformation 345
Abel — Dini convergence criterion for series 341
Abel — Ruffini theorem 162
Abelian group 226
Abscissa axis 78
Abscissa of point 79 115
Absence of aftereffect 1075
Absolute convergence 342
Absolute convergence of infinite products 348
Absolute extremum 991
Absolute moment 1044
Absolute value of real number, xxx 8
Absolute value theorem 296
Absolute value theorem, double integral 318
Absolute value theorem, triple integral 325
Absolutely convergent functional series 348
Absolutely convergent infinite product 348
Absolutely convergent series 342
Acceleration of convergence of series 345
Acceleration vector 381
Acceptance region 1095
Acute triangle 43
Addition inverse hyperbolic functions 41
Addition inverse trigonometric functions 33
Addition theorem 1055
Addition, asymptotic series 364
Addition, hyperbolic functions 37
Addition, matrices 168
Addition, real numbers 6
Addition, trigonometric functions 28
Additive inverse of real number 6
Additive separable solution 571 596 597 678
Additively inverse matrix 169
Additivity of conditional expectation 1063
Adjoint matrix 170
Adjoint operator 206
Adjugate matrix 180
Adjusted sample variance 1088
Admissible controlled process 1010
Admissible element 1009
Admissible extremal 994 998
Admissible function 993 1002 1006
Affine coordinate system 190
Affine space 189
Affine space, axioms 189
Affine space, dimension 190
Affine space, point 189
Airy equation 955
Airy functions 477 955
Airy functions, first kind 955
Airy functions, second kind 955
Airy stress function 1295
Algebra 155
Algebra of sets 1032
Algebraic branch point 415
Algebraic curve 87
Algebraic curve on plane 87
Algebraic equation arbitrary degree 161
Algebraic equation binomial 161
Algebraic equation bounds for roots 163
Algebraic equation cubic 158
Algebraic equation fourth — degree 159
Algebraic equation incomplete cubic 158
Algebraic equation linear 157
Algebraic equation nth — degree 162
Algebraic equation quadratic 158
Algebraic equation reciprocal 160 161
Algebraic equation, complete cubic 159
Algebraic equation, discriminant 163
Algebraic equation, reciprocal modified 160
Algebraic equation, roots and coefficients 163
Algebraic equations 157—167
Algebraic multiplicity 209
Algebraic multiplicity, eigenvalue 184
Alternative Fourier transform 444
Alternative Fredholm 834
Alternative hypothesis 1094
Altitude, pyramid 63
Altitude, trapezoid 54
Altitude, triangle 46
Amplitude 973
Analogs Neper 73
Analysis sequential 1097
Analysis variance 1107
Analytic continuation 418
Analytic function 413
Analytic geometry 77
Angle between coordinate axes and segments 82
Angle between elements 193
Angle between lines in space 135
Angle between planes 137
Angle between straight line and plane 139
Angle between two straight lines 94
Angle between vectors 120
Angle bisector of triangle 45 46
Angle central 55 56
Angle dihedral 60
Angle edge 60
Angle external 43
Angle inscribed 56
Angle interior 43
Angle interior of polygon 51
Angle polar 80
Angle polyhedral 60 61
Angle solid 61
Angle trihedral 60
Angle trisectors 49
Angle, face 60
Angles in space 59
Angles symmetric polyhedral 61
Angular point 252
Annihilating polynomial 186
Annulus 58
Antagonistic game 1024
Antagonistic two-person zero-sum game 1024
Antagonistic two-person zero-sum game, minimax theorem 1026
Antiderivative 273
Antihermitian matrix 168
Antiperiodic functions 885
Antisymmetric matrix 168
Apex 67
Apex of pyramid 63
Apothem of regular pyramid 64
Appell transformation 1268
Applicable surfaces 395
Applicate of point 115
Approximation function 508
Approximation, best mean-square 1063 1066
Arbitrary curvilinear coordinate systems 1195
Arbitrary series 341
Arc geodesic 70
Arc length 390
Arc length differential 390
Arc regular 379
Arccosine, xxx 32
Arccotangent, xxx 32
Arcsine, xxx 31
Arctangent, xxx 32
Area polygon 83
Area triangle 83
Argument 236
Argument increment 992
Argument, complex number 400
Argument, variation 992
Arithmetic 3
Arithmetic mean 13
Arithmetic mean of functions 297
Arithmetic progression 11
Arithmetic root 8
Arithmetic sequence 11
Arithmetic series 11
Arm of hyperbola 101
Arrangement 1033
Arrangement with repetitions 1034
Artificial basic variables 1016
Ascending Landen transformation 975
Associated Legendre functions 964 965
Associated Legendre functions, first kind 965
Associated Legendre functions, second kind 965
Associated linear space of affine space 189
Associated vector 213
Associative composition law 225
Asymmetric form of Fourier cosine transform 445
Asymmetric form of Fourier sine transform 446
Asymmetric form of Fourier transform 444
Asymmetry coefficient 1045
Asymptote 241 374
Asymptote oblique 242
Asymptote vertical 242
Asymptotes 241 374
Asymptotes of hyperbola 101
Asymptotic cone 144
Asymptotic expansion 363
Asymptotic formulas, calculation of integrals 290
Asymptotic formulas, improper integrals with parameter 307
Asymptotic formulas, Laplace integrals of general form 292
Asymptotic formulas, Laplace integrals of special form 291
Asymptotic formulas, power Laplace integral 294
Asymptotic lines 393
Asymptotic point 373
Asymptotic properties of Fourier coefficients 359
Asymptotic series 363
Asymptotic series integration 365
Asymptotic series, addition 364
Asymptotic series, division 364
Asymptotic series, multiplication 364
Asymptotic series, Poincare type 363
Asymptotic series, subtraction 364
Asymptotic stability 546 549
Asymptotic zero 364
Asymptotically stable solution 546
Asymptotically unbiased estimator 1089
Attractive fixed point 908
Augmented matrix 198
Auto — Backlund transformations 663
Autocorrelation function 1072
Automorphic function 912
Automorphism of group 227
Autonomous equation 525 1207 1223 1225
Autonomous system, equilibrium point 545
Autonomous system, general form 1240
Autonomous system, ODEs 545
Averaging method 503
Axioms of affine space 189
Axis 77
Axis, coordinate of point 77
Axis, coordinate system 77
Axis, imaginary 401
Axis, imaginary of hyperbola 101
Axis, iteration 876
Axis, ordinate 78
Axis, polar 80
Axis, principal 152
Axis, principal of hyperbola 101
Axis, principal of second-order curve 109
Axis, real 235
Axis, semiminor of ellipse 98
Axisymmetric steady hydrodynamic boundary layer 712
Babbage equation 917 1416 1423
Backlund transformation 497 663—665
Backward Kolmogorov equation 1076
Backward substitution in Gaussian elimination method 200
Balanced transportation problem 1020
Ball 68
Banach problem 1038
Banach space 196
Bartlett test 1103
Base face of prism 61
Base, cylinder 65
Base, isosceles triangle 50
Base, natural (Napierian) logarithms 9 22 23
Base, pyramid 63
Base, spherical segment 69
Base, trapezoid 54
Basic columns 178
Basic equation of information theory 1440
Basic inequalities for mean values 13
Basic integrals 274
Basic matrix of linear system of algebraic equations 197
Basic minor 177 178
Basic properties inequalities 5
Basic properties, equalities 5
Basic rows 178
Basic variable 1015
Basic variable artificial 1016
Basis canonical 217
Basis linear space 189
Basis orthonormal 194
Bayes formula 1036 1063
Bellman equations 1028
Bellman optimality principle 1028
Bending 395
Bernoulli equation 458 1207
Bernoulli formula 1037
Bernoulli numbers 938
Bernoulli polynomials 891 988
Bernoulli process 1037
Bernoulli scheme 1037
Bernoulli theorem 1070
Bertrand convergence criterion for series 340
Bessel equation 1216
Bessel equation, modified 1216
Bessel formula 950
Bessel function 947 1216
Bessel function, first kind, xxxi 947 1216
Bessel function, second kind, xxxii 947 1216
Bessel function, third kind 952
Best mean-square approximation 1063 1066
beta function 945
Biangles, spherical 71
Biased estimator 1089
Bicylindrical coordinates 1204
Biharmonic equation 1297
Bilinear form 214 992
Bilinear form, degenerate 215
Bilinear form, Euclidean space 219
Bilinear form, finite-dimensional space 215
Bilinear form, matrix 215
Bilinear form, nondegenerate 215
Bilinear form, polar 216
Bilinear form, rank 215
Bilinear form, skew-symmetric 214
Bilinear form, symmetric 214
Bilinear functional 992